Chem Assignment One

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Chemistry: Assignment One Michelle Fregeau CHEM 1701 February 15, 2019 Professor Laura Labine

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UNIT 1: Matter & Measurement 1. (1 mark) Multiple choice: Matter that has a fixed shape, is not compressible and has particles packed very closely together is classified as: a. Plasma b. Liquid c. Solid d. Gas 2. (1 mark) Multiple choice: Which pair of terms best describes matter that consists of many atoms but one type of molecule. a. Mixture, homogenous b. Mixture, compound c. Pure substance, homogeneous d. Pure substance, compound 3. (2 marks) Describe the difference between a physical change and chemical change. In your answer, include an example of each kind of change. When a physical change occurs, the substance does not change. Usually the appearance will change, but there is no ‘chemical reaction’. An example of this would be ice melting. The following characteristics often point to a physical change: melting, boiling, breaking, cutting and dissolving. In a chemical change, a chemical reaction occurs in a substance (reactant), and a new substance is formed (product). An example would be propane gas reacting with air (exploding). When the following are present, it is usually an indication a chemical reaction is present: produces bubbles, turns cloudy, temperature change, color change, change in smell.

4. (1 mark) Multiple choice: Which of the following are base units in the metric system? a. Pound, meter, liter, second b. Second, liter, foot, quart c. Liter, meter, second, gram d. Gram, liter, foot, second 5. (1 mark) Convert the following metric measurements as indicated. 43.6 m CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

0.87 L

567.2 mm Page 2 of 13





(1 mark) Convert the following values as indicated. Standard notation

Scientific notation

0.000 000 000 97 1.73 x 105



(1 mark) Determine the number of significant digits in each of the following values. 0.00098 6




7,060 5


8. (1 mark) Perform the following calculation and round your answer according to the rules discussed in class. Show all work for full marks. 45.6 x 20 + 32

9. (1 mark) Calculate the mass of 25 cm3 of a substance if its density is 4 g/cm3. Show all work for full marks.

Mass = v x d Mass = 25cm x 4g/cm Mass = 100g

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UNIT 2: The Atom & the Periodic Table 10. (1 mark per row = 2 marks) Complete the table below by identifying the period, group/family and applicable level(s) of classification (representative element, transition element, inner-transition element, noble gas, metal, metalloid, non-metal) of the following elements. Period

Group/ Family











11. (1 mark) Complete the table below. Element name Copper – 65

Isotope notation Cu

Atomic number 29

Mass number 65







12. (2 marks) Calculate the average atomic mass of element X which has 3 isotopes as listed below. Show all work for full marks. a. X-49, 4928X has 45% abundance b. X-50, 5028X has 37.4% abundance c. X-51, 5128X Atomic mass = (%)(MASS)+(%)(MASS)+(%)(MASS)


= 21.73u

Therefore, the average atomic mass is 21.73u.

13. (1 mark) Multiple choice: How many orbitals are in an s, p, d and f subshell? a. s = 2, p = 6, d = 10, f = 14 CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 b. s = 1, p = 3, d = 5, f = 7 c. s = 1, p = 2, d = 5, f = 14 d. s = 2, p = 3, d = 5, f = 7 14. (1 mark) True/False: Nitrogen, carbon and boron have the same number of valence electrons because they are in the same group. a. True b. False

UNIT 3: Ions & Ion Formation 15. (1 mark) Multiple choice: A positive ion is called a ___ and forms when an atom ___ electrons. a. Cation, gains b. Anion, gains c. Cation, loses d. Anion, loses 16. (2 marks) Write electron configurations for the following ions. Ion name

Electron configuration

Bromide ion Sodium ion

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Part 2 – Case Study [30 marks] Supplements: Leonce was instructed to start taking some supplements to help his body prepare for his surgery. When his daughter Maija found out that he was instructed to take so many different supplements, she began to research what they were. Maija had taken Chemistry in college, but was not entirely sure what each supplement was composed of, nor did she know what their purpose was.

