Check List For Roads Buildings Works

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Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list For Clearing And Grubbing PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Review the plans, special provision, right of way agreements, which may require special staking. 2) Confirm land acquisition is completed and area demarcated is in possession. 3) Confirm encroachments (if any) are removed and tree cutting (if any) is carried out with permission of competent authority. 4) Check whether all the tree roots and stumps are removed in the formation area. Check whether the pits from where trees have been removed are filled with granular material and suitably compacted. 5) Ensure that features and facilities, which are to be preserved, are clearly marked. 6) Attention shall be paid to environmental commitments. 7) Determine the method for disposal of all materials outside the right of way. 8) Identify the location of all public utilities (telephone poles, power lines, water supply lines, sewer lines, UG cables etc.) and ensure proper liaison with concerned authorities for shifting or for carrying out work safely without affecting the utilities during execution of works.

CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Check whether the Executing Agency equipment has required safety devices for the protection of personnel and environment. (In forest areas required spark arresters shall be used in the equipment). 2) Ensure no hazard to public during operations like timber felling, blasting. 3) Ensure a better and coordinated traffic control. 4) Check whether adjacent property and environmentally service-line areas are being affected and prevent such operations. 5) Limits of clearing areas which do not require removal of stumps should be determined, and the height of stumps above natural ground be checked. 6) Determine if dead, dying or otherwise unstable trees, which are in the right of way but outside the clearing limits to constitute a hazard. Any such tree shall be removed. 7) Check whether the cut timber is being handed over to the concerned agencies, in case the contract provides such handing over. 8) When burial of debris is permitted within the right of way that it will not act as a permeable layer, does not block drainage and will not interfere with maintenance. 9) Ensure proper precautions, if burning of debris is permitted. Ensure that the smoke will not interfere with the visibility of public traffic and no air pollution problem is created. 10) Ensure that tree branches overhanging above the roadway are cut off as specified. 1

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Earth Works Earthwork includes operation connected with roadway excavation, structure excavation, backfill, ditch/drain excavation, compaction, embankment construction and borrow area excavation.

Pre-Construction Stage 1) Confirm required drawings I.e. Longitudinal Section and Cross Section for the proposed stretch are updated and at hand. 2) Confirm centerline of the proposed road has been set out using Total Station. Drive pegs to mark it at every 10 m or less in straight reaches. Erect masonry pillars 23x25 cm at each peg position with two sides plastered. Mark on the pillars proposed level upto which filling is to be done. 3) In the case of road in cutting, two additional pillars are to be constructed on each flank of the road and with the proposed level of formation on the plaster. 4) Check road safety signs such as "Road work under progress", "Take diversions", etc. are properly positioned. 5) Earmark/detail personnel for traffic control (if any) concerned authorities to be informed in advance and publicize the traffic restriction if any. 6) Make a list of persons deployed at site along with qualification and experience. 7) Confirm reference pillars (Temporary Bench Marks) are erected. 8) Confirm quarries are identified and permission (if any) from appropriate authority has been obtained. 9) Calculate required quantities and assess and satisfy the material is available with quarries. 10) Confirm quarry material have been tested and results are satisfactory. 11) Confirm setting out of curves - Horizontal and vertical have been completed. 12) Confirm requisite templates for camber and depth of loose earth spread are available. 13) Check watering arrangements are satisfactory. 14) Check agreed upon plant and machinery including Vibrohammer for vertical banks are in good working condition. 15) Check fuel, oil, lubricant, urgent spares (if any) are readily available (in the vicinity) nearby. 16) Confirm checking and measuring instruments like leveling instrument / staff of 30 m, tapes etc. is available at site. 17) Check testing equipment for field tests like field density apparatus, rapid moisture meter etc. are available. 18) Confirm registers/site documents for recording the levels, and any other activity at site are available. 2

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

19) Check whether marking of exact location of CD works have been completed. 20) Check if any vegetation has grown after clearing and grubbing. If yes repeat the operation of clearing and grubbing. 21) Check whether the existing ground has been rolled to meet the compaction requirement. 22) Whenever Ground improvement has been proposed check if prefabricated drains (band drains), sand for sand blanket, geotextile and free draining material of required quantity are available, before the work is taken up in hand. Please check that the complete design has been approved by the Engineer. 23) Sections where reinforced soil structures are to be provided, check if precast concrete facing units, soil reinforcing elements with accessories / Fitting and back fill material of required quantity are as specification before the work is taken up. Please also check that the design have been approved by the Engineer. 24) Establish contract for coordination with any other agency working/operating in the same area.

Construction Stage In Fill 1) Ensure removal of top 15 to 20 cm of soil when filling is proposed. 2) Ensure ground treatment as per Technical specification - Appendix XXVI-Vol. II in marking areas before earth wall in embankment is taken in hand. 3) Approved soil for filling to be free from organic or decomposed material. 4) Breaking up of earth clods and compaction of the layers (of 20 to 30 cm as specified) and rolling to be done with rollers (of type and size as specified). To ensure uniform thickness of spread, use templates. 5) Modified density to be taken at specified intervals and ensure top 500 mm of embankment and shoulders to have 97% standard modified proctor density and lower layers 95%. 6) Ensure that each layer of earthwork is tested (Density and Moisture content) before starting next layer. 7) Check whether water has been sprinkled over the previous layer top, before laying and next layer. 8) Check the layer thickness of any later laid to compensate the thickness of grades. If it is less than 100 mm, then the previous layer top shall be suitably watered and scarified and then next layer is laid. Ensure proper bonding with old compacted layer and avoid 'peeling off in patches' of the newly laid layer during compaction. 9) Ensure the benching into existing material during hillside construction or where the section changes from embankment to excavation or while widening the existing formation is adequate for proper keying of embankment material to original ground. 10) Ensure that rolling over entire area - completely to outside edges is being carried out. 3

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

11) Necessary treatment to side slopes to avoid blockage of drains by loose earth coming down. 12) Plan cutting operation in such a way to avoid filling the same area later on. 13) Ensure camber, super elevation and gradient of road formation after rolling using levels, templates etc. liberally. Special templates to be used for curves. 14) No dumping in heaps at the area of work. 15) Ensure that the top of the cut section sub-grade is property rolled. If granular subbase is proposed straight on top of the cut formation, the top 500 mm below the cut formation level shall be excavated and re-rolled to have 97% standard modified proctor density compaction. If the soil at the cut formation level is found unsuitable either due to inadequate CBR value or due to sub-standard quality, top 500 mm soil below the cut formation level shall be removed and thrown away. The formation base shall be compacted to 95% of modified proctor density value, and suitable sub-grade material of 500 mm thick shall be placed on top of cut formation and compacted according to the specification, before laying any pavement layers. 16) Check the material used for sub-grade, whether it has four days soaked CBR of minimum 10%. 17) Quality control tests during construction as stipulated in Annexure A. 18) Ensure earthwork in Earth retaining Structures as per Technical Specification Appendix XXVII-Volume II.

