Chinese Zodiac Twelve Animals

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Chinese Zodiac Twelve Animals

The Chinese zodiac is a twelve-year cycle in which each year is associated with a specific animal. Those born during the year of a certain animal were thought to share some of the qualities of that animal. The twelve animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat or Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Chinese Calendar Based on the cycles of the moon, the Chinese Lunar Calendar is different than the western calendar in that the beginning of the year will fall somewhere between late January and early February (not January 1st). The Chinese adopted the Western calendar in 1911 after the fall of the Qing Dynasty but the lunar calendar is still used for Chinese New Year and other traditional Chinese festivals. Chinese Zodiac Folklore

According to one Chinese legend the 12 animals argued as to who would be the first animal in the 12-year cycle. The gods decided to hold a contest in which the animals must cross a river. The first animal to cross the river would be the first on the chart followed by the other animals according to their finish. The rat was the smallest of the animals and was expected by the other animals to finish last. Quickly the 12 animals jumped into the river but unknown to the ox, the rat had jumped on his back. As the ox was about to jump on the riverbank to claim first place, the rat jumped off his back and won the race. The pig that was very lazy ended up last. As expected, their peers often tease most children who were born in the year of the pig.

Chinese Zodiac Birth Date Chart The Chinese zodiac is based on a Lunar Year so the first day of the New Year varies from year-to-year. The lunar year normally starts in January or February. If your birthday is during January or February, use the below chart to find your correct zodiac animal.

Example: A person born in the year 2010 between January 1st and February 13th is an Ox, not a Tiger.

Birth Year

Date of Birth


2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

2-14-2010 to 2-2-2011 1-26-2009 to 2-13-2010 2-7-2008 to 1-25-2009 2-18-2007 to 2-6-2008 2-17-2006 to 2-17-2007 2-9-2005 to 2-16-2006 1-22-2004 to 2-8-2005 2-1-2003 to 1-21-2004 2-12-2002 to 1-31-2003 1-24-2001 to 2-11-2002 2-5-2000 to 1-23-2001 2-16-1999 to 2-4-2000 1-28-1998 to 2-15-1999 2-7-1997 to 1-27-1998 2-19-1996 to 2-6-1997 1-31-1995 to 2-18-1996 2-10-1994 to 1-30-1995 1-23-1993 to 2-9-1994 2-4-1992 to 1-22-1993 2-15-1991 to 2-3-1992 1-27-1990 to 2-14-1991 2-6-1989 to 1-26-1990 2-17-1988 to 2-5-1989 1-29-1987 to 2-16-1988 2-9-1986 to 1-28-1987 2-20-1985 to 2-8-1986 2-2-1984 to 2-19-1985 2-13-1983 to 2-1-1984 1-25-1982 to 2-12-1984 2-5-1981 to 1-24-1982 2-16-1980 to 2-4-1981 1-28-1979 to 2-15-1980 2-7-1978 to 1-27-1979 2-18-1977 to 2-6-1978 1-31-1976 to 2-17-1977 2-11-1975 to 1-30-1976

Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit

1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934

1-23-1974 to 2-10-1975 2-3-1973 to 1-22-1974 2-15-1972 to 2-2-1973 1-27-1971 to 2-14-1972 2-6-1970 to 1-26-1971 2-17-1969 to 2-5-1970 1-30-1968 to 2-16-1969 1-9-1967 to 1-29-1968 1-21-1966 to 2-8-1967 2-2-1965 to 1-20-1966 2-13-1964 to 2-1-1965 1-25-1963 to 2-12-1964 2-5-1962 to 1-24-1963 2-15-1961 to 2-4-1962 1-28-1960 to 2-14-1961 2-8-1959 to 1-27-1960 2-18-1958 to 2-7-1959 1-31-1957 to 2-17-1958 2-12-1956 to 1-30-1957 1-24-1955 to 2-11-1956 2-3-1954 to 1-23-1955 2-14-1953 to 2-2-1954 1-27-1952 to 2-13-1953 2-6-1951 to 1-26-1952 2-17-1950 to 2-5-1951 1-29-1949 to 2-16-1950 2-10-1948 to 1-28-1949 1-22-1947 to 2-9-1948 2-2-1946 to 1-21-1947 2-13-1945 to 2-1-1946 1-25-1944 to 2-12-1945 2-5-1943 to 1-24-1944 2-15-1942 to 2-4-1943 1-27-1941 to 2-14-1942 2-8-1940 to 1-26-1941 2-19-1939 to 2-7-1940 1-31-1938 to 2-18-1939 2-11-1937 to 1-30-1938 1-24-1936 to 2-10-1937 2-4-1935 to 1-23-1936 2-14-1934 to 2-3-1935

Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912

1-26-1933 to 2-13-1934 2-6-1932 to 1-25-1933 2-17-1931 to 2-5-1932 1-30-1930 to 2-16-1931 2-10-1929 to 1-29-1930 1-23-1928 to 2-9-1929 2-2-1927 to 1-22-1928 2-13-1926 to 2-1-1927 1-24-1925 to 2-12-1926 2-5-1924 to 1-23-1925 1-16-1923 to 2-4-1924 1-28-1922 to 1-15-1923 2-8-1921 to 1-27-1922 2-20-1920 to 2-7-1921 2-1-1919 to 2-19-1920 2-11-1918 to 1-31-1919 1-23-1912 to 2-10-1918 2-4-1916 to 1-22-1917 2-14-1915 to 2-3-1916 1-26-1914 to 2-13-1915 2-6-1913 to 1-25-1914 2-18-1912 to 2-5-1913

Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat Pig Dog Rooster Monkey Sheep Horse Snake Dragon Rabbit Tiger Ox Rat

The Twelve Animals RAT People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and charisma. They are perfectionists and work very hard to achieve their goals. They are very thrifty with money yet like to acquire many possessions. They get angry easily and love to gossip. They have high ambitions and are quite often very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.

OX People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, quiet yet inspire confidence in others. They are eccentric and temperamental. They speak little but when they do they are quite articulate. Mentally and physically alert, they are generally easy-going but can be very stubborn and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.

TIGER People born the Year of the Tiger are deep thinkers, very sensitive and can have great sympathy for others. They are powerful and courageous. However, they can be extremely shorttempered and don’t respond to authority, especially if it’s from older people. They are sometimes indecisive and have poor judgment. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.

RABBIT People born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. They are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky.

They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. They are clever at business and often make the correct choices. They are most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep, Pig, and Dog.

DRAGON People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust in others. They are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They never borrow money, are very straight forwarded and tend to be soft hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.

SNAKE People born in the Year of the Snake are emotionally and spiritually deep. They say little yet possess great wisdom. Snake people are often selfish and vain yet can show tremendous sympathy for others. They tend to rely on themselves because they have serious doubts about other people’s judgment. They hate to fail and are determined in whatever they do. Appearing calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate creatures. Usually very good-looking in appearance, they sometimes have relationship problems because of it. They are most compatible with the Ox, Goat and Rooster.

HORSE People born in the Year of the Horse are very popular. They like to be entertained and being around large crowds. They are wise, talented, and very good with their hands. They are cheerful, skillful with money, and perceptive, although they sometimes talk way too much for their own good. They are very independent and don’t listen to others advice. They are most compatible with Tigers, Dogs, and Sheep.

GOAT/SHEEP People born in the Year of Goat are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts. They are wise, gentle, and compassionate on the surface they appear better off than those born in the zodiacs other years but are often shy, pessimistic and often puzzled about life. They are very spiritual yet timid. They are sometimes not well spoken but are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. They are very much loyal and devoted. Their abilities will always make them prosperous so they are able to enjoy all the comforts of a good life. They are compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, Snakes and Horses.