1. (1 mark) Maija wanted to first compare vitamin C to vitamin A. She found out what the chemical compositions were for both vitamins and recorded the chemical formulas below. Vitamin A C20H300

Vitamin C C H O

2. (2 marks – 0.5 marks each) Comparing the two chemical formulas from above, how many carbon atoms and how many oxygen atoms are present in each vitamin? Vitamin A Carbon atoms 20 Oxygen atoms 0

Vitamin C Carbon atoms Oxygen atoms

6 6

3. Bromelain was one supplement Maija had not heard of. She decided to visit Shopper’s Drug Mart to go speak with a pharmacist about what the bromelain was and why her father would need to take it. Here are some things she discovered about the supplement.

a. (0.5 marks) What food source is bromelain derived from? Bromelain is derived from pineapple, specifically the stem of pineapple is used as the main source of bromelain. (Pearson, O. 2019)

b. (0.5 marks) What is the chemical composition of bromelain?

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c. (1 mark) Are any of the elements from the chemical composition of bromelain categorized as a “metal” on the periodic table? Fully explain your answer. No, none of the elements of bromelain are categorized as metals. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are all classified as non-metals on the periodic table. They are also four of the most important elements in making up living organisms on Earth.

4. (1 mark) Many of the supplements that Leonce must start taking after the surgery contain metal elements. In the table below, indicate which supplements contain metals. Supplement Magnesium Vitamin C Vitamin D Zinc Selenium


Supplement L-glutamine L-arginine Bromelain CoQ10 Arnica Montana

Metal? (Yes/No) NO NO NO NO NO

5. (1 mark) Multiple Choice: Elements known as macro elements and micro elements are used in many organs and body system pathways. Calcium is a macro element that is a group 2 metal on the periodic table. Calcium is found in the multivitamin that Leonce will be taking. Why does the human body require calcium (Ca)?

a. b. c. d.

Calcium is a major component of the mitochondrial enzyme pathway. Calcium is contained in hemoglobin and myoglobin which are required for oxygen transport in the body. Calcium is needed for the structure of bone and teeth and plays a role in the growth of nerve cells. Calcium is a major electrolyte of blood and cellular fluid.

Knee Replacement – Metal: Maija was once again wondering about the new knee her father was about to get. She understands the process of the surgery, but needed to know more about what was being put in his body. Upon doing her research, she discovered that there are options for the types of materials knee replacements can have. Maija then started to look into why her dad was getting the titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) knee. Was this the best option? Will it be too heavy?

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 6. (1 mark) What is the mass of a titanium alloy knee according to the periodic table? Titanium = 47.87u Aluminum = 26.98u Vanadium = 50.94 The mass of a titanium alloy knee is 446.08u.

7. (1 mark) What is the mass of a titanium alloy knee replacement in pounds? You will have to do some research here. Titanium is very low density making it lightweight, but also very strong. It also does not corrode easily. This makes it an ideal element for joint replacements. Every prosthetic knee is different, made precisely according to the patient’s measurements. In order to calculate the weight of a specific knee replacement we would need much more information than provided.

8. (4 x 0.5 = 2 marks) Each metal in the titanium alloy will have a positive charge in ionic form. What are the possible charges for each of the following metals?

a. Titanium

+2 , +4

b. Vanadium


c. Aluminum


d. Why do all of these elements have positive charges? Please explain your answer in detail using appropriate terminology and full sentences. All these metals have outer shells that are less than half full of electrons. This means it is easier for them to ‘lose’ electrons than to gain electrons to fill their valence shell. Therefore, in ionic form, they have fewer electrons than protons, giving them a positive charge.