Post Construction Stage 1) Confirm width of formation is as specified 2) Ensure side slopes are dressed to specified slope. 3) Check camber is achieved. 4) Tolerances in Surface levels as specified.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Protective Works PRE- CONSTRUCTION STAGE Stone Pitching or Turfing • Confirm slope of embankment is as specified (1 in 2) • Check the stones collected for size. Large size boulders should be used. Each stone should be over 40 kgs. Smaller size stones should not be used. • For turfing, the clods of turf should be at least 50 mm thick and contain roots.

Roadside and Catchment Drains • Check drains planned for road in cutting • Check whether bed slope is correct • Check whether the slopes of drains are as per designs • Check whether the excavated earth is removed and spread or disposed off.

CONSTRUCTION STAGE Stone Pitching or Turfing • Ensure stone pitching is in accordance with IRC: 89 Clause • Ensure Stones and clods of turf are hand packed from bottom on top.

Post Construction Stage • In case of turfing, unless done during the monsoon, daily watering for 30 days should be ensured. • In case of drains, ensure excavated earth is removed from site.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Granular Subbase Pre- Construction Stage 1) Confirm subgrade is adequately compacted. If there is time gap for execution of GSB layer and the previously finished subgrade, check whether the subgrade test results are valid. Check whether the compaction of the subgrade is still in good condition, if not carryout proof rolling. Clear all loose or external materials before laying GSB from subgrade top. 2) Confirm camber, cross slope and side slope of embankment are correct. Check whether the subgrade top surface tolerance levels are within the permissible limits prescribed. 3) Confirm grading of GSB materials has been tested and is of correct specifications as per Appendix A. 4) Check whether the "Ten Percent Fines Value" test and water absorption value test have been conducted and the results are as per the Specification. 5) Check templates available for indicating thickness of loose layer to be spread. 6) Check watering arrangements are adequate. 7) Confirm rollers are available and in working order.

Construction Stage 8) Observe the spreading and compacting operations. Ensure the material is being spread without significant segregation. If necessary, obtain samples from the material being spread and conduct sieve analysis test. Check the layer thickness and confirm that it is as per specification requirements. 9) Check layer of loose material is as specified in the specification. (For Moisture ContentIS: 2720 Part 2). 10) Check layer of compacted layer is as specified. 11) Check density of compacted layer is as specified (Density 98% according to IS: 2720 Part 8). 12) Observe the compacting operation to determine that the material forms a firm, stable base throughout the spread width.

Post Construction Stage 13) Tolerance as specified.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Wet Mix Macadam Pre-Construction Stage 1) Check whether the previous true layer GSB or subgrade as the case may be, has been finished properly and is to the required grades and lines and the surface irregularities are within the tolerance levels. Verify whether the subgrade has been prepared to the specifications laid in Cl. 404.3.1 of MOST. 2) Check whether GSB/subgrade layer compaction is intact if there is a considerable time delay in execution of WMM and the previous pavement layer (say 10 days). If not, carryout proof rolling. 3) Check whether any loose materials or external materials are on the GSB/subgrade top and remove all loose and external materials before laying WMM. 4) Confirm mix design is known to supervisor in charge of mixing. The design water content should be known. 5) Confirm stone aggregate has been tested and is of acceptable quality and adequate quantity (IS: 2386 Part 5) as per Appendix A. 6) Confirm fine aggregate is of correct gradation and adequate quantity. 7) Confirm equipment and plant necessary are available and in working order. 8) Confirm the sub-base on which wet mix macadam is to be laid is clean. 9) Check that the paver is adjusted to give the specified minimum thickness and camber. Do a trial stretch of about 5 to 10 m to confirm this.

Construction Stage 10) Observe the spreading and compacting operations. Ensure the material is being spread without significant segregation. When WMM is spread by graders/pavers, the layer size particles have a tendency to segregate. Check continuously while spreading that this type of segregation does not take place and take suitable remedial action either manually rectifying or adjusting the blade angles of the paver screed. Ensure no segregation takes place and material is spread without rock pockets. 11) Confirm that the gradation of spread materials are as per the job mix, by taking samples from the spread materials and conducting gradation tests. 12) Monitor thickness of wet mix macadam layer. (Not less than 75 mm) 13) Monitor whether required camber is achieved. 14) Monitor water content. Excess water will/result in separation of coarse and fines (Optimum moisture for mixing IS: 2720 Part 8). 15) Monitor compaction achieved is as required. Observe the compacting operation to determine that the material forms a firm, stable base throughout the spread width. Rolling continued till density achieved is at least 98% of MDD (IS: 2720 Part 8). 16) Control tests and their minimum frequencies as specified in Appendix - A. 17) Tolerance shall be within the limits as specified.

Post Construction Stage 18) Erect barricades or pitchstones to prevent traffic. 19) Road shall be allowed to dry for a minimum period of 24 hours. No traffic shall be allowed over the surface before any priming coat is laid.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Laying Prime Coat PRIME COAT Prime coat is the application of liquid asphalt/emulsion over an absorbent granular surface preparatory to any superimposed bituminous treatment or construction. Generally prime coat is applied to seal the granular surface

Pre-Construction Stage 1) Check the choice of bitumen and quantity shall be as per relevant specifications. 2) Confirm cut back mix emulsion is known to supervisor in charge of mixing. 3) Confirm bitumen has been tested and is of acceptable quality. Sampling and Testing of Bituminous primer according to IS: 217 (Cutback bitumen) IS: 454 (Digbol type cutback bitumen) IS: 8887 (Specification for bitumen emulsion for roads {cationic type}) Generally heavier grades of bitumen can be used during hot weather and on open surface texture; lighter grades are more suitable under normal surface conditions or cold weather construction. Confirm the type of bitumen, which is going to be used, is as per the particular specification requirements. 4) Prime coat shall not be applied on a wet surface or during dust storm or when the weather is rainy, windy or foggy. Ensure that no priming is done when the atmospheric temperature is less than 10OC. 5) Check arrangements for ensuring correct dosing is in place. 6) Confirm equipment like bitumen boiler, bitumen spreader to be used is available and in working order.

Construction Stage 7) Surface should be swept clean, free from dust and shall be dry. If the surface to be primed is so dry or dusty, a light and uniform sprinkling of water may be done, but no priming shall be undertaken till such time is no surface water is visible,


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

8) Check bitumen spread per sqm. is as specified. Check the temperature of the bitumen prior to application and ensure that it is within the specified range. 9) Check the viscosity of bitumen used. 10) Check whether the spread of bitumen is uniform and no uncovered patches are left on the surface. 11) Control tests and frequencies shall be as per Appendix A.

