Children Are Born To Recognise God

  • December 2019
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Born to recognise From the book THE HIGHLY EDUCATED THE RICH AND POWERFUL Whither are they bound? by DR JOHN SCLIM (For more information, visit the Books Page of

The little boy who knew not his father Children are able to acknowledge their parents as their father and mother. Sometimes something happens that can make children fail to recognise their parents. This is a true story. A beautiful baby was born to a married couple. It was a baby that every young, married couple would be proud to have. Not long after the baby was born, the mother left home with the baby. When the boy was about four years old, he was found by social workers to be suffering from severe physical abuse. The father only came to know about his little boy when he read the report about him in the newspaper. His heart was broken to know how much hi ss onha ds u f f e r e df r om t hea b u s e .Th ec hi l dha dbe e np u ti nac hi l dr e n’ s welfare home by the authorities, and the father went to see him. He brought some toys for his little boy. He looked at his son, and saw that he was rather thin and undernourished. He also saw marks of physical abuse on his legs and arms. He looked at his face and saw the emotional scars. The father yearned to hold the little boy in his arms, and told him he was his father. But the boy would not let him hold him in his arms; instead he turned away from him. There were tears i nt h eb oy ’ se y e s .Heha ds u f f e r e ds omuc hpa i na n da ng u i s ht ha thewo u l dno t trust another adult (obviously the mother had betrayed the trust of the boy in

her). He refused to accept the man as his father. He could not remember his father, nor recognise his voice since he was born a beautiful baby four years ago. Although the boy could not remember his father, the father had not forgotten him. Instead he had been thinking of his son all the time. He never thought his son would become a victim of child abuse. The father wanted to hold the boy in his arms but the son repulsed him. It was sad that the boy who recognised his father when he was a baby now recognised him no more (you will know, in this chapter, that unborn babies as well as the newborn have the ability to recognise their parents). The father had become a total stranger to the boy. The little boy could not recognise his father because he had been separated from him for a long time, and we see a similar situation here  people do not know their Maker and that they are His offspring because they have been separated from Him for so long a time so much so that their Maker has become a total stranger to them. And this Maker is God. When the father told the little boy that he was his father, the boy would not believe it, and, instead repulsed him. We know some people are immediately put off by the mere mention of God. It seems God has become very repulsive to them. If only they were children, they wou l d n’ tbel i ket ha t .Chi l d r e na r ene ve rp utof fwhe ns ome onet e l l st h e ma bout the Lord Jesus Christ and of His love for them  on the contrary they are, wonderfully, drawn to Him. O may they be like the little children! The little boy did not believe he had a father, and thought the father was like those people who had abused him. The boy had misconceptions about his father. When we think of men, they too have misconceptions about God. They think God likes to send people to Hell. This is not true. Instead He desires all men to kn owHi ma ndg ot oHe a ve n.The ydo n’ tkn owt ha tGo dg i ve st he mt he i rb e i n g. TheBi bl e ,Hi sWor d,s a y s :“ Fori nHi m wel i ve ,a n dmove ,a n dha v eo urbe i ng … wea r et h eof f s pr i ngofGo d. ”( Ac t s1 7 . 28, 29)Si nc et he ya r et heof f s p r i ng of God, why do people not accept Him or acknowledge Him as God their Maker? They have lost the ability to recognise Him  that ability they had when they were children (proofs of this ability in children are given in this chapter). The boy knew he was abused, but it is very sad that so many people in the world do not know they are suffering from a kind of abuse that hinders them f r om knowi n gGod.The ya r el i ket h edr un kwh os a y s :“ The yha ves t r i c ke n [ s t r uc k]me ,… a ndIwa sn ots i c k[ h ur t ] ;t he yha vebe aten me, and I felt [knew] i tn ot . ”( Pr o ve r bs2 3. 35)The ydono tk no wt ha tt he i rr i c he s ,h i g he re d uc a t i o n, and so many other things are actually abusing their souls and causing them not to know this true and loving God. These things have struck them, and they do

no tk nowt he i rs o u li s“ woun de d,s i c ka n ds or e . ”The s et hi n gsa r ebe a t i n gt h e m mercilessly, and they know it not. The book shows how these things have hindered many a person from knowing God and accepting His love for them. Now we will show you that babies have the ability to recognise their mother before and after they are born.

