Christians God With Human Characteristics !!!

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Christian’s God with Human Characteristics

By: Zohaib Kaka

Christian’s God with Human Characteristics Here I am going to take your attention on a very serious problem to which CHRISTIANS DON’T CONSIDER SERIOUS!!! Christians believe that Jesus is their God, he is God almighty in HUMAN FORM, and came down on earth. He was born to a Mary (the mother of Jesus) some 2000 years ago. God came down, he stayed in his mother’s womb for nine months, and the bible says in Gospel of Luke Chapter 2, Verse 23 “when he was eight days old, he was circumcised and named Jesus by the angel, When he was in his mother’s womb“. So we are asking who was in the mother’s womb?? Christians say Jesus!! Who is Jesus? They say he is God and son of God, so he was in the mother’s womb? Christians say YES. How did he come out of there? They say like you and me, but we ask how it happened please tell briefly to us.

God is taking birth from a womb of a woman????? Suppose you were a nurse 2000 years ago on the table you were helping Mary to deliver the child. Can you Christians think for a moment that as much helpless that little creature is your God???

THE MIND SAYS NO READ CAREFULLY, and you see a helpless little creature, little human child, you can do what you can with the child, that child is growing, he is drinking milk from his mother’s breast, he is wetting his napkins. Any child whether he is Moses (A.S), Jesus (PBUH) or Mohammad (PBUH), you need milk, you wet your napkins, you need food, you must excrete, you have a call of nature, whether there is a

toilet, bush or the rocks, you have to run behind it. This is human and Allah says in Quran this is quality that any one eats food can never be your God… For the people who say Jesus is God and Roman Catholic people worship his mother Mary as mother of God the Quran says in Chapter 5 Verse 75 “the messiah (Jesus), the son of Mary, was not except a messenger, other messengers have gone before him. His mother in the state of sincerity (the good woman, the pious woman, the holy woman), they both ate food”. FOOD!! So What??? Don’t we all eat food? And Christians say that Jesus and Mary are God. But Allah says they both ate food and in same verse Allah says “see how we make our signs clear to you, have another look, how they have drifted or perverted from the path”. If they had food then they must had a call of nature and they have to run to the toilet, if there is no toilet then they have to rush behind the bush, No?? We have to say Yes… tell me how can a God run behind the bush? Looking for toilet?

THINK!!! They say Jesus is God because Allah is his father, why? They say, you see Jesus has no father he was born miraculously. But we Muslims say if Allah wants to create anything he just orders. Look into Quran Chapter 3 Verse 47 “He creates whom He will. When He decrees a thing, He only says Be and it is”, that’s what to believe, for Allah its just like that.

But Christians say NO, and everybody must have a father, so if Jesus doesn’t have a father, his father is God. Again Allah answers us in Chapter 3 Verse 59 “Truly the likeness of Jesus in the sight of Allah is as the likeness of Adam, He created him from dust and then He said to him Be and he was”.

(So if Jesus is God and son of God because he got no father then Adam is a greater God because he has no father and no mother.) Christians say No, No, Adam was made from dust and Jesus was born. We say look man the best system you can use is to produce your proof, and Christians show their bible in 2000 different languages. And proof is produced now we have to analyze it, we must have a look at it, to know what it is talking about? Because it is a book of authority for Christians. If I will say my Quran says this, Christians will say where did you get your Quran from? We say Allah reveals it on Mohammad (PBUH). Christians say look Mohammad!!! He had so many wives; he spread the religion on the point of sword, he was threatening people that accept Islam or I will chop your head, he copied book from Jews and Christians. So they started attacking Mohammad PBUH, attacking Islam, attaching the Quran.

I say that brothers and sisters leave my Quran on its shelf, now look into your bible. Bible is based on the books like Genesis, Luke, Mathew, Mark etc… so there is a book named Hebrews, Chapter 7, it says in the time of Ibrahim (A.S), there was a man, had no father, had no mother, no beginning, no ending, and you say Jesus had mother, Jesus had beginning on table and according to you Jesus had ending, an apparent end, but that man had no beginning, no ending, no father and no mother then

WHO IS GREATER? Definitely that man not Jesus. Come on men, it’s your book and your book says that man has no father, no mother, no beginning and no ending, he is like God, only Allah is like that, so is that man your Allah? Why don’t you worship him???

Hey Christians, please tell me what makes Jesus God? Look the child was born on a table, he grew up like a human child, when he went to school with other children, was those children thinking that they are schooling with a God? Did they?

No.. No.. No.. Today for circumcising there are doctors but in my time there were barbers who did this work and it was their privilege, so some barber came to that table and loose the skin of male organ, put him a bamboo stick in male organ and chop up the skin, who? His God? Hey Christians do you believe that barber was holding your God and his male organ and for you he is your God?

Oh Christians what is happen to you??? The people who are more than 1200 million, and they are considered to be the wisest people on the earth, most civilized, most cultured, most advanced they worship a human Jesus as their God.

AMAZING!!!! And Christians say God is three in one! The father is God, the son is God and the Holy Ghost is God, but they are not three, they are one God.


Are you Christians making us fool? How three persons can be one? Hey men AWAKE… AWAKE… AWAKE... even a little child will ever not believe that THREE is ONE, it’s a most nonsensical sentence. Oh most advanced and most cultured nation the Christians read your book Bible and decide yourself. Just prove me one unambiguous statement from your own Bible where Jesus himself says that I am God and worship me.

You will not find and will never ever find any single verse like that.

By: Zohaib Kaka (Based on the works of Late Shaikh Ahmed Deedat)

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