Chemistry 1995 Paper 2

  • November 2019
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CHEMISTRY PAPER II 10.45am-11.45am(1 hour) 1. Read carefully the instructions on the Answer sheet and insert the information required (including the subject code ) in the spaces provided 2. When told to open this book ,check that all the questions are there .Look for the words 'END OF PAPER ' after the last question 3. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS All the answers should be marked on the answer sheet 4. Note that you may only mark ONE answer to each question .Two or more answer will score NO MARKS 5. All questions carry equal marks .NO marks will be deducted for wrong answers There are 50 questions in this paper 1.The atomic number of an element X is 18. An atom of X has a mass number of 40.The atom has A. 18 protons, 22 neutrons and 18 electrons. B. 18 protons, 22 neutrons and 22 electrons. C. 18 protons, 40 neutrons and 18 electrons. D. 22 protons, 22 neutrons and 18 electrons. 2. The electronic structure of a compound formed between an element X and chloride is shown below.

(only electrons in the outermost shells are shown.) What would be the formula of the compound formed between X and magnesium? A. MgX B. MgX2 C. Mg2X3 D. Mg3X2 3. Which of the following correctly describes the structure of quartz? A. giant covalent structure. B. giant ionic structure.

C. giant metallic structure. D. simple molecular structure. 4. Boron consists of two isotopes. The table below lists the relative abundance of these two isotopes.

The relative atomic mass of boron (correct to 1 decimal place) is A. 10.4 B. 10.6 C. 10.8 D. 11.0 5. Which of the following methods can be used extract lead from lead (II) oxide? A. heating lead (Ii) oxide in the absence of air B. heating lead (Ii) oxide in the presence of air C. heating lead (Ii) oxide with copper at high temperature. D. heating lead (Ii) oxide with carbon at high temperature. 6. Which of the following fertilizers contains the largest percentage by mass of nitrogen? (Relative atomic mass : H=1.0, N=14.0, O=16.0, Na=23.0,S =32.0, Cl=35.5, K=39.0) A. ammonium. chloride. B. ammonium. sulphate. C. potassium nitrate. D. sodium nitrate. 7. Which of the following substances , when mixed, would undergo a chemical reaction? A. copper and zinc sulphate solution. B. calcium chloride solution and magnesium nitrate solution. C. lead (II) nitride solution and sodium hydroxide solution. D. bromine water and sodium chloride solution. 8. In order to prepare 250 cm3 of 10 M sodium hydroxide solution from 1.0 M sodium hydroxide solution, Which of the following combinations of apparatus should

be used? A. burette , measuring cylinder, pipette. B. conical flask, measuring cylinder, volumetric flask. C. burette, conical flask, wash bottle. D. pipette. volumetric flask. wash bottle. 9. A student performed a titration in which he added an acid from a burette to an alkali contained in a conical flask. The following diagrams show the initial and finial readings of the burette.

What was the volume of the acid added form the burette to the conical flask? A. 24.5 cm3. B. 24.6 cm3. C. 24.7 cm3. D, 32.3 cm3. 10. In Which of the following equations does the underlined substances become reduced? A. CuSO4 + Zn → ZnSO4 + Cu B. 2 FeCl2 + Cl2 → 2FeCl3 C. Pb(OH)2 + 2HNO3 → Pb(NO3)2 + 2H2O D. MgCO3 + 2HCl → MgCl2 + CO2 + H2O 11. A student tries to electroplate an iron ring with nickel using the set-up shown below?

Which of the following combinations is correct? Solution X Anod Cathode e A. Iron (Ii) Iron Nickel sulphate ring rod solution B. Iron (Ii) Nicke Iron ring sulphate l rod solution C. Nickel (II) Iron Nickel sulphate ring rod solution D. Nickel (II) Nicke Iron ring sulphate l rod solution 12. Which of the following pairs of solutions , when mixed, would give a neutral solution? A. 10 cm3 of 1 M sulphuric acid and 10 cm3 of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution. B. 10 cm3 of 1 M sulphuric acid and 10 cm3 of 2 M sodium hydroxide solution. C. 10 cm3 of 2 M sulphuric acid and 20 cm3 of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution. D. 20 cm3 of 2 M sulphuric acid and 10 cm3 of 2 M sodium hydroxide solution. 13. The reaction of cane sugar and concentrated sulphuric acid may be represented by the following equation.

