Christian Missionary's Thinking Questions

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  • Pages: 3
Christian Missionary's "Thinking Questions" Article based on Gary Miller's Speech on Islam and Christianity January 9, 2009 PDF by:

Christian Missionary's "Thinking Questions" Article based on Gary Miller's Speech on Islam and Christianity Missionary: Muslim: Missionary: Muslim:

Does the Koran say that Jesus was sinless? Yes. Jesus was perfect man. Never sinned. Does the Koran tell Mohammad to repent? Yes. Quran tells Mohammad to repent.

That's all. The missionary doesn't say anything else. He hopes now that the Muslim would start thinking: "Now, wait a minute, Jesus never sinned, but Mohammad was supposed to repent. Maybe Jesus is better!" Missionary wants the Muslim to start thinking that a sinless man is better than a "repentant sinner". Missionary is hoping, but he dare not say it. Because if the Missionary says that, he goes exactly against the teachings of Jesus. If the Missionary is foolish enough to say that a sinless man is better than a repentant sinner, he's going against the teachings of Jesus. The reason why the Missionary is going against the teachings of Jesus is this: Story of a lost sheep. Mathew Chapter 18, verse 12: Jesus said, "If a man has a 100 sheep and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the 99 on the hills, and go on the search of the one that went astray. And if he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the 99 that never went

Christian Missionary's "Thinking Questions" | 1/9/2009



Jesus was trying to hammer that point home to his disciples: Don't you dare say, for example, because you've been a faithful follower for many years that you're better than this one who just became a believer just yesterday. The perfect man has no precedence over the repentant sinner.

Moments later.... Missionary: Muslim: Missionary: Muslim:

Was Jesus the Messiah? Yes. Was Mohammad the Messiah? No

Now, the Missionary stops there, and hopes that the Muslim would start thinking, "Now, wait a minute, Jesus is the Messiah, and Mohammad is not the Messiah. Maybe Jesus is better!" What the Muslim should ask the Missionary is about this word Messiah: Jesus was the Messiah, but were there any other Messiahs besides Jesus?

Now you find out how well he knows his Bible. Because there were many Messiahs: David, Solomon, and even Cyrus the Persian were called Messiahs in the Bible. It's hard to find it in the Bible because the translators cover it over. Messiah means "anointed". A Messiah is someone who has been picked to do a job. Every king of ancient Israel was called Messiah. Now the word doesn't sound so special anymore. It is a title, but it doesn't particularly elevate one to divine status.

Moments later.... Missionary:

Where's the body of Jesus?


God took it.


Where's the body of Mohammad?


It’s in Medina. It's buried in the ground.

Now the Missionary hopes that the Muslim would go away thinking "Now that's interesting! The body of Jesus is gone; Mohammad is in the grave. Maybe Jesus is the true Messenger, Mohammad is false!" The Missionary is hoping the thought would cross the Muslim's mind, but he dare not say it. What the Muslim should ask the Missionary is this: "Do you mean that a dead and buried Prophet is a false prophet? Is that what you mean?" If that is so, what does Missionary say about Abraham, for example? Abraham is buried. Jews and Muslims to this day, still go to the place where Abraham is buried, to visit his grave. Is Abraham a false prophet because he's dead and buried in the ground? The Bible also states body of Moses was taken up by God. God sent an angel to take the body away. Does this mean

Christian Missionary's "Thinking Questions" | 1/9/2009

Jesus and Moses are equal in their "divine status"? What has the Missionary's question proven?


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