Christchurch Connector Spring 2009

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A newsletter connecting people, their faces & stories, to build relationships at ChristChurch Presbyterian, Atlanta, GA


PREACHING THROUGH ROMANS over the last year has again impressed upon me just how vital it is that the whole world should

~Paul Gardner Senior Pastor of ChristChurch 



hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It fascinates me how, in a day when communication was so much slower than today, those early churches seemed to have so much contact with each other even across international boundaries.  Of course, many Christians travelled widely in those days and would always make a point of seeking out other Christians in the places they visited. It was the universal passion for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ that drove them.  Churches that could have been inward looking were kept from self-indulgence by their desire to see others won for Christ.  Later when the church of Ephesus lost that Gospel passion, Jesus reprimanded them severely for “abandon(ing) the love (they) had at first.”  He told them to “remember from where (they had) fallen; repent, and do the good works (they) had at first.”  (Revelation 2:4b, 5a).   So serious was this that Jesus even threatened to “remove” their church altogether if they did not return to their former outgoing, passionate love for Him.       Sometimes people ask me why I spend so much time encouraging missions and outreach in various forms.  Partly it is this same passion for the Gospel, but it is more than that.  As a pastor, I have to be very mindful that if we take our eyes off the spread of the Gospel as our primary reason for existence (the church is a lamp on a lamp stand, Rev 1), then our church may also be removed.  It is all too easy to become self-absorbed and even self-indulgent if we don’t keep the same Gospel passion at the forefront of all our thinking.        So it is with special joy that I look at this time of the year when a number of our people take the opportunity to join in short-term mission work at home and abroad.  One of the mission opportunities to which our people return each year is in Sarajevo in Bosnia.  Campus Crusade works there and some are going to help for a couple of weeks and others for six weeks this summer. This is the work to which Josh and Taylor Irby and their children are going in September.  They will be there on a permanent basis.       Another work in which several of our families are involved each summer is in West Virginia. There our people are involved in everything from construction work to helping with Vacation Bible Schools and backyard Bible clubs.  This of course brings to mind a number of opportunities to spread the gospel that we can take here at home..  Our own Vacation Bible School provides an excellent opportunity to reach out to other families that perhaps do not know Christ. Moms and Tots, which reaches a number of people who do not come to church, is also carrying on throughout the summer.       For the rest of us, let’s covenant together to “strive in prayer” for these endeavors.  This is how Paul asked the Roman church to join him in his mission (Rom 15:30) and this is the way we can all participate and truly reflect our passion for Christ and his gospel.  Prayer meetings continue throughout the summer.





It All Began With a Basket  Pres



God’s Thoughts on Prayer God’s phone number —Jeremiah 33:3 Call on me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 6:17-18


CHRISTCHURCH ATLANTA sanctuary: 81 Peachtree Park Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 offices: 1740 Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 phone: 404-605-0505

the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009

Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. editorial staff for the connector Editor: Ida Bell Writers: Ashley Baxter, Ann Robertson Photographers: Bobbi Jo Brooks; Kristin Timm Graphic Designers: Ben Rupp, Ashley Trousdale

