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Curriculum Vitae Personal information: Full name: Sex: female (or male) Date and place of birth: Marital status: single (or married) Health: Excellent. Interest: Music, reading, sports, travel, helping others... Personal features: eagerness to learn, hard-working, work endurance, creativeness, willing to work overtime and far from home even for a long time if necessary. Address: Phone number: Email: Education: - Bachelor (master) of science (nam tot nghiep), University of... (ten truong). - Major (mon hoc chinh).... Minor (mon phu)... - English knowledge: Certificate of level A, B, C (nam cap, hoac bang tai chuc, chuyen nghiep, van van. Neu khong co giay chung nhan hoac bang thi ghi: Self-taught, with several years attending private lessons of renown English teacher Thai Ba Tan, see attached his Letter of Recommendation). - Computer skills: Good in operating WinWord and Exell programs. - Capable to handle all kinds of secretarial works. Work history: (Cho nhung nguoi da tung di lam) (Liet ke nhung noi da lam, theo thu tu nguoc ve thoi gian, thi du) December 1999 to present: Accountant, Import - Export Company, Hanoi. August 1996 to December 1999: May 1992 to August 1996: I certify that the facts contained in this CV are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and understand that if proved falsified, these statements shall be grounds for dismissal. ______________


Application for job Ho ten Dia chi nguoi xin viec

To Staff manager (ho ten, neu biet) Ten va dia chi cong ty Hanoi. . . . . Sir, I have learnt about your vacant position of . . . . . and would like to apply for it. Enclosed here is a brief curriculum vitae of mine giving more details of my education and experience. As you can see, I have finished . . . . (ten khoa, truong, nam tot nghiep). I think I am dynamic, hard-working and resourceful, and quite able to cope with the job. I can freely operate the WinWord and other relevant computer programs for professional needs, as well as a rather good command of communication English. If possible, make me an appointment for personal interview. Please call me at . . . (so dien thoai), or write to me at the above address or email . . . Looking forwards to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely

(Full name) Job interview questions Set one: 1. What is your address and phone number? How can we contact you in case of need? 2. When will you be available for employment? (Khi nào bạn có thể sẵn sàng với cv ?) 3. Are you interested in serving mankind, or is money is your primary motivation?(Động cơ thúc đẩy chính của bạn) 4. Tell me about yourself.


5. What do you think are your strengths(ưu điểm) and weaknesses(nhược điểm)? We have a lot of applicants(người nộp đơn xin việc) for this job. Why should we appoint (bổ nhiệm,chọn)you? 6. What has been your most valuable experience(kinh nghiệm quý báu)? 7. How would you describe your personality(cá tính ,tính cách)? 8. When did you last lose your temper(tính tình,tính cách)? Describe what happened. 9. Which is more important to you: social status(quan hệ xã hội) or money? 10. How long do you think you would stay with us if you were appointed(chịn ,bổ nhiệm)? 11. Why do you want to leave your present job? 12. What makes you think you’d enjoy working for us? 13. Are you an ambitious person? 14. What would you like to be doing in ten years? 15. What are you most proud of having done in your previous job? 16. What was the worst problem you have had in your previous job? And how did you solve it? 17. What was the best idea you have had in your previous job? 18. What is your worst fault and what is your best quality(tài năng)? 19. Don’t you think you are a little young/ old for this job? 20. Are you willing(bằng lòng,sẵn sàng) to work overtime and far away from your town? 21. What are your long-range goals(mục đích)? 22. Describe your previous job. What did you find rewarding about it(CáI j khiến bạn hài lòng về CV này)? 23. What do you usually do in spare time(thời gian dự trữ,rỗi rãi)? 24. What excites (kích thích)you about the job you are doing now, or will be doing? 25. What worries you about the job you are doing now/ will be doing? 26. Describe your ideal boss. 27. How would you rate (đánh giá)your present /your last boss? 28. Are you creative(sáng tạo,năng động)? 29. What were your favourite subjects in school/university? Set two: 1. What experience do you have in this type of job? 2. What salary do you expect to have working for us? 3. How did you like your last employer(sếp cũ của bạn)? 4. Are you looking for a permanent employment, or just a part-time one? 5. Why do you think you’d like to work for this company? Set three:

1. What chances(cơ hội) have you missed in your life? 2. What did you find interesting in today’s newspapers?


3. What do you see as the next step in your career(nghề nghiệp,sự nghiệp)? 4. How do you think other people would describe (think of) you? - Your boss. - Your subordinates.(cấp dưới) 5. What are your greatest achievements (thành tích ,thành tựu)to date? 6. What was the biggest problem you had to overcome(vượt qua,khắc phục được)? (personal level(trình độ cá nhân)/ work oriented((định hướng CV)) 7. You have been job hunting for a while(trong 1 khoảng thời gian). Why do you think you have a problem getting(khai thác) a job? 8. How would you convince(thuyết phục,làm cho tôI tin) me you are the right person for this job? 9. Why do you want to change your present job? 10. Are you sure you could do this job? 11. How prepared are you to take(tiền nhận được) a lower than expected salary? 12. What was your main complaint(phàn nàn,than phiền) about your previous job? 13. Why was your job made redundant(bị sa thải)? (Why did you lose your job?) 14. How did your company select (tuyển ,lựa chọn)for early retirement/redundancy? 15. Which comes first for you: job satisfaction(sự hài lòng về CV) or salary? 16. How often do you doubt (nghi ngờ về)your capabilities? 17. You were for a long time in this job, didn’t you go stale(nhàm chán)? 18. What do you do when you and your boss disagree(bất đồng quan điểm)? 19. What sort of persons do you find (nhận thấy)it difficult to work with? 20. Do you have a sense of humor(đầu óc hào hước)? 21. What personal characteristics do you have that affect(ảnh hưởng) the way you work? 22. What was the most annoying aspect(khía cạnh nào,mặt nào) of your previous job? 23. How do you keep fit? (Anh giu gin suc khoe nhu the nao?) 24. What mistakes have you made in the past 1 or 2 years? 25. What was the most recent person/thing to make you very much annoyed, and why? 26. How do you behave in crisis(cơn khủng hoảng,cơn giận)? 27. How did you develop your management skills? 28. Have you kept pace(nhịp độ tiến triển) with technical developments in your industry? 29. Tell me about your social life. 30. Would you say you are an intolerant (cố chấp)person? 31. Would you say you are a winner in life? 32. What difficulties do you anticipate(đoán trước,lường trước) in starting a new job? 33. Do you think your age will be a problem? 34. Do you enjoy responsibilities(trách nhiệm): being in charge(phụ trách ,đứng đầu) of people? (thich quyen: Phu trach ai day). 35. Who in your family decides the holiday location(địa điểm)? 36. Tell me what you know about our company? 37. What sort of boss would you not like to work with? 38. Did you often take work home? 39. Do you switch off (tat den, TV) when you leave the office?


40. What can you do for us? 41. What would you like to know about our company/the job? 42. What is your ruling (điều khiển,chỉ huy quyết định)(main) passion(niềm say mê,sự giận dữ)? 43. Describe the worst person you ever worked for. 44. How do you think your secretary would describe you? 45. You do not appear to be technically qualified enough for the job. How would you cope(đối phó.đương đầu)? 46. Isn’t this position above/below your ability level/salary? 47. How long have you been out of work? What have you been doing meantime? 48. Can you accept(chấp nhận) criticism(phê bình ,chỉ trích)? 49. Are you good at report writing? 50. Did you often come under pressure in your previous job? 51. What are your views on..? (A problem of today). 52. How much do you drink/smoke? 53. Which are your favorite TV programs? 54. How good are you using the computer?


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