MONKEY People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the zodiac. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive, original in thinking, and can solve the most difficult problem with ease. They are sometimes impatient and must do things immediately and if they cannot, they become discouraged and give up easily. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having strong common sense, they have excellent memories and a deep desire for knowledge. They are very strong willed yet do not stay angry long. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat.

ROOSTER People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, very capable and naturally talented. They are very devoted and like to keep busy but are deeply disappointed with personal failure. They can be eccentric resulting in troubled relationships with others. They always think they are right and usually are. Being loners, they sometimes give the outward impression of being adventurous but are actually timid. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave. They are most compatible with Ox, Snake, and Dragon.

DOG People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They are great leaders, have a deep sense of loyalty, and are honest. They are very trustworthy because they can keep secrets. They can be very selfish and stubborn at times and can be emotionally cold and sometimes distant. They always have money but care very little for wealth. They are easy to criticize other and are noted for their sharp tongues. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.

PIG People born in the Year of the Pig are gallant and always give their best effort. They have tremendous fortitude, great honesty, and are very optimistic. They have few friends but the relationships they do have are lifelong. They are extremely loyal so their friendship is very prized by others and they are very kind to love ones. They have a great thirst for knowledge and study a great deal so they are well informed. They are quick tempered yet hate to argue. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.

Compatibility Between The Animal Signs

The Rat's best friends are Dragons or Monkeys. Their mortal enemies are Horses. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Rat, consult the list below.

LEGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. --Bliss!

Rat This partnership is bound to be successful, especially in business. However, beware of rivalry and stiff competition.

Ox Best as a love affair, this relationship is sexually thrilling but disastrous in marriage. The Rat and Ox have an appreciation for each other.

Tiger Tigers and Rats need to learn how to compromise. One should expect some dramatic clashes of temperament. They make good friends but lack any true passion.

Rabbit Rabbits and Rats become frustrated with each other -Rats thrive on adventure, and feel that Rabbits lack energy and spontaneity. They are on different wavelengths.

Dragon This partnership is destined for happiness. There is plenty of understanding and passion between the two.

Snake The Snake and the Rat seem fascinated with each other. One can learn a great deal from the other, if they worked on their difference of characters

Horse Unsuitable for one another, the Rat and the Horse are an unstable union, and better enemies than friends.

Sheep The relationship between the Sheep and Rat is at times an upwards struggle, although given goodwill on both sides it can be made to work.

Monkey The Monkey and Rat share the same outlook and a common understanding, resulting in an irresistible attractive between the two of them.

Rooster There is more conflict than love in this relationship. Too many differences need to be resolved for this relationship to go anywhere.

Dog Even though Rats finds Dogs a little boring, this match can achieve a stable union. Both share a mutual respect for the other.

Pig This relationship is a rollercoaster. The terrific companionship and attraction between each other can lead to expensive fun, good friendship and great happiness.

The Oxen's best friends are Roosters or Snakes. Their mortal enemies are Sheep. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Ox, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat Best as a love affair, this relationship is sexually thrilling but disastrous in marriage. The Rat and Ox have an appreciation for each other.

Ox A good stable relationship ... but lacking in excitement.

Tiger The Chinese say that this could be one of the worst matches possible. Still, despite the probability of a horrible outcome, the Ox and the Tiger are drawn to each other. Their temperaments will most likely clash.

Rabbit In the business world, Oxen and Rabbits are too laid back to make this relationship work, but a union between the two can lead to a gentle, contented domestic life.

Dragon Although attracted to each other at first, both the Dragon and the Ox are two stubborn to make this relationship work. The essential give and take is lacking.

Snake A great partnership -- sympathetic, loving, and understanding, both parties are on the same wavelength.

Horse Oxen and Horses are too confrontational. They are much better together in business than in bed.

Sheep A relationship best left dreamt about. Although oxen and sheep may be attracted to each other, their hearts and minds will never find common ground.

Monkey The Monkey and the Ox complement each other well, and when it works, the relationship can be fun on both sides.