Good Friday, 2009, I was wrestling with the Lord, (so what else is new?) as I sensed His still, small voice.  He was asking me to do something I felt totally inadequate and totally uncomfortable doing.  Several women with Victoria’s Friends, an outreach ministry to the adult entertainment industry, were going into the dance clubs to share the love of Christ with the dancers by giving them beautiful Mary Magdalene baskets that our church had very generously filled.  I had been asked to go on this outreach. “Not me Lord.  What will I say?  Surely You are not asking chubby, insecure me.” “Yes, you Mary Lou,” the Lord replied.   So with knees knocking and my heart racing, I obeyed. Laden with beautiful baskets we entered the dressing room of one of the clubs.   “We’re from Victoria’s Friends, a support group for dancers,” Victoria announced to the ladies.  As we began giving the baskets to the ladies, I was drawn to one in particular.  She was sitting in a chair, crying.  I went over to her, put my arm around her shoulder, and knelt down beside her.   “You will never believe what just happened to me,” she said.  “ I was just out on the floor talking to a man, asking him if God even exists, and at that exact moment you six beautiful women with your baskets came through the door.” “He does indeed exist and He loves you very much,” I assured her, “and that is why we are here.”  I was smack dab in the midst of a Divine Appointment that only the Lord God could have orchestrated.  I was oblivious to anyone else in that small, cramped room.  It was as if my new friend, the Lord and I were the only ones there.  What I specifically shared with her that night, the exact words, I know not.  But the Lord gave me what He knew my new friend needed to hear and His love flowed through me to her. “I know some hymns,” she exclaimed and broke out in song.  “All night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord.  All night, all day, angels watching over me.”  I joined in, and my friend and I made a joyful noise that I am confident was heard in Heaven.  Angels WERE watching over us.  “Would you like for me to pray with you?” I asked.  “That would be great,” she replied.  There, literally on my knees, I claimed my friend and her children for the Lord.  Her break time over, she got up from her chair to return to the stage.  I invited her to come to church with me on Easter then scribbled our church address and location on a piece of paper which I handed to her.  Before exiting the room, she turned, looked at our team and said, “You have not just made my day, you have made my life.”  “You have made mine as well,” I replied.  Two days later, on Easter Sunday, my new friend and her two beautiful daughters worshipped with us at ChristChurch.  If all of the wonderful folks of our ChristChurch family had not made these gorgeous baskets and covered them with prayer, this Divine Appointment would not have happened.  Thank you, each and everyone who contributed to the 60 baskets that we handed out at three different clubs, for your generosity and love for the lost.    ~ Mary Lou Kauffman

the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009


DEACONS Curtis Brown Patrick Graffagnino Harold Henry Sean Henry Holcombe Kelley Tim Larson Brad Newton Jeff Perkins Mark Presley

jerry wallace


bria washington

With great pleasure the session announces that Jerry Wallace has accepted the position of church

The session is pleased to announce that Bria Washington will become CCP’s first “Ministry Facilitator”.  This position

treasurer.  Jerry and his wife, Sermerlyn, are among the newest members of ChristChurch and are be-

is designed for a college graduate who wants to spend a year in Christian ministry while thinking through the Lord’s

coming well known to us all.  He comes from a financial background, having worked for the National

calling for his or her life.  It is a full time position and we are excited that Bria, a 2009 Agnes Scott graduate, has

Christian Foundation as well as having served as treasurer in other churches.  There is much for him

accepted our offer.  Over the next year, you will see her taking part and helping in many areas of ministry.  Bria

to do in the near future.  First, the normal budgeting process for 2009/2010, and, in due course, fund-

has a servant heart, a love for the church, and a passion for the Gospel and outreach.   Since this position is


raising for the work on 1740 Peachtree Street will begin.  We are grateful to God for Jerry’s experience

only partially funded by the church, please pray for her as she seeks further funding herself.  She is with the

in both these areas of church finances.  Please pray for Jerry as he begins this work straight away.  He

Campus Crusade team in Bosnia for six weeks this summer, before returning to us in July. (See New

Charlie Baxter Jim Bell Bob Fowler Chuck Francis Rencher Gutteridge Craig Hoffer Bill Hollberg Pete Jackson Paul Joseph Chris LeCraw Bill Long Chris Mardis Trent McEntyre Danny McKinney Paul Quiros Mike Riggs Randy Stair Doug Williams

replaces Beth Stephenson, to whom we are most grateful for nearly two years of faithful service in this

Members’ photo page.)

STAFF Senior Pastor > Paul Gardner Minister for Congregational Life > Pete Jackson Director of Music & Arts > Greg Hill Youth Pastor > Nathan Parker Office Manager > Robin Parten Assistant to Paul Gardner > Christy Yakovlev Receptionist/Assistant to Pete Jackson > Elise Ziegenbein Assistant to Greg Hill > Beryl Fowler Book-keeper > Debbie Serro Children’s Ministry > Stephanie Holby College Ministry > Trent McEntyre College Intern > Nagib Hermes Men’s Ministry > Michael Bunch Mercy > Brad Newton Missions > John Robertson Women’s Ministry > Jane Carter Young Adults Ministry > Gary Kirby & Hannah Simms


September 1, 2008 – April 30, 2009 (our fiscal year)

Matthew, Carter, Ian,

time-demanding role. (See New Members’ photo page.)

