China Vs Indi1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,639
  • Pages: 19
China Vs India Cooking style China has an ancient and venerable diet culture, so does India. Nowadays, both Chinese food and Indian food are very popular, we can see Chinese and Indian restaurants everywhere in many cities of the world, so that Indian food is being fused with many other cuisines and so is Chinese food. For example when you look at an Indian menu in restaurant, you can find “Chinese-Indian cuisine”, which use Chinese seasoning, but cook in Indian way. However, both








character that distinguishes them from each other and from other world-class cuisines. Indian food is usually creamy in texture, and In general, Vegetables are cooked for long periods of time and only on rare occasion are served crunchy or raw. On the other hand, Chinese food usually features crisp and vegetables not cook long time, only rarely pulverizes them to the extent that they are in Indian cuisine.

Both Chinese food and Indian food are incredibly diverse: in Indian, the cooking style is very different in North, South, East, West and North-East India. In China, because the Regional cultural differences vary greatly, we have eight great traditions cooking styles they are Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang, in modern times there have shanghai, Beijing, Dongbei and Chaozhou four new famous cooking style along with great eight traditions, but both countries have their kinds of pop dishes which are cross-region, for example: hot pot in china, and chicken curry in India. Finally, both Indian and Chinese foods emphasize spices and sometimes hot chilies. Anyway, Indian and Chinese foods share a lot in common but their overall presentation, texture, ingredients, and flavors are vastly different.

Chinese Wushu Vs Yoga Both Chinese Wushu and India Yoga are national art of their country and well-known in the world, they are both refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines.

Chinese Wushu has an extremely diverse situation in China; it can be distinguished by different religions and different regions, even families. In India, Yoga is less diverse than Chinese Wushu in China, but there still have six kinds of Yoga, which are ,,,,,,,,,,,, however, both Chinese Wushu and Yoga derive from ancient religion and philosophy, like Shaolinquan and Taijiquan, originate from Buddhism and Taoism, ,,,,,,Yoga from……… In modern time, Chinese Wushu is not just a technique of wrestle and health exercise, but also became a sport item, and it is much more used into TV show and some violence films, whereas Yoga still keeps its original form and code, and become one of the most popular health exercises in the world.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions China


Power distance


Individualism Masculinity





Uncertainty Avoidance

56 40


Long-Term Orientation



According the index of hofstede’s culture dimensions, China and India have similar situation in power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance, but big different in individualism and long-term orientation. Power distance: China with a ranking in 80 and India with a ranking in77 which are kind of very high compare to a world average of 56.5, so that Both in China and in India have an obvious inequality of power and wealth within society. In China, Communist party is ruler who is at the highest level of Chinese polity, there is no other party could challenge its domination. The wealth gap between rural and urban areas is huge, you may have an impression that China is a developed nation with a host of modern cities with luxury hotels and complete infrastructure after touring Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, which very much resemble San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, London and Paris, but if you go to county

seats in provinces of the northwest and northeast of China you will find out why China is still regarded as very backward developing country. Within a company, people who want a promotion is not just according to their performance, there is something more or less that rely on personal relationship with their senior manager, because manager in Chinese company is very powerful, he can make every decision personally at his level. In India, although it has a decentralize structure in polity and more democratic than China, but it has a very strict cast system, the caste system in India is a social system where people are ranked into groups based on heredity. The caste is a group whose members are restricted in their choice of occupation and degree of social participation. Marriage outside the caste is prohibited. Social status is determined by the caste of one's birth. There have five levels within Indian society, (1) the Brahmans, the priestly and learned class; (2) the Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers; (3) the Vaisyas, farmers and merchants; and (4) the Sudras, peasants and laborers. Below the category of

