Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Evaluation

  • October 2019
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Download & View Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Evaluation as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 1,561
  • Pages: 3
COPD Evaluation Date



 Constitution Fatigue or Malaise Fever or chills



Chief complaint/Reason for consult





History of Present Illness

Referring MD

‰Patient is Nonverbal.

History obtained from

‰Family ‰Medical records

Appetite changes Eyes Vision changes New eye pain

S m A ed M P to L ol E s. co m

ENT/mouth Nose bleed Dental caries

 ‰Recent Antibiotic use ‰Recent ER visits ‰Recent cent Weight loss lo los or decreased appetite ‰Recent Oral steroid use ‰Recent Hospital al admissions admis ‰Planned ed air travel tra in near future ‰Spirometry evaluation performed within thin in previous 12 months

Dental abscesses Jaw pain Respiratory Dyspnea Cough

COPD Symptoms ‰Asymptomatic with usual activity ity ty

Phlegm Hemoptysis

‰Symptomatic with usual activity tivity ‰Symptomatic with minimal mal al activity activ ‰Symptomatic at rest

‰<70% ‰< 70% 7 ‰<70% <70   ‰<70% 70%

Wheeze Cardiovascular Chest pain Diaphoresis


Mild Moderate Severe Very ry Severe S

‰Increased dy dys dyspnea ‰Increased ncreased sputum production

Allerg Allergies

‰Asthma ma ‰Inflammatory mmatory Bowel Disease Dise ‰Chemotherapy Notes ‰Adrenall dysfunction dysfunct   ‰Neuromuscular uromuscular cular weakness ‰Colonoscopy ‰Arthritis A ‰RA RA  ‰Osteoporosis rosi ‰ECHO/Stress test ‰Blood clots ‰DVT ‰PE ‰Organ transplant trans t ‰Immunosuppressive therapy ‰CHF ‰Pancreatitis ‰Mammogram ‰COPD ‰Per Peripheral ipheral Artery Disease Dise Dis ‰Organ failure ‰Coronary ronary Artery Disease ‰Pituitary infarct oor hemorrhage‰PFTs ‰Cystic Fibrosis ‰Protein deficie deficiency ‰C ‰S ‰Pap Smear ‰Dia Diabetes ‰1 ‰2   ‰Renal nal dysfu dysfunction dy ‰ESRD ‰Prior intubations ‰Endocarditis  ‰Hemodi Hemodialysis emod ‰Peritoneal dialysis ‰Radiation exposure ‰GERD ‰Sarc Sarcoidosis ‰Sleep study ‰Gout ‰SSeizure disorder ‰Steroid use, chronic ‰Hemolytic lytic anemia ‰Sleep Apnea ‰CPAP ‰BiPAP  ‰Hepatic patic dysfunction sfunction ‰Systemic Lupus Erythematosis ‰Tuberculosis ‰HIV/AIDSS ‰Thrombocytopenia ‰ITP ‰TTP ‰PPD Result ‰Positive ‰Negative Date ‰Hype Hypertension ertension ‰Thyroid disease ‰hypo ‰hyper ‰Tuberculosis Treatment

Weight changes Constipation or Diarrhea Abdominal pain Genitourinary Hematuria Dysuria Urethral discharge Musculoskeletal Myalgias Arthralgias Joint swelling Claudication symptoms Skin/Breasts Masses New skin lesions

Malignancy ignancy

Sensitivity to sun

‰Adrenal renal ‰Colon on ‰L Leukemia/Lymphoma ‰Melanoma ‰Renal cell ‰Thyroid ‰Breast ‰Lung ‰Pituitary ‰Prostate ‰Testicular Stage ge Treat Treatment T ‰Surgical Resection ‰Radioablation ‰Chemotherapy Last Tx ‰Radiation Last Tx

Neurologic Headaches

Surg Surgeries ‰CABG ‰Splenectomy ‰Organ transplant Social History / Risk factors So




>79% 50-79% 50 30-49% <30%

Chronic Bronchitis symptoms sym ‰Increased cough co

Past Medical, Family S Social History

Gastrointestinal Nausea or vomiting



‰Medications reviewed eviewed ‰Aller Allergy List reviewed ‰Medications reconciled nciled with Nursing Home or Hospital discharge Information tion œ46 œ 6 ‰N No food or drug allergies


Endocrinologic Hair loss

FEV1 >80% 0%


Ankle edema

Muscle weakness

FEV1/FVC ‰  70% 0%

Neck pain Heme/Lymph Bleeding gums Unusual bruising Swollen lymph nodes Allergy/Immunology