Jack, Lucy

GROUP IS AWESOME! H T U O Y R OU When the spring flowers are gone and the first warmth of the summer season is upon us, another year of youth


ministry at ChristChurch has passed.  As always, it’s been a year of weekly fellowship, seasonal retreats, continual worship, growing clos-

This year we went on four seasonal retreats.  Probably the most unique this year was a gather-

er with one another and above all, with Christ.  This past year has

ing of eight PCA youth groups from north Georgia and Alabama out at

been filled with times of worship and prayer together; opening up

Camp Westminster.  It’s a great benefit for our teens to worship

to one other in transparency; lying under the stars and talking about life; sitting around a campfire and jumping into the ice cold waters of

alongside of other young people who share the same love for our Lord. 

Lake Lanier (in the fall!).  All in all, it’s been a great year.  I’d like to mention a few highlights:

Various Youth

Praise and Worship Services Five times since August we have devoted a whole evening to singing worship songs together and praying for the needs of the church.  There is nothing more satisfying than praying with our teenag-

Weekly Fellowship The “bread and butter” of our youth ministry is the weekly meeting for fellowship and small groups on Sunday night.  During this time our peerless “youth volunteer team” (A group of adult leaders who volunteer with the youth) meets with a small group and leads the evening activities.  The meals, fun activities and group discussions make for many uplifting and enjoyable evenings.   

ers and hearing them pour their hearts out to God in interces-

Please keep all of the teenagers at ChristChurch in your regular prayers. 

sion (Parents – pray WITH your children!).  Truly, these have

They are the next generation moms, dads, pastors, teachers, “10/40 win-

been some of the most moving and memorable experiences

dow” missionaries – they are the present and future body of Christ!  Pull

in my years as a youth director. 

Left to right: Amelia,

them aside and speak to them.  If you make the effort, you will be so en-

Laura, Emma, Na-

couraged and blessed by getting to know our teens!  I know that I have.

than, Tim, Charlie,

~Nathan Parker, Youth Pastor

Suzanna, Ellen, Julia-Kate, Kendahl, William, John, Sally, Carter, Sara, Andrew, David, Jack

annual budget for above dates:


actual tithes and offerings received:

Left to right: Emma,


shortfall in giving for above dates:


Sally, Katie, Laura, Charlie the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009

Suzanna, Anna, Emma


DEACONS Curtis Brown Patrick Graffagnino Harold Henry Sean Henry Holcombe Kelley Tim Larson Brad Newton Jeff Perkins Mark Presley

jerry wallace


bria washington

With great pleasure the session announces that Jerry Wallace has accepted the position of church

The session is pleased to announce that Bria Washington will become CCP’s first “Ministry Facilitator”.  This position

treasurer.  Jerry and his wife, Sermerlyn, are among the newest members of ChristChurch and are be-

is designed for a college graduate who wants to spend a year in Christian ministry while thinking through the Lord’s

coming well known to us all.  He comes from a financial background, having worked for the National

calling for his or her life.  It is a full time position and we are excited that Bria, a 2009 Agnes Scott graduate, has

Christian Foundation as well as having served as treasurer in other churches.  There is much for him

accepted our offer.  Over the next year, you will see her taking part and helping in many areas of ministry.  Bria

to do in the near future.  First, the normal budgeting process for 2009/2010, and, in due course, fund-

has a servant heart, a love for the church, and a passion for the Gospel and outreach.   Since this position is


raising for the work on 1740 Peachtree Street will begin.  We are grateful to God for Jerry’s experience

only partially funded by the church, please pray for her as she seeks further funding herself.  She is with the

in both these areas of church finances.  Please pray for Jerry as he begins this work straight away.  He

Campus Crusade team in Bosnia for six weeks this summer, before returning to us in July. (See New

Charlie Baxter Jim Bell Bob Fowler Chuck Francis Rencher Gutteridge Craig Hoffer Bill Hollberg Pete Jackson Paul Joseph Chris LeCraw Bill Long Chris Mardis Trent McEntyre Danny McKinney Paul Quiros Mike Riggs Randy Stair Doug Williams

replaces Beth Stephenson, to whom we are most grateful for nearly two years of faithful service in this

Members’ photo page.)