Post Construction Stage 12) Erect barricades or pitchstones to prevent traffic. 13) Surface shall be allowed to cure for a minimum period of 24 hours or any other period as per site conditions. 14) If the primed surface is not cured within 24 hours of application, sand may be spread lightly over the primed surface. 15) Sand should be spread only thick enough to prevent pickup of asphalt. The need for large amounts of sand to blot up excess liquid asphalt is an indicative or error in selecting the rate of application or type of binder. 16) Care shall be taken to remove all loose sand before taking up the next course.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Laying Tack Coat TACK COAT Tack coat is the application of liquid asphalt/emulsion over an existing road surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it. Tack coat is applied to ensure better bonding of layers.

Pre-Construction Stage 1) Check the choice of bitumen and quantity shall be as per relevant specifications. 2) Confirm cut back mix emulsion is known to supervisor in charge of mixing. 3) Confirm bitumen has been tested and is of acceptable quality and confirms to specifications (IS: 217, 454 and 8887). 4) Ensure arrangements for applying liquid asphalt confirm to requirements and all the equipments are available and are in working condition. 5) Confirm that surface over which tack coat is to be applied is clean and all loose material or extraneous material is removed either by mechanical brooms or by other approved method.

Construction Stage 6) Check whether the liquid asphalt is heated and the temperature prior to application is within the range. 7) Check whether the spread of bitumen is uniform and the entire area is covered uniformly. 8) Ensure that no further layer is spread over tacked area before the tack coat is cured ( until the water/cutter in case of emulsion/cutback has completely evaporated). In general time gap of 30 minutes will be sufficient. 9) Ensure that tack coat is not applied when the atmospheric temperature is less than 10OC. 10) Check that tack coat is not applied over a freshly laid bituminous course. If due to site condition, traffic is allowed over the finished layer before next layer is laid, a light tack coat as decided based on site conditions shall be applied. 11) Normally tack coat is not to be applied over a freshly laid bituminous course. If due to site condition, traffic is allowed over the finished layer before next layer is laid, a light tack coat as decided based on site conditions shall be applied.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list For Bituminous Layers Using Mechanized Construction (BM, DBM & BC) Pre-Construction Stage General 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Confirm mix design is available. Confirm hot mix plant setting and match the mix design. Confirm whether all the materials are as per criteria furnished in Appendix 'A'. Do a trial run for paver settings and for evolving rolling pattern. Ensure freshly laid surface is barricaded or boulder pitched to prevent traffic for 48 hours. 6) Check the tolerance in surface levels as specified. 7) Check and do not allow any bituminous work when there is a possibility of rain or during rain. 8) Check the probable environmental impacts due to functioning of the hot mix plant and ensure proper remedial actions are taken before the actual operation begins. Ensure regular check to monitor the environmental mitigation action plan and its proper implementation.

PLANT OPERATION Pre-Construction Stage 1) Observe the aggregate storage areas and facilities to ensure that storage is as specified. When various sizes are stored separately, required physical separation, either by space between stock piles or some types of wall that will provide separation. 2) Determine whether the stock piled aggregate is similar to the material used for the mix design. Confirm their quality. 3) Examine the plant whether weighing equipment is as specified. 4) See that scales and meters are sealed or tested as required. 5) Examine the plant to determine if it has a temperature indicating device or the drier and that it meets requirements set forth in the specification. 6) Check method used for including supplemental fine aggregates or bag house dust as per specification. 7) Check that the plant is equipped with a functional dust collection system as per specifications. 8) Determine if there are safety provisions for sample collection as per specifications. 9) Check asphalt storage tanks and determine that they meet specifications. All storage tanks, transfer lines, pumps etc. should have heating oils or should be jacketed and heated to maintain the asphalt at the required temperatures. 11

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

10) Check batch plants and determine that it meets the requirements of the specifications. a) Check whether there are overflow chutes for the hot aggregate storage, which will prevent overflow between adjacent bins. Examine the chutes to see that they are not clogged. b) Provisions for the binder to be introduced uniformly at the specified location. c) A timing device, which will indicate by audible or visual signal the expiration of the mixing period - check to ensure that the system is in working order.

Production Stage 1) Maintain a daily plant record. Use a form approved by the Engineer. 2) Ascertain that the production rate for the mix plant does not exceed the specifications. Production rates in continuous mix plants must not exceed those rates established during the preceding aggregate weigh belt and asphalt meter calibration. 3) Monitor plant interlocks. 4) Obtain the required certificates of compliance for all asphalt binder loads. 5) Observe aggregate storage and determine that it meets requirement set forth in the specifications. 6) Determine that supplemental fine aggregate is kept dry and stored properly. 7) Monitor and record the temperature of the asphalt and aggregate and determine that it meets requirement set forth in the specifications. Any excessive moisture in aggregates may cause slump of flattened loads, accompanied by considerable bubbling or streaming of the mixture. 8) Compare aggregate from all bins to determine that it meets specifications. Obtain samples of the aggregate prior to mixing with asphalt, and test for the grading. Gradings used by the laboratory for mix design are based on volume and not weight. When there is a difference of more than 0.2 between the specific gravities of coarse material and fine material, the field sieve analysis must be adjusted to volume for comparison with the design curve. 9) Observe the overall plant operation to see that dust or smoke is being controlled as specified. 10) Observe plant productions to assume that a homogenous mixture is being produced check the aggregate gradation, mixture consistency, stability and bitumen content. If the mixture appears to be deficient in any of these respects, the condition should be discussed and rectified. For batch mixing, do not approve a mixing time of less than 30 seconds unless the reason for such action is adequately documented and based on tests for uniformity of 'aggregate and asphalt distribution. Mixing time in a continuous' flow mixer is a function of length of the mixing area and the rate of drop in drier drum mixing. The most efficient pug mill mixing is obtained when the level of material is at the top of the paddies, throughout the length of the mixer. Feed must be continuous and uniform for best results. Also it must be noted in the daily report. 12

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

11) Monitor the temperature of asphalt. In batch plants ensure that the temperature of the asphalt in the line does not drop more than 8OC (15OF). In continuous feed plants ensure that the temperature of the asphalt does not vary more than 28OC (50OF). 12) Check to ensure that all the equipments are functioning properly and within the specifications. When automatic batch mixing is used, check to see that the automatic equipment is functioning within specifications. When any continuous mixing plant (drier drum or drier drum pug mill) is used, check to see that the vibrating unit on the fine bin is in operation. Also ensure that the low-level interlock systems for the aggregate feeder bins and the asphalt storage are functional. 13) Observe the operation of all weighing systems. Required scales and meters to be retested whenever there is any indication that there may be in error. a) The weight of the material falling from the bin gates to the weighing hopper after the gates are closed must be considered in the batching process. Check that the weigh box containing the total batch does not contact anything, which prevents a true indication of the batch weight. b) Periodically check the batching by comparing the total weight of the batches in a truckload with the platform scale weight for the some load (This can be done only when the mixed materials are not kept in silos). c) Check the asphalt scales frequently to make sure that there is no zero error; that the scale levers and knife edges move freely; and that there is no bind or drag on the lever systems. d) The accuracy of meter driven asphalt proportioning devices should be checked by comparing meter totalizer readings with asphalt tank stabbings and/or with the combined aggregate totalizer readings in conjuction with an on site vehicle scales. 14) Observe storage of materials in silos to ensure that segregation is prevented, that specified temperatures are maintained, and that minimum silo levels are maintained. 15) Examine truck beds prior to loading to ensure that contaminating agents are not used and that parting agents are used sparingly. 16) Ensure that the automatic aggregate asphalt proportioning system in continuous mix plants is operating. 17) Record all information that will support payment and will assist in determination of causes for out of specification materials.

