Class Notes Ba2 Sep Oct

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Ba2 30/9 1.Personal identification. Introductions: Introduce yourself, age, origin. 3. Daily life. Occupation 4. Free time: quiz show, likes and dislikes 6. Relations with others. Family: pronouns 8. Education. Classroom vocabulary 10. Food and drink -Use of English: Time

1. Age I am 19 Fourteen14 forty 40 Fifteen 15 fifty 50

1.Origin I live in Manacor I have lived in M. for 7 years I have lived in M. since 2001 I moved to Manacor a long time ago He lives in Manacor

3.Daily life. Occupation She is a violinist/ a hairdresser/ a student a boat carpenter/ a primary school teacher a shop assistant/a receptionist an office worker/ an artist/ an accountant He is a builder. (Verb: build built built) I work as a civil servant I work as a waitress at a restaurant I work in an office/ in a hotel

3. Occupation I am unemployed I am retired I am on the dole He is learning English because it’s very important for his job. Adjectives: Creative

3. Daily life. Habits and routines He doesn’t usually get up at seven Adverbs of frequency Never Hardly ever Sometimes Often always

4. Free time. a)A television quiz show The Weakest Link Questions, answers Host=presenter. The hostess is strict and severe Contestant=guest: In this hotel they have many guests

4)Free time b) Likes and dislikes -What are your hobbies? Do you like football? -Not especially/not particularly. I prefer sports I like reading – I don’t like reading I like/love/prefer/hate/ reading I like/love/prefer/hate/ to read He likes reading/to read – He doesn’t like to read Like/love/prefer/hate+ -ing/to+inf

4) Free time She is learning English because she likes to Travel/travelling It’s fun. We are having fun=we are enjoying it I am enjoying myself I enjoy playing tennis Funny: jokes are funny

6. Relations with others.Family *Rafa lives with your parents Rafa lives with his parents Possessive adjectives/ pronouns I my children They are mine You your yours He his his She her hers It its its We our ours You your yours They their theirs

Object pronouns I me You see me You you I see you He him She her It it We us You you They them

6) Family Younger sister- older /elder brother He has got two brothers and one sister Siblings Have you got any siblings? Do you have any siblings? She lives with her parents and brother

8. Education: Classroom vocabulary Slide Attendance, sign Teachers don’t have lists yet Teachers still don’t have lists Have you got the lists yet? Mock exams Skills: Writing Reading and use of English Listening Speaking

10. Food and drink He drinks 2 cups of coffee a day He doesn’t like wine. He makes/bread/pancakes/pound cakes/ sponge cakes. Pound cakes are very rich=they have a lot of calories. Madeira cake (BrE) (NAmE pound cake) a plain yellow cake made with eggs, fat, flour and sugar

Time Seasons: In (the) summer in the winter spring autumn Fall=autumn How often? -How often do you go to the cinema? -I go once a month A/every


Time when: Dates 30th September 2008 Today is the 30th (thirtieth) of September Ordinal numbers One – 1st: first Two – 2nd: second Three-3rd: third Four-4th: fourth Five-5th: fifth Six-6th: sixth Seven-7th: seventh eight-8th: eighth Nine- 9th: ninth Ten- 10th: tenth

Ordinals 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second

Websites . dot stop, full stop, period @ at / slash

Ba2D 2nd October 8. Education. Learning English

-Dolors puts post-its on the fridge. -glue - Margalida sees films in the original language with (without) subtitles. - Jaime watches television - I do nothing at all - Saying: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again - Antonia uses a notebook. In it she writes the word, a translation and a sentence.

- I would like to learn a lot of words - Antonia reads magazines in English - alone=on my own=by myself Abel lives alone= on his own=by himself Alone vs. lonely: Many people are lonely in NY -A. would like to have a language exchange - Should: give advice. You should study. - Salvador throws himself into the conversation.