Sudras were the untouchables, or Panchamas. India and China have the same inequality wealth situation among regions, but India also has an incredible wealth inequality among people, the top 10 percent of India’s population owns between 33 to 50 percent of the country’s wealth, the capital Mumbai alone has more billionaires than the whole north Europe, but half the 13 million population lives in slums. Masculinity: Compare to the world average (51), China (66) has a little high level of masculinity within society and India (56) is closed to moderate level. So in India, there have no obvious inequality between men and woman, women are both abused as well as revered in the Indian society. Although as many as 70 per cent of married women in India between the age of 15 and 49 are victims of domestic violence, in the Hindu religion, it calls for worship of the womanhood, and several rituals are conducted in honor of women. Traditionally household work is performed by women, but, there are a large

number of men can cook in India. Men are often called upon to prepare festive meals. But the situation of women’s status in China not likely as in India: in many workplaces there still have subconscious sexual discrimination and lots of families in country seat prefer to have a son then a daughter, because they think a son will be stronger then a daughter, “he” could much more helpful to their family then “she”, and after marriage, daughter will no longer belong to their family. However, compare with before, women’s status has improved a lot. In many areas, women has higher status then man, for example in some sport item, education area and so on Uncertainty avoidance: China has a lower level of uncertainty avoidance (40) compare to the world average of 65, so does India (40). Chinese people like take risk, Chinese government invest a lot of money in oil field of Iraq and Iran, where is social chaos, or have big potential of war, you can see Chinese

restaurant in Afghanistan, people in china like speculate in the stock market, even they do not really know about the stock market. In India, the law is not completely, the infrastructure is not good, people in India feel the life in dangerous,







revolution in their economy system in past 30 years, for example: in China, since the end of 70’s last century “the reformed and open policy” which is first mentioned by Mr. Deng







liberalisation policy” has moved the economy towards a market-based system.

The Geert Hofstede analysis for India shows a large power distance society and all other measures are relatively moderate. This would be indicative of the fact that India is in the midst of change. The traditional caste systems has been outlawed, however the large power distance score indicates that the attitudes still remain.

India has Power Distance (PDI) as the highest Hofstede Dimension for the culture, with a ranking of 77 compared to a world average of 56.5. This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth within the society. This condition is not

necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather accepted by the population as a cultural norm.

India's Long Term Orientation (LTO) Dimension rank is 61, with the world average at 48. A higher LTO score can be indicative of a culture that is perseverant and parsimonious.

India has Masculinity as the third highest ranking Hofstede Dimension at 56, with the world average just slightly lower at 51. The higher the country ranks in this Dimension, the greater the gap between values of men and women. It may also generate a more competitive and assertive female population, although still less than the male population.

India's lowest ranking Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) at 40, compared to the world average of 65. On the lower end of this ranking, the culture may be more open to unstructured ideas and situations. The population may have fewer rules and regulations with which to attempt control of every unknown and unexpected event or situation, as is the case in high Uncertainty Avoidance countries.


Men are generally expected to wear a suit and tie for business, although the jacket may be removed in the summer. Women should wear conservative dresses or pantsuits.

When dressing casual, short-sleeved shirts and long pants are preferred for men; shorts are acceptable only when exercising. Women must keep their upper arms, chest, back, and legs covered at all times.

Women should wear long pants when exercising.

The use of leather products including belts or handbags may be considered offensive, especially in temples. Hindus revere cows and do not use leather products.

Behavior The head is considered the seat of the soul. Never touch someone else’s head, not even to pat the hair of a child.

Beckoning someone with the palm up and wagging one finger can be construed as in insult. Standing with your hands on your hips will be interpreted as an angry, aggressive posture.

Whistling is impolite and winking may be interpreted as either an insult or a sexual proposition.

Never point your feet at a person. Feet are considered unclean. If your shoes or feet touch another person, apologize.

Gifts are not opened in the presence of the giver. If you receive a wrapped gift, set it aside until the giver leaves.

Business lunches are preferred to dinners. Hindus do not eat beef and Muslims do not eat pork.


There are more than fourteen major and three hundred minor languages spoken in India. The official languages are English and Hindi. English is widely used in business, politics and education.