Unborn babies can recognise their parents An unborn baby begins to hear sounds as early as 12 weeks after he is conceived. As sound travels easily through the wall of the womb, the baby can he a ra l ls or t sofs o un d sc omi n gf r om ou t s i de .He c a nh e a rh i smot h e r ’ s heartbeat, her breathing sound, and sounds coming from her digestive tract and other internal organs. He can recognise sounds that are repeated quite often, and, mos tofa l l ,hec a nr e c o gn i s eh i smot h e r ’ svo i c e .Hebe c ome sf a mi l i a rwi t ht he way she speaks. He can sense, from the tone of her voice, whether his mother is angry, happy or sad. He can hear his mother speaking to him as she tries to feel him by moving her hands over her abdomen. He can also hear sounds or voices from the world outside. An example of the ba by ’ sa bi l i t yt or e s p on dt oaha p pyhuma nvo i c ei sme nt i one din the Bible by Dr Luke, himself a physician. When Mary heard that her relative Elisabeth was s i xmont hspr e g na n t ,s hei mme di a t e l ywe ntt os e ehe ra tt h el a t t e r ’ sh ome .She gr e e t e dEl i s a b e t hj oy f ul l y ,“ a ndi tc a met opa s s ,t h a twhe nEl i s a b e t hhe a r dt he sal u t a t i onofMa r y ,t heba bel e a p e di nh e rwomb. ”El i s a be t hf e l tt hemove me nt oft heba byi nhe rwomb,a ndt ol dMa r y“ t heba bel e a pe di nmywombf orj oy ” (Luke 1.41,44  the Gospel was written in the first century by Dr Luke). Hundreds of years later, research has shown this to be true: an unborn baby can

respond to the emotions of his mother, and to other external stimuli. I ti si nt e r e s t i n gt ono t et h a tDrLu kec a l l st heba byi nEl i z a be t h’ swomba s “ ba be ”( t r a ns l a t e df r om t heGr e e kbrephos, meaning an unborn child), and not foetus or fetus, which is the Latin name given by the medical community to an unborn human who is more than eight weeks after conception (no matter what scientists say, the unborn human is no less human after conception). Foetus means offs pr i n g, a n dof f s pr i ngme a nss ome o ne ’ sc h i l d, a c c or d i ngt oad i c t i o na r y (and we wonder why they would still want to kill the offspring in abortion). In the French Bible, babe is equivalent to the French enfant, from which comes our Eng l i s hwor d“ i nf a nt . ” Although the baby in the womb is bombarded by sounds all the time, there is one familiar sound that the baby takes especial note, and that is the voice of his mother. The baby can, surprisingly, distinguish her voice from the myriad sounds and voices. In the womb, he hears her voice whenever his mother speaks a n da l s oh i sf a t he r ’ svoi c ewhe nhei ss pe a ki n gt ohe r ,ort ohi m( y ouknow, s omef a t h e rwo u l dl o oka th i swi f e ’ sa bd o me nt os pe a kt ot heba by ) .Theba by forms a memory of their voices in this way.

