Chhattisgarh Tonahi Pratadna Nivaran Act, 2005.pdf

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Download & View Chhattisgarh Tonahi Pratadna Nivaran Act, 2005.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,536
  • Pages: 3
The Chhattisgarh Tonahi Pratadna Nivaran Act, 2005 Act 17 of 2005

Keyword(s): Tonahi, Identifier, Ojha, Damage

DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document.



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"Idcdliv"means pelsob.$-iididcares my

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persons or sac& & animalor ! i ~ k ~ : t @ ~ s - b ~ , bmagic. l a c k evil eye'or-by q 6:tbe; means, v;hcther as Dajm', ?haha br bi.any o h q ilm'cs.. . . . . - . .

jr ~khahi w indu&..lhr ar by his d & , ; ~ o i d s , + ~ & m o r behaviv~rhdps-i6iildikte :' . . ,.ork n o ~ i n ~ l ~ . & e . rkh; . :hatiby h ~ ~ on.thk basis qf 'such : i:ri&calioi.that : , ,peson:&y'bc,fian&d.o~ apprehendd toke 48imedr.his security. and hondur . : ........... .may e a d v & i.y ..- a K d . - ,. , . . . .-.-. .. . . . . , ., .., . .. . . . .~ .~ .~ .: ~. - :J;w..-ri .iy. .:..: . :.,~.;~;G.;$~..+.iw; ,:)-,-, ~ ~ ? , r - = . . - - - ~ ~ :$;:T;,;:~:.I~~ '








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"Dam,agemincludes physical, menial and economic harm and harm to rcputalion.


"Code" means the W e of Criminal Procedure,,1973 , .

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~eProvisionoftbisAcrshallbe inadditionto andnotin derogaGm ofany otber law for h e dme being in forcc.


9 o e v c r idenufiesany pcrsun as ronahi by my means shall be punished w i ~ hrigorous irnpris&menr for a re&whicb-mey extend l o 3 yeas and dso with fine.


W h ~ v e causcs r physical or mental harwirncn! or damagc ro my person idcntscd by him or any person as ronahi:shallbc punished yith rigorous imprisonment for a [ern1 which may extcnd to 5 yearsand also wih Finc.

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upon any peson indicated as &ton& or m y olher persqn or anirod or living Lhhg alleged to bc decred by such tonahi, under my claim dtrca@entbr conlrol shall be punishedwirh rigorous h p r i s o ~ e nfor t a ierm which may extend lo 5 ycaa md also


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Whwver cjaims ta have poker lo h&n any p o n or animal or living things by black hdhment rut-c~jdng m e g i c , c v l ~ t ~ t o r . b ~ ~ ~ ' o r h e r m ~ ~ d ~ u b ~ c i z e s i ~ a n d t r i e s r p d I s r uLrobb~ ep lu~b~l il c. . vanquility or-peace or causes annoyan& or h . m s others shall be p u d h o d w i d rigorous imprisonment for a term which mq-extend lo one year and ds& wilh fine. . .







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~ & ~ w i l h r ~ d & ~ .cob&ned & 7hc C& d,&minal I&zdu&, (MYID610 b ~ & g . k b l e '1 973 (Noio.2 - i -of 19741,. .. _ .. . . . . - . ,. - . snd non@nIlable.

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every oKem - -, punishable . . under *s Act shall be co@izable and nbnbailabl6.










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~ o l h i eontaio.d. n~ in a t +360 if f i e CO& of~ k i n Pa A ~ ~ ; 1973 .(NA. 2oi hpplliti.. o ~ , i . c t i o n 1974)ociolbe ~mbaiionof'offknders hc~,i,958( ~ ~ ! 2 0 6 f , 1 9 ~ 8 ) s h ~ i : a ~ ~360?P*cweotm 1~~lqi' naIPmcedurp, 1 ~ 3 . m d pekbn cdnvicled of ~1 agencenoe under h i s ~ cdr c s s &ch person is u d e r eighiieb Lhi d b l t i + n or Oryears of.agc. . ..* . , . . . # . ' C e n d~~c t19%. . ,









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\Nhsrca s m l c e 6f~ke ir.imwi@ mdef secdm5 4, jand 6; ult cow ia T I he amount of the iine shall-takeinlo considerationthe physical ' b d rnehia!'dmag6c a k e d , ' I to victim' including any cost of-ttdamenl. , .. , . , .'

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Evev rule made under this ACI by Ihe starc govmrnent shall be laid, as soon as may be after Ir is made. before lh: srare-legislamrc.




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Orde:. . .. - ,. ..for ,C*rnpcqse-


15. . - No snil. p r o ~ u c i o nor drhg leg=llPr&cdiog shall lie against heS m Gov-eb~ ,T ur any sficer ofh c State~ovemm:~ or my a&& peisoo cxerzisiug rdy poucr or discharging ady function orperfonning any-dulyunder this ACL,for anything done in good f i a i r h 01 intcnded lo k done under this Acl or any rule made thereunder. 16.




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no person a m s d of offence punishabit under thisAct s M 6c re!& on! . bail or on his owp bonduun~&s,rhe.pubLic prdsecuroi b i s , k n q oppor- , m i r y to opjost!the appficatiori for -such $+b. - .

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