Chewing The Chewed Part1

  • October 2019
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PART 1 Jan 1998, Radhadesh, Belgium

B.G 18.21 That knowledge by which a different type of living entity is seen to be dwelling in different bodies is knowledge in the mode of passion Purport Invocation In the Nectar of Devotion it explains who is an eligible candidate for devotional service although such a person initially may not yet be free from the desire to enjoy fruititive activities nor that he may be willing to

renounce so much of the material energy but still he is aware of this one thing that he is not this body. So that is the great difference between material life and spiritual life and we are all aware of that because somehow or other by the mercy of the spiritual master, the torch light of knowledge is what we receive, understanding of we are not the body. That is the first and foremost principle. But somehow or other it seems like this previous concept which is described in this verse is sometimes just again influencing us as if we are influenced by the shadow of the past. The shadow of the past is just casting it’s influence on us right in the middle of our sunny present day spiritual life. We have taken up the position of becoming saintly persons but still because of the shadow of the past we can not be successful something is spoiling the fun. It’s not entirely all bright and blissful because there is still the influence of previous activities, this is called of course..Karma. And there is ….sanskrit … karma and … sanskrit…. karma. So ..sanskrit.. karma is manifest karma which we are going through right now and the ..other type..of karma …sanskrit.. is known as that which is there in stock, which is there in the seed form and that which is just about to fructify but has not yet come. So these things may come, these things may happen.

Like one devotee asked Srila Prabhupada “ I am trying so much to make spiritual advancement and I am trying to really do what I can in this regard…but memories come of previous, of my previous life and all the things I used to do, memories come.. what am I supposed to do? It upsets everything.”

So Prabhupada said, “Yeah these memories come, so why do they come? They come to remind you what kind of a rascal you were and that you should not become such a rascal again.” Not that when the memories come of sinful life that you think ..ohhh. ohhh….. should I may be try it again? Ohhhh it’s still part of me, ohhh have I really grown out of this? Am I still a bit of that? You know,and you go back to it. Yesss you may be still a little bit of that, that is why the memory has come to warn you that, watch out don’t think you are over it now. You still have little bits of the disease, so go on very strictly following the cause of purification, the treatment, the medical treatment. As Srila Krsnadas Kaviraja was saying that I have been suffering, I have been bitten by the germs of material desires and I am suffering from the boils of envy. Therefore in an ocean of humility I am falling at the feet of the Supreme physician, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. It’s like very nice in each chapter of the Chaitanya Caritamrita Srila Krsnadas Kaviraja, Kaviraja is sometimes a title used for the Aryuvedic physian. But actually Kavi also means poet, kavi is also refering to one who is learned, Kaviraja got that title because he is learned in scripture. But Kavi also means poet and Kaviraja means the king of poets so it can mean one who is very learned but in the case of Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami we should not think in his spare time he was a Aryuvedic doctor rather Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami got that title because he was the most wonderful poet The poetry of the Caitanya Cariamrita is amazing, it is really amazing. So here we are bitten by the germs of material desire, we are infected,

doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter at all. Because the Supreme Physician never fails! He never fails he can cure anyone, who is willing to take the treatment. So this is the principle. But it is not easy to not act on the bodily platform. Although one may be aware that one is not the body and that he is an eternal spirit soul and therefore ………..the consequences of that are that actually this material world is of secondary importance. We may consider that in the Srimad Bhagavatam there is a discussion in the 11 th canto which we find between the Hamsa avatar and the various sages of the universe and in that discussion the point was made by the Hamsa avatar that actually in this world something that is not connected to Krishna the Supreme Lord has no value, only those things which are connected to Krishna have value and anybody who think that anything in this world without Krishna has value such a person is like someone who is dreaming that he just woke up. So if you are dreaming that you just woke up and you walk around thinking that you are awake, but in reality you are dreaming, just dreaming. So this is exactly the position of one who thinks there is something valuable in this world other than Krishna.

So that is a great platform, that is a platform of transcendence so this is a platform of realising we are not the body. And therefore our relationship with this material world is of no actual importance. The fact that we have this temporary body, that we are within this temporary material world means that we can temporarily use it in the service of Krishna. As good

as we can with the limitations of the tools. Because we are only too much aware of the limitations of our bodily capacity. A kid for a moment maybe thinking that he is very very strong but that usually doesn’t last very long and usually ends up with crying. So after these initial thoughts of one’s great great power, at least one’s physical strength one can come to the point of realising well physically I am not so powerful. But then the same syndrome and the same tendency of desiring to be great returns again, returns again but except this time on the subtle platform… I am very intelligent …..or even if I am not the most intelligent, I may not be the most intelligent but I am the most sensitive, I am very sensitive. I’m not claiming to be the most intelligent but I am sensitive and therefore I always understand exactly what to do in every situation, I just know things better, what can I do, it just happens to be my karma, you know, somebody has got to know better, obviously, it’s logic, just think of it like that, that when there is a group of people, at least one has to know things better than others, most of the time it’s me, practically all the time it’s me… I admit sometimes not, but mostly it is, what can I do it’s my karma Prabhu” So in this way the germ of material affection, the germ of material diseases is just hounding us….CONTD TOMO

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