STAFF Senior Pastor > Paul Gardner Minister for Congregational Life > Pete Jackson Director of Music & Arts > Greg Hill Youth Pastor > Nathan Parker Office Manager > Robin Parten Assistant to Paul Gardner > Christy Yakovlev Receptionist/Assistant to Pete Jackson > Elise Ziegenbein Assistant to Greg Hill > Beryl Fowler Book-keeper > Debbie Serro Children’s Ministry > Stephanie Holby College Ministry > Trent McEntyre College Intern > Nagib Hermes Men’s Ministry > Michael Bunch Mercy > Brad Newton Missions > John Robertson Women’s Ministry > Jane Carter Young Adults Ministry > Gary Kirby & Hannah Simms


September 1, 2008 – April 30, 2009 (our fiscal year)

Matthew, Carter, Ian,

time-demanding role. (See New Members’ photo page.)

Jack, Lucy

GROUP IS AWESOME! H T U O Y R OU When the spring flowers are gone and the first warmth of the summer season is upon us, another year of youth


ministry at ChristChurch has passed.  As always, it’s been a year of weekly fellowship, seasonal retreats, continual worship, growing clos-

This year we went on four seasonal retreats.  Probably the most unique this year was a gather-

er with one another and above all, with Christ.  This past year has

ing of eight PCA youth groups from north Georgia and Alabama out at

been filled with times of worship and prayer together; opening up

Camp Westminster.  It’s a great benefit for our teens to worship

to one other in transparency; lying under the stars and talking about life; sitting around a campfire and jumping into the ice cold waters of

alongside of other young people who share the same love for our Lord. 

Lake Lanier (in the fall!).  All in all, it’s been a great year.  I’d like to mention a few highlights:

Various Youth

Praise and Worship Services Five times since August we have devoted a whole evening to singing worship songs together and praying for the needs of the church.  There is nothing more satisfying than praying with our teenag-

Weekly Fellowship The “bread and butter” of our youth ministry is the weekly meeting for fellowship and small groups on Sunday night.  During this time our peerless “youth volunteer team” (A group of adult leaders who volunteer with the youth) meets with a small group and leads the evening activities.  The meals, fun activities and group discussions make for many uplifting and enjoyable evenings.   

ers and hearing them pour their hearts out to God in interces-

Please keep all of the teenagers at ChristChurch in your regular prayers. 

sion (Parents – pray WITH your children!).  Truly, these have

They are the next generation moms, dads, pastors, teachers, “10/40 win-

been some of the most moving and memorable experiences

dow” missionaries – they are the present and future body of Christ!  Pull

in my years as a youth director. 

Left to right: Amelia,

them aside and speak to them.  If you make the effort, you will be so en-

Laura, Emma, Na-

couraged and blessed by getting to know our teens!  I know that I have.

than, Tim, Charlie,

~Nathan Parker, Youth Pastor

Suzanna, Ellen, Julia-Kate, Kendahl, William, John, Sally, Carter, Sara, Andrew, David, Jack

annual budget for above dates:


actual tithes and offerings received:

Left to right: Emma,


shortfall in giving for above dates:


Sally, Katie, Laura, Charlie the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009

Suzanna, Anna, Emma

New Members, MAY 2009 Emmitt Boyd became a Christian many years ago and was a member of an American Methodist Episcopal Church.  He is retired and lives close to ChristChurch now. He has decided to change his membership because of the love and attention people at CCP have shown to him.

Katherine Larson is from Cincinnati, Ohio.  She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in aerospace engineering.  She moved to Atlanta to work at Georgia Tech and also discovered ChristChurch where she met Tim Larson.  They were married in January, 2009.  This summer they will be moving back to Ohio where Katherine will begin medical school in July. 

