Christ's Reign On Earth And All The Prophecies About It

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
Christ's Reign on Earth All the prophecies about it by Keith Hunt CHRIST SAID HE WOULD RETURN - COME AGAIN TO THIS EARTH. BUT WHY IS HE GOING TO RETURN? WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE WHEN HE DOES? WE CANUNDERSTAND AND FIND THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS IF WE WILL LOOK FOR AND BELIEVE ALL THE SCRIPTURE THAT GOD GIVES US ON THIS SUBJECT. To know the truth on any doctrine we must look at ALL the scriptures pertaining to that subject. Because God has put a little here and a little there, (Isa. 28:9-13). If we don't, we shall be snared into false beliefs, (Isa. 28:13). God gives us His word to correct us and teach us His doctrines, (2 Tim. 3:16). Christ said to "search the scriptures" (Jn. 5:39). Jesus said we must hear what the prophets and Moses wrote, (Luke 16:31, Jn. 5:46,47). Not knowing the scriptures will lead us to error (Matt. 22:29). Paul said the time would come when people would not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3). The hard to be understood scriptures must be explained by the light of the easy, plain scriptures, (2 Pet. 3:10). We must never take away any of God's Words (Rev. 22:19). Fear God is the principle part for knowledge (Prov. 1:7). Be willing to do as the Bereans did - search the scriptures (Acts 17:10-12). Jesus said the Spirit will guide us into all truth (Jn.16:13). Prophecies are sure - inspired of God (2 Pet. 1:19-21).


THE OLD TESTAMENT TEACHES US THAT CHRIST WAS TO COME THE FIRST TIME AS SAVIOR. THERE ARE DOZENS OF SCRIPTURES FORETELLING SPECIFIC SIGNS AND EVENTS THAT SURROUND THE BIRTH, MINISTRY, AND DEATH OF CHRIST. HERE ARE SOME! SOMEONE TO PREPARE HIS WAY - (Isa.40:3; Luke 1:76; Mt.11:7-10; Mal.3:1) BORN OF A VIRGIN - (Isa.7:14; Mat.1:18-20) BORN IN BETHLEHEM -(Mic.5:2; Luke 2:1-4) YOUNG CHILDREN KILLED - (Jer.31:15; Mat. 2:15-18) TO COME FROM EGYPT - (Hos.11:1; Mat. 2:13-15) CALLED A NAZARENE - (Mat.2:23) LIGHT TO THE LAND OF ZABULON AND NEPHTHALIM (Isa.9:1-2; Mat.4:12-16) HIS COMMISSION - (Isa.40:1-3; Mat.3:3; Isa.42:1-7) TO DO MIRACLES - (Isa.42:7; 35:4-6; Jn.9:1-7) HOW HE WOULD DIE - (Ps.22:1-17) NO BONES BROKEN - (Ex.12:43-46; Nu. 9:12; Ps.34:20; I Cor. 5:7; Jn. 19:32-36) CAST LOTS FOR HIS CLOTHES - (Ps.22:18; Jn.19:23-24) TO BE RESURRECTED - (Ps. 16:9-10; 68:18; Eph.4:8; Acts 1:9; 3:21). These prophecies were fulfilled to the letter - there was no "close encounters" of the just about fulfilled. God performed miracles, moved men's minds, worked His work just when He said He would(Dan.9:25). IF WE BELIEVE THE SCRIPTURES FORETELLING HIS FIRST COMING - WE MUST BELIEVE THE SCRIPTURES FORETELLING HIS SECOND COMING - THEY TOO WILL BE FULFILLED TO THE LETTER.


You cannot believe one and disbelieve the other. God does not lie: FOR THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA(Hab.2:14). Gen.49:10 "The sceptre or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet until Shiloh (the Messiah, the Peaceful One) comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people." (Amplified Bible). See the Cross ref. Num.24:12-17; Isa.11:1; 60:1-5. Christ will come - the people and nations will gather to Him and obey Him. 1 Sam.2:1-10 Prophecy of Christ's second coming to judge the earth. To lift up and build and to bring down and destroy. Job 19:25-26 Christ to stand on the earth in last days. Ps.2 Christ's rule over the heathen. See Amplified Bible. Ps.18:43,44 Christ to rule the heathen. Ps. 22:27-31 Ps. 24:1-10 The earth and its habitants are Christ's - He reigns. Ps.72:1-20 Christ to rule from sea to sea, to the ends of the earth. All kings and nations to serve Him.


