Chronicles Of Kainen Intro

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 658
  • Pages: 2
Chronicles of Kainen Introduction All these men lined up and proud, fools think they can make a difference truth is nobody cares. . . Kainen walks through the gates the officers stare the recruits frown they think there is a new fish in the bowl, they couldn’t be more wrong. Into the colonels office he pulls out the chairs and sits down staring into the colonels eyes without a blink without any emotion the colonel is startled by this man who is how dare he come in uninvited but he says nothing, there is something about this man but just can’t quiet put his finger on it, before the colonel can ask this is about kainen says in a deep rather hypnotic voice “how much” colonel stares in confusion kainen continues and says” how much will u pay me to kill your enemy?”the Russian? The Turks? The Chinese? I don’t really care if you pay me enough il kill whoever you want me to. The colonel stands up speechless after awhile he replies by saying this is the united states army sir we are not mercenaries and we most defiantly aren’t thugs, who do you think you are walking in my office with the audacity of thinking there is a place for you here. Kainen replies in a deep almost growl ”I’m Damned” these are my turns decide now??! Once again leaving the colonel speechless going against his gut he knows he should kick this man out his office but he cant there is something devastating about this man the colonel thinks to himself id rather have this man as my friend as my enemy and so against all instinct the colonel holds out his hand and welcomes kainen to the us army. But of cause kainen being who he is turns and walks out. Its time to eat its early still the sun is out the air is cool its going to rain tomorrow wonder if the recruits who sit there so eagerly to start training how any idea of the hell tomorrow will bring them, that instructor keeps watch me mmm he thinks he’s a guard he thinks he’s one slick shit killer he’s going to be a problem have to break him now need them to see who I am,kainen walks to the food counter the guard follows unknowing of that’s about to happen, hes a real trouble maker and he about to regret that, kainen gets his serving the guard taps him on the shoulder aggressively and lashes out who are you supposed to be pointing at kainens chest kainen stares at him with a stone cold look the guard almost stumble off his feet at the near site of kainens expression, he pokes at kainen one last time kainen strikes out with speed never before seen grabbing the guards finger and hand holding tight he thrusts his hand down the guard props to his knee the mess hall echoes with the sounds of the finger and wrist breaking the guard screens his lungs out the pain is to much only because kainen hasn’t let go he grabs tighter the guard unable to move almost in tease. Instructors storm the mess hall the colonel behind them kainen still not letting go they are forced to used force they pulling on kainen some are striking at him he does not move he lifts the guard from his feet he is now in tease he brings the guard close to his face and kainen whisper ands says once again in a almost growling voice” touch me again . . . and il kill u” the instructors finally over powering him they drag him off to solitary kainen smiles as he is been pulled past the colonel.

The mess hall silence the guard on the floor in shock the colonel once again finds himself thinking who the hell is this man. This is the Chronicles of Kainen

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