Rooster A great match that is blessed by the gods. The sex, passion and excitement can lead to a happy and successful relationship.

Dog Although there is a small chance a relationship can develop, Oxen and Dogs have little in common, and neither is truly comfortable with the other. The odds are against this one happening.

Pig An abundance of sexual attraction and some shared attitudes make the Pig/Ox relationship worth persisting with. With any luck it will result in harmony.

The Tiger's best friends are Horses or Dogs. Their mortal enemies are Monkeys (dang dirty apes). To find out how other animal signs relate to the Tiger, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat Tigers and Rats need to learn how to compromise. One should expect some dramatic clashes of temperament. They make good friends but lack any true passion.

Ox The Chinese say that this could be one of the worst matches possible. Still, despite the probability of a horrible outcome, the Ox and the Tiger are drawn to each other. Their temperaments will most likely clash.

Tiger What happens when you put two dominating, individualistic creatures together? A lot of posturing and a potato sack of arguing.

Rabbit The differences between Rabbits and Tigers somehow manage to weld them together and make them better people.

Dragon A relationship full of guts, arguing, and serious lovemaking. Sparks are abounding to light their passionate fuses.

Snake Two many big differences for this relationship to work. Different outlook, different lifestyle and different objectives. Survey says: "Not going to happen!

Horse A Rip-Roaring Action Thrill Ride! In all seriousness, the adventures the Horse and Tiger insure an exciting life together.

Sheep A relationship were both parties have too much respect on each other. The two animals exert so much effort not to offend each other that they are never really comfortable. An excellent working relationship but a crummy marital one.

Monkey No. Under no circumstances should a Tiger and Monkey date. This relationship is deeply frustrating and will have the two partners climbing up walls and clawing at each other's throats.

Rooster The misunderstandings between Roosters and Tigers can create problems in their relationship. Both have to be ready to communicate to make it work.

Dog Mutual admiration and respect make this relationship a winning team and solid union.

Pig A good humored relationship that keeps both parties smiling. A union bound by friendship and common interests.

The Rabbit's best friends are Sheep or Pigs. Their mortal enemies are Roosters. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Rabbit, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat Rabbits and Rats become frustrated with each other. Rats thrive on adventure, and feel that Rabbits lack energy and spontaneity. They are on different wavelengths.

Ox In the business world, Oxen and Rabbits are too laid back to make this relationship work, but a union between the two can lead to a gentle, contented domestic life.

Tiger The differences between Rabbits and Tigers somehow manage to weld them together and make them better people.

Rabbit Rabbits love Rabbits -- it's a simple, successful pairing of two affectionate, highly-cultured, well-mannered individuals.

Dragon Unless they can learn to give and take, the differences between Dragons and Rabbits with bring them together or tear them apart.

Snake This relationship is all about sex. Really. Great. Sex.

Horse The Horse and Rabbit relationship is difficult but possible to achieve -- they can put up with each other despite conflicts.

Sheep Love as true and blue as the day God made it. Their

shared interests, mutual respect and understanding make the Rabbit/Sheep relationship all the better.

Monkey When a Rabbit and Monkey get together, someone is going to be left drowning in their own tears (and it isn’t the Monkey).

Rooster Polar opposites in every way, the Rooster and Rabbit have absolutely no common ground or interest to develop a relationship.

Dog A rock steady relationship with a lot of potential.

Pig Pigs and Rabbits are warm, happy, close and all around comfy with each other. They can have an enduring love for one another.

The Dragon's best friends are Rats or Monkeys. Their mortal enemies are Dogs. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Dragon, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat This partnership is destined for happiness. There is plenty of understanding and passion between the two.

Ox Although attracted to each other at first, both the Dragon and the Ox are two stubborn to make this relationship work. The essential give and take is lacking.

Tiger A relationship full of guts, arguing, and serious lovemaking. Sparks are bound to light their passionate fuses.

Rabbit Unless they can learn to give and take, the differences between Dragons and Rabbits with bring them together or tear them apart.