In this reaction, concentrated sulphuric acid acts as A. a strong acid, B. an oxidizing agent. C. a drying agent,. D. a dehydrating agent. 14. A mixture consist of two solids, sodium chloride and lead (II) oxide. Which of the following methods can be used to remove the sodium chloride from the mixture.? A, add water to the mixture and then filter. B. add concentrated sulphuric acid to the mixture and then filter. C. add dilute nitric acid to the mixture and then filter. D. add dilute sodium hydroxide solution to the mixture and then filter.

15. The structural formula of a certain compound is shown below.

The name of this compound is A. butan-1-ol. B. butan-2-ol. C. 2-methylpropan-1-ol. D. 2-methylpropan-2-ol. 16. What volume of water is required to dilute 100 cm3 of 8 M hydrochloric acid to a concentration of 2 M? A. 200 cm3 B. 300 cm3 C. 400 cm3 D. 700 cm3 17. Compound X is a white solid. When X is warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, a gas is evolved which turns moist red litmus paper blue. When chloride water is added to an aqueous solution of X, a brown solution is formed. X is probably A. ammonium bromide. B. ammonium chloride. C. sodium bromide. D. sodium chloride. 18. Metal X reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to liberate hydrogen. But metal Y and metal Z have no reaction with the dilute acid. The oxide of metal Y decomposes on heating but the oxide of metal Z does not. Which of the following arrangements represents the order of increasing reactivity of the three metals? A. X < Y < Z B. Y < Z < X C. X < Z < Y D. Z < Y < X 19. Which of the following is a common use of ammonium nitrate?

A. to cure plant disease. B. to retard the growth of weeds. C. to increase crop yield. D. to neutralize acidic soil. 20 Which of the following statements concerning alkenes is INCORRECT ? A. They can decolorize a solution of bromine in 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane. B. They can decolorize red litmus solution. C. They can decolorize acidified potassium permanganate solution. D. They can be polymerized to form addition polymers. 21. Which of the following diseases is NOT associated with the excessive drinking of alcohol? A. stomach ulcer. B. brain damage. C. sore throat. D. liver damage. 22. The formula below can be used to represent the structure of some polymers.

Which of the following combinations is INCORRECT ? X Name of polymers A. H Polyethene B. Cl Polyvinyl chloride C. CH3 Perspex D. C6H5 Polystyrene 23. Which of the following substances can cause acid rain? A. lead compounds from the burning of leaded petrol in motor cars. B. carbon dioxide from the complete combustion of town gas. C. carbon soots from the incomplete combustion of coal. D. nitrogen dioxide from the burning of fuels in power stations. 24. Consider the following equation : 2FeSO4.7H2O(x) → Fe2O3 (y) + SO3(z) + SO2(g) + 14 H2O (l) Which of the following combinations is correct? x y z A aq s g B aq s l


s s

aq s

s g

25. Which of the following methods is NOT used to preserve food ? A. adding salt. B. adding vinegar C. adding aqueous ammonia. D. storing at a low temperature. 26. Which of the following elements is a semi-metal? A. Hg. B. Si. C. C. D. Be. 27. A certain amount of silver oxide is heated in a tested tube. Which of the following graphs represents the correct plot of the mass of the contents of the test tube against time.

28. In the Haber process, the following reaction occurs:

Which of the following statements concerning this reaction is correct? A. The forward reaction is endothermic. B. The forward reaction can go to completion if sufficient amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen are used. C. In the catalytic conversion chamber , nitrogen, hydrogen and a ammonia are all present. D. The optimum conditions for the Haber process are 10 atm and 500 ℃ 29. Which of the following compounds have the same empirical formula? (1) ethene. (2) ethane. (3) propene. (4) propane. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (4) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (3) and (4) only. (This item was deleted) Directions : Q.30 and Q.31 refer to the following chemical equation: Fe2O3(g) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g) 30. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) Carbon monoxide is an oxidizing agent. (2) The oxidation number of carbon changes from +2 to +4. (3) The oxidation number of iron changes from +2 to 0. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 31. What volume of carbon dioxide, measured at room temperature and pressure, is produced if 224 g of iron are formed? (Relative atomic masses : Fe=56.0; Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure=24 dm3 ) A. 16 dm3 B. 36 dm3 C. 72 dm3 D. 144 dm3 32. Astatine is a Group Ⅶ element below iodine in the Periodic Table. Which of the