‰Lung resection ‰Pleurodesis ‰Other

‰Deni Denies ‰Yes D ‰D Denies ‰Yes ‰Denies ‰Yes

Ever smoker ___ # Packs X ____ # Yrs Recreational drug use ‰Denies ‰Yes ‰Inhalation ‰Injection ‰Ingestion Chews tobacco Drug dependence ‰Denies ‰Yes ‰Narcotics ‰Benzodiazepines Quit tobacco use Quit date _________ Alcohol use ‰Denies ‰Yes ___ Drinks per ‰Day ‰Week Willingness to Quit ‰Unwilling ‰Considering ‰Quit but resumed ‰Within 1 month Patient has tried smoking cessation aids ‰Nicotine replacement ‰Buproprion or nortriptyline ‰Nicotine receptor blockade

Occupational and Exposure History ‰Inorganic dusts i.e., quarries, sandblasting, cement, stone carving, welding, plumbing, shipyard work, firefighter ‰Organic dusts i.e., farming, building inspection, woodworking, remodeling, handling vegetable matter or animals ‰Noxious fumes i.e., spray painting, autobody work, working with dyes or glues, manufacturing plastic ‰Military Experience ‰Chemicals or fires

Sinus problems Recurrent infections

©MB and RR 2006-2009

Family Medical History

‰Asthma ‰CHF ‰COPD ‰Coronary Artery Disease ‰Malignancy‰Pancreatitis ‰Thrombotic disorder Revised 16Sep09

Health Care Provider Signature

COPD Evaluation



Exam To qualify as a comprehensive exam:


General Multisystem requires performing ALL of  9 organ systems, AND  2 elements documented in each organ system

Respiratory Single Organ System Exam requires documentation of ALL highlighted organ system elements, AND



Constitutional (  3 vitals) Body habitus and Grooming required of General Multisystem but not Organ System Exam Height ___________


Tidal Vol


PEEP ______



FiO2 ______

PO2/FiO2 ______


NonInvasive Ventilator

‰CPAP ‰BiPAP IE ____ IV Medications

‰ Antiarrhythmics ‰ Antihypertensives ‰ Diuretics ‰ Drotrecogin alfa ‰ Heparin ‰ Insulin ‰ Antibiotics Lines & Monitors

‰Telemetry ‰Chest tube

Left Air leak



‰ Narcotics ‰ Pressors ‰ Sedation ‰ Steroids ‰ Thrombolytic ‰ TPN

‰present ‰absent

‰ WNL NL ‰Erythema or scarring consistent with h ‰recent or ‰old radiatio radiation dermatitis ‰Nodules palpable lpable ‰Neck mass _____________________ ____ _ present ‰a, v or cannon a waves presen present Jugular ular Veins ‰ WNL ‰JVD p ula Thyroid ‰ WNL ‰Thyromegaly yrome


WNL L = Within Normal Limits

‰Chest hest is free of defects de defects, expands normally rmally and nd symmetrically ‰Erythema consistent with radiation dermatitis ‰Scarring carring consis consi consistent with old, healed radiation dermatitis ‰Surgical scar present ‰Scar, other WNL ‰Accessory W ory muscle use ‰Intercosta Intercostal erco retractions ‰Paradoxic movements Resp effort ‰WN ness tto o percussion ‰Lt ‰Rt ‰Hyperresonance ‰Lt ‰Rt Chest percus percuss percussion ‰WNL ‰Dullness Tactile fremitus Ta fre ‰WNL ‰ Increased rea ‰ Decreased De Decreas __________________________________ L ‰Bronchial breath sounds sound ‰Egophony ‰Rales ‰Rhonchi ‰Wheezes ‰Rub present soun Aus Auscu Auscultation ‰WNL


WNL = Within Normal Limits W mits


WNL = Within Normal Limits

‰Clear S1 S2 ‰No murmur, rub or ga gallop ‰Gallop audible ‰Rub audible ‰Murmur ur present nt ‰Systolic ystolic ‰Diastolic Grade ‰I ‰II ‰III ‰IV ‰V ‰VI ‰Peripheral eripheral al pulses palpable ‰No peripheral edema Peripheral pulses ‰Absent ‰Weak

‰WNL Mass present ‰LUQ ‰RUQ ‰LLQ ‰RLQ ______________ ‰Pulsatile ‰Liver and spleen ppa palpation WNL Unable to palpate ‰Liver ‰Spleen Enlarged ‰Liver ‰Spleen ‰Lymph nod node exam WNL

WNL = Within Normal Limits

Musc c

‰Neck ‰Axilla ‰Groin ‰Other ___________________ ‰Neck ‰Axilla ‰Groin ‰Other ___________________

