Chemistry Notes

  • October 2019
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Chemistry Notes •

In Electrolysis of water, H is conducted in –ion and O is conducted on the +ion. When time is passed, H forms 2x the molecules than O.

Iron and Sulfur can be separated by using Magnetism. When combined with heating, they form Iron Sulfide and once put in final form, it can be separated.

Solids- Tightly packed molecules Cannot be compressed Don’t Flow Have a definite shape and volume Have H+ bonds that bond the molecules together.

Liquids- Moderately packed molecules Have a definite shape- take the shape of a container Have no definite volume and do flow Incompressable

Gases- Have no definite shape and volume Molecules are free to move Highest energy Are compressible

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Gas- When the substance is at normal gas temperature Vapor- For gases liquid at room temperature

Basic lab Instructions1. Always wear safety goggles 2. follow the intructions of the teacher 3. Report all spills and messes to the teacher 4. If a chemical spills contact teacher immediately 5. If chemical spills on you clean up accordingly

Types of Chemistry1. Organic- part of chemistry that involves the study of carbon 2. Inorganic- part of chemistry that does not involve carbon (Non-living things) 3. Analytical- Concerned with composition of substances 4. Physical- concerned with the theories and experiments that describe the behavior of chemicals 5. Biochemistry- Study of life forms or living organisms

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Chemistry- Study of composition of matter. We use it to figure out why or what each substance is made of. Much of it is used for the curiosity but others are used for different fields in the world. Applied Chemistry is used to harm or benefit us or the environment while Pure Chemistry is used for our own sake.

Scientific Method1. Problem 2. Background/Observation 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment/Test 5. Draw Conclusions  Theory or Law  If your hypothesis is wrong for the first time, check what you did wrong and then change it and restart your process. This will make a new experiment on the same problem. • •

Theory- a broad explanation and extensively tested explanation of why experiments give certain results Scientific Law- a concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments.  In short Law is based on math or statement while a theory explains why the law is like that.

Matter- Anything that takes up space and has a mass

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Mass- Amount of matter an object contains Weight- Force that measures the pull of gravity on a given mass Electronic Balance- Using this scale to measure the mass or weight of an object…?

Substance- Matter that has a uniform and definite composition  Pure Substances

Physical Property- a quality or condition of substance that can be observes or measured without changing the substance’s composition  Density  Color  Structure

Physical Change- alters the given material without changing the composition of the material  Dissolving  Changing State

 Warming up food •

Mixture- Physical blend of two or more substances  Homogeneous- Completely uniform composition: Salt water  Heterogeneous- 2 or more different kinds of composition/ not uniform: Salad or coffee with Cream on top

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Homogeneous Mixture also called a Solution Alloys- Solutions, metals  Silver  Brass

Phase- Uniform Composition and Property of the system  Homogeneous only have 1

Distillation- Liquid is boiled to produce a vapor then condensed to make a liquid again  Distilled Water experiment

Mixture can be separated using Distillation, Magnetism and evaporation and Gravity filtration and much more…

Elements- Simplest form of matter and exist under normal lab conditions  Cannot be separated by Chemical means

Compounds- Two or more elements chemically combine to another and are separated into simpler substances using chemical means  Water

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Atom- Building block of matter Molecule- a particle that contains 2 or more atoms together

Element Symbol- First letter “Capital”, Second letter “Lower Case”

Dia-atomic Particles- Nitrogen to Astaline  Start at atomic # = 7 and go in a seven and end at atomic # 85 = Astatine

Chemical Reaction- One or more substances change into a new substance  Reactants- Starting substances  Products- Final result or substances formed

Chemical Property- Ability to undergo a chemical reaction and form new substances  Rusting  Decompose  Explode

Law of Conservation of Mass- It states that matter is neither created nor destroyed; it is conserved. In every case mass of the products equals the mass of the reactants. Magnetism- Using magnets to filter out the impurity of a metal to make it a pure substance  Iron and Sulfur- Iron becomes Pure

Filtering- Use of Filtration to take out the impurities in any given substance  Notably Water

Evaporation- Using water to turn into a gas

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