Carla Schwartz grew up in Decatur and Tucker.  She is a graduate of Berry College with a major in Spanish and Latin American Studies.  She hopes to connect with Latinos in the Atlanta area.  She is employed by the PCA in the Stated Clerk’s office.  

Blaire and Ben Smith, married since December, were drawn together through their love for European missions.  After finishing Erskine College, in Due West, South Carolina, Blaire served for three years in Germany with Mission to the World and returned to work in a support role at the home office here in Atlanta.  When Ben went to Slovakia for short-term service, Blaire became his coach.

The Wallace Family:  Sermerlyn, is a native Atlantan, while her husband, Jerry, an accountant, grew up in Missouri.  After home schooling for several years, Sermerlyn and Jerry now, enjoy their empty nest and her preschool Sunday school children.

Their daughter, Esther, a dancer since she was three, is a junior at Agnes Scott, majoring in Asian studies and working at Decatur School of Ballet.  Esther plans to study in China this summer. 

Lyn Wilkinson, who is from Conyers, is a graduate of the University of Georgia and sells IT consulting.  About a year and a half ago, during a stagnant period in his spiritual growth, he was invited to ChristChurch by his long-time friend Beth Maxwell.  Within a few months Lyn and Beth, who had first visited the church through a Bible study led by two CCP women, had begun dating.  They were married May 9th.  Beth, an Auburn graduate, works at a vendor management company, and attends the Smyrna/Vinings home group with Lyn.

Bria Washington grew up in Beaufort, SC.  She is a recent graduate of Agnes Scott College and majored in psychology.  Bria, a very gifted dancer, has performed often during worship services at ChristChurch.

Elise and Jordan Ziegenbein grew up in Christian homes and began dating during their third year at Covenant College.  Elise, who has played the violin since the age of three, graduated in 2008.  After she and Jordan were married in the summer, she joined him here in Atlanta, where he is pursuing bachelor and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering.  Elise is administrative assistant at CCP and frequently plays the violin in worship.  They are members of the Midtown home group.

Valentine’s Dance Abbie Loristan & Anna Tucker

Mark Presley & Erin Fortenberry


Bria Washington

Rob & Gwen Halsey

Jackson & Richard Henry

Pete, Paulette, & Anna Jackson Jeanne & Harold Henry

Tracy & Jeff Perkins

Jon Redding & Lisa Jones Doug & Sarah Bell

Beryl & Bob Fowler

Betsy & Bill Long

Michael Bunch, Nathan Dicks, Nagib Hermes

Hal & Cathy Friesen



A newsletter connecting people, their faces & stories, to build relationships at ChristChurch Presbyterian, Atlanta, GA


PREACHING THROUGH ROMANS over the last year has again impressed upon me just how vital it is that the whole world should

~Paul Gardner Senior Pastor of ChristChurch 



hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It fascinates me how, in a day when communication was so much slower than today, those early churches seemed to have so much contact with each other even across international boundaries.  Of course, many Christians travelled widely in those days and would always make a point of seeking out other Christians in the places they visited. It was the universal passion for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ that drove them.  Churches that could have been inward looking were kept from self-indulgence by their desire to see others won for Christ.  Later when the church of Ephesus lost that Gospel passion, Jesus reprimanded them severely for “abandon(ing) the love (they) had at first.”  He told them to “remember from where (they had) fallen; repent, and do the good works (they) had at first.”  (Revelation 2:4b, 5a).   So serious was this that Jesus even threatened to “remove” their church altogether if they did not return to their former outgoing, passionate love for Him.       Sometimes people ask me why I spend so much time encouraging missions and outreach in various forms.  Partly it is this same passion for the Gospel, but it is more than that.  As a pastor, I have to be very mindful that if we take our eyes off the spread of the Gospel as our primary reason for existence (the church is a lamp on a lamp stand, Rev 1), then our church may also be removed.  It is all too easy to become self-absorbed and even self-indulgent if we don’t keep the same Gospel passion at the forefront of all our thinking.        So it is with special joy that I look at this time of the year when a number of our people take the opportunity to join in short-term mission work at home and abroad.  One of the mission opportunities to which our people return each year is in Sarajevo in Bosnia.  Campus Crusade works there and some are going to help for a couple of weeks and others for six weeks this summer. This is the work to which Josh and Taylor Irby and their children are going in September.  They will be there on a permanent basis.       Another work in which several of our families are involved each summer is in West Virginia. There our people are involved in everything from construction work to helping with Vacation Bible Schools and backyard Bible clubs.  This of course brings to mind a number of opportunities to spread the gospel that we can take here at home..  Our own Vacation Bible School provides an excellent opportunity to reach out to other families that perhaps do not know Christ. Moms and Tots, which reaches a number of people who do not come to church, is also carrying on throughout the summer.       For the rest of us, let’s covenant together to “strive in prayer” for these endeavors.  This is how Paul asked the Roman church to join him in his mission (Rom 15:30) and this is the way we can all participate and truly reflect our passion for Christ and his gospel.  Prayer meetings continue throughout the summer.





