Ci Quick Ref

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 312
  • Pages: 1
CLASS REFERENCE benchmark-> mark elapsed_time memory_usage

db-> (Custom Function Calls) call_function

calendar-> generate initialize config-> load item set_item

site_url system_url

db-> (Query) query escape escape_str

insert_string update_string

db-> (Results) result result_array row num_rows

email-> from reply_to to cc bcc subject encrypt-> encode decode set_cypher

message alt_message clear send attach print_debugger

pagination-> initialize create_links

set_mode sha1

trackback-> send display_errors receive

upload-> do_upload display_errors data

num_fields insert_id image_lib-> affected_rows resize versions crop rotate db-> (Active Records) get groupby input-> select having xss_clean from orderby post join limit cookie where insert orwhere set load-> like update library orlike delete database scaffolding db-> (Field Data) view field_names vars field_data lang-> db-> (Table Data) load tables line table_exists

watermark display_errors


output-> set_output get_output

session-> userdata set_userdata send_error send_success data

parser-> parse

Add’l Reserved PHP4 Only

uri-> segment slash_segment uri_to_assoc assoc_to_uri

CI_Loader config database file helper helpers language library plugin plugins scaffolding script view vars

uri_string total_segments segment_array

ip_address valid_ip user_agent

validation-> run set_rules required

set_message set_fields set_error_delimiters

helper plugin file lang config

xmlrpc-> server timeout method request send_request

set_debug display_error display_response send_error_message send_response

xmlrpcs-> initialize serve

cookie set_cookie date now mdate local_to_gmt gmt_to_local mysql_to_unix unix_to_human human_to_unix timespan days_in_month timezone_menu directory directory_map file

read_file write_file delete_files

form form_open form_open_multipart form_hidden form_input form_password form_upload form_textarea form_dropdown form_checkbox form_radio form_submit form_close form_prep html heading nbs br security xss_clean hash strip_image_tags encode_php_tags

string random_string alternator repeater text word_limiter character_limiter ascii_to_entities entities_to_ascii word_censor highlight_code highlight_phrase word_wrap typography auto_typography nl2br_except_pre


site_url base_url index_page anchor anchor_popup mailto safe_mailto auto_link url_title prep_url redirect

xml xml_convert

Load Helpers with: $this->load->helper('name'); Use Helpers just like any PHP function

CodeIgniter Version 1.3 Quick Reference Chart

HELPER REFERENCE array random_element

Controller CI_Base _ci_autoload _ci_autoloader _ci_assign_core _ci_initialize _ci_init_database _ci_init_scaffolding _ci_is_loaded _ci_load _ci_scaffolding _ci_set_view_path

Directory Structure system application config controllers errors models scripts views cache codeigniter init drivers fonts logs helpers language libraries plugins scaffolding user_guide

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