Transportation Stage 1) Check whether truck beds are smooth and free form holes and depression. 2) Is there any leakage of gas or oil from trucks? 3) Are trucks equipped with adequate covers? 4) Do truck and paver operate together without interference? 5) Is the method of coating of contact surfaces of truck beds agreed upon? 13

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

6) Whether any provision for checking the temperature is made in the trucks. 7) Whether any segregation takes place while loading the trucks from the plant. 8) Check whether there is any spillage of mixed material while loading into the trucks from the plant or at loading the pavers from the trucks. Any spillage shall be removed and discarded. 9) Check the temperature of mix at the time of loading and unloading. If the reduction in temperature is substantial, the mix should be discarded.

BITUMEN DISTRIBUTOR 1) Are the heaters and the pump in good working condition? 2) Does the distributor have a volume calibration chart? 3) Are spray bars and nozzles analogged and set at the proper angle for application of tack coat? 4) Is a proper thermometer provided to verify temperature? 5) Whether a hand held spray hose with nozzle provided to tack irregular areas.

LAYING OPERATIONS PRE-LAYING 1) Ensure that the base of previous road surface has been prepared as specified, remove all loose materials and have problems corrected. 2) Ensure that the prime coat/tack coat has been applied uniformly and properly. Determine temperature of the asphalt material used for prime coat/tack coat. Check whether all vertical faces are coated. 3) Ensure that tack coat material is being applied at the specified rate and at the proper distance in advance of the paving operation. Check distributor spray bar height and nozzle angle. 4) Ensure that the tack coat is broken or cured prior to having wherever required. 5) Ensure that certificates of compliance have been received for each shipment and that weight and load slips for each liquid asphalt load are accurate. 6) Determine the temperature of the air and record. 7) Examine the spreading equipment to determine whether it has the specified attributes. Pay particular attention to pavers, which are variable in width, to ensure that spreading and compacting components extend for the full width of the traffic areas lane to be paved. 8) Examine rollers to determine whether they have the specified attributes. Ensure that the specified number of rollers is available as decided during the trial compaction. Check frequency of vibratory rollers to assure 30-40 impacts per meter with a tachometer. Whether a rubber tyred roller is used, verify the manufacturer's 14

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

recommended contact pressure. 9) Ensure that all equipments required for checking bitumen content/density are available. Check for all hand equipments like, lutes, rakes and shovels.

DURING LAYING 1) Record measurements of air, surface and asphaltic mix temperatures. Cool air blowing can reduce the temperatures of the mix. A cold surface can suck heat out the mix extremely fast. This will be critical when the lift thickness is thin. 2) Observe spreading: a) Check equipment being used to ensure it meets specifications. b) Monitor thickness and observe that the road/lane width is being met. c) Record number of layers. d) Check spread rate against theoretical rate. e) Ensure that longitudinal joints are offset as specified. f) Check whether the conveyor is exposed to make sure that material is on the hopper conveyor at all times. g) Check whether paver hopper is near full at all times. Check flow gates and augurs. Paver wings should not be dumped as large aggregates accumulate in the wings. Waste it at the end of the day. 3) Confirm that rolling pattern and compaction effort determined during the trial test are being met. Check breakdown rolling has been accomplished before minimum temperature is reached. 4) Obtain a sample of the completed mixture from the mat behind the paving machine and test it for extraction, moisture, and sieve analysis. Identify the samples to indicate both the stationing where they were taken and the approximate area they represent. Analyze the test data at the earliest possible time. It is preferable that samples representing drier - drums or continuous mixing be tested in the field, in order that immediate corrective action can be taken for any deviations. For determining the uniformity of the mixture as placed - consider tests from the mat at longitudinal intervals and not at transverse. For determining mixer efficiency - consider taking samples from the pug mill or discharge gates of batch plant or from the discharge chute of drum-mixer plant. 5) Check the rolling temperature of mix during laying shall be 120OC - 160OC. It is an extremely important factor in compaction. Rolling should begin in sequences as soon as mat will support the weight of roller without picking up material on the drum or unduly marking of shoving the mat. Check that rolling is done at as high a temperature as possible, because highest initial densities are achieved at high temperature optimal for rolling. 6) Check transverse and longitudinal joints are constructed properly. Observe constructions at cold transverse joints to see specifications are being met. 15

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

7) Observe that the segregation and visual pavement deformities are being avoided or corrected. 8) Ensure that smoothness of the surface is as specified record measurements. 9) Check the edge alignment of the material being placed. Check is should not be thin or thick compared to lift thickness. 10) Ensure that defective areas have not developed. Check pavement for pooling of asphalt, bleeding, raveling, rock pockets, consistent color etc.

DURING TRIAL COMPACTION 1) Use a test trip. The use of a compaction test strip before the start of a project will head off problems before they arise. It will also provide information to the roller operator to establish the: • Roller pattern and speeds • Frequency and amplitude settings • Density specifications for job • Number of passes, vibratory or static 2) Testing shall be done on a test strip, which is similar in condition and nature to that of the project highway. Preferably a short length of the project road itself is treated as test strip. 3) Testing should begin with the roller set at its recommended amplitude. If the unit bounces, or moves sideways, reduce the amplitude setting. If it is obvious that particles are being fractured, reduce the amplitude. 4) It should be obvious that maximum amplitude should not be utilized when beginning to roll a thin lift. 5) The use of the test strip is an educated trial and error process to determine the most productive procedure for a particular project. 6) Even if density requirements are set by using the marshal or kneading compactor a test strip will still permit the contractor to develop the rolling patterns, type of compactor etc. to meet the specifications.

DURING ROLLING 1) Check the fuel tanks are full and there will be no delay during the day. 2) Check the water supply, spray bars and nozzles. Any clogged nozzles need to be cleaned out before work beings. 3) Check the engine oil, hydraulic tank Grease the machine and inspect the drums for any dent. 4) If the rollers are to be stopped for any length of time, park at an angle on a cool part of the mat. Parking on a warm mat will most likely leave an indentation that will not roll out.

5) At the end of a pass, while reversing, turn the roller into a slight curve prior to stopping avoid leaving a transverse ridge across the mat. 6) When using a vibratory roller, check whether it is operated at a speed that will provide at least one drum impact or more per 2.5 cm of travel. Ripples may result if this is exceeded.

7) Never allow to vibrate when the roller is stationary; use-automatic vibration cut off. 8) Check whether deceleration /acceleration is being done smoothly while reversing direction to avoid pushing or shoving the mat. 16 9) Sharp turns shall be avoided otherwise it will cut the mat.