The word "no" has harsh implications in India. Evasive refusals are more common, and are considered more polite. Never directly refuse an invitation, a vague "I’ll try" is an acceptable refusal.

Do not thank your hosts at the end of a meal. "Thank you" is considered a form of payment and therefore insulting.

Titles are very important. Always use professional titles.

The Geert Hofstede analysis for China is similar to that of Hong Kong where Long-term Orientation is the highest-ranking factor. However, the Chinese rank lower than any other

Asian country in the Individualism factor. This can be attributed primarily to the Communist rule and its emphasis on a collectivist culture.

Geert Hofstede analysis for China has Long-term Orientation (LTO) the highest-ranking factor (118), which is true for all Asian cultures. This Dimension indicates a society's time perspective and an attitude of persevering; that is, overcoming obstacles with time, if not with will and strength. (see Asian countries graph below).

The Chinese rank lower than any other Asian country in the Individualism (IDV) ranking, at 20 compared to an average of 24. This may be attributed, in part, to the high level of emphasis on a Collectivist society by the Communist rule, as compared to one of Individualism.

The low Individualism ranking is manifest in a close and committed member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.

Of note is China's significantly higher Power Distance ranking of 80 compared to the other Far East Asian countries' average of 60, and the world average of 55. This is indicative of a

high level of inequality of power and wealth within the society. This condition is not necessarily forced upon the population, but rather accepted by the society as their cultural heritage.

Appearance Conservative suits for men with subtle colors are the norm.

Women should avoid high heels and short sleeved blouses. The Chinese frown on women who display too much.

Subtle, neutral colors should be worn by both men and women.

Casual dress should be conservative as well.

Men and women can wear jeans. However, jeans are not acceptable for business meetings.

Revealing clothing for women is considered offensive to Chinese businessmen.

Behavior Do not use large hand movements. The Chinese do not speak with their hands. Your movements may be distracting to your host.

Personal contact must be avoided at all cost. It is highly inappropriate for a man to touch a woman in public.

Do not point when speaking.

To point do not use your index finger, use an open palm.

It is considered improper to put your hand in your mouth.

Avoid acts that involve the mouth.

Gift giving is a very delicate issue in China - See international business gift giving.

It is illegal to give gifts to government official however; it has become more commonplace in the business world.

It is more acceptable to give gifts either in private or to a group as a whole to avoid embarrassment.

The most acceptable gift is a banquet.

Quality writing pens as considered favored gifts.

The following gifts and/or colors are associated with death and should not be given:


Straw sandals

A stork or crane


Anything white, blue or black

Always arrive on time or early if you are the guest.

Do not discuss business at meals.

Do not start to eat or drink prior to the host.

As a cultural courtesy, you should taste all the dishes you are offered.

Sample meals only, there may be several courses.

Never place your chopsticks straight up in your bowl. By placing your sticks upright in your bowl your will remind your host of joss sticks which connotes death.

Do not drop the chopsticks it is considered bad luck.

Do not eat all of your meal. If you eat all of your meal, the Chinese will assume you did not receive enough food and are still hungry.

Women do not usually drink at meals.

Tipping is considered insulting, however the practice is becoming more common.

Communications Bowing or nodding is the common greeting; however, you may be offered a handshake. Wait for the Chinese to offer their hand first.

Applause is common when greeting a crowd; the same is expected in return.

Introductions are formal. Use formal titles.

Often times Chinese will use a nickname to assist Westerners.

Being on time is vital in China.

Appointments are a must for business.

Contacts should be made prior to your trip.

Bring several copies of all written documents for your meetings.

The decision making process is slow. You should not expect to conclude your business swiftly.

Many Chinese will want to consult with the stars or wait for a lucky day before they make a decision.

Present and receive cards with both hands.

Never write on a business card or put it in your wallet or pocket. Carry a small card case.

The most important member of your company or group should lead important meetings. Chinese value rank and status.

Develop a working knowledge of Chinese culture.

Allow the Chinese to leave a meeting first.

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