Dragon Dragons with Dragons can make for powerful, strong relationships -- if they can learn to share the spotlight.

Snake Both the Snake and the Dragons are clever, crafty, quickwitted flirts, and make a perfect fit together.

Horse Horses and Dragons have great sexual relationships. A chemical in their brain binds their libidos together. If they can reach an understanding, they’re looking at a great partnership.

Sheep They're sexually attracted to each other, but in the end Sheep and Dragons will realize they have different destinies, and were never meant to be. Sniff.

Monkey An exciting, vibrant relationship -- Monkeys and Dragons think alike and understand each other. Their relationships are destined for happiness and success.

Rooster Interesting, exquisite pair in an interesting, ego-centered relationship. They manage to look really good together until their megalomania gets in the way.

Dog Just keep on walking. Don't look back. Do say a word.

Just walk. Dragon and Dog relationships are tumultuous -- after all is said and done the relationship ends with both parties in an unhealthy mental state.

Pig Pigs and Dragons share a love so deep, cute and cuddly it will irritate those that co-inhabit the environment they love in. Even flowers cringe in their presence. Seriously -- it's a caring, sharing partnership.

The Snake's best friends are Oxen, or Roosters. Their mortal enemies are Pigs. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Snake, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat The Snake and the Rat seem fascinated with each other. One can learn a great deal from the other, if they worked on their difference of characters.

Ox A great partnership -- sympathetic, loving, and understanding, both parties are on the same wavelength.

Tiger Two many big differences for this relationship to work.

Different outlook, different lifestyle and different objectives. Survey says: "Not going to happen!"

Rabbit This relationship is all about sex. Really. Great. Sex.

Dragon Both the Snake and the Dragon are clever, crafty, quickwitted flirts, and make a perfect fit together.

Snake Snakes can match wits and play Mensa games with each other till there is no tomorrow -- they are intellectual equals. But emotionally, jealousy rears its ugly head. Snakes are best when they maintain separate identities.

Horse Different perspectives and different agendas equal an insignificant relationship. But there is a chance to sort things out through a little communication.

Sheep They make terrific friends and even sexier lovers. They like each other’s company where Snake always make the rules. A relation between cool and passionate creature.

Monkey Snakes and Monkeys spend most of their time watching their own backs. Their suspicions of each other can be overcome with a little cooperation.

Rooster Snakes and Roosters make an excellent team.

Dog These two are attracted to each other on sight. After exploring a physical relationship, they come to realize they get along mentally as well.

Pig Snakes eat pigs. They have little to nothing in common.

The Horse's best friends are Tigers or Dogs. Their mortal enemies are Rats. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Pig, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat Unsuitable for one another, the Rat and the Horse are an unstable union, and better enemies than friends.

Ox Oxen and Horses are too confrontational. They are much better together in business than in bed.

Tiger A Rip-Roaring Action Thrill Ride! In all seriousness, the adventures the Horse and Tiger insure an exciting life together.

Rabbit The Horse and Rabbit relationship is difficult but possible to achieve -- they can put up with each other despite conflicts.

Dragon Dragons with Dragons can make for powerful, strong relationships -- if they can learn to share the spotlight.

Snake Different perspectives and different agendas equal an insignificant relationship. But there is a chance to sort things out through a little communication.

Horse Horses are strong minded individuals who need their independence. There may be an initial passion and attraction between two Horses, but it will only be short term.

Sheep They are attracted to each other at first sight, and their union grows stronger when they realize they share the same passions and desires. Horse and Sheep relationships stand the test of time.

Monkey It's true. Sometimes friends should just stay friends. Although Horses and Monkeys get along great socially, they don't mesh in a serious relationship.

Rooster Horses and Roosters make a great team. They just have to make sure their quarrels and power struggles don't undermine their love for each other.

Dog Dogs and Horses come together to form long lasting, happy and successful relationships.