It All Began With a Basket  Pres



God’s Thoughts on Prayer God’s phone number —Jeremiah 33:3 Call on me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 6:17-18


CHRISTCHURCH ATLANTA sanctuary: 81 Peachtree Park Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 offices: 1740 Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 phone: 404-605-0505

the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009

Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. editorial staff for the connector Editor: Ida Bell Writers: Ashley Baxter, Ann Robertson Photographers: Bobbi Jo Brooks; Kristin Timm Graphic Designers: Ben Rupp, Ashley Trousdale

Good Friday, 2009, I was wrestling with the Lord, (so what else is new?) as I sensed His still, small voice.  He was asking me to do something I felt totally inadequate and totally uncomfortable doing.  Several women with Victoria’s Friends, an outreach ministry to the adult entertainment industry, were going into the dance clubs to share the love of Christ with the dancers by giving them beautiful Mary Magdalene baskets that our church had very generously filled.  I had been asked to go on this outreach. “Not me Lord.  What will I say?  Surely You are not asking chubby, insecure me.” “Yes, you Mary Lou,” the Lord replied.   So with knees knocking and my heart racing, I obeyed. Laden with beautiful baskets we entered the dressing room of one of the clubs.   “We’re from Victoria’s Friends, a support group for dancers,” Victoria announced to the ladies.  As we began giving the baskets to the ladies, I was drawn to one in particular.  She was sitting in a chair, crying.  I went over to her, put my arm around her shoulder, and knelt down beside her.   “You will never believe what just happened to me,” she said.  “ I was just out on the floor talking to a man, asking him if God even exists, and at that exact moment you six beautiful women with your baskets came through the door.” “He does indeed exist and He loves you very much,” I assured her, “and that is why we are here.”  I was smack dab in the midst of a Divine Appointment that only the Lord God could have orchestrated.  I was oblivious to anyone else in that small, cramped room.  It was as if my new friend, the Lord and I were the only ones there.  What I specifically shared with her that night, the exact words, I know not.  But the Lord gave me what He knew my new friend needed to hear and His love flowed through me to her. “I know some hymns,” she exclaimed and broke out in song.  “All night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord.  All night, all day, angels watching over me.”  I joined in, and my friend and I made a joyful noise that I am confident was heard in Heaven.  Angels WERE watching over us.  “Would you like for me to pray with you?” I asked.  “That would be great,” she replied.  There, literally on my knees, I claimed my friend and her children for the Lord.  Her break time over, she got up from her chair to return to the stage.  I invited her to come to church with me on Easter then scribbled our church address and location on a piece of paper which I handed to her.  Before exiting the room, she turned, looked at our team and said, “You have not just made my day, you have made my life.”  “You have made mine as well,” I replied.  Two days later, on Easter Sunday, my new friend and her two beautiful daughters worshipped with us at ChristChurch.  If all of the wonderful folks of our ChristChurch family had not made these gorgeous baskets and covered them with prayer, this Divine Appointment would not have happened.  Thank you, each and everyone who contributed to the 60 baskets that we handed out at three different clubs, for your generosity and love for the lost.    ~ Mary Lou Kauffman

the connector - christchurch atlanta - spring 2009

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