Newborn babies can recognise their mother Af t e rhei sbor n,t hef i r s tt h i n gt h eba bywi l ll i ket ohe a ri shi smot he r ’ svo i c e .I f the mother speaks to the baby immediately after giving birth, the baby will, with ease, recognise the familiar voice of his mother. Hearing her voice reassures him that his mother is still with him. Her voice is a comfort to him. But he may become confused or feel insecure if he hears the voice of a stranger speaking to him all the time, instead of the familiar voice of his mother. This can happen if the baby is separated from his mother after birth for a long time, or is given away. He will have to get used to the voice of the new carer, and accept the carer as his mother. If he were to meet his birth mother many years later, he would not be able to recognise her nor remember her voice

In the womb, the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid. He knows the taste and smell of the fluid, for he has swallowed it at times. After he is born and pl a c e do nhe rmot he r ’ sbo s om,t heba byc a ns t r a i gh t a wa yr e c o g ni s ehi smot he r ’ s voice, as well as her smell, especially the smell emanating from her breast. Her breast has secreted a substance that tastes and smells like her amniotic fluid. As t heba bys uc k so nh e rbr e a s t ,hega z e sa th i smot he r ’ sf a c e. Mother and child quickly bond with each other, and it is a joy to behold the bond taking place. Scientists to this day still marvel at this wonderful interaction between the mother and her baby. When a baby is placed, immediately after birth, on his moth e r ’ sbo s om,he will soon manoeuvre himself towards one of her breasts. The baby is propelled by the smell coming from the breast, and when he has found the target, he be gi nst os uc ko nhe rbr e a s t .Hewi l lt ur nhi she a dt ol o oka thi smot he r ’ sf a c e and listen to her voice. He knows the familiar voice (when he was in the womb), but now he wants to associate that voice with her face. As he sucks on her breast, he gazes at her face. It is the face he loves to look. He may even reach to touch the face with his tiny hand. The mother gazes lovingly at her baby and the baby at her mother. If an object is held in front of t heba by ’ sf a c e ,t heb a byma yl oo ka tt heo bj e c tbu ton l yf orab r i e fmome nta n d then return to look at her face. Her face is more important to him than the object. Innate abilities of babies To the researchers, babies seem to have been programmed or wired to help them recognise their mother after they are born. It is as though they carry a tiny computer chip with instructions telling them who and what their mother is, and they respond appropriately to show that they know their own mother. The researchers believe the babies have innate abilities to help them survive and bond to their parents. You do not need to teach newborn babies how to recognise their mother, t he ykn ow how t od os oa l r e a dy .Themot he rd oe s n’ tne e dt ot e l lt heba by , “ Look,ba by ,Ia my ourmot h e r . ”I ti si n t e r e s t i ngt ono t et ha taba bywhoi s adopted at or soon after birth will still remember his birth mother and her voice. And not to hear it after he is born can be disconcerting to the baby. He may look sad, cry in rage or despair. An adopted baby thus has to be taught to accept his adoptive mother. He has to get accustomed to the voice of his new mother. Ido n’ tt h i n ky ouc a nremember lying in the bosom of your mother when you we r eaba by .Af t e ry ou we r eb or na n dp u to ny ourmot he r ’ sb o s om,y ou