Ps.110:1-10 Christ to sit at God's right hand until the time appointed to rule the world and heathen. Ps.132:11-18 Christ to sit on the throne of David in Zion forever. See Luke 1:67-75; 1:31-33. Ps.96:1-13 Christ's kingdom over the earth foretold. Ps.22:27-31 Christ to rule all nations. They shall worship Him and declare His righteousness to those YET TO BE BORN. Ps.47:1-9 God is king over all the earth and the heathen. Ps.66:1-7 All the earth shall worship God. Ps.85:1-13 God to restore Israel. Ps.86:9 ALL nations shall worship God alone. Ps.87:1-7 Zion is to be God's dwelling. Zion restored - heathen fear God - BIRTH TO CONTINUE. Ps.102:13-19,21-22 and they shall praise God. Ps.138:4 All kings to praise God. Ps.145:1-21 God's kingdom and works and love to be praised and PAST ON THROUGHOUT ALL GENERATIONS.


ISAIAH 2:2-4 Christ's kingdom to rule all nations - people will want to learn God's ways - swords into plowshares. Israel restored. 2:11-21 The day of the Lord - men to cast away their idols. 3:1-26; 4:1-6 Judah and Israel to be punished but the remnant purged of sin and holy to God. 9:6-7 Christ on his throne ruling with judgment and justice. 11:1-16; 12:1-6 Christ ruling with justice and power - lion dwelling with the lamb - sucking and weaned children playing with poisonous snakes - Gentiles seeking salvation - Israel restored - Christ dwelling in Zion. 13:6-22 The Lord's day - earth punished - few left. 14:1-3 Babylon destroyed - Israel regathered. 24:1-23 God comes to punish the earth - few men left. 25:1-12 Satan is bound - spiritual blindness is removed. 26:1-21 Judah is safely inhabited - the resurrection. 27:1-13 Israel regathered at the great trumpet sound.


28:5 God a crown of beauty to the residue of people. 29:18-24 God will perform miracles (physical and spiritual) when he returns to reign. 30:19-26 God's great day of slaughter - moon as the sun - sun seven times hotter - Israel restored - Israel given supernatural teachers. 31:1-7; 32:1-4 The alliance with Egypt will fail - God will deliver Jerusalem people will destroy their idols. Christ will reign. 34:1-4,8; 35:1-10 The day of God - heavenly signs - land of Zion at peace and beauty. 40:4-11 Christ's return - His reward and works are before Him. 52:7-15 Christ reigns - all shall see God's salvation - nations and kings who have not been told shall see and hear. 59:19-21; 60:1-5 Redeemer comes to Zion - Israel repents - Gentiles come to the light. v.10-22 Israel supreme among the nations - other nations must serve Israel or be punished - no more violence. 61:2-11 God's day of vengeance - Zion to be rebuilt.


62:1-12 Gentiles will acknowledge Israel - Zion to be given a new name - salvation to come to Zion. 63:1-6; 64:9-12; 65:7-10 God's winepress of wrath - Israel who are in a state of desolation - cry to God - God will hear and save them. 66:1-24 God will bring forth a new nation of Israel - God's enemies punished - those left shall go and declare God's glory among the Gentile nations - the wicked will be destroyed during God's reign. JEREMIAH 3:12-18 Christ to have His throne in Jerusalem - Judah and Israel to reunite - all nations to worship God at Jerusalem. 16:14-21 Second exodus of Israel - Gentiles to acknowledge their false ways, at Christ's return. 25:15,26-38 God will plead with the nations - those who will not be ruled by Him He will destroy. 23:3-8 When Christ reigns Judah shall be saved. 30:1-24 ;31:1-34 The greatest day of trouble - Jacob's trouble - but to be saved out of it - David to be resurrected - Israel restored to health and prosperity - God's spirit and law to be given to all. 33:7-16 Israel and Judah reunited - Judah saved - Jerusalem


to be given a new name. EZEKIEL 34:l-31 Christ will regather Israel and set David over them at His return. 36:22-38 Israel rebuilt. 37:1-14 Many Israelites to be resurrected to physical life at Christ's return. 37:15-28 Judah and Israel to be reunited and David to rule them at Christ's return. DANIEL 2:28 Christ the stone to crush the last Roman Empire v.31-45(ten nations) and to set up His government on earth. 7:1-27 Christ to destroy the last Roman Empire and beast - all people, nations and languages to serve Him (v. 14). HOSEA 2:16-23; 3:1-5 God will restore Israel to prosperity, peace, and David their king. JOEL 1:15-20; 2:1-32; 3:1-21 The day of the Lord - heavenly signs, great destruction - call to repentance - God's spirit poured out - Israel, Judah, Jerusalem delivered - battle of Jehoshaphat - harvest begun - Lord dwelling in Zion, Jerusalem. AMOS 1:2 God will speak from Jerusalem.


