Clare Classprofile

  • April 2020
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This is a guy whose determination and perseverance in studies must be admired. He is Aaron Alvarez, a member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. He does every way to catch up with his studies. He does not settle to what is good, he aims for what he knows best. He is eager to learn a lot of things. He is responsible in his own ways. He does his part to become a better student. He is a diamond in the rough too. Though he may appear as a plain person, one can’t deny his abilities in illustrating things.

Michael Christopher Apostol appears to be timid. But once you get to know him, he is actually a warm-hearted and fun-loving guy who never fails to make one smile. He is a member of the 4th Year Intramurals Basketball (Team B) and the Peer Councilors Society. One thing that you would find extraordinary with this guy is his patience. Just imagine how it is to be chaffed everyday! Besides all these, he still loves his friends so much. His friends can count on him. In fact, he gives advice to them. As a student, he is diligent and responsible. Someday, he wants to become a well-known yet down to earth basketball player. Furthermore, he believes that “Once you have done it, you’ve got to prove it.”

If you see a tall and lanky lad with kissable lips, he must be Daniel Niño Bautista. He is a member of the IHMC Basketball Varsity. He dreams of becoming an engineer someday. He is one of the friendliest persons you’ll ever meet. Once you know him deeper, you most probably do not want to miss a day without hanging out with him. You could also confide to him easily. He is one of the persons that will never fail to make you laugh. In addition, he falls in love deeply which can be proven on how he shows affection to the ‘love of his life’. He may appear to be happy-go-lucky but when you see his heart, you’ll be able to discover a thoughtful and sensible lad.

Mikhail Justin Cua is a simple lad who just loves to hang-out with his friends. He may appear really plain at first but when he’s with his friends he becomes animated. He’s also silent but deadly… with numbers. He is such a genius in this matter. So if you need help in Algebra, you have the option to approach this guy. When you would have a chance to be his seatmate, he isn’t really the person you are expecting him to be – quiet and reserved. Because actually, he is warm. In fact, he interjects his jokes once in a while. He is an epitome that a person must not be judged solely on his appearance.

Whenever you see a lad who is usually curling up in a book, he must be Maynard Angelo Itable. He is fondly called “Anjo”. This guy is intellectual and a fast thinker (as confirmed by Sir Dixie during the first quarter) as well. He is a critic, too. Others may find him very frank as he bluntly tells the mistakes that he notice. He is also protective to the people he love. What others may not seem to know is that he also has a sentimental side. Because of his love of reading, it follows that he also writes well. In fact, he pours out himself in writing poems.

If you see someone that looks like Barack Obama in IV-Clare, he is John Laurence Jonota. Laurence is a member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. He is known for his stature and big, deep voice. In spite of his physical appearance, he is really young at heart. He and his friends usually talk about gaming and animé. Though he looks like a ‘rock’ on the outside, once he is with his friends, he becomes so lively. He is also one of the most obedient guys in our class as he follows Ms. Noemi’s requests without any complains.

John Marru Llurag may be perceived as boring but don’t be fooled because he’s a

lover. Although he’s timid especially in front of girls, he is friendly and very caring. He has a ‘smiling personality’. Every time he is teased, he just smiles it away. Some of you may also find Marru adorable and charming. He enjoys meeting new people. He is a friend that will never leave you hanging. He is also trustworthy. He does not care what others think about him, he just likes to have fun and goof around being himself. He dreams of becoming a popular basketball player or an efficient computer programmer. He believes that “If life hands you lemons, make lemonade and sell it for a profit.”

Sly, mischievous and defiant are some of the words that describe Aldrin John Magsakay. He is a member of the Knights of the Altar and Citizenship Advancement Training. This guy has an insatiable hunger for knowledge. He never settles to just any answer, he seeks the absolute truth. He is fond of logical arguments because he believes that as steel sharpens steel, a clash of opinions would develop our way of thinking. Indeed this good-looking guy has more to offer – he is philosophical and keen. He dreams of becoming a surgeon since human anatomy is one of his interests but his greatest ambition is to conquer the world. Despite his philosophical nature, he is also a true friend who will never let you down.

Robin Marcelo is a 16 year old student from IV-Clare. He is a member of the Chess Club. He is also IV-Clare’s handyman since he has all the things that are commonly used such as a puncher. That is one of the things that makes him generous and helpful. He can make his friends laugh with his jokes. He is also fond of reading books. He’s like a

chameleon that goes with the flow. His goal is to graduate college, travel the world, learn another language and to help his family and the community where he belongs in. His motto is: “Don’t give up. The light is always at the end of the tunnel.”

Hijo Ojeda is one of the guys in that gives life in IV-Clare. He is a member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. He may appear boring and reserved at first but once you get to know him, he is actually fun to be with! Anyone in our class would not forget the ‘crazy antics’ he did during our CAF Presentation (Talumpati). Everyone had a great time during his turn. He gets along with almost everyone in our class. He is also very sweet to his girlfriend in the other section. Hijo is also gifted in arts; he draws very well. He can also be relied on in group presentations especially when it requires a good voice projection.