s t r a i gh t a wa yr e c o gn i s e dy ou rmot he r ’ ss me l la n dv o i c e .I twa sap l e a s a n t sensation for you, which was somewhat similar to what you experienced, in your mot he r ’ swomb,dur i ngt hel a s ts e ve r a lwe e k sbe f or ey ouwe r ebor n.Doc t or s will tell you that full-term infants very seldom cry during the first one and the half hours of life when they have skin-to-skin contact with their mother, as they lie in her bosom or arms. The smell and voice of their mother comfort them. But when they are separated from their mother immediately after birth and put in a cradle nearby, wrapped all round, they cry for more or less forty seconds intermittently for one and the half hours. Scientists wonder how babies can have such innate abilities. These abilities c a n no tc omea bo utb yc ha nc e .I fs o,h ow doy oue xp l a i nt heba bi e s ’a b i l i t yt o kn ow,a f t e rt he ya r ebor na ndpl a c e do nt he i rmot he r ’ sb os om,t hewa yt ot h e mothe r ’ sbr e a s t ,a l lon t he i rown,wi t h ou tbe i ng c oa xe do rgu i d e d byt he mot he r ?How doy oue x pl a i nt h eba bi e s ’a bi l i t yt oi de nt i f yorr e c o gn i s et he i r mother after they are born even though they have not seen their mother from the womb? How do you explain the ability of one-day-old babies to reach and touch t he i rmot he r ’ sf a c ewi t ht he i rt i nyha ndwi t h o utb e i ngt o l dt od os o ?An dhowi s it crying newborn babies being left alone in their cradles will become quiet the mome ntt he yhe a rt h es o u ndoft he i rmot he r ’ svoice and will turn their head to look at her, but will not respond in a similar manner to the voice of a stranger? How do they come to have these abilities? Can these abilities come to them by c ha nc e ?Wedo n’ tb e l i e ves o.Somes c i e nt i s t sa ndd oc t o r sb e l i eve that these abilities have been put in the babies by God their Maker. Another ability young children have is their ability to acknowledge their mot he rbyc a l l i n ghe r“ Mot he r . ”Youdi dt ha tt ha twhe ny ouf i r s ta t t e mpt e dt o speak. The wonderful thing is that children of all races, in their first attempt to s pe a k,wou l dc a l lt h e i rmot he r“ Ma ”or“ Ma ma ”( t hef i r s ts y l l a b l ei sus ua l l y “ ma ”ors ome t hi ngc l o s et oi ti na nyl a ng ua geord i a l e c t ) ,a n dt hi si sdo ne instinctively, that is, without their having to think or be taught, How did they come to have this instinctive utterance? And why Ma is their first syllable? The answer is simple: God their Maker has put this ability in them.

I fy oua r eac hi l dno w… If the Lord Jesus Christ appears today and walks on earth, the children will recognise Him straightaway. They will want to come to Him and look at His

wonderful face and hear His loving voice. You may be an atheist, an agnostic, a Gnostic, a freethinker, a religious or non-religious person, a university student, a scholar, a philosopher, a scientific person, an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a businessman, or an ordinary person working hard to survive in this harsh world. You may be a politician, a communist, a ruler, or a highborn. Whatever persuasion, creed, dogma, or belief you may have, if you were a little child now and see the Lord Jesus Christ coming towards you, I am sure you would be glad to see Him. You would want Him to hold you in His loving arms. Children will recognise the voice of the Lord Jesus when He calls them. This is true  the day is coming when all the children of the world will hear His voice  s e eCha pt e rThr e e :“ Thee ve n tt ha ts h oc k st hewho l ewor l d. ”Now I will show you that all children have the ability to recognise God their Maker, and this ability, sad to say, can degenerate to a state where God is recognised no more. Thec hi l dr e n’ sMake r You have a mother (if not, how did you come into the world?), and you remember her. But where did your mother get the life for you to be conceived and developed into a baby and then be born? It was God Who gave you life. You started from a single cell (the cell is a basic functional and structural unit of l i f e ) ,f or me da sar e s u l toft heu n i o nofy ourmot h e r ’ se g g( ov um)a ndy our f a t he r ’ sge r mc ell (spermatozoon, or, simply, sperm cell). The cell then divided into two cells, and two cells into four, and so on and so forth, in an orderly fashion, to form the body that you had as a baby. It is interesting to ask where a cell gets the ability to divide and multiply. They will not be able to do so if there is no life in them. Scientists marvel at this, and have tried to create life but failed. Imagine if scientists can create life, they will create all sorts of creatures, perhaps monsters too. They can never create life  this prerogative belongs only to the Maker of the Universe, because He is Life. The Gospel of John says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him [or received being through Him]; and without Him was not any thing made that has been made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1.1-4) TheLor dJ e s u sChr i s twa st heWor d,a n dt heWor dwa sGo d.An d“ t he Word became f l e s h, ”a nddwe l ta mongme nf u l lo fgr a c ea ndt r u t h,a ndt he y

