Choice & Decisions

  • May 2020
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What Jesus Has to Say at the Onset of the 21st Century about… …Choice and Decisions

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.” – Deuteronomy 30:19 I never condemn you for taking the easy way out. I love you way too much to condemn you for your weaknesses. However, the consequences of your choices must always be borne by yourselves. You have to continue to make the right choices everyday. In order to make the right choices & make the best out of everyday, you’re going to have to remind yourself each day anew of that you belong to Me. Some promises are conditional, and their fulfillment depends on your individual choices. Praise Me whenever one of you has made the right choices toward victory and deliverance, for a lot of work in the spirit was necessary in order to bring that victory about. You are choosing between the ways of life and death right now, the way of your own carnal mind, of the flesh, and the way of My Spirit. I put before you the ways of life & of death, to choose this day, & according to your faith be it unto you! If you’re going to make the choice for Me, then it’s going to have to be all-out. You can’t ride 2 horses at the same time! You cannot serve God and Mammon... Nobody’s forcing you to believe or obey My Words, but your happiness depends on it... Will you choose to be happy, or miserable? Choose what you’re going to believe: your own “truth,” or Mine... You either sow good seeds or weed seeds. There is no in-between. Either you promote Me & My message, or the Enemy’s. Whatever doesn’t promote Me & My truth, must be promoting something else. Choices & consequences! You chose to say the wrong things & act the wrong way, to let the wrong spirit take over & rule your life & being temporarily, & now you‘re reaping the consequences. If you think that’s drastic, look at the much more drastic results of Adam & Eve’s choice to listen to the Devil in the Garden & eat of the forbidden fruit: all mankind is still paying the consequences for that after 6000 years! Once you make the decision that you’re going to obey come what may, I do the rest for you & help you to put it into practice & into action. Everyone has the choice whether they're going to let the things I have given them, their boy- or girl-friend, their children, wife or husband, become their new god, the thing they live for, the thing that all their actions revolve around, or whether they're going to give it back to Me every day, lay it on the altar & put Me first. I have set before you the path of life, and the path of your own will, that which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction. Choosing Me & My way & My will means choosing life. Trying to save your own life & trying to ensure your own wants will mean the loss of true life. Make sure that you're among My chosen ones by choosing My path above all others everyday. The thing to do is to focus on Me & keep your focus on what's up ahead, not the easier, more comfortable option, IF you want to follow in the footsteps of Abraham, the father of faith, & be part of his heritage, a bearer of the crown reserved for those who choose My highest will & option. Let each man & woman choose whom they're going to serve. If it be mammon, then let them serve him, but let them also be fully aware of the consequences, the price they'll have to pay: the price of slavery, the price of absence of true happiness which only comes by seeking spiritual fulfillment, (for man is a spirit & can only be fully satisfied by spirit), the price of the absence of My blessings & protection & of the

peace that obedience to Me brings. The choice is, "Do you feed your body and starve your soul"? Especially young people have to make that choice & answer this question. Is their body, their mere physical existence & its pleasures really that important to them that they're willing to completely neglect their souls & spirits for it? Are they so duped, so fascinated by all the pleasures the Devil has to offer, just like Pinocchio on "Pleasure Island", that they don't realize that Satan is making a spiritual jack-ass out of them? I want people who choose My way voluntarily, and because they think it's the best. Everybody wants a life-boat when the ship is already sinking. But who wants to come away from the superficial partying while the ship is still cruising? Who wants to believe those who say that the ship is going down while everybody's still having so much fun? I want people to serve Me because they love Me & choose to serve Me above the other, more shiny options, not only out of the fear of My impending judgments. It all amounts to a choice between true loyalty and basically pursuing your own way. I don't like to make decisions for you. I can help you make them, but you have to decide yourself. They're like tests & ways for Me to find out where you're at, what you're made of & where you stand... The choices you make are what you are. They make up your testimony, your witness, they become your whole legacy & your life. So, don't dread making them, nor shun them or try to sneak your way out of them, since they're so important. Enjoy making them, or at least learn to enjoy it. It's the Enemy, who's trying to get you to dread those choices. He likes to muddle things up, to keep them not so clear, so nobody quite knows what's going on exactly, in his misty haze of confusion. But I have always provoked people to make clear choices and decisions with My radical ways, either for Me or against Me, there was no in-between. It's heartbreaking to see people make the wrong choice, but choice is what it's all about. It's always a matter of whether you believe you are your own, or whether you believe that since I not only created you, but have also bought and redeemed you with My blood, you're rightfully Mine. If you accept the fact that your life actually belongs to Me, you won't make such a big fuss about Me wanting to use you and wanting to employ you for My purposes, you figure it's a whole lot better to serve Me than the Devil. History or destiny is constantly being re-written & re-planned & re-shaped by its participants and their decisions. It all depends on each of you. Each one has to fulfill their part. If any party allows the Enemy to foil the plan, the final victory is going to have to be brought about by some other means, or even by other players... Your place as one of My winners is not guaranteed. Each one's place among the winners & final victors is only determined by their own constant determination, conviction and decision to keep on for Me & Me alone, no matter what, and if whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me. You are what you are by the choices & decisions you make every day, every second, minute and hour, and what you will be is determined by all that. You're not the same you were yesterday because of the decisions you made today. You're either one step closer towards the goal or one step further away than you were since the last step you took, depending on the direction in which you took it. As children of God to whom the Word of God is being revealed, you become as gods, as the Bible says, and your decisions have greater impact on your future, than the decisions of unbelievers have on theirs, unless they choose to receive Me and My Word, too. Your future is still in the making, and determined by your decisions, so, why should I influence them by revelations of what's going to happen? You might prefer it that way, but that's only because you see as a child sees, not as the Father, Who sees what's truly good for you. When there is a choice, choose the true beauty, that which bears My message in it, not that which you think will please them most. Will you live as a little "king," reigning for a short time in your own little realm of pride and selfrighteousness, judging everyone by your own laws and rules, and forever thinking you know better than everyone else, including Me, or will you turn around & walk the humble but truthful and honest & sincere road of a true prince for Me? Choose which road you're going to follow; the high road or the low road, the path of light or the broadway of darkness, the way of truth, or the slippery track of lies. It's a myriad of little, seemingly insignificant choices you're having to make each day, as to who you're going to listen to, whom are you going to follow, My voice and the whispers of wisdom, or the Devil's roaring cheers, laughter and enticing songs?

