Childhood Vaccinations: Questions All Parents Should Ask - Bcc Vaccine Talk 2

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  • Words: 2,585
  • Pages: 58

 The

most recent National Immunization Coverage Survey of households by Health Canada, performed in 2002, found that only 56.7% of 2 year old children had received all of the recommended DPTP/Hib and MMR immunizations. Volume Matters: Physician Practice Characteristics and Immunization Coverage Among Young Children Insured Through a Universal Health Plan Astrid Guttmann, Doug Manuel, Paul T. Dick, Teresa To, Kelvin Lam, and Therese A. Stukel Pediatrics 2006; 117: 595-602. 595-602.

More parents are rejecting vaccinations for their children  They

consider the vaccines more dangerous than the disease  They prefer natural rather than artificial immunity  They have a vaccine-injured child (a growing number)  They have religious or philosophical objections to vaccination

Question: Are vaccinated children healthier than non-vaccinated children?

There is no proof vaccinated children are healthier No

major study has compared vaccinated and nonvaccinated children to see which is healthier.

Immunized children: 23.1% had asthma, 30% had other allergic illnesses. Non-immunized children: 0% had asthma or other allergic illness.


of vaccinated children were diagnosed with asthma vs 2% of unvaccinated children - Odent M, Culpin E, Kimmel T, Pertussis vaccination and asthma : is there a link ? JAMA 1994 ; 272 : 592-3

DPPT or MMR and allergies/asthma Children

vaccinated with DPPT (or MMR) had 14 times more asthma and 9.4 times more eczema than nonvaccinated children. McKeever TM, Lewis SA, Smith C. Does vaccination increase the risk of developing allergic disease?: A birth cohort study. Winter Abstract supplement to Thorax, 2002; 57: Supplement III

•Measles vaccination in childhood was related to the following diseases in adult life: autoimmune diseases…skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage and certain tumors. Renne T.

Measles virus infection without rash leads to disease in adult life. Lancet 5 January 1985.


Ingredients aluminum hydroxide aluminum phosphate ammonium sulfate amphotericin B animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg calf (bovine) serum betapropiolactone fetal bovine serum formaldehyde formalin gelatin glycerol human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue) hydrolized gelatin

hydrolized gelatin monosodium glutamate (MSG) neomycin neomycin sulfate phenol red indicator phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) potassium diphosphate potassium monophosphate polymyxin B polysorbate 20 polysorbate 80 porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein residual MRC5 proteins sorbitol sucrose thimerosal (mercury) tri(n)butylphosphate, VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells washed sheep red blood cells

Mercury  One

of the most poisonous substances known to exist in nature.  Children have received up to 125 times the safe limit of mercury set by the EPA (autism skyrocketed).  Symptoms of mercury toxicity resemble those of autism.  Mercury is still in use (as of 2003.)

Question: Do vaccines cause autism? • One in 10,000 births were autistic in 1970s • One in 500 in 1980s • One in 100 in 1990s • One in 86 in 2002 (UK study). • One in 165 today - Pediatrics, July 2006 • In an investigation of unvaccinated Amish population, it was expected that 200 children would be Autistic (based on the 1/165 ratio) – only 3 were found, and all had been vaccinated! (Washington Post, April 18th 2005) • If improved detection/diagnosis were the reason for increased Autism rates, where are all the Autistic adults?

Formalin/Aluminum  Formalin

is a dilute formaldehyde solution. Nearly 50 studies have shown a link between formaldehyde exposure and leukemia and brain, colon and lymphatic cancer.  Aluminum is a neurotoxin that crosses the brain/blood barrier. Neustaedter R. The Vaccine Guide, Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books. 1996.

Aluminum 

“After 20 weeks studying the mice, the team found statistically significant increases in anxiety (38 percent); memory deficits (41 times the errors as in the sample group); and an allergic skin reaction (20 percent). Tissue samples after the mice were "sacrificed" showed neurological cells were dying. Inside the mice's brains, in a part that controls movement, 35 percent of the cells were destroying themselves” – Study performed at UBC, 2006

Research by Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (author of nearly 850 papers in peer reviewed journals), shows that individuals who had five consecutive flu shots have a ten times higher chance (1000%) of getting Alzheimer's disease than if they had only one or two or no shots.

2 questions Are vaccines effective at preventing disease? Are vaccines responsible for eradicating infectious diseases in 20th century?

Question: are vaccinations “effective?” What

does effective mean? CDC: “Effective” means antibodies are produced, not clinical effectiveness (i.e. no disease). However, there is often no correlation between antibodies and resistance to disease.

