Cibm Notes - 1 October

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CIBM Programme 8 Modules Lobby and Advocacy Management Principles Marketing Business Communication Business Law Project Management Accounting and Finance Information Retrieval Portfolio of Evidence 1. Hand-in 27 October Exams 19 October 2009 Portfolio of Evidence 21 November

- Lobby and Advocacy - Management Principles

Strategy Strategic Approach Where are we now Internal and External Factors is influenced Proactive or Reactive - Adaptive Emergent Strategy - Flexible (Analysis of Environment and Resources) Mission, Vision and Objective Strat dev. Trial of various options Prescriptive - Fixed Planning is key Success of the strat. Depends on the Management Team Test is whether you can implement

The Strategy-Making Execution Process Phases Revise as needed What is a strtegic plan Vision is the road map compare vision and Mision Where we are going Who we are Phase 2 Set Objectives – yard stick or performance trekker

Spellout how much by when Concrete outcomes pushes you to be inventitive avoid complacency Status qou performance void internal confusion Objectives must be SMART At every Level Individual at last Phase 4 Implementing and Executing Startegy Involve building capabilities Allocating resources Strategy-supportive policies Motivating tying rewards Information, communication, operating systems Best practices Continuous Improvement Exerting leadership to drive the process Or practise MBWA- Managing By Walking Around Good strategy Execution create strong “fits”

Phase 5 Startegy Making Process Evaluating Performance and Making Corective Action ● Tasks are not a one-time exercise customer needs competitive environment changes new opportunities technology advances aspects of executing strategy new managers with different ideas organisational learning ● Need for corrective actions and adjustments on an as and when needed basis Monitoring, Evaluating and adjusing as needed ● Tasking Action to adjustments Dashboard – key performance areas altering longterm direction re-defining raising, lowering, changing performance objectives modifying the strategy improving strategy executing 1 October 2009 Marketing and Communication COMMUNICATION

Managerial communication Message Encoded Sent through a channel or medium Decoded Noise disturbances/ interference with transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message. The interpersonal communication process True communication is the two-way Massage Medium Receiver Encoding Ssnde Process of Interpersonal Communication Methods of Communication Interpersonal Feedback Complexity capacity Breath potential Confidential

Methods of Communication Interpersonal ● Nonverbal communication ● body language ● verbal intonation – emphasis Barriers to interpersonal communication - Filtered – deliberate manipulaton - Selective Perception - Emotions by the way the way the receiver feels - Information Overload – Exceeds processing capacity – Defensiveness – Language – Cultural values Overcoming the barriers – Use feeback – Simplify Language – Listen Actively ACTIVE LISTENING BEHAVIOURS Exhibit affirmative head nods and approppriate facial expression Avoid Distracting Avoid interrupting the speaker ORGANISATIONAl COMMUNICATION Upward Downward Diagonal Lateral – –

Organisational Communication Networks Grapevine – informal network important source

Nonverbal Communication Body Language Eye Contact

Gesture Space Touch

ASSIGNMENT Layered Briefing Folio - Guide 3 Page 16 Contxt Maximizing Brief Folio/ Position Paper Layered (Set of notes) – means different parts – comes in layers key issues, key facts, actual briefing. Question 2 Meetings Taking minutes and how the recording Inside a meeting means – a particular departmental meeting Informal – action sheet tailored in action plan formal Outside – people from outside Has to be formal Question 3 Discuss the way and means for it to attain good results. Body language Guideline for e-mails to give good impression Question 4 Electronic Messaging Question 5 Communication Breakdown Question 6 Writing skills

Marketing Consumer Orientation Profit Orientation Social Responsibility What can be Marketed Goods

Services Events experiences Persons Places & Properties Organisation Information Ideas Marketing Mix Product Price Promotion Place ..........................Target Customer.....Intended positioning Marketing as an interface Customers Intermediaries Marketing Environment Competitors Process Marketers develop marketing strategy by managing marketing instruments Decision Influence – Individual factors Motivation, Attitude, Perception, Learning ability, Personality, Lifestyle – Group factors The family, Reference group, Opinion leaders, Cultural group Awareness of the need Gathering information Evaluation Action(buying) Post-purchase evaluation Determinants of Consumer Behaviour MARKET AGREEGATION / SEGMENTATION SINGLE SEGMENT APPROACH MARKET MULTI-SEGMENT APPROACH BRANDS A mark that is unique to the product To consumers – facilitate decision making facilitate identification assurance of quality degree of protection Product Life-cycle – Maturity to arrest consumers Brand Loyalty Occurs when consumers show loyalty to certain brands Brand Recognition

Brand Preference Brand Insistace Distribution Channels Producer – Consumer Producer – Retailer – consumer Selling is only the tip of the iceberg Challenges of Marketing Changing Economy Ethical concerns Globalisation New Marketing Landscape and Information Technologies Non-profit Market Meeting people's need in an Employers' Association's perspective Marketing a particular thought or apont of view.

MARKETING ASSIGNMENT make a profit increase the market share 5/6 paragraps 2.1 Describe the effect of Macro-Environment factors 2.2 2.2 Social Responsibility 3. Stages of new proct development ● preliminary assessment - initial screening ● detailed investigation - second screening ● development - decision on business ● testing and validation - development review ● Full production & Market Launch How do personal factors influence the customers that purchase McDonalds 4. Promotional Campaign (4 P) Packaging 5. Discuss the to which the McDonalds brand is affected by effected by events in respect of obesity and make recommendations as to what can be done to manintain the reputation and leading brand status of Macdonalds. [email protected]

cell: 0835601251

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