Chemistry Unit 3 Review

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 8
Unit 3 Review Underlined – You Must Study {} – Extra Notes I added :P 1. What does EMR stand for? a. Electromagnetic Radiation 2. Define wavelength. What units can be used to measure wavelength? {There will a question on this. Make sure you know what units too. } a. Wavelength – distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves (m, cm, nm) 3. Define frequency. What units can be used to measure frequency? {There will be 2 questions on this} a. Frequency – number of waves that pass a given point in a specific time - 1 sec (hz) 4. What is the speed of light , c, equal to in a vacuum? a. 3.00 x 108m/s 5. Write out the formula triangle for the speed of light. Using the triangle, what is the equation for calculating the speed of light? What is the equation for calculating the frequency of a wave? What is the equation for calculating the wavelength of a wave? {Memorize all of the triangles, there’s at least 8 questions on them.} 6. Write out the formula triangle for calculating the energy of a photon. Using the triangle, what is the equation for calculating the energy of a photon? What is the equation for calculating the frequency?

7. Explain what inversely proportional means between frequency and wavelength of a wave. Draw two waves depicting this relationship. {There will one question on this. }

i. λ ∝ 1/v – Inversely 1. In other words, as the wave length of light decreases, its frequency increases and vice versa (↓Wavelength; ↑Frequency) 8. Put the type of radiation in order of increasing frequency. {You must memorize this!!! This will help you with at least 5 questions.} a. Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma Ray 9. Which type of radiation is used to cure cancer? Which type of radiation is used to see through human tissue? Which type of radiation is visible to the human eye? a. Gamma Rays; X-Rays; Visible Light 10.What is the difference between radio waves and gamma rays? What is similar? a. Gamma Rays – Higher Frequency; The both use speed of light 11.Define energy. What units can be used to measure energy? a. The amount released or gained from one energy level to another {j,hz, m/s} 12.Define photon. a. a particle of electromagnetic radiation having no mass and carry a quantum of energy 13.Define quantum. a. the minimum energy that can be lost or gained by an atom 14.Define the photoelectric effect. Draw a picture of it. {You don’t need to draw this. } a. – the emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal 15.What is Planck’s constant equal to? Does it ever change? a. 6.63 x 10-34; No 16.Explain what directly proportional means between frequency and energy. a. As frequency increases, energy increases 17.Why are radiations with high energy and high frequency harmful to humans?

a. It can damage humans, and give them cancer 18.What is a medium? Does light need a medium to travel? What about sound? a. medium – what it can go through [air,water,glass]) ; Light- no; Sound yes 19.What is the difference between reflection and refraction when it comes to light waves. Give an example. (Hint: Think of the pencil in the video). a. Refraction - Bending of a wave when it passes from one medium into another b. Reflection – When a light wave hits a barrier and bounces back 20.What goes ROY G BIV stand for? (Hint: Visible Light) a. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet 21.What are the 4 quantum numbers? Explain what each one stands for. (Make sure you know where each one is located on the periodic table.) a. N – principal (Periods) b. O - Orbital c. M – magnetic d. S – spin 22.What is resonance? (video sheet) a. The emphasis of sound at a particular frequency 23.What is amplitude? (video sheet) a. The maximum height of a wave crest or depth of a trough. 24.What happens when an election moves to an excited state of the atom? Ground state? a. Excited -> Ground (gives off energy); Ground -> Excited (Gets Energy) 25.Solve the following problem. (Show your work.) a. A certain blue light has a wavelength of 685 nm. Calculate the frequency of the blue light. b. Using the information from the previous problem, calculate the energy of a photon of the blue light.

c. A radio station operates at 100.2 MHz. Calculate the wavelength of this station. How much energy is given off? d. A radio station gives off 7.82 x 1021 joules. Calculate the frequency. 26.For the following chemical symbols, give the orbital notation, complete electron configuration notation, and the noble gas notation a. Al

b. Na C. N

D. Cl E. Li

f. Ca

27.What elements are represented by each of the following electron configuration? a. 1s2252p5

b. [Ar]4s2

c. [Xe]6s24f4 d. 1s2252p63s23p64s23d104p5

28.Give the quantum numbers for the following symbols: a. Mn

b. Kr

c. P

d. Zn



29.STUDY YOUR VIDEO SHEET!!!! Remember your: •

Quantum Numbers

Noble Gas Notation

Electron Configuration

How to relate frequency and wavelength with any electromagnetic radiation

Reflection / Refraction / Amplitude / Resonance

Formula Triangle! – There’s like 4 multiple choice questions asking for formulas

Speed Of light

You don’t really need to study ROY G BIV or your video sheet.

Here are the some of the questions:

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