beheld His glory. The children saw Him and marvelled too at their Maker. Children can recognise their Maker Now since God has put in the babies the ability to recognise their own mother, surely He must have also put in them the ability to recognise Him as God their Maker. When the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, the children recognised Him, but the adults could not. We will see how the children could recognise Him. The voice that children can recognise We already know that unborn babies can recognise easily the voice of their mother even though they do not know what their mothers look like. The same c a nbes a i dwi t hGod ’ spe op l ea n dc h i l dr e nwhowi l la l lr e c o g ni s et hev oi c eof the Lord Jesus Christ at His Coming even though they have not seen His face before. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven [= the sky] with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we who are alive [in Christ] and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4.16,17) The“ s hou t ”i sas h o utofc omma ndoras i g na lt oHi sown,a ndt heme a ni ng of t hev oi c eoft hea r c ha ng e l“ s e e mst obet ha tt h ev oi c eoft heLor dJ e s u swi l l beoft hec ha r a c t e rofa na r c ha ng e l i cs ho ut ” .Whe nHec ome s ,t hea d ul t swhod o not know Him will not hear His voice. Even if they were to hear His voice, they would not be able to recognise the voice as that belonging to the Lord Jesus Christ. They are not His sheep, because they do not belong to Him. The Lord J e s u sChr i s ts a y s :“ Buty ebe l i e ven o t ,be c a us ey ea r enotofMys he e p,a sIs a i d unto you. My sheep hear My voice, and I k now t h e m,a ndt he yf ol l ow Me . ” (John 10.26,27) You know, sheep recognise only the voice of their shepherd. If you stand there and call them, they will not come to you, let alone look at you. But when their shepherd calls them, they will look at their shepherd and follow hi m.I ts ha l lbeag l o r i o u sda ywhe nwewh oa r eHi ss he e phe a r“ t hevo i c eofmy Be l ov e d” !I fy oua r eno tHi ss he e p, y ouwi l lno th e a rHi sv oi c ea tHi sComi ng. The face children love to behold We have already mentioned that babies love to look at faces, especially the face of their mother. They have learnt to associate her face with her voice. And there is one face all babies and children love to behold  that is the face of the Lord

Jesus Christ; they will never grow tired of looking at His wonderful face. When He was on earth, children flocked to see Him. If they came with their parents, they would ask their parents to let them approach Him. They would like to have a closer look at His face. To them, His face was the most lovely of all faces, but t ot hea du l t s ,“ Heha t hn of o r m norc ome l i ne s s ;a n dwhe nwes ha l ls e eHi m, t he r ei sn obe a u t yt h a twes h o ul dd e s i r eHi m, ”I s a i a h5 3. 2.Thea d u l t swe r es o different from the children: they could not see what the children could see in the Lord Jesus Christ. When He was on earth, the children loved to behold His face. What about children who have died? Although their bodies are on earth, their spirits are in Heaven. Do you know what are they doing up there? Playing? No, it is far more interesting than playing. They are beholding the face of God, that is, the face of the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven now. When He was on earth, the Lord Jesus Chr i s tt o l dt h epe op l e :“ Ta kehe e dt ha ty ede s p i s eno to neoft he s el i t t l eone s ;f or I say unto you, That in Heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Fa t he rWhoi si nHe a ve n. ”( Ma t t he w1 8. 1 0) Thewor d“ a nge l s ”he r eha sa no t he rme a ni n g,a ndc a n n otr e f e rt oa ng e l i c beings, but the spirits of the children who have died. As angels always have work to do for God, why should they be continually beholding the face of God? An example is given in the Bible to show that angels can refer to the spirits of departed people. After the apostle Peter was miraculously freed from the prison by an angle of God, he went to a home and knocked on the door. A girl came to op e ni t . “ Andwhe ns hek ne wPe t e r ' sv o i c e , s heo pe ne dno tt heg a t ef o rgl a d ne s s , but ran in, and told those who gathered there for prayers, how Peter stood before t heg a t e .Andt he ys a i du n t ohe r ,“ Thoua r tma d. ”Bu tshe constantly affirmed t ha ti twa se v e ns o.The ns a i dt he y ,“ I ti sh i sa nge l . ”Bu tPe t e rc o n t i n ue d knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished. (Acts 12.13-16) So the people in the home thought Peter was already dead andt h a thi ss p i r i tor‘ gh o s t ’( t he ys a i dh i sa n ge l )ha dc omeba c kt os e e them. The Saviour children love to praise Children will praise the Lord Jesus Christ without having to be prompted by adult. Witness this wonderful scene, recounted in Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and John 12. As the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, the whole city was s t i r r e da n dt r e mbl i ngwi t he xc i t e me nt ,a n dt he ya s ke d,“ Whoi st hi s ? ”Doy o u know how He came into Jerusalem? When a VIP (Very Important Person), say, the President of a powerful country, visits a country, his motorcade will drive