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Typical Corrective Action Plan for Asphaltic Layers Placement Test Item

Corrective Action

Asphalt Content

If test results are outside tolerance (4.5-5.5%) an immediate investigation will be conducted to determine the cause. Corrections will be made and material will be tested immediately to ensure that the correction has been effective.

Aggregate Gradation

If test results are outside tolerance an immediate investigation will be conducted to determine the cause. Corrections will be made to stockpiles, bins, bells or scales and material will be tested immediately to assure that the correction has been effective.

Aggregate Moisture

When individual or composite aggregate moisture values differ from those of the plant computer, the plant computer will be adjusted to reflect the most recent aggregate moisture.

Asphalt Temperature

If the asphalt temperature exceeds the permissible ranges (120°C to 160°C) the plant operator will immediately take corrective action to raise or lower the temperature as required. Temperature will be closely monitored to verify that the corrections were adequate.

Mix Temperature If the mix temperature exceeds 160°C the plant operator will immediately take corrective action to lower the temperature as needed. Temperature in the Hot will be closely monitored to verify that the correction was adequate. Mix Plant Asphalt concrete- that exceeds 160°C shall not be used in the work and shall be disposed off suitably. Mix Moisture

If the mix moisture exceeds 1%, the plant operator will note the moisture content and corrective action will be taken to reduce the moisture in the mix. Aggregate piles may be spread to dry, aggregate time in the heater may be increased, etc.

Sub-grade Preparation

If inspection indicates that the sub-grade is not prepared as specified, and as required, immediate action will be taken. Sub grade problems will be corrected-dried, cleaned, compacted, graded, etc. Asphalt concrete will not be placed until the corrections have been made and the Engineer has inspected and approved.

Prime/Tack Coat If inspection indicates that the prime or tack coat material or application arc not in accordance with the specifications immediately action will be taken,. Prime coat will be re-applied, changed, time for “break” will be lengthened, etc. Asphalt concrete will not be placed until the corrections have been made and the Engineer has inspected and approved.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department Ambient temperature

Check List for R&B Works

If physical measurements indicate that the ambient temperature is less than specified (13"C), the paving foreman will be notified and placement will cease as soon as safety concerns have been provided for.

Mix Temperature If physical measurements indicate that the mix temperature is below the temperature, which the paving foreman has requested for placement at the Time and breakdown, corrective action will be taken mmediately. Cool mix of Laying will be returned to the plant, the operation will be changed to correct the situation which is causing the problem, AC will be held in covered trucks and not windrowed until necessary In-place Density If field density determination indicates that the asphalt concrete is not being placed to a minimum relative density of 96%, immediate action will be taken.Roller operations will be investigated and may be changed, plant will be notified and mix quality will be examined, temperature will be determined, etc. Density will be tested immediately following the corrective action to assure that the action has been effective.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Temporary Diversions PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE FORMATION 1) Check drawings and specifications given in the contract. If site conditions and estimated period of use so dictate, recommend improvement. 2) Check alignment for gradients and curves. The alignment should be marked in the same way as formation. 3) Carryout checks as given in Check list No. 1 and 2. 4) The general provision laid out in Clause 112 of MOST Specifications may be adhered to.

CONSTRUCTION STAGE WBM, PIPE CULVERTS AND SURFACE DRESSING 5) Carryout all checks given in Check list No. 1 and 2. 6) For WBM check the following: • Stone metal laid in correct thickness. • Adequate compaction is done. • Blindage spread evenly and adequately watered. • Surface re-rolled. 7) For CD works carryout checks as per Check list No. 14 and 15. 8) For surface dressing check the following: • Surface cleaned and made dust free. • Tack coat correctly applied as per specifications, uniformly and without any uncovered gaps. • Mixture spread evenly to required thickness and compacted. Test compaction by field density test. • Manila ropes or wooden markers laid on edges to improve compaction. • Seal coat applied if provided for.

POST CONSTRUCTION STAGE 9) Check dimensions of completed work. 10) Check periodic maintenance earned out. 19

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Strengthening of Existing Two Lanes In strengthening of the existing two lanes, the check lists given in Check list 1 to 12 are also applicable. This check list covers certain additional aspects to be checked while strengthening existing roads. All the checks pertain to pre-construction activities. 1) Confirm existing pavement thickness is as assumed in designs. In case this is not so additional corrections will be required. 2) All cracks in the existing pavement shall be filled with either fog seal or slurry seal. 3) All incorrectly laid/repaired patches/potholes shall be removed and correctly laid. 4) At places having excessive heaving, sinking and undulations of 75mm or more, the existing pavement should be removed and a fresh layer of granular sub-base should be laid to facilitate drainage. In such of those locations, the existing pavement shall be removed either up to the pavement layer or up to the sub grade bottom, depending upon the gravity of distress and re-compacted in layers. The size of the plot to be dug open shall be in 5 x 3.5m to ensure compaction using rollers. The edges where compaction through rollers is not possible, the same shall be compacted by mechanical plate compactors or mechanical tampers. The plot size may be smaller than 5 x 3.5m, depending upon site requirements and in such cases entire compaction shall be done through mechanical plate compactors or mechanical tampers. In case the road passes through BC soil and hard murum of granular blanket is not provided, the same should be provided. The pavement should there after be rebuilt. 5) The existing pavement should be roughened before laying fresh layers of wet mix macadam to ensure proper bonding. 6) Camber and gradients should be checked and corrected where necessary.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Road Furnitures A. FENCES 1) Review the plans, special provisions and right of way agreements for any special details. 2) Compare the planned location n with actual conditions in the field to ensure that fences, gates, openings etc will serve the purpose, as intended. 3) Fences should not obstruct flow in streams or drainage areas. 4) Check that the areas in which fences are to be placed are graded and that high points, which interfere with placing of wire mesh are excavated. 5) Examine the fence material so that it satisfies requirements. 6) Observe the placing of fence posts and measure the spacing. Observe the placement of corner posts and pull posts to ensure that they are placed at required locations and in accordance with specified details. Also check that the proper type and number of brace posts and diagonal wires are used. 7) The barbed wire mesh is placed on the property owner’s side. For chain link fence, the fabric is generally placed on the highway side. 8) Ensure that fencing is snubbed or guyed at all grade depressions as specified.

B. MARKERS AND DELINEATORS 1) Review the list of markers and delineators shown on the plans. 2) Examine the markers and delineators to ensure that they are as specified. Required certificates of compliance shall be obtained from quality control inspectors. 3) Observe the installation to ensure that it is performed as specified. Check installation of target plates and ensure washers are used and that the nuts are not tightened to the extent that the enamel is cracked.

C. RAILINGS AND BARRIERS General 1) Make a careful review of the required details. Review the locations in the field. 2) Review the stakes and layout work. Ascertain the offsets and flares are as per the plans.

