#include<stdio.h> #include #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct cllist{ int x; struct cllist *next; }nd; nd*insert(nd**,nd**,nd**); nd*delete(nd**,nd**,nd**); nd*insfro(nd**,nd**,nd**); nd*insaftnd(nd**,nd**,nd**); void display(nd*,nd*); void main() { int n; nd *start,*current,*head; head=(nd*)malloc(sizeof(nd)); start=head; current=start; do{ clrscr(); textbackground(red); textcolor(black+blink); printf(" circular linked list _________________________________________ "); printf(" main menu ---------------------------"); printf(" 1>. insert 2>.insertion at front node
3>.inserion after a 4>.deletion 5>.end
"); printf(" ______________________________________________________ "); printf(" enter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: insert(&head,&start,�t); break;
case 2: insfro(&head,&start,�t); break; case 3: insaftnd(&head,&start,�t); break; case 4: if(start==head){ printf(" the list empty!"); break; } delete(&head,&start,�t); break; case 5: clrscr(); printf("
printf(" press any key to exit..."); getch(); exit(0); default: printf(" invalid choice!"); getch(); break; } }while(n!=5); getch(); } nd*insert(nd**head,nd**start,nd**current) { int m; nd*temp,*val; clrscr(); printf(" n");
insertion ______________________________________
do{ temp=(nd*)malloc(sizeof(nd)); if(!temp ){ printf("memory allocation not possible!"); getch(); exit(0); } val=temp; temp=temp->next;
printf(" enter the element:"); scanf("%d",&m); val->x=m; val->next=*head; if(*start==*head){ (*head)->next=val; *start=val; *current=*start; } else{ (*current)->next=val; *current=val; } printf(" any more inserton(y/n):"); fflush(stdin); }while(toupper(getch())!='n'); display(*head,*start); getch(); return(*head,*start,*current); } void display(nd*head,nd*start) { if(head==start){ printf(" the list is empty!"); getch(); return; } else{ printf(" the list is now: "); do{ printf("%5d",start->x); start=start->next; }while(start!=head); } return; } nd*delete(nd**head,nd**start,nd**current) { int ele; nd *temp,*save,*val,*pred; clrscr(); printf(" deletion " );
___________________________________ save=*start; do{ display(*head,*start );
val=save; printf(" enter the element to be deleted:"); scanf("%d",&ele); while(save->x!=ele && save->next!=val){ pred=save; save=save->next; } if(save->next==val){ printf(" the elment is not in the list!"); getch(); break; } temp=save; printf(" the element to be deleted is:%d",temp->x); printf(" r u sure(y/n):"); fflush(stdin); if(toupper(getch())!='n'){ if(save==(*head)->next){ *start=(*start)->next; free(temp); save=*start; } else if(save->next==*head){ pred->next=*head; *current=pred; free(temp); save=pred; } else{ pred->next=temp->next; free(temp); save=pred; } } else break; printf(" anymore deletion(y/n):"); fflush(stdin); }while(toupper(getch())!='n'); display(*head,*start); getch(); return(*head,*start,*current); } nd*insfro(nd**head,nd**start,nd**current) { int m; nd *temp,*val; clrscr(); printf(" insertion in front ");
printf(" __________________________________
do{ temp=(nd*)malloc(sizeof(nd)); if(!temp){ printf(" memory allocation not possible!"); getch(); exit(0); } val=temp; temp=temp->next; printf(" enter the element:"); scanf("%d",&m); val->x=m; if(*start==*head){ val->next=*head; (*head)->next=val; *start=val; *current=*start; } else{ (*head)->next=val; val->next=*start; *start=val; } printf(" any more insertion to be performed(y/n):"); fflush(stdin); }while(toupper(getch())!='n'); display(*head,*start); getch(); return(*head,*start,*current); } nd*insaftnd(nd**head,nd**start,nd**current) { int trg,n=1,m; nd *temp,*val,*save,*pred; save=*start; clrscr(); printf(" insertion after a node "); ");
printf(" __________________________________
do{ display(*head,*start); temp=(nd*)malloc(sizeof(nd)); if(!temp){ printf(" memory allocation not possible!"); getch(); exit(0); }
val=temp; temp=temp->next; printf(" enter the element:"); scanf("%d",&m); val->x=m; if(*start==*head){ val->next=*head; (*head)->next=val; *start=val; *current=*start; } else{ printf(" enter the position of insertion:"); scanf("%d",&trg); while(trg!=n){ pred=save; save=save->next; n++; if(save==*head) n=0; } pred->next=val; val->next=save; save=save->next; } printf(" any more insertion(y/n):"); fflush(stdin); }while(toupper(getch())!='n'); display(*head,*start); getch(); return(*head,*start,*current); }