Keep your focus on the spiritual. Make the right choices! Distinguish between the Devil's lures & My whispers, and between the way the world sees things and My way. I have given everyone the freedom of choice to either doubt or believe Me. The temptation is there to think, "What is He doing? That's not right..." And the temptation of selfrighteousness, of thinking you could or would have done better. That choice is there, for everyone, constantly. That's the plan of free choice. It doesn't primarily depend on the training you receive what kind of man you're going to be, but it depends on the choices you make. Serving Me is a choice everyday: who are you going to cater to, your own desires or Mine? Lethargy, selfishness & pleasure will always promote your own ends in your mind, & all that's there to counter them is My Word & the voice of My Spirit, the anti-flesh, the anti-ego "movement" in the world of your mind, and you have to make your choices every time which side you're going to actively support by your actions. (Phil.2:21). I wish for you to make the decision at the beginning of each day that this is going to be a day you're going to choose to invest in My cause, a day that you're going to live for the sake of the promotion of My Cause & My Kingdom. I'm teaching you about the often underestimated impact and effect of your personal choices. My promises are always conditional in some way; you have to keep your part of the deal in order for Me to be able to keep Mine: if you make the right choices, then all the positive things apply that I've told you. But if you make the wrong choices, I can take your blessings away from you again just as quickly as you decide to listen to and yield to the voices of the Enemy! There comes a point when consequences can no longer be put off. One needs to make the choice whether what they want is really the truth or merely their own mental concept of Me, the way they'd like to see Me. Things change by the decisions people make, that's why it's hard to make accurate predictions & "time tables" regarding the future. The future is as flexible as people's majesty of choice. Certain events are set in stone, but when and exactly how they're to come about depends on many little factors, individual decisions, & switch points. It's the little things that make this kingdom stand... little prayers, & little decisions... little, seemingly insignificant choices. They will determine the rise & fall of kings and what could have been kings & prophets. They make the difference between everything and nothing. For the want of the nail... the kingdom lost. One proud choice to disobey a seemingly minor instruction of the prophet cost Saul his kingdom... Some people have been sent strong delusion so that they might believe a lie, simply because they did not receive the love of the truth. They had the chance to receive the truth, but when they rejected it, that was their decision to take the down-hill slope. I have equipped all My sons & daughters of all ages with the "majesty of choice," a constant check in your heart which determines whether you're willing to give up your own thing to Me and allow Me to be your Boss & Master of your fate, or not. It's either "yes" or "no" to Me. There are two paths, two ways for man to choose through life: the carnal way and the path of faith. The result only shows at the end of the road. Some matters I leave up to your choices & decisions, and with others, I don't leave you any option (because I know you wouldn't choose them voluntarily); they're inevitable. What would you do, where would you go, if you really believed that ALL things were possible to you? Where do you think you would be the most needed, and what would you do? Anything is possible! You can go and be and do whatever you want! Can you make "Thy will be done" the sole sufficient ground for your life, your destiny, your paths & choices in life? You've got to accept people's choices without self-righteously judging them for them! You've got to respect their majesty of choice, knowing that I haven't ordained you all to take the same path! Everything in life depends on choices. It's part of a parent's love to leave their child a choice. My children choose to let Me have the ultimate choice, it's okay with them if I don't always say "yes" to everything they want. Whereas those who insist on having their way regardless of Me and what I have to say about it, reap the consequences. Everybody's got the majesty of choice that qualifies them to make decisions to either make good of this life or to destroy it.