Metal Beam Guard Railing 1) Measure woods posts or concrete posts, they should satisfy the standards. 2) Ensure that bolt holes in treated posts are filled with grease when required. 3) Observe backfilling of post holes to see that this is performed as specified. Posts should be set to the full depth shown on the plans. 21

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

4) Measure the spacing of posts and ensure they are as per specifications. 5) Ensure that the blocks for metal beam guard railing are toe nailed to timber posts and properly fixed with nuts and bolls on the concrete posts. 6) Ensure that rail elements are lapped so that the exposed ends will not face approaching traffic. Check bolts for tightness. 7) Measure the height of the railing or barriers above the ground to ensure that it is as shown on the plans. 8) Ensure that connections to bridge railings, retaining walls, abutments or other flat surfaces are made as specified. 9) Ensure that anchor assemblies are constructed as specified. Cable clips should be installed in the proper directions and tightened to the required torque. 10) Where posts are installed in loose soil or near the edge of embankments, it may be necessary to use longer posts. 11) Concrete anchors and footings must be built according to the dimensions shown on the plans. Check holes immediately prior to placing concrete. 12) Bolts must be long enough so that nuts are threaded completely into the bolt. Be sure that no more than 12mm of bolt is exposed on the traffic side of the rail. 13) Ensure that flares are constructed as per the plans.

Concrete Barriers 1) Check that no concrete barriers or railing is placed on new structures until the false work is released. 2) Review the provisions for closing the temporary gaps in barriers during construction. 3) Check the forms whether they conform to the guidelines and specifications. 4) When extrusion or slip form machineries are used in concrete barrier construction, inspect the grade upon which the machine will ride to determine if it is smooth enough to prevent foreseeable violations of specified tolerances. 5) Check the relevant specifications and check lists for producing, placing, finishing and curing cement concrete to be used. 6) Equipment and concrete design should be such, in extended or slip form barrier placement, that no hand finishing other than the light brush finish is required. It is desirable to have the traffic face surface of the barrier as smooth as possible.

Pipe Hand Railing 1) Determine that materials and methods used in anchorage and connections are as specified and as shown in the drawings. 2) Ensure that cables, chain link fabric and tension wires are connected properly, stretched and tightened as required. 3) Check railings for proper alignment, appearance and workmanship. 22

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

D. LANE MARKINGS 1) Review the signing and marking plans, any special requirements and other standard details. 2) Inspect the equipment for specification compliance. Determine methods for checking spread rates of paint and glass beads, application temperatures of thermo plastic materials and maximum temperature of paint. 3) Check pavement temperature prior to application of thermoplastic material. Check atmospheric temperature and conditions prior to applying paint. 4) Check condition of the pavement prior to application. The pavement should be dry and clean. 5) Check whether the stencils will produce correctly dimensioned pavement markings. 6) Check the layout work. Determine whether the pavement markings will be correctly located. 7) Ensure that the thermoplastic material is placed within the correct temperature range. Thermoplastic material heated to excessive temperatures can flash and splatter when exposed to air. Temperature gauges mounted on heating equipment should be checked for accuracy. 8) Check the lane stripe for correct width and edge definition, lengths of gaps and individual stripes, alignment and correct super imposition of second coats. 9) Any drips, over spray, improper markings, and material tracked by traffic shall be removed. 10) Check applied thermoplastic material for compliance with thickness requirements. 11) Check application rates for glass beads and paint. 12) Check thermoplastic markings for workmanship as they are applied. .Bumps resulting from overlaps in extruded materials should not be permitted.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Pipe Culverts The works can be of two types, extension or new construction. In the case of pipe culverts the mark out, excavation, bedding and placing of the pipes are most important and any mistake in these activities cannot be corrected except by complete removal and reconstruction.

PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Test soil and see if it matches design value. If the culvert is in Black Cotton Soil, an extra 150mm of hard granular blanket should be provided to ensure pipes do not sink both below the headwalls and below pipes. If the surface is rocky, a concrete bedding may be necessary to cover the undulation in the rock surface. 2) Pipe should be tested in accordance with IS: 458 (Concrete pipes with and without reinforcement) for the relevant clauses like NP3 and NP4. 3) Check for the identification marks left on the pipes while inspection and testing of pipes were carried out in the manufacturing plant. 4) Check for any cracks in the pipes, which might have been caused during transportation or loading and unloading.


Excavation The excavation should be as per drawings but the following should be checked: • The length of excavation caters for the number of pipes plus the spacing of pipes, G which should be half the diameter of the pipes but not less than 45cms. • The depth of excavation should cater for the following: G Cushion above pipe of minimum 60cm of half the dia. or the pipe including pavements. If the required cushion is not available due to low embankment embed the pipe in concrete. A minimum of 200mm thick PCC or 150mm RCC all round the pipe shall be provided. Granular/concrete bedding and foundation depending upon the height of embankment as per relevant IRC clauses, if necessary. 1/3 of pipe dia or 300mm will be buried below nala bed to prevent scour. • The distances between trenches for foundation of headwalls are such that it suits the proposed pipe lengths.


Foundation and Bedding 1) Check excavation is correct. 2) Check mix proportion of PCC is as specified. 3) Check thickness and material of bedding is as specified. 24

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

4) Check cradles are provided for resting of pipe joints. 5) Check length of pipe is same as the distance between the outer surfaces of the headwalls. 6) Check proper foundation in case of Black Cotton/Soft soil and concrete bedding in case of rocky strata is provided.


Placing of Pipes 1) Check spacing between pipes is not less than 1/2 dia. of pipe or 50 cms, which ever is more. 2) Check pipes do not protrude beyond the headwalls. 3) Check cross slope of pipes is as per design. 4) Check joints of pipes properly done using collars or other methods as per specifications. Joints shall be sealed with mortar, rubber gaskets or other sealing materials. 5) Check pipe joints properly cradled. Joints shall be kept covered and damp for at least 4 days.


Headwalls 1) Check headwall foundation is as per drawing. 2) Check headwall constructed as per design. If the same is of un-course rubble ensure headers are used. 3) UCR masonry cannot be constructed properly to have a watertight joint at outer surface of pipe at headwalls. In that case the pipes should be encased in 1:2:4 CC near the headwalls to prevent floodwater from entering around the pipes. 4) Ensure curing for 7 days.


Filling Earth over Pipes 1) Ensure the culvert is filled with approved earth in layers not more than 30cms, watered and compacted. 2) Ensure filling material free of boulders and black cotton or other unsuitable soils. 3) Initial compaction should be done manually. 4) Rolling to be done only after 30cm of earth has been laid over the pipes.