“[Pertussis] infections are common in an immunized population…more prevalent than previously documented.” 98% were vaccinated in this population. He Q, Vijanen MK, Arvilommi H et al. Whooping cough caused by Bordetella pertussi and Bordetella parapertussis in an immunized population. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1998;280:635-637.


have occurred in 100% vaccinated populations. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. US Govt. 12/29/89/38(S9):1-18.


cases of measles are contracted in vaccinated people.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. US Govt. 6/6/86/35(22):366-70.

More pertussis since vaccination With mandatory vaccination and 5 doses of DPT vaccine, pertussis occurs at a far higher rate now than before the introduction of the vaccine. “There is substantial underreporting of pertussis… including hospitalizations.” Sutter RW and Cochi SL. Pertussis hospitalizations and mortality in the United States, 19851988. JAMA. 1992;267(3):386-390.

Whooping cough deaths increase despite all the vaccinations “The number of infants dying from whooping cough is rising despite record high vaccination levels. All the deaths in 2000 occurred among infants under the age of 4 months.” “Since the early 1980s, reported pertussis incidence has increased cyclically with peaks occurring every 3-4 years.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Feb 1, 2002;51:73-76.

Vaccines interfere with transplacental immunity

Girls who are vaccinated have less protection to pass on to their unborn child. (a) More measles now occurs in children less than 1 and adults 25+ (b) (a) Papania M, Baughman AL, Lee S, et al Increased susceptibility to measles in infants in the United States. Pediatrics. 1999;104(5):e59 National Immunization Program, Epidemiology Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA. (b) MMWR 1991;40:369-372 in JAMA;1991;265(24).

Hib vaccine Since

the vaccine Hib meningitis has declined but other types of meningitis have increased to levels higher than before the Hib vaccine was used.

Replacement chapter for “immunization against infectious disease” 1996: Chapter 23, Meningococcal. [British] Dept of Health. [Pub by NHS Executive.) www./ Beattie G. Vaccination: A Parent’s Dilemma. Australia: Bunya Books. 1997.

Mumps Outbreak in Atlantic Canada  “The

Halifax outbreaks have occurred in both a doubly vaccinated cohort of adolescents, and a singly vaccinated cohort of young adults. The nature of these outbreaks raises questions as to he efficacy of the MMR vaccine in each of these cohorts.” - Two successive outbreaks of mumps in Nova Scotia t

among vaccinated adolescents and young adults Gaynor Watson-Creed, Andrea Saunders, Jeffrey Scott, Luis Lowe, Janice Pettipas, and Todd F. Hatchette Can. Med. Assoc. J. 2006; 175: 483-488.

Tetanus  Associated

with improper wound cleaning, malnutrition and a weak immune system.  Decreased 92% from mid-1850s to early 1900s (before vaccination).1900 -1999: 473 - 70 deaths. Most occur in those over 50 (95% of fatalities); 5% of tetanus occurs under age 20. Fatalities are rare among younger people.

Chicken pox (varicella) A

mild self-limiting disease that gives permanent life long immunity if caught as a child but is much more dangerous in adults. The chances of a child becoming seriously ill and dying from chicken pox are about equal to winning the lottery.


For varicella vaccination, we estimated that 34 000 people would need to be vaccinated to prevent 1 death (using mortality rates reported by Brisson and Edmunds25 and assuming 100% efficacy against the varicella-zoster virus and no waning in protection). To prevent 1 meningococcal-related death, we estimated that about 21 000 people would need to be vaccinated (using mortality data reported by De Wals and associates26 and assuming 100% efficacy against types A, C, Y and W135). - Estimating the number needed to vaccinate to prevent diseases and death related to human papillomavirus infection Marc Brisson, PhD, Nicolas Van de Velde, MSc, Philippe De Wals, MD PhD, and Marie-Claude Boily, PhD Can. Med. Assoc. J. 2007; 177: 464-468

Question: Did vaccines eliminate diseases? “Nearly 90% of the total decline in mortality (scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles) between 1860 and 1965 occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization.” Illich, I. Medical Nemesis. Chapter 1-The Epidemics of Modern Medicine, NY: Bantam Books 1976

Scarlet fever, typhoid fever and pertussis Scarlet

fever, typhoid fever and pertussis were major killers. No vaccine was introduced for scarlet fever and typhoid fever. All three diseases declined to virtually zero.

Polio vs Aseptic Meningitis 

"Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization and was being communityminded in reporting a communicable disease. The criterion of diagnosis at that time in most health departments followed the World Health Organization definition: "Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of nonparalytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours apart."

- Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association

In 1955 the criteria were changed to conform more closely to the definition used in the 1954 field trials: residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset

Example: In one US county in July 1955 there were 273 cases of polio reported for 50 cases of asceptic meningitis, compared to 5 cases of polio in 1966 and 256 cases of aseptic meningitis.

