Christianity Myth

  • December 2019
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“They must find it difficult…Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” – G. Massey, Egyptologist As far back as 10,000 BCE people have respected and worshiped the sun. Reason being is that every morning the Sun would rise and “conquer” the night. Early cultures understood that without the sun crops would not grow and life on the planet would not survive. These realities make the Sun the most adorned symbol of all time. Also they were very aware of the stars. Tracking the stars allowed them to recognize and anticipate events which occur over long periods of time, such as eclipses and full moons. Celestial groups were catalogued in what are now known as constellations.

The image above is the cross of the Zodiac. It is one of the oldest conceptual images in human history. It reflects the sun as it theoretically moves through the 12 houses of the Zodiac over the course of a year. It also reflects the twelve months of a year, the four seasons, and the solstices and equinoxes. The term zodiac refers to the fact that the symbols were anthropomorphized or personified as figures or animals. In other words the ancient peoples did not just follow the stars but personified them and created elaborate myths for their position and relationships. The sun with its life-giving and saving qualities personified the unseen creator or “God”. It was God’s Sun, light of the World, Savior of man. Like wise the twelve constellations represented places of travel for God’s Sun and were identified by names usually elements of nature that occurred during that period of time. For example, Aquarius, the water-bearer, who brings the spring rains.

Horus was an Egyptian God. He was an anthropomorphized version of the Sun. His life was a series of allegorical myths to represent the Sun’s movements. From ancient hieroglyphics we understand much about this Solar messiah. For example the Sun or the light had an enemy named Set. Set was the personification of darkness or night. And metaphorically speaking every morning Horus would rise and defeat Set while every evening Set would conquer Horus and send him to the Underworld. It is important to know that light v. darkness or good v. evil is one of the most ubiquitous mythological dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels to this day. Table Of Messiahs Name First B Accompanied Adorned Virgin Crucified Rose God’s Occurence orn by Star in the by 3 Birth Again Son/ Dec. East kings Sun 25 Jesus of 3-4 BCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Nazareth Horus 3000 BCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attis 1200 BCE Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Krishna 900 BCE Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Dionysus 500 BCE Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Mithra 1200 BCE Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes There are also many other pre-Jesus “messiahs” but the lists is very long, so as to save on space, were not included. Examining the Similarities Birth Sequence: Purely astrological in origin. The Star in the East is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which on December 24 aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion’s belt. These three stars are called today what they were called in ancient times, The Three Kings. The Three Kings and Sirius all point to the place where the Sun rises on December 25, This is the “birth” of God’s Sun at the winter solstice. For this reason the Three kings “follow” the star in the East to the sunrise or the “birth” of the Sun. Mary is the constellation Virgo, the Virgin. The ancient glyph for Virgo is the altered “m”. This is why Mary along with many other “messiahs’ ” mother names began with M. For example, Adonis’ mother Myrra and Buddha’s mother Maya. Virgo is also referred to as the house of bread and its symbol is a woman holding a sheath of wheat. This “house of bread” and it’s symbol of wheat represent August and September, the time of harvest. In turn Bethlehem (Biet Lehem) literally means “house of Bread” in Hebrew. Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo, a place in the Sky, not on Earth. Another interesting phenomenon occurs around December 25, or the Winter solstice. From the Summer solstice to the Winter solstice the days become shorter and colder. From the perspective of the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun moves South and gets smaller and more scarce. The shortening of the days and expiration of the crops when approaching the winter solstice symbolized the process death to the ancients. It was the death of the Sun. By December 22 the Sun’s demise was full realized for the Sun having “moved” South continually for six months makes it to its lowest point in the sky. Here

Miracles Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

the Sun stops moving South and stays for 3 days. During this period of time the Sun resides under the constellation Crux, the Southern Cross. Then on December 25th the Sun moves 1 degree North, foreshadowing longer days and the return of spring. And thus it was said the Sun dies on a cross, remained dead for three days and was resurrected. This is why Jesus and many other Sun gods share the crucifixion, three day death and resurrection concept. It is the Sun’s transition period between its shift back into the Northern hemisphere bringing Spring and thus Salvation. However they do not celebrate the resurrection of the Sun until the Spring equinox or “Easter”. This is because at the Spring equinox the Sun officially over power the evil darkness. After the equinox the day time becomes longer than the night and the revitalizing conditions of Spring emerge. Horus and Jesus also share another thing in common: Twelve Disciples. These are simply the 12 constellations, which Jesus being the Sun travels about with. In fact the number twelve is repeated frequently through out the bible. The bible has more to do with astrology than anything else.

The cross of the zodiac has another purpose. It is a pagan spiritual symbol, the short hand

of which looked like this: . The cruciform is not a symbol of Christianity. It is a pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac. This is why Jesus in early occult art is always show with his head on a cross, for Jesus is the Sun.

Throughout scripture there are numerous references to the “Age”. To fully understand this we must become familiar with the phenomenon known as the procession of the equinoxes. The Ancient Egyptian along with cultures long before them recognized that approximately every 2150 years the sun rise on the morning of the Spring equinox would

occur under a different sign of the Zodiac. This has to do with a slow angular wobble that the Earth maintains as it rotates on its axis. It is called a procession because the constellations move backwards as opposed to the normal yearly cycle. The amount of time it take for the procession to be complete is roughly 26,000 years. This is called the great year. Ancient societies were very aware of this and they referred to every 2150 year period as an age. From 4300 BCE to 2150 BCE it was the Age of Taurus, the Bull. From 2150 BCE to 1 CE, it was the Age of Aries, the Ram. And from 1 CE to 2150 CE it is the age of Pisces, the Two Fish. 2150 CE to 4300 CE is the Age of Aquarius. The Bible reflect, symbolically speaking, the Movement through three ages, foretelling a fourth. In the Old Testament, Moses comes down from Mount Sinai to find the Israelites worshiping a gold Bull Calf. This makes him very upset. He smashed the tablets, and instructs the people to kill each other. Biblical scholars attribute this to the fact that the Israelites were worshipping a false idol, when in fact the Bull represent Taurus and Moses represent the new Age of Aries, the Ram. This is why Jews even today still blow the ram’s horn. Upon the New Age everyone must shed the Old Age. Other pre-JudeoChristina deities show this procession as well, such as Mithra who kills the bull. Jesus is the figure who ushers in the Age following Aries, the Age of Pisces. Fish symbolism is very abundant in the New Testament. For example, Jesus feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and Two Fish. It is for this reason that one of the most common symbols for Jesus is the Fish . In Luke 22 when Jesus is asked where the next Passover will be after he has passed, Jesus replies: “He said to them, "Just after you go into the city, a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters”. The man bearing the pitcher of water is Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. He represent the age after Pisces. And when the Sun “God’s Son” leaves the House of Pisces it will enter the House of Aquarius. All Jesus is saying is that after the age of Pisces comes the Age of Aquarius. Matthew 28:20: “I will be with you to the end of the aeon.” Aeon is another word for age. This is true for Jesus (Pisces) is the Age until 2150 CE. “There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.” - Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, Poet

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