MICAH 4:1-13 God to reign in Jerusalem - nations to learn God's law and ways - world at peace - Israel regathered. HABAKKUK 2:14 The earth to be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. ZEPHANIAH 1,2,3 The day of God and what will transpire - land of Judah and areas desolate - Assyria (ten nations of Europe) desolate - a pure language so all can call on God - Israel and Judah restored Christ at Zion. HAGGAI 2:6-9 Christ to come to His temple and give peace. ZECHARIAH 6:12-13 Christ to build the temple and sit on this throne. 8:1-23 Israel gathered - Jerusalem at peace - nations to go up to Jerusalem to seek and worship God. 9:9-17 Christ to come to Jerusalem - dominion from sea to sea - Israel mighty and prosperous. 12:1-14; 13:1-6 Day of Armageddon and Jehoshaphat - Judah to be strong - Judah to see the one they pierced (14:1-21) salvation to come - Christ to stand on Mount Olivet - king over the earth - wicked destroyed punishment on those nations who will not keep the feast of tabernacles at Jerusalem.


NEW TESTAMENT MATTHEW 2:2,6 Christ to rule Israel (Lk. 1:33.32). 3:12 Christ to refine the world starting at the beginning of the 1,000 years (Mal.4:1-6;, Isa.66:15-24). 13:24-30 Parable of sown seed. 13:36-43 Explanation of sown seed. 13:47-50 Explanation of fish and net. The harvest starts at Christ's return and continues through the 1,000 years (Isa. 66). 13:31-33 Parable of mustard seed and leaven - kingdom of Christ will start at Jerusalem and spread over all the earth until all nations are covered (Isa. 2; Dan. 2:35). 19:28 Christ's twelve disciples to rule the twelve tribes of Israel, in the kingdom. 25:31-46 Parable of Judgment - Christ sits on His throne (at Jerusalem Jer.3:17; Lk.1:31-33) and all nations are before Him salvation given - righteous and unrighteous are divided. LUKE 19:11-27 Parable of the pounds - authority given to rule cities. JOHN 18:33-37


Christ born to be a king - He will fight to establish it when He comes. ACTS 1:6-7 Israel shall have a kingdom. 3:20-21 Christ will come and usher in the "restitution of all things". 2:29-35 Christ will sit on David's throne. I CORINTHIANS 15 Christ is to reign till He puts down all rule, authority and power - He then turns the kingdom over to God the Father. 2 THESSALONIANS 1:1-10 Christ to come with His angels - He will destroy His enemies resurrection of saints - others to believe in that day. REVELATION 1:6-7 Many shall repent and acknowledge God when Christ returns. 2:25-27 Those that overcome shall rule the nations with Christ. 3:21 The overcomers will sit with Christ on His throne - David's throne. 20:4-6 Saints are to be priests and reign for a 1,000 years. 5:8-10 Saints shall reign on the earth.


11:15-18 LasT trumpet - kingdoms become Christ's. 14:1-10 Christ and redeemed on Mount Zion (Olives) 7:3-17 (144,000 plus great multitude - Christ will dwell among them). 14:6 After Christ and the saints TOGETHER - (Zech.14:1-3; I Thes.4:16) angels will go forth to every nation, tongue and people telling them to worship God - Babylon IS fallen - and not to worship the beast or image or mark. 15:2-4 Saints resurrected - all nations to worship before Christ. 19:11-16 Christ's return - He will rule all nations. 20:1-10 Nations are on the earth during 1,000 years - Satan is bound so he will not deceive them - he is loosed again after 1,000 years and goes out to deceive the nations that are still on the earth - God then destroys them. THEN COMES THE SECOND RESURRECTION. MILLIONS ARE RAISED TO LIFE AND THE BIBLE IS OPENED TO THEM, SALVATION OFFERED. ALL WHO FINALLY REJECT GOD AND CHRIST AND SALVATION ARE DESTROYED IN THE SECOND DEATH. THEN COMES THE NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH. GOD THE FATHER COMES TO DWELL WITH HIS CHILDREN. NO MORE SIN, NO




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