through the streets complete with motorcycle outriders. The President himself travels in a grand, prestige limousine, perhaps bullet-proofed. The streets are decorated with lights and bunting, and the people lining both sides of the streets watch the motorcade go by. But sometimes school children are used to welcome the VIP, and they line the streets cheering and waving their little flags at the President. But how did the Lord Jesus Christ enter Jerusalem? Lo and behold, the “ Ki ngofk i n g s ”c o me sr i di n g,no tonar oy a lc ha r i o t ,bu to naf oa lwi t hi t s mother as companion. Now this happened to fulfil what was spoken through the pr o p he tZe c ha r i a hmor et ha n50 0y e a r sb e f or eHewa sb or n :“ Te l ly et he daughter of Zion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an a s s , a n dac o l tt hef o a lofa na s s . ”( Ze c ha r i a h9. 9) Here is no grandeur. No pomp. No orchestration of welcome. There is spontaneity  everybody in the city wants to see Him. Do you know how the “ f oa lt hec ol tofa na s s ”wa so bt a i ne df orHi mt or i d eo n ?Hedi dn othi r et h e animal nor pay for it. He asked His disciples to go to a village and told them t he ywoul ds t r a i g ht a wa y“ f i nda na s st i e d ,a ndac o l twi t hh e r: loose them, and bring them to Me. And if any man say anything to you, you shall say, The LORD ha t hne e doft he m;a nds t r a i g ht wa yhewi l ls e n dt he m. ”How di dt he Lord Jesus know that the ass and the colt were tied at that time even though He was not there in the village? How did He know that the owner would let Him use them? He is God, Who has knowledge of an event or situation even before it happens. How wonderful is He! Thepe o pl ewe r ea ma z e d,a n da s ke d:“ Whoi st hi s ? ”Th ec r o wdsr e p l i e d : “ Thi si sJ e s ust hePr op he tWhoi sf r om Na z a r e t hi nGa l i l e e . ”Tot hea d u l t s ,He was only a Prophet, but to the children, He was more than that  they acknowledged His Deity. How do we know? See the next scene. The Lord Jesus came to the temple of God, and healed the blind and the lame people who came to Him in the outer part of the temple. No one else had ever healed in the temple; this right belonged to Him only. The adults saw the wonderful things He did. The children saw too and were amazed. They started shouting and praising Him in the temple area. Mind you, the children here include infants, as the Greek word in Matthew 21.15, tells us, and infants nor ma l l yc a n no ts p e a k.( The wor d“ i n f a n t ”c ome sf r om t he La t i n infans, literally: speechless  Collins English Dictionary.) God must have opened the mouths of the infants to praise the Lord Jesus Christ. But when the chief priests and the teachers of the Law saw the wonderful