In general embankment is formed to the full height as required in the profile and plan drawings. Then the pipe culverts are marked and excavated for pipe laying. This will ensure better compacted embankment on either side of the pipes. After laying the pipe, the excavated portion can be filled with granular material and properly compacted so that no settlement takes place. In case pipes are laid before embankment is constructed, the portion between the pipe rows and for a width of 0.6 to 0.75m on either side of the pipe shall be backfilled with coarse granular materials and rolled along with earthwork.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Slab Culverts And Bridges A. FOUNDATIONS PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Confirm line out and position of abutments. 2) Confirm sub-soil investigation has been carried out up to 3m below design foundation depth and design assumptions match actual site conditions. a. Soil Investigation for foundation: IS: 1498, IS: 1888, IS: 1892, IS: 2131, IS: 2720, IS: 4434, IS: 1968 and IRC: 75. b. Foundations resting on Rock: IS: 5313, IS: 4464, IS: 7292, IS: 7317 and IS: 7746 for in-situ tests. 3) Check drawings are available at site. 4) Check materials like aggregate, sand, cement, HYSD bars have been tested as per Appendix A and test results are satisfactory. 5) Check adequate numbers of moulds are available for taking CC cubes for testing. 6) Check curing arrangements are adequate. 7) Check the required compressive strength of concrete for various items and mix designs are available. 8) Check equipment and plant like weigh-batching machines, concrete mixers, water measuring arrangements, Vibrators etc. are available. 9) Check quality control equipment like slump cones are available. 10) Check whether the area to be concreted is free from standing water. The area shall be properly dewatered and kept clean before concreting. 11) If underwater concreting is to be done, ensure that the same is done through tremie pipes, or drop bottom buckets or any other approved methods. 12) Before concreting check the weather. If extreme weather concreting is to be done, ensure necessary precautionary methods as stipulated in the specifications. No concreting shall be done if the atmospheric temperature is above 35°C or below 5°C. The concrete temperature should be less than 40°C (or more than 40°C) and not less than 5°C. 13) Ensure that proper platforms or pathways are laid for movement of people in and around the concreting area and they are sound and safe.

CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Check the load tickets if concrete is delivered through transit mixers or agitators. 2) Check that the transported concrete is not segregated and contains no cement balls. 26

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

3) Check that no additional water added during hauling or at delivery point without an prior instructions. If water is to be added, check that it is mixed as specified. 4) Ensure that concrete is placed while fresh and before it has taken an initial set. Ensure that stiffening of concrete has not taken place in case of transported concrete. 5) Observe the method of placing of concrete and ensure concrete to placed without any segregation and it is being compacted by specified vibrators. 6) Check that no over vibration takes place. Concrete shall be vibrated to the point where mortar and water flush to the surface. Under vibration will leave rock pockets contact between the vibrator and any reinforcement should be minimum, if possible avoid such contacts. 7) If concreting is done through chutes, ensure that segregation of mortar and aggregate does not take place. In case the drop height is more, a remixing of concrete shall be done before placing. 8) Ensure that the drop of concrete shall not be more than 1.5 meters (as per section 1709). 9) In case of underwater concreting, ensure that extra 10% cement is added in the mix over and above the required cement quantity as decided in the mix design. 10) If any use of admixtures is allowed, check whether they are being mixed as per the specifications or approvals. 11) If concrete is pumped, ensure that approved type of pump is being used. Ensure that no segregation takes place in pipes. Ensure that a continuous pumping is done. In case of frequent stoppages, the pumps are to be cleaned properly other wise, the pumped material will remain in the pipelines. In that case cleaning will be very tedious concreting operation may have to be stopped till the pump and pipelines are cleaned. 12) Carry out slump test to ensure correct water cement ratio. 13) Ensure mix design being followed. 14) Ensure adequate CC cubes collected for testing, as per Cl.1716.2

POST CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Ensure curing earned out for 14 days. 2) Ensure CC cubes tested for 7 days and 28 days strength. In case of M:35 concrete 56 and 90 days strengths must also be determined and found satisfactory.

B. ABUTMENTS, PIERS AND SLABS PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE In addition to the pre-construction checks for foundation, the following additional checks will be carried out: 1) Formwork is of desired quality and rigidly fixed. Special care is required to be taken for second and subsequent lifts to avoid bulging and honeycombing at junction of lifts. 27

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works

2) Confirm reinforcement is correctly tied as per drawings. 3) Approved type of vibrators are available and in working condition.

CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1) Check slab thickness, wall thickness and the area to be concreted is clean from an foreign materials. 2) Ensure mix design is followed. 3) Carry out workability tests such as slump test to ensure correct water cement ratio. 4) Ensure approved type of vibrators are used. 5) In case of abutments and wing walls ensure weep holes are provided at specific horizontal and vertical spacing. 6) Check the surface, in case of slab with straight edge. Remove any depressions and irregularities. 7) Ensure adequate CC cubes (as per Table 1700.8) collected for testing. 8) Ensure that water is not used as a finishing aid. If approved, use approved chemical finishing aids or evaporation retardants. 9) During placing of concrete, check for any movement or deformation of forms have the permissible tolerance limits. 10) Ensure that required cover for reinforcement is maintained and not disturbed while placing concrete.


Ensure date of casting painted on surface as soon as side forms are removed. Ensure curing carried out for H days. Ensure that the formwork/false work is removed after stipulated time. Ensure CC cubes tested as per ‘aid down norms and the results are satisfactory.

C. APPROACHES TO CULVERT/BRIDGE 1) Ensure soil used for back filling is of approved material. 2) Ensure embankment built, up in layers of 30cm compacted to 20cms. Test compaction of each layer by field density test. 98% compaction is necessary. 3) Ensure invert filters are provided at weep holes. D. PROTECTIVE WORKS All checks as listed at Check list 2 will be carried out. If additional protective works like aprons orflood protection bunds have been provided for in the designs, it will be verified that these are constructed as per drawings and specifications.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Formwork Inspection LOCATION:





1. Formwork design/drawing/sketch approved including de-shuttering arrangements 2. Trial panel approved (if required) 3. Formwork alignment correct 4. Formwork levels correct, including screeds 5. Formwork dimensions correct 6. Formwork member spacing correct 7. Formwork member material quality acceptable 8. False work member sizes correct 9. False work member spacing correct 10. False work member material quality acceptable 11. Gaps between primary and secondary members closed/wedged. 12. Face boarding/plywood/metal thickness correct 13. Joints between panels closed (no gaps) 14. Joints between panels flush (no steps/lips) 15. Panel flatness acceptable 16. Gaps between secondary members and face panels closed 17. Tie rod material and sizes correct 18. Tie rod spacing correct 19. Tie rods tight, face cones flush 20. Spacers between shutter surface tightly fitting 21. Box outs, cast-in-items, ducts fixed correct, securely 22. Pre-stressing sheathing and vents, alignments and spacing of supports acceptable 23. Empty sheathing secured against floatation 24. Pre-stressing anchorage positions and fixing acceptable 25. Chamfers/fillets sizes, straightness, fixing acceptable 26. Formwork clean 27. Formwork release oil material approved 28. Form work release oil [Material applied correctly 29. Construction joint preparation satisfactory 30. Safe access constructed 31. Adequate workspace provided for labour, equipment 32. Shutter vibrator (if required) location and fixing arrangements approved 29

Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Reinforcement Inspection LOCATION:





1. Working drawing checked and approved 2. Latest revision being used 3. Bar schedules approved 4. Reinforcement steel material approved 5. Bar bending and cutting satisfactory 6. Formwork member spacing correct 7. Corrosion treatment of bars, if required, satisfactory 8. Bar sizes correct 9. Bar lap lengths correct 10. Bar laps at correct locations 11. Bar tied as specified (check proper quality binding wires are used) 12. Bar assembly rigid and adequately supported (Including spacers/chair supports) 13. Cover to bottom bars correct 14. Cover to side bars correct 15. Cover to top bars correct 16. Cover blocks approved including fixing

Inspected by:





(For Executing Agency)

Approved by: (For Engineer)


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for inspection before approval to Concrete LOCATION:



YES/NO CHECK OR N.A. INITIAL 1. Method statement approved 2. Batching plant mixers in working order (Separate dispenser for admixture, if required, available) 3. Standby batcher in working order 4. Water, sand, coarse aggregate, cement, admixture approved 5. Water, sand, coarse aggregate, admixture, cement stock sufficient

6. Concrete conveying arrangement (including transit mixers) available in working condition and of sufficient capacity. 7. Formwork/scaffolding approved 8. Reinforcement approved 9. Pre-stressing sheathing approved 10. Concreting equipment in working order 11. Standby crane, vibrators present 12. Tremie in working order (for under water work) 13. Concrete gang present, including carpenter, steel fixer, mechanics and electricians 14. Access like walkways are provided 15. Safety arrangements adequate 16. Lighting provided 17. Communication between various points provided 18. Arrangements for arranging suspension/stoppage of concrete provided 19. Curing arrangements made 20. Laboratory notified

Inspected by





(for Executing Agency)

Approved by (for Engineer)


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check list for Post Concreting Inspection LOCATION: Date of : Date of pour:

Date of side shutter stripped:


Method Start date:

Class of finish specified: Finish date:

Checks S or NS * Curing:

Whether properly done as specified and curing register maintained.

1. Class of finish 2. Surface Defects: (honeycombing/sand

No defects

streaks/air bubbles/cold

Minor defects


Major efects

Non conformance report No.


3. Cracks:

No cracks Cracks Nature of cracks:

4. Any other defects 5. If cracking noticed 6. Position/Dimensions:


S or NS


S or NS


S or NS

- Non conformance report no.: *S = Satisfactory, NS = Not Satisfactory Remarks:

Inspected by:





(for Executing Agency)

Approved by:


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Check List for Batching And Pouring Of Concrete CONCRETE MIXING 1) Check the concrete grade and the respective mix Design already approved. 2) Check the condition of aggregates to be used. 3) Check the weighing and water dispensing methods adopted during the mixing. 4) Check whether the mixer machine has been cleaned properly. 5) Check whether required mixing time is allowed.

TRANSPORTATION/CONVEYANCE OF CONCRETE 1) Check whether the equipment is in proper working order. 2) Check whether specified methods are being followed. 3) Check whether the stipulated time limits are observed. 4) Check whether non-conforming wet concrete is being rejected and disposed off.

PLACING OF CONCRETE 1) Check whether the concrete is not segregated during pour. The height of dropping is controlled. It should not exceed 1.5m. 2) Check whether the concrete is poured in layers of about 300 mm. 3) Check that the vibrator is applied systematically to compact uniformly and adequately. 4) Avoid over vibration. 5) Concrete shall not be pulled or pushed. Pouring should be done close to the final position. 6) Cold joints are not allowed to be developed. 7) Under water concrete shall be poured only by tremies or pipeline. 8) The forms are not displaced or deformed during the concrete pour and vibration. 9) No slurry loss. Suitable no. of carpenters should be present and watch formwork during the pour. 10) The concrete is poured within the allowable time limits from the time of batching. 11) Concrete cubes are taken as required as per table 1700.8 of MO Check the curing arrangements whether they are satisfactory.


Govt. of A.P., Roads & Bldgs. Department

Check List for R&B Works


Proposed Methodology for Rectifying The Dimensional Control Failure 1. Subgrade: Where the sub grade is high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. Where the same is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by scarifying the lower layer and adding fresh material and recompacting to the required density. 2. Granular Sub Base: Same as at (i) above except that the degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall confirm to the requirement of Clause 401. 3. Wet Mix Macadam: Where the surface is high or low, the top 75 mm shall be scarified, reshaped with added material as necessary and re-compacted to Clause 406.6. Where the surface irregularity of the Wet Mix Macadam exceeds the permissible tolerances or where the course is otherwise defective due to subgrade soil getting mixed with the aggregates, the full thickness of the layer shall be scarified over the affected area, reshaped with added premixed material or removed and replaced with fresh premixed material as applicable and re-compacted in accordance with Clause 406.3. The area treated in the aforesaid manner shall not be less than 5m long and 2m wide. In no case shall depressions be filled up with unmixed and ungraded material or fines. 4. Bituminous Constructions: For bituminous construction other than wearing course, where the surface is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material over a suitable tack coat if needed and re-compacting to specifications. Where the surface is high, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications. For wearing course, where the surface is high or low, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications. In all cases where the removal and replacement of a bituminous layer is involved, the area treated shall not be less than 5m in length and not less than 3.5m in width. 5. Dry Lean Concrete Sub-base: The defective length of the course shall be removed to full depth and replaced with material confirming to Clause 601 or 603, as applicable. The area treated shall be at least 3m long, not less than 1 lane wide and extend to the full depth. Before relaying the course, the disturbed sub-grade or layer below shall be corrected by levelling, watering and compacting. Loose/segregated or defective areas may be corrected by using fresh lean concrete material laid and compacted as per specifications. For repairing honey combed surface, concrete with aggregate of size 10 mm and below shall be spread and corrected. Any level/thickness deficiency should be corrected after applying concrete with aggregates of size I0mm and below after roughening the surface. 6. Cement Concrete Pavement: The defective areas having surface irregularity exceeding 3mm but not greater than 6mm may be rectified by bump cutting or scrabbling or grinding using approved equipment. When required by the Consultant, areas which have been reduced in level by the above operation(s) shall be retextured in an approved manner either by cutting grooves (5mm deep) or roughening the surface by hacking the surface. If high areas in excess 6mm or low areas in excess of 3mm occur, exceeding the permitted numbers and if the Executing Agency cannot rectify, the slab shall be demolished and reconstructed at the Executing Agency’s expense and in no case the area removed shall be less than the full width of the lane in which the irregularity occurs and full length of the slab. If deemed necessary by the Consultant, any section of the slab, which deviates from the specified levels and tolerances, shall be demolished and reconstructed at the Executing Agency’s expense.


Government of Andhra Pradesh Roads & Buildings Department

Check List for R&B Works

Communicated by ADVISOR

Quality control for R&B Department Hyderabad, A.P.

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