Areas examined

Lymphadenopathy noted in Lympha Lymp

WNL = Within With Normal Limits

‰M Muscle tone WNL, and no atrophy noted Tone is ‰Increased ‰Decreased ‰Atrophy present ‰Gait and station WNL ‰Ataxia ‰Wide based gait ‰Shuffle Patient leans ‰Rt ‰Lt ‰Front ‰Back

Extrem WNL = Within Normal Limits Ex

‰No sign of infection

____ / ____ / ____ / \ \ \

‰CXR ‰CT/Chest ‰Other

©MB and RR 2006-2009

WNL = Within Normal Limits imits


Site  ‰No sign of infection


‰ WNL ‰Edema Edem or erythema presentt ‰Ging Gingivitis Oropharynx ‰ WNL ‰Edema or erythema pre pres present ‰Oral ulcers cers ‰Oral Petechiae II ‰IV V Mallampati ‰I ‰II ‰III

Lymph (•2 •2 areas must be examined) ex

‰No sign of infection

\____/ / \

WNL = Within Normal Limits

Abdomen n

‰Peripheral venous access


‰Body habitus wnl ‰Cachectic ‰Obese bese ese ‰Grooming wnl ‰Unkempt  Nasal mucosa, septum, and turbinates rbinates

EE ____

‰Trach present Size ‰Endotracheal tube Size ‰NG/ND tube ‰PEG/PEJ tube ‰Foley catheter ‰Ostomy ‰Central line/PICC

‰Port access


L ‰D Dental caries Dentition and gums ‰WNL

Right Air leak ‰present ‰absent


Weight ___________ ‰lb

e- S m A ed M P to L ol E s. co m


‰in ‰cm

Temperature __________ Pulse Rate __________ AND Rhythm ‰Regular egul ‰Irregular Blood Pressure sitting _____ / _____ OR standing _____ / _____ OR lying _____ / _____ ng __ ___ Respiratory Rate__________ Optional onal nal Sa Sats _____ % Cardiac Output _____ SVR _ S _____

Intubation date ____ / ____ / ____ ETT size _____ PS

 1 element in every other organ system is expected

‰Exam wnl ‰Clubbing ‰Cyanosis ‰Petechiae ‰Synovitis ‰Rt ‰Lt

Skin Sk

WNL = Within Normal Limits


WNL = Within Normal Limits

‰No rashes, ecchymoses, nodules, ulcers ‰Rash ‰Bullae ‰Pressure Ulcer Stage ‰1 ‰2 ‰3 ‰4 ‰Oriented NOT oriented to ‰Person ‰Time ‰Place ‰Affect is WNL OR Patient appears ‰Agitated ‰Anxious ‰Depressed

Additional Findings

Revised 16Sep09


Glasgow Coma Score E _____ V _____ M _____

Health Care Provider Signature

APACHE II Score __________

COPD Evaluation






‰Aggressive pulmonary toilet  ‰DVT prophylaxis ‰Stress ulcer prophylaxis ‰Daily sedation vacation and

‰ I have personally discussed Code Status with this patient, and believe that this patient (or their surrogate

neurologic assessment

(send tip for culture)

 s. Their T HCPOA is ‰ This patient has advanced health care directives.

S m A ed M P to L ol E s. co m

‰Head of bed elevated > 30 Degrees ‰Intense glycemic control 100-150 ‰Central line change or removal

decision maker) understands their medical condition and the consequences of their Code Status decision. Code Status ‰ Patient is a FULL CODE ‰ DO NOT ATTEMPT RESUSCITATION, Cardiac or Pulmonary

‰Physical therapy ‰Enteral/Parenteral feeds ‰Supplemental IV Fluids ‰Smoking cessation aids ‰Pneumonia vaccine prior to discharge ‰Influenza vaccine prior to discharge Antiviral ‰Treatment ‰Prophylaxis ‰Oseltamivir ‰Zanamivir





Metabolic Panel ‰Basic ‰Complete


‰CBC with differential ‰PT, PTT, INR ‰HIV ‰Hepatitis panel ‰BNP ‰Cardiac Enzymes  ‰Nasal or nasopharyngeal swab ‰Nasal wash or aspirate ‰Cultures ‰Sputum ‰Blood ‰Urine ‰CSF ‰Bacterial ‰Fungal ‰AFB ‰PPD Testing ‰Quantiferon for TB ‰Urinary Antigen ‰Histoplasma ‰Legionella ‰Serum mycoplasma  ‰12-lead EKG ‰Echocardiogram ‰Chest x-ray ‰PA and Lateral ‰Decubitus ‰CT of chest ‰Other

©MB and RR 2006-2009

Signature cc

Revised 16Sep09

Health Care Provider Signature

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