9. (2 marks) Maija was able to get a chunk of the titanium alloy. She is amazed at how light it is! This will be perfect for her dad and will be nice and light to help get him running again. As she looks at the chunk of metal, she remembers a lesson about the definition of matter. How would you describe a chunk of titanium according to the definition of matter? Please answer with full sentences and explain your reasoning using scientific terminology. CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 Titanium is a transition metal. It is a very strong metal, as strong as steel but 45% lighter. (MEC. 2019) In comparison titanium’s density is much less than steel. Titanium’s density is 4500kg/m ,whereas steel has a density of approximately 7700kg/m . Titanium’s high strength, low density and resistance to corrosion makes it very useful in many medical applications. Knee Replacement – Plastic: Maija was also able to get a chuck of the UHMWPE plastic piece that will also be part of the knee replacement in her dad. She is wondering why the surgeon decided to use UHMWPE instead of HDPE. Through research Maija discovers that both types of plastic are made of repeating units (polymers) of ethylene (-C2H2-). UHMWPE is approximately 100,000 to 250,000 repeating units and HDPE is approximately 700 to 1,800 repeating units. UHMWPE is odorless, tasteless, and nontoxic. It shares all the characteristics of HDPE with the added traits of being unaffected to concentrated acids and bases, as well as numerous organic solvents. Maija agrees that the surgeon chose the proper plastic.

10. (1 mark) The repeating ethylene units contain carbon and hydrogen. When in ion form, what is the charge for carbon and hydrogen? What are the IUPAC names of these ions? Element Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H)

Ion Form Negative Positive

IUPAC Ion Name Hydrocarbon: ethene Hydrocarbon: ethene

11. (3 marks) Maija decides research the ingredients of each IV fluid. She creates a chart to record her findings. Fill in the chart below to help Maija learn more about the ions and substrates in each type of IV fluid. IV Types


ONE LITRE 9 grams of NaCl mixed in H2O

ONE LITRE 50 grams glucose mixed in H2O

Sodium Ion=154mEq/L Chloride Ion=154mEq/L


D5W (5%) ONE LITRE NaCl – 6mEq/L C3H5NaO3 – 3.1mEq/L KCl – 0.3mEq/L CaCl – 2H2OmEq/L

-used to treat low blood sugar,

Total: 130mEq/L Sodium Ion

0.9% saline

Lactated Ringers

- isotonic solution (contains

dehydration, etc.

same concentration of NaCl as the blood), used to maintain hydration

(, 2019)

-used to replenish fluids and electrolytes. (, 2018)

(, 2019) -

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 12. (3 marks) Select any 3 elements you discovered were in the IV fluids. Pick one isotope for each element and record its isotope notation. Isotope 1

Isotope 2

Isotope 3




13. Scenario 1: Adequate hydration via an IV drip is essential during surgery, but recent reports suggest that getting the balance of salt and water just right could have an important impact on patient recovery. Salt solutions delivered intravenously during and after surgery helps to maintain a patient’s fluid balance and blood pressure within the appropriate range. The increased salt concentration in a hypertonic/isotonic fluid is designed to keep the body in equilibrium by helping to reduce fluid buildup in the lungs, interstitial spaces and swelling in the extremities. The hypertonic/isotonic fluid draws out the excess fluid that builds up in these tissues. Too much swelling can compromise the delivery of blood and oxygen to the organs. That reduction can slow the healing process. (2 marks) Looking back to the chart you filled out in question 11, which of the three IV fluids would you choose for Leonce as an IV for during and after his surgery? Keep in mind that the term “salt” refers to certain elements/ions/chemicals and you may need to look up the components. This question MUST be answered by what you decide and there should be no research done. Explain your reasoning for choosing the IV fluid with 2 points. I would choose Saline as an IV fluid for Leonce both during and after his surgery. D5W 5% contains glucose and no salt, so I quickly eliminated that as an option. While Lactated Ringers and Saline both contain sodium, saline 0.9% has a higher sodium content than lactated ringers. Saline 0.9% contains 154mEq/L of sodium, whereas lactated ringers only contains 130mEq/L of sodium. Saline is isotonic, meaning it can supply the appropriate balance of sodium for Leonce, during a time he will not be ingesting anything to supply his own. Since salt is so important to reduce fluid buildup in the lungs and swelling both during and after surgery, I would suggest saline as Leonce’s IV fluid.

