Chris Scott Time Comic

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 431
  • Pages: 9
the place: metro ci ty 1 985

get thi s meddli ng i di ot out of here!

the man: senseizhao,master of marti al arts,seen here defeati ng the terri fyi ngly overbeari ng demon of the north -east si de,henchman of the franconigang.

senseizhao was master of a peculi ar form of fi ghti ng. . .

i ti s sai d he would. . .

turn hi s enemi es. . .

. . . i nto art .

metro ci ty art museum 201 0

senseizhao and hi s top student , mi ldred.

so whhyyy do we have to go to an art museum agai n?!

be pati ent , there’ s somethi ng i must show you.

yeah yeah,i s thi s about “ marti al arts i s not so di fferent from other arts”ki nd of stuff agai n?

you sai d you were gonna teach me your secret techni que two months ago.

that techni que i s not somethi ngto be taken li ghtly.i ti s i mportant that you see thi s fi rst .

thi si s what icame to show you.i ts exi stence carri es a message about . . .

. . . not abusi ng must always behave responsi bly i f one i s to seek to master any techni que. . .

heh heh heh. . .


. . . for that wi ll be wi sdo-- !

h a h a h a h a !

fi nally, after all these years ihave my revenge!

. . . who. . . are you?


iperservered.and through study of the occult . . . ah yes,i remember that day. iwas a lowly gang boss tryi ng to succeed when you bested my ri ght hand man wi th your demoni c techni que. however. . .

iuncovered a way to reani mate my greatest ally!

master! are you okay?! oh no!

well. . . i have a hole i n my chest . . .


mi ldred, ido not know why thi si s happeni ng,but thi si s what i have prepared you for. . .

i ’ m tryi ng to have a dramati c monologue here and you’ re all rui ni ng i t!

take thi s pai ntbrush. . . and remember. . .your trai ni ng. . .



i -idi d i t! master, your death was not i n vai n! ihave mastered the secret techni que!


th ee nd !

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