If you give someone the truth, he can still decide to receive it or reject it. It's like with any other gift: he may decide to receive it or reject it. When they reject what you're offering or giving them that's not your fault. It's their decision. It's not because what you're offering them isn't good. They just don't want it. Their perception of quality, their standard of values is corrupted. Anybody who chooses to worship creation (or even worse, the creations of man), over the Creator, will reap the repercussions of that decision. There will be differences in the repercussions of your decisions. Not everybody will wind up exactly the same, regardless of whatever they did... What can you give to someone who doesn't want anything that's good? There is such a thing as squandering your crown, your royal heritage. You may still be a son and a welcome member of the Kingdom, but you forfeited your heirloom. Sometimes when you've gambled & lost it all, the result is actually shockingly simple: it's gone. You've lost it, squandered it, and it's gone. No more heritage, no more part of the kingdom to rule and reign, because you chose to be your own little king in your own selfish little kingdom before it was due, you wanted it all right here & now, you wouldn't wait. You were too short-sighted to invest your life in some promised future; you wanted all the fun, all the comfort right away. They despised the kingdom and the birthright, the title to the throne for a mess of pottage. They're still sons, but not the heirs of the promise and blessing. It's one thing to serve when you're forced to, but it's another thing to really learn to serve voluntarily from the heart, because you choose to. It's the choice between going through life with a "gimme, gimme" attitude of consumerism, seeking to enjoy all you can, and get all the input you can, or laying down your life for others. My love is unconditional, but whether you're going to be a recipient of that love depends on your choices to receive it and say "yes" to Me. All things depend on your choices... It's a matter of choices of listening to and yielding to the right or wrong voices. You can make the difference between what is and what could be! So much depends on you! The course of history hinges on single humans and single human decisions and choices. You have the choice to let something bother you or not. Satan makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of those mistakes & flaws of others, that you're going to have to deal with & be subjected to for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "Not really!" Because by simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist! You can refuse to get aggravated. You can choose to continue to be loving instead, choose to look at the good sides, choose not to be bothered! Choose not to be bothered by their flaws, their idiosyncrasies their quirks! Don't let the faults stand between you and them! Choose not to allow them to! Choose not to be aggravated by the driving style of others! Choose not to be bothered by the way some people seem to act extra friendly only in order to get something out of you! Choose to ignore their tendencies to be more conservative than you in certain aspects, or to be different than you in whatever aspects! Choose to accept and love them the way they are and not to be annoyed by it! You can choose to rise above anything; not only your own weaknesses, but also those of others, simply by not allowing them to affect you adversely. It's not the same as simply ignoring them; it's a supernatural act, because it requires a miracle of My love. The extent to which evil is allowed in the world was gradually determined by the extent to which people accepted it, just as the amount of good is determined by the extent to which people accept Me and follow My ways. It all depends on people's choices. Even though the Enemy is the one who tempts them and seduces them into evil, it's ultimately people's choices to succumb to those temptations that bring evil into the world. As long as the Enemy is still around, there will always be things, people or wavelengths you will feel incapable of becoming one with, and rightly so. After all, you're supposed to be finding out where you belong, and where it's at. Choosing sides is what it's all about. Some simply choose the wrong side, and it's sad, but you can't let that affect you too much. They just settle for the temporal, for the right here & now, for their own "godhood," their round of playing king. Spoiled children. It's a choice between wanting to be either good children, who can wait for the reward and who are also willing to do something for them, to make sacrifices, or spoiled children who want to have it all now & can't wait until later. Of course, in order to enjoy their cake now, they will have to pay the master of the game. He caters to what they want. Whereas I'm more concerned about what you truly need. It's a choice between your own desires and inclinations, thinking that what you want is all that matters, or whether you're going to be able to trust that I know better, and that what you need is what matters, not

what you want or think you need. It's receiving My fullness in exchange for letting go of the world's emptiness, their fake fullness, the counterfeit of abundance, their "too much of everything." Some people never climb up any further that "stairway to heaven," after they get saved: they just stay there on that first step, & can even go downhill from there. The game of free choice doesn't stop there. Although you have decided to receive Me, it doesn't mean that you're automatically going to continue receiving Me from then on. As you can see with some, they make the decision afterwards to never open their heart to Me again. The Devil scares them out. All they do is receive the seed, but they don't allow it to sprout, grow & blossom. They're afraid of letting it fall into the ground and die so that it may bring forth fruit in them. They instinctively know that some part of them is going to die with it, if they allow that. Their physical, momentary lives are what matters more to them than eternity. I'm constantly trying to get decisions from each of My children, in order to show, who or what they put their trust in when it all comes down to it. All the Enemy can actually do is try to have you believe something that's not true. Oh, he'll mix in some emotions in order to give more weight to his lies and make them sound more true, but ultimately it all comes down to your personal choice whether you're going to fall for it or not. And choosing not to is as simple as saying "no." You just say "yes" to Me, "yes, I believe You, Lord," and "no" to him, that's all. Do you want Me to change your circumstances? Then let Me know! It's easier than you think for you to change your circumstances; all it often takes is your choice to want to have them changed! When there's a choice and an option for an easier way out, and yet My brides choose the less promising, the less visible way, the way of faith, of emptiness, the way of foregoing, sacrificing and forsaking, because they know in Me they will find a much greater happiness, that makes Me so happy.

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