14. Scenario 2: On a cellular level, energy is created through three main processes known as glycolysis, the Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport chain. In order for cells to create ATP, there is a known requirement to start this process. You may need to think to your Biology course to help you remember the process. (2 marks) Leonce has come out of surgery and has been in recovery for five hours. He has been on an IV drip to help with dehydration and to administer some pain medication. The doctor has come in to visit him and to check on his progress thus far. The nurses have been noticing that his catheter bag is beginning to show that his blood sugar levels are dropping. They relay this information to the doctor and he suggests changing his IV drip to another type. Looking back to the chart you filled out in question 11, which of the three fluids would you CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 choose for Leonce as an IV for increasing his sugar levels? This question MUST be answered by what you decide and there should be no research done. Explain your reasoning for choosing the IV fluid with 2 points. I would choose D5W 5% as Leonce’s new IV fluid. Of the three IV fluids listed above, D5W 5% is the only one that contains glucose. This will supply Leonce with the sugar he needs and help raise his blood sugar levels. Maija was very interested in one ingredient – citric acid. An acid! Whoa! She wanted to know more about what this acid was made of and also wondered how strong the acid was. She assumes that it is an acid on the higher end of the pH scale (making it alright to ingest). Maija looks up the acid in her Chemistry textbook and finds out that yes, it is an acid that humans can ingest and will not harm her father. She then wants to know which elements make up the acid.

15. (1 mark) What is the chemical formula of citric acid? a. C=4, H=8, O=2 b. C=6, H=8, O=7 c. C=2, H=4, O=2 d. C=4, H=8, O=2

16. (1 mark each column = 3 marks) Record the names of the elements you determined were in citric acid (see the question above). How many valence electrons are present in each element? Then, draw the Lewis structure for each element to show the number of valence electrons. Element name




# of valence e-




Lewis structure

17. (2 marks) Maija also noticed that some Gatorade flavors are sweetened with sucralose. She remembers from Biochemistry class that sucrose is sugar and she decides to compare and contrast the two types of sweeteners. What is the chemical formula of sucralose (Splenda)? _________________________ What is the chemical formula of sucrose (table sugar)? ________________________ CHEM 1701 – Assignment 1

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CHEMISTRY: ASSIGNMENT 1 a. (2 marks) Compare and contrast the chemical formula and/or the characteristics of both types of sweeteners. For full marks, you must do full comparisons or contrasts. Explain in detail how they both compare or contrast.

Bot sucrose and sucralose have the same number of carbon atoms. Both contain oxygen and hydrogen, but sucrose contains three more atoms of both elements than sucralose. Sucralose contains three atoms of Chlorine, and sucrose does not contain any. The body does not absorb the chemical formula of sucralose as it does sucrose, making it a ‘low calorie sweetener’. (Quirky Science, 2015)



‘Sucrose’. Wikipedia. 29 Dec. 2018

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Sucralose. Wikipedia. 26 Jan. 2019

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Contributors, M. (2019). Periodic Table of the Elements: Titanium . Retrieved from Minerals Education Coalition : Contributors, W. (2018, December 29). Sucrose. Retrieved from Wikipedia: Contributors, W. (2019, January 26). Sucralose. Retrieved from Wikipedia: Copyright © 2000-2019 (2018, August 15). Dextrose 5% in Water. Retrieved from Copyright © 2000-2019 (2019, January 4). Lactated Ringers. Retrieved from Pearson, O. (2019). Foods Containing Bromelain. Retrieved from Livestrong: Quirky Science. (2015). The Difference Between Sucrose and Sucralose. Retrieved from Quirky Science: Saline Solution 0.9%. (2019, January 22). Retrieved from Yartsev, A. (2018, May 3). Response to 1 Litre of 5% Dextrose. Retrieved from Deranged Physiology:

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