Pig Horses and Pigs may have fun indulging in fine dining, croquet matches and disco karaoke bars, but when all is said and done, there's no one to pay the bills, do the laundry, or sustain this crazy thing called life. Fun, but unrealistic.

The Sheep's or Goat‘s best friends are Rabbits or Pigs. Their mortal enemies are Oxen. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Sheep, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat The relationship between the Sheep and Rat is at times an upwards struggle, although given goodwill on both sides it can be made to work.

Ox A relationship best left dreamt about. Although oxen and sheep may be attracted to each other, their hearts and minds will never find common ground.

Tiger A relationship were both parties have TOO much respected each other. The two animals exert so much effort not to offend each other that they are never really comfortable. An excellent working relationship but a crummy marital one.

Rabbit Love as true and blue as the day God made it. Their shared interests, mutual respect and understanding make the Rabbit/Sheep relationship all the better.

Dragon They're sexually attracted to each other, but in the end Sheep and Dragons will realize they have different destinies, and were never meant to be. Sniff.

Snake They have an unusual bond between them. Snake always cool off the fiery situations because of the unpredictable sheep and in other hand Sheep never complains even snake bites.

Horse Strong attraction at first sight and then followed by intense passion and desire. This one is for keeps.

Sheep Put two Sheep together and you get a couple of giddy hedonists (or pleasure-seekers, to you and me) who have a perfect understanding of each other.

Monkey Two very different people, but Sheep and Monkeys can combine their best attributes and create an interesting relationship. If they're willing, of course.

Rooster This relationship seems to run into problems every other day, and is the compatibility equivalent to open heart surgery -- every mistake just makes things worse.

Dog Dogs and sheep will spend time with each other, but they won't necessarily enjoy it. They have nothing in common, so they have no reason to be attracted to each other.

Pig Imagine long, fun nights of champagne, caviar and breaking dishes in a fireplace. Sound pretentious? It is! But Sheep and Pigs love it, and their mutual love and understanding make this a rewarding relationship.

The Monkey's best friends are Dragons or Rats. Their mortal enemies are Tigers. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Monkey, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat The Monkey and Rat share the same outlook and a common understanding, resulting in an irresistible attractive between the two of them.

Ox The Monkey and the Ox complement each other well, and when it works, the relationship can be fun on both sides.

Tiger No. Under no circumstances should a Tiger and Monkey date. This relationship is deeply frustrating and will have the two partners climbing up walls and clawing at each other's throats.

Rabbit When a Rabbit and Monkey get together, someone is going to be left drowning in their own tears (and it isn’t the Monkey).

Dragon An exciting, vibrant relationship -- Monkeys and Dragons think alike and understand each other. Their relationships are destined for happiness and success.

Snake Snakes and Monkeys spend most of their time watching their own backs. Their suspicions of each other can be overcome with a little cooperation.

Horse It's true. Sometimes friends should just stay friends. Although Horses and Monkeys get along great socially, they don't mesh in a serious relationship.

Sheep Two very different people, but Sheep and Monkeys can combine their best attributes and create an interesting relationship. If they're willing, of course.

Monkey Monkeys have a great time being immature together in public.

Rooster There's barely any romance shared between this two, and if there is, it won't be much fun.

Dog The strong desire of the Dog and Monkey to be together will make this relationship work, and in the end they complement each other.

Pig The occasional mishap, dilemma or confrontation only seems to fuel the sexual tension between the Monkey and the Pig.

The Rooster's best friends are Oxen or Snakes. Their mortal enemies are Rabbits. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Rooster, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat There is more conflict than love in this relationship. Too many differences need to be resolved for this relationship to go anywhere.

Ox A great match that is blessed by the gods. The sex, passion and excitement can lead to a happy and successful relationship.

Tiger The misunderstandings between Roosters and Tigers

can create problems in their relationship. Both have to be ready to communicate to make it work.

Rabbit Polar opposites in every way, the Rooster and Rabbit have absolutely no common ground or interest to develop a relationship.