Electo Victor Ong or “Vic” is a lad that can be counted on when you are having difficulties in mind-boggling subjects such as Algebra and Physics. His intellect and analytical skills is undeniable. Aside from being a Math and Science wiz, he is also the Advancement Officer of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. He loves gaming but he sees to it that his academics won’t suffer and he is successful at doing this. He might prefer to be silent most of the time but you should never underestimate him. He is a silent

achiever, indeed. In the near future, he sees himself of becoming a pilot or an executive chef.

Kevin Tom Palonpon is a member of the Militia Organization. Kevin is a player for the batch. He is very friendly and kind-hearted. He is also a funny guy. Despite his jolly nature, he knows when to blurt out jokes and when to be serious. A part of his serious side is his being focused in his studies. Though he is an only child, he isn’t a spoiled brat. In fact, he is an obedient and respectful son. One of his ambitions in life is to become an Electronics and Communications Engineer. He also dreams of having his own family. “I know one thing, I know nothing.” is one of the quotations which keeps him inspired. It is from Socrates, a philosopher whom he admires most.

Mhar Louis Paraiso is one of the athletic guys in our class. He is a member of the IHMC Varsity. He treasures his friends so much. His dry wit makes him exceptional. If you’re looking for a fun time, just approach Mhar and you are surely bound to have one. He is also very affectionate to his classmates especially to the girl he loves so much. It’s undeniable that he has good looks and endearing personality that makes him charming. Another interesting thing about Mhar is that he falls in love deeply and when he loves, there’s no stopping him.

Kris Howsef Peñaredondo is a jack of all trades. He is fondly called “Howbie”. He is a member of the IHMC Varsity Team. Howbie is a dude to be admired because he manages to balance his studies and his obligations to the team he belongs in. He is also musically inclined. He plays the guitar. Howbie is very approachable and friendly. He has a great sense of humor which never fails to keep the class going. Most of the time, you can’t help but wonder how he was able to come up with his ideas. He’s trustworthy, responsible and comfortable to be with. One of his guidelines in life is: “Don’t measure life by the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away.”

Simple yet fabulous. Those are the words that Martin Louis Rojas will most probably say whenever you ask him to describe himself. Actually, he is correct. The whole class could attest to this. He may appear simple but his ‘fabulous’ antics could really crack the class up. He could make the class (even the teachers!) laugh by just merely reciting. He will never fail to make your day. He has a good sense of humor that no one could deny. If you’re with him, rest assured – you won’t have any dull moments. What is not known to many is that he has a talent in giving speeches which was discovered during the CAF Period (Talumpati). Indeed, he is simply amazing.

If you see a guy who has the most voluptuous body in Clare, he must be Niño Angelo Salamat. He is like everybody’s best friend. He never fails to cheer up anybody. His heart is big as he is. He is ready to listen if you need a confidante. He is a very loving son to his father. Niño is also a very caring kuya, he looks after his brother all the time. He can also be your karaoke buddy. He might not look like a sports enthusiast but actually he is. He engages in activities ranging from table tennis to Frisbee catching. He aspires to be a computer technician someday though he really wants to teach. He believes that “to make something special, you just have to believe it’s special.” (from Kung Fu Panda)

Bryan Russel Samonte might seem quiet in the class but he’s the most chatty among his friends. He is a member of the Knights of the Altar. He may appear noiseless but he’s a conversationalist. Bryan is into gaming. He can stay up the whole day playing video and computer games. He’s a walking calculator and a Physics wiz. No one can forget on how he miraculously derived the Physics equation 5t2. He has a good grasp in computer softwares. He’s very romantic when he is with his girlfriend. He plans of having a simple family and a successful business someday. He believes that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

When the class is asked to form a line by height, boys separated from the girls, the boy in front must be Jake Russell Santos. Aside from that, he is also known for his booming voice. At the back of that voice is a friendly and funny guy. He might appear snobbish at first but he is playful. He is quite unpredictable as well – he appears an extrovert but actually he’s an introvert. This guy has the smarts as well. He is sweet in his own ways, too. He dreams of becoming an engineer or a pilot. He wants to go around the globe in the future. He believes that “Life is not the amount of air you breathe rather the moments that take your breath away.”

Kimberly Faith Sabala is one of the most creative students in our class. She is very talented. She can paint a picture with either a brush or a pen. If you want a proof, go ahead and visit her blogs. She is an idea person, indeed. She is also a loyal friend. She willingly goes out of her way just to be with her friends even though it may entail danger on her part. “I have kuwentooo!” are some of the words you can hear her say when she is with her pals. She is easy to get along with. She is one of those few people who has a very warm and welcoming personality. Hanging out with her once makes you want to be around her even more.

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