Christ The King

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SUNDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 2009 Feast of Christ the King [CYCLE B] MAIN MESSAGE

[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] Today we remember something that we all too easily forget: that Jesus Christ is the King of all creation- he is all powerful and with a kingdom that will last forever. We take a look at our lives and discern if we are serving the true king or ‘kings of this world’: respect, luxury, money. With new fervour we pledge ourselves once more to serve Jesus and no other.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Today we are going to hear a lot about kings- good kings, and bad kings, true kings and false ones. Let’s see if you can follow this storyNarrator: Once upon a time there lived a mighty king, rich and powerful. All the lands for thousands of miles around belonged to him. But this king was different from most kings. Although everything and everyone belonged to him, and he could order them to do anything he wanted, he wanted something different… I wonder if you can guess what he wanted… [King enters with 2 bodyguards on either side. He is simply dressed.Four children bow to him as he enters, chanting ‘Hail, King Rex!’] King Rex: My people! I have come here to tell you that I must leave you for a while. Each of you knows your work. If you are true subjects of mine, you will serve me faithfully. Farewell! [Exit King, with guards. ‘People’ start working, each doing a different action- digging, sawing, hammering, etc. Another king enters, representing the world, with shining clothes, crown, and words written on papers pinned to him: ‘honour’, ‘ money’, ‘luxury’, ‘respect’ etc. He swaggers up to the people.] False King: How hard all of you are working! And for what? Useless work and no pay either! 1st Person: we are working for our king. False King: What king? I don’t see any other king around! Can’t you see that I am the king of this place? Come follow me and I will give you everything you want. He starts throwing gold coins to them. 2nd Person: (tells the others) Don’t pay any attention to him! Keep working. 3rd Person: But he does look like a king and he seems to have plenty of money to give away… Come on lets serve him. Coming, you two? 2nd and 4th Person: No! We will serve King Rex! [Two of them go over to him and he gives them some work, a little to one side. The others keep working. After a while a trumpet blast(or drum beats) is heard and King Rex, now grandly dressed, enters. As he enters, preferably from a height, the false king falls to the ground and his followers with him… the two faithful followers smile joyfully and then bow to him.]

King Rex: (Lifting them to their feet and placing his hand on their heads) Now I have got what I wanted. I wanted to see if you would choose me. Now I know that your hearts are for me. Come… you no longer are servants… but a part of my family! (They go off together joyfully) PENITENTIAL RITE: Celebrant: Let us say sorry to Jesus for the times we have stopped following him. [After a few minutes of silent prayer let the children repeat after you:] ‘Lord Jesus,/ you are the true king,/ but often/ we have served ourselves/ rather than you./ We are truly sorry/ and want to change./ Please forgive us./ Amen.’ LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: Today is the feast of Christ the King. Let’s listen to the readings which tell us about our great king, Jesus. First Reading: Daniel 7:13-14. Psalm: 93:1, 2 & 5. Second Reading: Revelation1: 5-8. Commentator: In the Gospel reading we will see Jesus, the suffering King, with a crown of thorns on his head, standing before Pilate. Pilate is ready to set him free if he says he is not a king, but Jesus will only tell the truth- he is King and will always be King) Gospel: John 18:33b-37. Homily: Go over the Introductory skit and readings, bringing out1. All power belongs to Jesus, but he wants more: he wants to win our hearts. 2. We are free to serve him or the false king who offers us fame, respect, comfort, money, etc. 3. Like the King who fell down, all these things will pass away, but Jesus’ kingdom will last forever. 4. Jesus makes us, who serve him, part of his royal family. AFTER MASS: Father will be carrying the Blessed Sacrament around the church compound. All those who truly choose to follow King Jesus and serve him as well as you can, please join in the procession. We will do this in an orderly way, singing songs to give glory to Jesus. Try to keep your thoughts on Jesus as you sing and walk behind him. Remember that it is those who truly love him who will be with him in heaven.

APPROPRIATE HYMNS ENTRANCE: Come my brothers OFFERTORY: Take my hands COMMUNION: Jesus is the joy PROCESSION: He is the King of Kings Love is the Flag Making Melody * Teach the festal shout: L: Now and forever…All: Jesus is King! L: Jesus is King All: Now and forever!

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PREPARATION REQUIRED: Practice skit (make costumes for kings) Make flag posters [Children could make them] Make arrangements for procession: Flower girls Singing should be led through a loud speaker if possible so that all sing together; otherwise make sure each group has a good leader. Discuss the route etc with Celebrant

FIRST READING: prophet Daniel:

A reading from the book of

During the night I had a vision, and I saw what looked like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He came toward the Eternal God and was led into his presence, where he was honoured and given the power to rule as king. People of every nation and language worshipped him. He will rule PSALM: Response: robed in majesty. Our Lord, you are King! Majesty and power are your royal robes. You put the world in place, and it will never be moved. SECOND READING: Revelation:

The Lord is king; he is You have always ruled, and you are eternal. Your decisions are firm, and your temple will always

A reading from the book of

May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins. He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen. Look! He is coming with the clouds. Everyone will see him, even the ones who pierced him with a sword. All people on earth will weep ALLELUIA: Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed is the one who inherits the kingdom of David our father; blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. GOSPEL: John.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to St.

Pilate called Jesus over and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Are you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me?” “You know I’m not a Jew!” Pilate said. “Your own people and the chief priests brought you to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, my followers would have fought to keep the Jewish leaders from handing me over to you. No, my kingdom does not belong NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’

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