 In

Canada, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics issued an official bulletin in June 1959 titled Poliomyelitis Trends, 1958. "Data shown in this report are confined to paralytic poliomyelitis only. It may be noted that the Dominion Council of Health at its 74th meeting in October 1958 recommended that for the purposes of national reporting and statistics the term non-paralytic poliomyelitis be replaced by 'meningitis, viral or aseptic,' with the specific viruses shown where known."

Flu Shot Video



3 of the 10000+ strains are added each year  They are selected nine months in advance (to allow manufacturers time)  The three strains are based on which ones are circulating in south east Asia at the time  There is NO GUARANTEE that those will be the strains circulating this “flu season”


year, the strains were a non-match  For the first time ever, all three strains have been changed this year  In the best years, the shot has been 0%14% effective  Efficacy is measured by antibody response vs avoidance of disease  Most people will show antibody response to influenza by the end of the season


BMJ Oct 26, 2006 - Summary points:

Public policy worldwide recommends the use of inactivated influenza vaccines to prevent seasonal outbreaks

Because viral circulation and antigenic match vary each year and non-randomised studies predominate, systematic reviews of large datasets from several decades provide the best information on vaccine performance

Evidence from systematic reviews shows that inactivated vaccines have little or no effect on the effects measured

Most studies are of poor methodological quality and the impact of confounders is high

Little comparative evidence exists on the safety of these vaccines

Reasons for the current gap between policy and evidence are unclear, but given the huge resources involved, a re-

Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Oct 2008: “significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not be demonstrated for any season, age, or setting” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Sept 2008: “no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia despite the fact that vaccination rates have risen from 15% in 1980 to 65% now” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease: “We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of nonspecific endpoints such as all-cause mortality have led cohort studies to greatly exaggerate vaccine benefits” Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, 2006: A review of 51 studies involving 260000 children found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo

SWINE FLU Symptoms are similar to seasonal flu, but milder All deaths have had underlying health problems In 1976, the Swine Flu vaccine killed more people than the Swine Flu itself Next fall expect recommendations for all people to be vaccinated

GARDASIL Gardasil has been marketed as a vaccine against cervical cancer In fact, it is a vaccine for HPV – the virus that causes genital warts In certain cases, genital warts can become cancerous Problem: Only two strains of 200+ are in the shot!

GARDASIL Problem: It was only studies in 1200 girls, of which only 100 were 9 years old Problem: Long tem side effects as well as effectiveness of vaccine have never been studies Problem: Less than 400 Canadian women die from cervical cancer annually Problem: there have been tens of thousands of adverse reactions, including 30+ deaths attributed to the vaccine


HOW DANGEROUS ARE VACCINES? Exactly how many children are injured by vaccines?

Doctors rarely report damage “Doctors

underreport adverse vaccine reactions by 90%.” US Food and Drug Administration

"Investigative Report on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.“ NVIC.

“The company estimates about a 50-fold underreporting of adverse events in the passive reporting system.” Froeschle, J. Connaught Laboratories. Adverse events associated with childhood vaccines, evidence bearing on causality. Washington DC: Institute of Medicine presentations. 5/11/92; 328 Appendix. B.

One in 500 injuries reported…  An

analysis of the CDC’s own data demonstrates that the number of actual injuries from the rotavirus vaccine is 500 times the injuries reported to VAERS. Kaiser+Permanente+and+rotashield&SortField =score&Action=FilterSearch&Collection =CDCALL1&ResultTemplate=nsearchresult.hts&filter= newsearch.hts

Vaccine(s) DT (diphtheria-tetanus) DTP DTP-HIB DtaP DTaP-Hep B-IPV DTaP-HIB Td (tetanus-diphtheria) Tdap Tetanus Hepatitis A (Hep A) Hepatitis B (Hep B) Hep A- Hep B Hep B-HIB HIB HPV (human papillomarvirus) Influenza (Trivalent) IPV (Inactivated Polio) OPV (Oral Polio) Measles Meningococcal MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) MMR-Varicella MR Mumps Pertussis Pneumococcal Conjugate Rotavirus Rubella Varicella

Filed Injury 62 3,281 16 250 25 6 128 4 59 11 526 4 3 17 4 214 260 279 142 4 762 6 15 10 5 23 31 189 40



Death 9 695 8 66 10 1 2 0 2 0 45 0 0 3 0 13 14 27 19 0 52 0 0 0 3 3 1 4 2

Total 71 3,976 24 316 35 7 130 4 61 11 571 4 3 20 4 227 274 306 161 4 814 6 15 10 8 26 32 193 42

20 1,263 3 81 4 3 51 0 21 1 123 3 2 6 0 57 7 157 54 0 282 1 6 1 2 5 20 70 21

48 2,674 19 102 4 0 53 0 30 3 255 1 1 5 0 24 264 146 107 0 328 0 9 9 6 13 11 123 13







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