Circumstantial Ignorance

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  • May 2020
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Circumstantial Ignorance (Protestant Christian Biblical Conservative) Theism believes and profess (“God is One Person with Three Natures–God the Creator, God the Incarnate Jesus and God the Holy Ghost”, simile-matter, water; three states – solid, liquid and gas) that there are not any prima facia foundational and fundamental errors in the Holy Writ. Adopting three dimensional perspective circumstantial evidence and experimental validation provided to prove that shortcomings due to circumstantial ignorance are acceptable, should be disregarded and sidelined due to era, geographical, cultural, psychological and scientific restrains and constrains. Rather than being an contentious and humiliating stagnater because of skeptical mentality. Philosophy Views In Aristotle, the forms are the real existences, working in matter but eternally remaining the same, at once the motive cause and the effectual end of all things. Here the idea of evolution is clearer than in Plato, especially for the physical world, which wholly dominated by purpose. The transition from lifeless to living matter is a gradual one, so that the dividing-line between them is scarcely perceptible. Next to lifeless matter comes the vegetable kingdom, which seems, compared with the inorganic, to have life, but appears lifeless compared with the organic. The transition from plants to animals is again a gradual one. The lowest organisms originate from the primeval slime, or from animal differentiation; there is a continual progression from simple, undeveloped types to the higher and more perfect. As the highest stage, the end and aim of the whole process, man appears; all lower forms are merely unsuccessful attempts to produce him. The ape is a transitional stage between man and other viviparous animals. If development has so important a work in Aristotle's physics, it is not less important in his metaphysics. The whole transition from potentiality to actuality (from dynamis to entelecheia) is nothing but a transition from the lower to the higher, everything striving to assimilate itself to the absolutely perfect, to the Divine. Thus Aristotle, like Plato, regards the entire order of the universe as a sort of deification. But the part played in the development by the Godhead, the absolutely immaterial form, is less than that of the forms which operate in matter, since, being already everything,, it is incapable of becoming anything else. Thus Aristotle, despite his evolutionistic notions, does not take the view of a thoroughgoing evolutionist as regards the universe; nor do the Neoplatonists, whose highest principle remains wholly unchanged, though all things emanate from it.1 Scientific Facts Big Bang Cosmology The Big Bang Model is a broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe. It postulates those 12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was only a few millimeters across. It has since expanded from this hot dense



state into the vast and much cooler cosmos we currently inhabit. We can see remnants of this hot dense matter as the now very cold cosmic microwave background radiation which still pervades the universe and is visible to microwave detectors as a uniform glow across the entire sky.2 Where are Stars Born? Astronomers believe that molecular clouds, dense clouds

Image of "Star Birth" Clouds

of gas located primarily in the spiral arms of galaxies are

in M16:

the birthplace of stars. "Protostars" are formed when dense regions in the clouds collapse. Initially, the gravitational energy of the collapsing star is the source of its energy. Once the star contracts enough that its central core can burn hydrogen to helium, it becomes a "main sequence" star.

PRC95-44b Hubble Wide Field Image

Main Sequence Stars Main sequence stars are stars, like our Sun, that fuse hydrogen atoms together to make helium atoms in their cores. For a given chemical composition and stellar age, a stars' luminosity, the total energy radiated by the star per unit time, depends only on its mass. Stars that are ten times more massive than the Sun are over a thousand times more luminous than the Sun. However, we should not be too embarrassed by the Sun's low luminosity: it is ten times brighter than a star half its mass. The more massive a main sequence star, the brighter and bluer it is. For example, Sirius, the dog star, located to the lower left of the constellation Orion, is more massive than the Sun, and is noticeably bluer. On the other hand, Proxima Centauri, our nearest neighbor, is less massive than the Sun, and is thus redder and less luminous.3 How are the planets formed? Astronomers have developed a theory about how our solar system formed that explains why it has small, rocky planets close to the sun and big, gaseous ones farther away. Astronomers believe our solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a giant, rotating cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula. Gravity pulled together a portion of gas and dust at the center of the nebula that was denser than the rest. The material accumulated into a dense, spinning clump that formed our sun. The remaining gas and dust flattened into a disk called a protoplanetary disk swirling around the sun. Protoplanetary disks around distant stars were first observed through telescopes in 1983. Rocky particles within the disk collided and stuck together, forming bodies called planetesimals. Planetesimals later combined to form the planets. At the



