Citations For Dissertation A.docx

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(, 2016) (2016). Transport - Sri Lanka Transport Sector. [online] Available at: GTOPTRANSPORT/0,,contentMDK:20699037~menuPK:869140~pagePK:34004173~piPK:340 03707~theSitePK:579598,00.html [Accessed 30 Mar. 2016]. (2016). Sri Lanka Overview. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2016]. (2016). CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY | Sri Lanka Business Magazine. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2016]. Liyanage, T. and Bandara, H. (2011). Economic Review. 1st ed. People's Bank. (López-Alonso et al., 2019) López-Alonso, M., Martinez-Echevarria, M., Garach, L., Galán, A., Ordoñez, J. and Agrela, F. (2019). Feasible use of recycled alumina combined with recycled aggregates in road construction. Construction and Building Materials, 195, pp.249-257. (Appiah, Berko-Boateng and Tagbor, 2017) Appiah, J., Berko-Boateng, V. and Tagbor, T. (2017). Use of waste plastic materials for road construction in Ghana. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 6, pp.1-7.

(Chen et al., 2018) Chen, F., Coronado, C., Balieu, R. and Kringos, N. (2018). Structural performance of electrified roads: A computational analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, pp.1338-1349.

(Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2012).

Central Bank of Sri Lanka, (2012). Economic and Social Infrastructure.

(QuestionPro, 2019) QuestionPro. (2019). Quantitative Data: Definition, Types, Analysis and Examples | QuestionPro. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2019].

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