things He did and the children shouting in the temple area, they were indignant, and would like to see all the children stop praising Him. They said to Him, “ He a r e s tTh o uwh a tt he s es a y ? ”An dJ e s u ss a i t hun t ot he m,“ Ye a ;ha vey ene v e r read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected (provided, pr e pa r e doro r d a i ne d )pr a i s e ? ”( Ma t t he w 21. 15,1 6)Her e f e r red the children as “ ba be sa n ds uc k l i n gs , ”be c a u s eHes a wt h e mi nt hec r owdpr a i s i ngHi m.Le tt h e parents take note  small children are spontaneous and plenty in their praise of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the children recognised Him as God, they praised Him. Suffer the children When the children wanted to come to the Lord Jesus Christ to be blessed by Hi morbeh e l di nHi sa r ms ,t hea d ul t sdi dno tl i kei t .I nMa r k’ sGos pe l , i ti ss a i d that His disciples rebuked those who brought the children to Him. But when the Lor dJ e s u ss a wi t ,Hewa smuc hdi s p l e a s e d,a nds a i dt ot h e m,“ Suf f e rt hel i t t l e children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little c h i l d,h es ha l lno te nt e rt he r e i n. ”( Yous e e ,c hi l dr e n,n oma t t e rwh a tt h e y are, or who they are, will enter the Kingdom of God, that is, Heaven.) He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them. (Mark 10.1316) The children knew that the Lord Jesus loved them. The adults were probably jealous. The r ewa sal i t t l egi r lwh oha dbe e na s k e dt or e p e a tt heve r s e ,“ Suf f e rt h e l i t t l ec h i l dr e nt oc omeu nt oMe , ”a tame e t i n g.Shes t o odo nt hepl a t f or ma nd be ga nt or e c i t e .“ Suf f e r…. ”Shef e l tfrightened and could not go on to the next wor d.The ns hebe ga na ga i n,“ Suf f e rl i t t l e ” again her fear overcame her, but be i n gade t e r mi ne dl i t t l ec hi l d,s het r i e dt het h i r dt i me ,a nds a i d,“ Suf f e rl i t t l e c hi l dr e n. ”Whe ns h es a ws oma nyf a c e sl o ok i nga ther, she stopped. Finally, she ma deal a s tg r a nde f f or ta nds a i d,no te x a c t l yt heve r s e ,b utt he s ewor ds ,“ J e s u s wa nt su sa l lt oc omet oHi m;a ndd o n' ta ny bodyt r yt os t opu s . ”Thec hi l dha s given a new and true version of Matthew 19.14. Children are not capable of denying or rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. We have seen how the children responded when they saw the Lord Jesus Christ. They cannot reject the Gospel either  God’ sGo odNe wsofs a l va t i onf or mankind. The adults may try their best to hinder the children from coming to Him. They may teach them not to believe in Him, or tell them that He is not

God, etc. But the day will come when all the children of the world shall see Him  nothing shall hinder them from going up to meet Him in the air  that glorious day is coming soon. Then the adults will wail and mourn. Animals know their Maker Animals know their Maker, but not so man. Even though the animals know their Maker, you can never find them performing religious duties or rites. Why not? Because they do not have a spirit that man has. However, they are able to do God’ sbi d di n g.The ywe r eha ppyt os e et he i rCr e a t or ,t heLo r dJ e s u sChr i s t , when He was on earth. Take the following incident, for example. When He was required to pay a temple tax (to which He was not subject), the temple tax collectors, instead of approaching the Lord Jesus, approached Peter, one of His disciples, and asked him to tell His Master that He needed to pay the temple tax. Peter came to tell Him, but before Peter could open his mouth, the Lord Jesus t o l dhi mt og ot ot hel a kea n dt hr owou thi sf i s hi ngl i ne .“ Ta keupt hef i s ht ha t first cometh up; and when thou hast opened its mouth, thou shalt find a piece of mone y :t h a tt a ke ,a n dgi vet ot he mf orMea n dt h e e . ”( Ma t t he w 17. 24 – 27) The fish that came to be caught by Peter must have come at His bidding, and it came wi t hapi e c eofmone yi ni t smout h.Ama z i n g,i s n’ ti t ?Th eLor dJ e s u sChr i s ti s God Incarnate (God Who came down from Heaven to Earth and took human f or m) ,a nd“ Al lt hi n g swere made through Him; and without Him was not any t h i n gma det ha twa sma de , ”J o hn1. 3.TheLor dJ e s usCh r i s t ,t h eCr e a t o ro ft he Universe, had no money to pay the tax, but one of His creatures, a fish, provided the means! How marvellous! How wonderful is the Lord Jesus Christ! Man does not know His Maker It is God Who made man, and had given him a wonderful body. The Bible tells ust ha tt heh uma nb o dyi s“ f e a r f ul l ya ndwon de r f ul l yma de . ”Eve nd oc t or sa n d surgeons who do not believe in God realise that the human body is a wonderful bo dy .Ma nyy e a r sa go,a ta nAc a d e my ’ sMe e t i n g,s c i e n t i s t swe r ea s k e dt hi s qu e s t i o n:“ Wha ts i n gl ea l t e r a t i onwo u l dy ouma kei nt heh uma nbo dy , i fy ouha d the power, that would be particularly useful to man at this critical time in hi s t or y ? ”Thes c i e n t i s t sg a vet he i rf a nc i f uls u g ge s t i o n sb u tn on epr o po u nde d anything that would interfere with the original. A Nobel Prize winner in Me d i c i nes a i da tt heme e t i ng :“ Thema i nr e s ul tofmyr e s e a r c h ,s t r e t c hi ngo ve r more than five decades, is a deep admiration of the harmony and perfection of nature. My inability to improve on nature only made my silent admiration

