Check List

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 911
  • Pages: 6
1. Man is divine.

2. We point everything with ourselves.

3. Every idea that strengthens you must be taken up and every thought that weakens you must be rejected.

4. The highest kind of men silently collect true and noble ideas.

5. Look not for the truth in any religion; IT IS HERE IN THE


6. First form character, first earn spirituality and results will come of themselves.

7. Doing is very great, but that comes from thinking……………

….. Fill the brain therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals; place them day and night before you; and out of that will come great work.

8. Master’s sayings on ‘obedience’.

9. Keep to the ideal.

10. Master’s sayings on ‘Ideal’.

11. I must keep my movement pure, or I’ll have none.

12. What will you do with wealth and fame that are so transitory?

Do you know what I think? -------------------I don’t care for Mukti and all that. My mission is to arouse within you all such ideas; I am ready to undergo a hundred thousand rebirths to train up a single man.

13. A leader must be impersonal. Check out ‘are you impersonal or not!’

14. Make your life a manifestation of will strengthened by renunciation.

15.Live for an ideal, and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

16.Truth can never come to us as long as we are selfish.

17.First, let us be Gods, and then help others to be Gods. "Be and make." Let this be our motto. Say not man is a sinner. Tell him that he is a God. Even if there were a devil, it would be our duty to remember God always, and not the devil. If the room is dark, the constant feeling and repeating of darkness will not take it away, but bring in the light. Let us know that all that is negative, all that is destructive, all that is mere criticism, is bound to pass away; it is the positive, the affirmative, the constructive that is immortal, that will remain for ever. Let us say, "We are" and "God is" and "We are God", "Shivoham, Shivoham", and march on. Not matter but spirit. All that has name and form is subject to all that has none. This is the eternal truth the Shrutis preach. Bring in the light; the darkness will vanish of itself. Let the lion of Vedanta roar; the foxes will fly to their holes. Throw the ideas broadcast, and let the result take care of itself. Let us put the chemicals together; the crystallization will take its own course. Bring forth the power of the spirit, and pour it over the length and breadth of India; and all that is necessary will come by itself.

18.So long as there is in the heart the least desire for the world, truth will not come.

19. There is but one way to control the senses — to see Him who is the Reality in the universe. Then and only then can we really conquer our senses.

20.The happiest is the man who is not at all selfish.

21.Our goal is unselfishness.

22.The Vedas cannot show you Brahman, you are That already; they can only help to take away the veil that hides the truth from our eyes. The first veil to vanish is ignorance, and when that is gone, sin goes, next desire ceases, selfishness ends and all misery disappears. This cessation of ignorance can only come when I know that God and I are one; in other words, identify yourself with Atman, not with human limitations. Disidentify yourself with the body and all will cease. This is the secret of healing. The universe is a case of hypnotization; dehypnotize yourself and cease to suffer.

23.The first condition is that the student who wants to know the truth must give up all desires for gain in this world or in the life to come. The truth is not what we see. What we see is not truth as long as any desire creeps into the mind. God is true, and the world is not true. So long as there is in the heart the least desire for the world, truth will not come. Let the world fall to ruin around my ears: I do not care. So with the next life; I do not care to go to heaven. What is heaven? Only the continuation of this earth. We would be better and the little foolish dreams we are dreaming would break sooner if there were no heaven, no continuation of this silly life on earth. By going to heaven we only prolong the miserable illusions.

24. All thought of obtaining return for the work we do hinders our spiritual progress; nay, in the end it brings misery.


Important Check List 1. Complete self-surrender is the only way to spiritual


2. Know it for certain that without steady devotion for the Guru, and unflinching patience and perseverance, nothing is to be achieved.

3. You must be as free as the air, and as obedient as the plant and the


4. Nothing, I say, can be done without the chain of discipleship, that is, the power that is transmitted from the Guru to the disciple, and from him to his disciple, and so on.

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