- On Tuesday Raul didn’t sign and today he has not signed either. Yesterday I signed and today I have signed too. - I read tales/stories to my son Fairy tales - Joan only learns English when he is really interested in something - I enjoy reading - I go by bike to school every morning Every morning I go by bike to school …how+where+when When+….+how+where

Ba2D 3rd Oct

Do vs. make • Make mistakes • Do homework/ • Make the bed housework/exercises/ an exercise/ your job • make a dress • Do the shopping. Go • Make a cake shopping • Make breakfast/ lunch/ • Do the cooking/the dinner/food/a meal/ a cup washing/the washing up/ of coffee (Washing machine/dishwasher) • make a choice • the ironing/the cleaning… make a comment • Do something/ nothing make a decision make an effort • do badly/ well/ good/ make an excuse harm/ your best do business/ the dishes make friends do a favour do time - (to go to prison)

Make make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make a profit make a promise make a noise make a phone call make a plan make money make a journey :travel make love /make war

4. Free time - Spend spent spent: time, money I spent my holidays in the Dominican Republic. I spent a little/little money there. - farewell party/hen party/ hen night/stag party/ stag night -On On Christmas day On my birthday On the 3rd of October Over vs. on: over the rainbow. Overhead lockers

8. Education -You learn from your mistakes - How long does it take to speak English well? It depends on yourself. How far is P. from here?

3. Daily life. - Busy. I am as busy as a bee. The line is busy=engaged - Lazy vs. hard worker - Clever=intelligent - I do it for the environment - Sweetener - Dishwasher - Buy- bought - Tired/ exhausted

-Donkeys, monkeys vs. babies - Ship vs. cheap vs. sheep vs. sheet of iron

Ba2B 7th Oct

1. Personal Identification Live vs. leave Leave out= omit pick you up

I come from Campos= I am from Campos

4 Free time Fashion magazines Drawing (n) To draw (v)

For and since I’ve studied all morning I’ve lived here all my life Forever Mireia has lived in P.C. for 4 months. She lived in Barcelona for 20 years. She will study English for two hours next weekend. M. has lived in P.C. since May She lived in BCN since she was born

Indirect speech She said to me what she is studying and what she is doing She said that she studies and works. “What do you do?” - I asked her what she did I asked you/him/them She asked me “where are you from?” She asked me where I was from I asked her “What do you do?” I asked her what she did

Conditional would + infinitive I would go- I’d go I would not go – I wouldn’t go Would you go? Yes, I would /No, I wouldn’t. We’d say- We would say

Past Perfect had+ past participle I had gone- I’d gone I had not gone- I hadn’t gone Had you gone? Yes, I had/ No, I hadn’t. We’d said- We had said

Time Century Age For ages

Ba2 D 7th Oct

1. Personal Identification I was born in 1990. When were you born? You were born

2. Houses, cities, nature Basement- ground floor- first floor- second floor… I live on the third floor

8. Education screen

Time Tell the time. Can you tell me the time? What time is it? = What’s the time? Ten past nine 9.10 A quarter past nine /half past nine/A quarter to nine 8 minutes to nine In half an hour we are going home tonight Wednesday 25th Oct/Oct 25: “the twenty-fifth of October”/ “Oct. the 25th” In bold

To be going to I am going to study I am not going to study Are you going to study? Yes, I am/ No, I am not

To be going to go- to be going: I am going to (go to) the cinema on Saturday night What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to ride my bike I am going to meet my friends I am going to meet new people

For and during Finish-es I study English for two hours How long? During these two hours we do a listening and speaking exercise When? I studied English for 5 five hours during/ in the summer

For and since I’ve studied all morning I’ve lived here all my life Forever She has lived in Majorca for 4 months. She lived in Barcelona for 20 years. She will study English for two hours next weekend. She has lived in Majorca since May She lived in BCN since she was born

Present Simple Finish She finishes

Ba2B 9 Oct

-Present perfect: go to Use of English/verbs Go to - Superlatives: go to Use of English/adjectives - Live vs. leave: go to topics/1.personal identification - this/ these/ that/ those: Ba2/1st year revision/ ppt 1/#11-13 - time: go to Use of Eng/time - questions: go to New Eng File 1A grammar bank/exercises - Classroom language: go to 8.Education - die/kill/murder: go to crime and punishment - Family: go to - Adjectives - Hw: Write a short composition about YOU. The title: “ME”

Ba2D 9 Oct

- Homework: Write a short composition about YOU. The title: “ME”.And do the exercises on your Workbook unit 1A - Past Simple –ed pronunciation: go to past simple - Scared/afraid/frightened -The longest - Time: Up to now/ up to this day /so far e.g. He has not disappointed us so far At the moment/at present/nowadays/now/currently/for the moment e.g. For the moment I have a lot of work.