de e pe r . ”Sur ge o nswhop e r f o r mc ompl i c a t e do pe r a t i on sma r ve la tt h ea ma z i n g intricacies and complexities of the human body. A neurosurgeon will never fail to have a sense of wonder and awe of the human brain. Man’ ss pi r i t The Bible, in Psalm 139, tells us that God forms the inward part or inmost being of the unborn baby, and this inmost being includes the spirit that is responsible for t hea wa r e n e s sofGod.Al r e a dyt hewor d“ ma n”t e l l su st ha t ,f ori tc ome s f r om t heGr e e k“ a nt hr o p os ”( f r om whi c hwege tt hewor d“ a nt hr op o l o gy ” ,t he s c i e nc eofma n) ,a n di tme a ns“ hewhol o o ksu pwa r d” .Tha t ’ swhywhe npe o pl e pray they look upwards to the sky because they often associate a Supreme Being with the sky. Because of his spirit, man is inclined to engage in religious activities, or show interest in mysticism and the supernatural. He feels he has to do something to feed or satisfy his spirit. That is the reason why some people t h i n kt he yf e e lbe t t e ra f t e rt he yha v ep e r f or me da‘ r e l i g i o u s ’a c t i vi t y .The yt hi n k t ha tt h e i rs pi r i tha sb e e n‘ t ou c he d. ’Bu ta l lt he s ebe l i e f sa n da c t i vi t i e sc a nn e v e r make his spirit alive to God, because, as long as he is not saved, his spirit is dead in His sight. Me n’ si de a so ft he i rMake r For many centuries, men have their own ideas of God. They have made representations of Him in many ways. For example, artists have depicted the Lord Jesus Christ as a man with long hair. In 2001, some scientists and researchers debunked that traditional image of Christ and showed that He had short hair. How could He have long hair when the Bible, the Word of God, c l e a r l yt e l l sust h i s :“ Dot hn ote v e nn a t ur ei t s e l ft e a c hy ou,t h a t ,i faman have l o n gha i r ,i ti sas ha meunt oh i m? ”( 1Cor i n t h i a ns11. 1 4)Ho wc ou l dt heLo r d Jesus Christ go contrary to His Word? Impossible! Not only have they misrepresented Him, but they have also misunderstood and misconstrued Him. In His heart, the God and Lord Jesus Christ has the love for them, but they have repulsed His love. They are like the little boy who repulsed his father. So how are adults going to know their loving Maker? They have to be like little children, and the next chapter will tell them how.

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