distances of the outer planets, gases froze into ice, creating huge balls of frozen gas that formed the Jovian planets. Hot gases and electrically charged particles flow from our sun constantly, forming a stream called the solar wind. The solar wind was stronger at first than it is today. The early solar wind drove the light elements -- hydrogen and helium -- away from the inner planets like Earth. But the stronger gravity of the giant outer planets held on to more of the planets' hydrogen and helium, and the solar wind was weaker there. So these outer planets kept most of their light elements and wound up with much more mass than Earth. Astronomers developed these theories when they thought that rocky planets always orbited close to the parent star and giant planets farther out. But the "rule" was based only on our own solar system. Now that astronomers have learned something about other solar systems, they have devised new theories. Some scientists have suggested that the giant planets in other solar systems may have formed far from their parent stars and later moved in closer.4 How long will there be life on the earth? The Meteor Crater in the state of Arizona was the first crater identified as an impact crater. Between 20,000 to 50,000 years ago, a small asteroid about 80 feet in diameter affected the Earth and formed the crater. The crater is the best-preserved crater on Earth and measures 1.2 km in diameter. For many years, scientists had denied that there were any impact craters on Earth. The origin of this crater has been a source of controversy for many years. The discovery of fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite helps prove that the feature was in fact an impact crater.5

Meteor Crater Arizona, USA

The impact would have created colossal tidal waves6

Why is there life on the ideal planet (earth)? Due to contusive atmospheric conditions on the ideal planet ozone layer formed, which supports the formation of clouds, thus rains, leads to the evolution of plants and animals after thousands of years.



Theology Views The Almighty Fluid (Alpha Ghost) who had the characteristics of an Ideal Perfect Gentleperson came out of dark energy, hitherto are other persons. These waited for billions of years abiding in dark matter to get liberation caused big bang, which can be termed as collision of photons (mass less and charge less universal particles) at high speed (> 3x108 m/s) to create fundamental element hydrogen which caused the mass area in dark matter. The fact that three-fourth of the mass area at present is composed of hydrogen proves it. It further took billions of years for the creation to come into existence (Genesis 1:1-4). These looking at evolved mammals surviving on ideal planet/s in different galaxies too wanted to enjoy and experience creation totally. Thus by artificial transmutation created human body and entered into it, obviously forgoing or/and forgetting their supernatural personality to become natural beings (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7, 6:1-3). Otherwise, what would be the difference between divine and carnal? What would happen to the Godly realistic game? Even then if a person wants to have extraordinary capability and ability then should be possessed with God the Holy Ghost (Fluid in their nerves) surrendering, obeying and being faithful to Him perpetually. Otherwise to be damned to Hell (Sun) for minimum 120 years later the soul to be transferred to an ideal planet of another star to have and live a transformed soul in human birth, life and death not rebirth (Revelation 20-22). God the Holy Ghost wants to manage Universe leaves it to its own course. If He starts totally controlling Universe then everything may explode into dark energy again to restart afresh. This proves that He too maintains limitations for the good of all. Why should we lose what we have for what we do not have? (Isaiah 22:13, Matthew 6:34) Affirmations Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is valid but it does not apply on humans who created in the image of God as written in the Torah. As animals and plants are just natural robots whereas the soul is the essence of a person; the body is just the appearance. Moreover the DNA of humans does not match with mammals. If in this civilization humans were not placed on the ideal planet then dianasours (what about whales?) may have evolved in six thousand years. The -14th Century Prophet Moses could not have known about the +21st Century dark energy on which creation is dependent. Can undisputable and unquestionable haughty liberal scholars disclose how can it be know about the +22nd Century primary matter, so that people of that era cannot mock, scoff and ridicule this centuries literature, inventions and discoveries. Questions will never end, answers will never satisfy. Liberals bark that Theological (Godly) Doctrines divide love (humanism) unites but Doctrines are the Cherubim within which God abides. Unfortunately, science is dependent on progressive technology then how can it be that Theology is independent of progressive revelation.



Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. About the author Mahaveer Janapala is a Structural Engineer and Interface Manager in an EPC Company. Licensed to He is a postgraduate in Structural Engineering and a graduate in Civil Engineering from Osmania University ( He has a post









( affiliated to ‘TOPIC’ ( He was born (1977), brought up, educated, working and residing in Hyderabad, India.



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