9. shopping - Tight: MONEY / TIME: difficult to manage with because there is not enough: e.g. We have a very tight budget. e.g. The president has a tight schedule today. CLOTHES: fitting closely to your body and sometimes uncomfortable: e.g. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans. e.g. These shoes are much too tight Opposite: loose Push –pull

- Die/Murder: go to 6.crime and punishment - Baking powder, flour: 10 food - Present perfect: go to verbs & go to the blog - Classroom language: - Family: visit the blog/ ppt 6.relations w/others - Adjectives: quiz : go to 1 personal identification

Ba2B 14 Oct

Hw: Workbook 1A/Remember the composition “Me” - Present Perfect vs. Past Simple. Go to verbs -Whether vs. if. Go to use of English - Classroom objects : go to education - Questions: speaking activity

Ba2B 16 Oct

Descriptions What’s the weather like? It’s raining It’s cloudy Today it’s raining What is Mario like? Mario is friendly How is Mario? He is tired What is Belgium like? It’s not very big.

Crossword Across + a cross A blade A razor blade Can you say that again? Sun- son Sweat shirt sweater sweat

Across 2. poor 3. needs 5. answer 6. saw, at 7. repeat: Can you repeat that please?; an 8. cc 9. teeth 10. dry

Down: 2. read 3. please 4. nap 5. on; sweet 6. re 7. eat 8. dart 9. ache: headache, stomach ache , toothache 10. inc

Check Check in at an airport at a hotel Check out van

Ba2D 16 Oct

Slim- thin- skinny A foreign student A foreigner

Ba2B 21 Oct

HW: Composition ME; Grammar checker WK 1A - The death penalty - On holiday My summer holidays were fantastic - When you come, we will go to the cinema - Ask you a question

- Bring vs. take: Go- take I go to school and I take my books with me Come – bring I brought all my books to class today - Present perfect: go to verbs

Ba2D 21 Oct

Hw: composition “me”; Wk 1A, 1B; Grammar checker I am a language assistant I had never been here before Do you have relatives in Mallorca? Are you married or single? Bad news Do you speak Spanish?

Little Small 3. From 4. In 5. Experience She works as a language assistant 6. At 7. Tell 8. Small 9. Cousins 10.Mine; my passion; a friend of mine

9. School 10. Therefore 11. Buildings 12. Height (n): 1m 92 cm high (adj) 6. Which dates 7. for 8. try, taste 9. on

Border Diamonds Jewish You can see In a rush: I am in a hurry Take your time Sleep in : to have a lie in Do your laundry: do the washing Thinking of

Across: 2. poor 3. needs 5. Answer 6. saw; at 7. Repeat; an 8. Cc 9. Teeth 10. dry

Down 2. Read 3. Please 4. Nap Have/take a nap 5. On A sweet tooth 6.Re 7. Eat 8. darts 9. ache headache stomach ache toothache 10. inc

Ba2 23 Oct

Present perfect Don’t confuse the present perfect with have + noun Have+ noun: Have a shower Have breakfast Have dinner Have lunch Present perfect: - Have lunch: I have had lunch - drink: I have drunk beers

already I have already had lunch yet Miquel hasn’t read the newspaper yet. Have you finished your homework yet? Still M. still hasn’t read the newspaper today.

Plural nouns Vowel+ y = -ys e.g. Keys, Monkeys, Days Consonant + y = -ies e.g. Party -Parties

Questions: Who do you love? Vs. Who loves you? Where was it? When did you wear it? I wore them at a friend’s wedding Why didn’t you wear it? Because it was too small What’s the plot? What happened? Argument vs. plot Argue vs. discuss Wear wore worn

Future - Plans and intentions: Be going to I am going to study a lot this term. - Arrangements: Present continuous I am meeting Paul tomorrow - Decisions taken at the time of speaking Will I will help you with that suitcase

Ba2 28 Oct

Someone has turned the computer on Turn off Switch on, switch off Switch it off Switch the TV off Switch off the TV Switch off the TV that your friends gave us How long have you had your car? Do you have a car? Have you got a car?

Ten years ago My parents moved to this house ten years ago I have had these shoes since last summer

I have lived in this town since I was born For 46 years I have known her since 2006

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