Chemical Industry 1.
Ba s ic Chemicals/Commodity Chemicals (Contribution: 35-37%, Growth: 0.5-0.7 ti mes GDP, Pri ce $0.5/pound) a . Pol ymers (33%) ( major uses in packaging, home construction, containers, appliances, pipe, transportation, toys, and games) i . Pol yethylene ii . Pol yvi nyl Chl oride iii. Pol ypropylene i v. Pol ys tyrene v. Ma n-made fibres ( polyester, nyl on, polypropylene, and acrylics) b. Bul k petrochemicals and intermediates (30%) ( these are the raw materials for polymers) i . LPG ii . NG iii. Crude Oi l E.g. ethylene, propylene, benzene, toluene, xylenes, methanol, vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), styrene, butadiene, and ethylene oxide
Other deriva tives a nd basic industrials (20%) i . s ynthetic rubber ii . s urfa ctants iii. dyes a nd pigments i v. turpentine, resins v. ca rbon black vi . expl osives vii . rubber products Inorganic chemicals (12%) i . s a lt ii . chl orine iii. ca us tic soda i v. s oda ash v. a ci ds ( E.g. nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and sulphuric acid) vi . ti ta nium dioxide vii . hydrogen peroxide Ferti lizers (6%) i . a mmonia (N) ii . phos phates (P) iii. pota sh (K)
Li fe Sciences (Contribution: 30%, Growth: 1.5-6 ti mes GDP, Pri ce: $10/pound) a . di fferentiated chemical and biological substances b. pha rmaceuticals c. di a gnostics d. a ni mal health products e. vi ta mins f. Pes ti cides (10%) i . herbi cides ii . i ns ecticides iii. fungi cides
Specialty Chemicals/ Performance Chemicals (Contribution: 25%, Growth: 1-3 ti mes GDP, Pri ce: $1/pound) a. Fi ne chemicals (single molecule products) b. Pa i nts, Coating and Surface Treatments (33%) c. Adva nced Polymer (27%) d. Adhesives a nd Sealants (14%) e. Addi tives (13%) f. Pi gments a nd i nks (13%)
Cons umer Products (Contribution: 10%, Growth: 0.8-1 ti mes GDP) a . s oaps b. detergents c. cos metics, etc
Specialty chemical products are sold for what they can do rather than for what chemicals they contain