Dragon Interesting, exquisite pair in an interesting, ego-centered relationship. They manage to look really good together until their megalomania gets in the way.

Snake Snakes and Roosters make an excellent team.

Horse Horses and Roosters can make an excellent team. They just have to make sure their quarrels and power struggles don't undermine their love for each other.

Sheep This relationship seems to run into problems every other day, and is the compatibility equivalent to open heart surgery -- every mistake just makes things worse.

Monkey There's barely any romance shared between this two, and if there is, it won't be much fun.

Rooster Most households can only handle ONE self-righteous person, let alone two. A disastrous relationship.

Dog Lack of common ground make relationship an uphill struggle.



Pig Despite the differences in personality and opinion, the Rooster and Pig can, with a lot of work and patience, form an excellent relationship.

B The Dog's best friends are Tigers or Horses. Their mortal enemies are Dragons. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Dog, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. -- Bliss!

Rat Even though Rats finds Dogs a little boring, this match can achieve a stable union. Both share a mutual respect for the other.

Ox Although there is a small chance a relationship can develop, Oxen and Dogs have little in common, and neither is truly comfortable with the other. The odds are against this one happening.

Tiger Mutual admiration and respect make this relationship a winning team and solid union.

Rabbit A rock steady relationship with a lot of potential.

Dragon Just keep on walking. Don't look back. Don't say a word. Just walk. Dragon and Dog relationships are tumultuous -- after all is said and done the relationship ends with both parties in an unhealthy mental state.

Snake These two are attracted to each other on sight. After exploring a physical relationship, they come to realize they get along mentally as well.

Horse Dogs and Horses come together to form long lasting, happy and successful relationships.

Sheep Dogs and sheep will spend time with each other, but they won't necessarily enjoy it. They have nothing in common, so they have no reason to be attracted to each other.

Monkey The strong desire of the Dog and Monkey to be together will make this relationship work, and in the end they complement each other.

Rooster Lack of common ground make relationship an uphill struggle.



Dog Dogs are compassionate, understanding and dedicated to each other. They usually form long-lasting relationships.

Pig Although this relationship can get a bit on the boring side, it is honest, amicable and sincere.

The Pig's best friends are Rabbits or Sheep. Their mortal enemies are Snakes. To find out how other animal signs relate to the Pig, consult the list below.

L EGEND Not good together.


Needs work.



Sexual attraction. --Bliss!

Rat This relationship is a rollercoaster. The terrific companionship and attraction between each other can lead to expensive fun, good friendship and great happiness.

Ox An abundance of sexual attraction and some shared attitudes make the Pig/Ox relationship worth persisting with. With any luck it will result in harmony.

Tiger A good humored relationship that keeps both parties smiling. A union bound by friendship and common interests.

Rabbit Pigs and Rabbits are warm, happy, close and all around comfy with each other. They can have an enduring love for one another.

Dragon Pigs and Dragons share a love so deep, cute and cuddly it will irritate those that co-inhabit the environment they love in. Even flowers cringe in their presence. Seriously -- it's a caring, sharing partnership.

Snake Snakes eat pigs. They have little to nothing in common.

Horse Horses and Pigs may have fun indulging in fine dining, croquet matches and disco karaoke bars, but when all is said and done, there's no one to pay the bills, do the laundry, or sustain this crazy thing called life. Fun, but unrealistic.

Sheep Imagine long, fun nights of champagne, caviar and breaking dishes in a fireplace. Sound pretentious? It is! But Sheep and Pigs love it, and their mutual love and understanding make this a rewarding relationship.

Monkey The occasional mishap, dilemma or confrontation only seems to fuel the sexual tension between the Monkey and the Pig.

Rooster Despite the differences in personality and opinion, the Rooster and Pig can, with a lot of work and patience, form an excellent relationship.

Dog Although this relationship can get a bit on the boring side, it is honest, amicable and sincere.

Pig The mutual understanding between Pigs usually fades once they realize how superficial the two of them really are.

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