following statements concerning astatine is/are correct? (1) It is a liquid at room temperature and pressure. (2) It reacts with sodium to from an ionic compound. (3) It is a stronger oxidizing agent than iodine. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 33. Which of the following statements concerning a silver oxide cell is/are correct? (1) The cell is rechargeable. (2) The cell can maintain a steady voltage during discharge. (3) The positive electrode of the cell is silver oxide. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 34. Which of the following particles is/are present in a hydrogen ion? (1) proton. (2) neutron. (3) electron. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 35. Which of the following substances, when mixed with lemon juice, would give off gas bubbles? (1) iron nails, (2) milk of magnesia. (3) polyethene wrap. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 36. Which of the following statements concerning urea-methanal is/are correct? (1) It softens on gentle heating. (2) It can be used to make ash trays. (3) It consists of polymer chains with cross-linkages between the chains.

A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 37. In the set-up shown metal X is more reactive than metal Y.

Which of the following statements concerning this set-up is/are correct? (1) Electrolysis occurs inside the lemon. (2) Chemical energy is changed into electrical energy. (3) Electrons flow from metal Y to metal X in the external circuit. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 38. Which of the following statements concerning the contact process is/are correct? (1) The sulphur dioxide used in the process can be produced by roasting sulphide ores. (2) A gaseous mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen in the mole ratio of 1 : 2 is passed into the catalytic conversion chamber. (3) The sulphur trioxide produced is absorbed by water in the absorption tower. A. (1) only. B. (2) only. C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only 39. Which of the following substances can conduct electricity? (1) molten zinc chloride. (2) an aqueous solution of magnesium sulphate. (3) a mixture of ethanol and water. A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1),(2) and (3) 40. Which of the following methods can produce hydrogen? (1) adding zinc to water. (2) electrolyzing dilute sulphuric acid. (3) adding magnesium to dilute hydrochloride acid. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1),(2) and (3) 41. Which of the following statements concerning the recycling of plastics are correct? (1) The recycling of plastic can help to solve the disposal problem of plastic. (2) The recycling of plastic can save raw materials derived from petroleum. (3) It is difficult to separate different types of plastic in the recycling process. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1),(2) and (3) 42. Which of the following products may be formed from the cracking of heavy oil fraction? (1) CO. (2) C2H4. (3) C8H18. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1),(2) and (3) 43, Which of the following are characteristics of a homologous series? (1) Members of the series can be represented by the same general formula. (2) Members of the series have same physical properties. (3) Members of the series have similar chemical properties. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only

D. (1),(2) and (3) 44. Which of the following substances are released as a result of the burning as a tobacco? (1) tar (2) nicotine. (3) paracetamol. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1),(2) and (3) Directions: Each question below (Question Nos. 45 to 50) consists of two separate statements . Decide whether each of the two statements is true or false; if both are true, then decide whether or not the second statement is a correct explanation of first statement. The select one option from A to D according to the following table: A. Both statements are true and the 2 nd statement is a correct explanation of the 1 st statement. B. Both statements are true but the 2 nd statement is NOT a correct explanation of the 1 st statement. C. The 1 st statement is false but the 2 nd statement is true. D. Both statements are false.

1 st statement



2 nd statement When a piece Tin prevents of iron wire iron from coupled with a corrosion by piece of tin sacrificial wire is left in protection. the air for a long period of time, the iron wire does not corrode.

The basicity of One

47. 48.



ethanoic acid is molecule of four ethanoic acid contains four atoms of hydrogen Nylon softens Nylon is a on heating condensation polymer. Huge Carbon dioxide quantities of can trap the carbon solar energy dioxide which is reproduced by radiated from the burning of the earth’s fossil fuels surface to the cause the atmosphere. greenhouse effect If a student accidentally spills some hydrochloric acid on his hand, he should immediately wash his hand with sodium hydroxide solution. Panadol is an antiacid.

Sodium hydroxide solution can neutralize hydrochloride acid.

Panadol contains acetylsalicylate as the active ingredient

END OF PAPER KEYS 1. A 11. D 21. C 31. D 41. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D

12. B 13. D. 14. A. 15. C

22. C 23. D. 24. D 25. C

32. B 33. D 34. A 35. A

42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D

6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10 A

16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B

26. B 36. D 27. C 37. B 28. C. 38. A 29. 39. A This 40. C item was deleted 30. B

46. C. 47. B 48. A 49 C 50. D

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