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»LA-8F-3« as of Fri May 8 14:43:44 2009 GMT (21 KB) Page 1 of 1 - Char 1 to 21628 - Newest entries at the bottom

User from x.x.x.211 created virtual room 22 hours ago Mrs Di from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 2 hours ago Annie from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 2 hours ago Mallika from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 2 hours ago Audrey from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 2 hours ago Mrs Di: 1. Miss Maude says about Atticus;"He's the same in the courtroom as he is on the public streets." What does she mean by this statement? In what ways is he the same? Why is this so significant? Please cite examples. Annie: This means that he is not just a good man outside the courthouse, b ut inside as well. Mallika: The attitude that Atticus has towards his job is the same that he has towards life Audrey: She means that he uses his same morals on the street as he uses in the courtroom Mallika: He is always calm and collected; he does not allow the tension of a courtroom situation to phase him Annie: Unlike the other lawyer, he is polite to all of his wittnesses. Mallika: He treats everyone with a mutual respect, the same way that you would your neighbors and friends Audrey: Its significant because he is, like Annie said, a good man and doesnt need to change himself depending on the setting Mrs. H from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 2 hours ago Mallika: Atticus carries his values with him always, and this is good, because it means that the decisions he makes as a lawyer are genuine Audrey: I agree with that, but its not like he has a choice, the same people he's judging are his neighbors and friends Mallika: But I mean, there are some people in the courtroom that he obviously does not like. Yet, he treats them with respect Audrey: and he has to see them everyday, and they would know if he was acting in any way

different from either setting Annie: The book says, "'you don't know your pa's not a run-of-the-mill man,'" Audrey: Thats who Atticus is though, he would never speak ill to somebody because he doesnt like them Mallika: Exactly, it means that he is not affected by people who are against him. He treats them civilly. Annie: Everyone else in the town would have done the same thing as Mr. Gilmer, they don't dislike Tom, it's just that he's a black man Audrey: its part of his integrity, and also self-restraint. Annie: they don't hate him, they hate his people as a whole. Mallika: Basically, his good human qualities that come out on the public streets stay the same, even in an atmosphere where everyone expects him to fail Annie: Atticus, doesn't bow to unspoken laws of society. Mrs Di: NEXT QUESTION Audrey: Thats it in a nutshell mallika. Annie: He doesn't fall into what everyone else does; he isn't afraid of the unknown, or the different. Annie: Sorry, i didn't see Mrs. di's post. Mrs Di: 2. Regarding Atticus' summation to the jury, do you feel he pities Mayella? Mrs Di: What does he feel is her rationale for accusing Tom? What does Atticus feel is the job of the courts? Annie: Yes, he does pity her, but not enough to excuse her for putting an innocent man away for ever. Audrey: I dont believe that Atticus pities Mayella, the way he is treating her he is trying to show the jury and the public how she works, and who she is as and Ewell Mallika: The reasoning that Atticus has is that Mayella accused Tom because she felt guilty of her attraction towards him. Since this is not accepted, she did the easiest thing and turned

the tables on him. Audrey: Thats it exactly. Annie: He feels that her reason for doing this to Tom is that she can't be reminded of what she did; she can't be reminded that she broke a code of society by kissing and tempting a black man. Audrey: Atticus feels that the job of the courts is supposed to be justice, obviously there wasnt any in the case of Tom Robinson, but as miss Maudie said its a baby step Mallika: Atticus pities Mayella because he has insight into the pathetic life that she lives, but he does not pity her to the extent that he is on her side for putting an innocent man at stake Annie: He knows why though. Annie: He can understand even if he can't accept it. Audrey: I honestly dont think he pities her all that much, he just knows that anybody in the same situation as Mayella would have done the same Audrey: can understand what? Annie: Understand why she would acuse Tom of such a thing as horendous as rape. Audrey: Oh I see. Mallika: PG 203: "I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity does not extend so far...." Audrey: Oh, well then. Audrey: So yes he does pity her but not in the sense that the white people of the community pity the blacks. Annie: "' to her putting a man's life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt.'" Mallika: I agree that Atticus thinks that the court should provide justice, and the reason he says that this case should not come to court is because there is no justice to begin with; they are basing everything off the words of two people, and the only wrong committed was by Mayella for accusing him. Annie: He understand's the guilt that she feels, but that doesn't mean he's happy about it.

Mallika: Technically they're both innocent Mallika: Mayella should not have lied. Annie: He knew before hand, however, that he would not win. He was hoping at most for the baby step. Annie: Mayella would feel thta her father would have killed her if she didn't. Mallika: This is a big step; a black man even being defended by a white man, for a crime against a white woman, is huge considering the racial tensions Audrey: Mayella isnt innocent, she has to live with the guilt of putting a very innocent man away for life. Annie: She doesn't think that people would protect trash from trash. Mrs. H: do ;you think Mayelle and PS from the short story share a sense of guilt? did they each break a code? how are they similar/different? Mallika: I don't think they are that similar. Mayella didn't do anything wrong by being attracted to a black man, her only crime was in placing the blame on him. Annie: PS isn't trying to put the blame on someone else. Mallika: P.S cheated Audrey: Mayella and PS are extremely similar i believe, she broke the code of black vs. white and PS broke the codes of his school Mrs Di: NEXT QUESTION Mrs Di: 3. Why did the Negores stand when Atticus left the courtroom? How did you feel? How do you think Jem felt about his father? How do you think he feels about the verdict? Was he surprised? What affect will it have upon him and his faith in justice? Explain Annie: But his friend was more similar to Mayella then PS was. Audrey: Mayella cheated too, she tried to have a relationship with a black man which is breaking the towns code severely. Mallika: Yeah, but P.S broke a code integrity. Cheating is wrong. Mayella fell in love with a black man. That's not ethically "wrong", the townspeople just think so Annie: They both broke social codes whereas PS broke a written code of honor. Not an

unspoken code of society. Audrey: Although, if the society was fair, she wouldntve had to have cheated. Annie: They being mayella and PS's friend. Annie: Society isn't fair though. we all have to grow up and realize that at some point. Audrey: But arent we comparing PS and mayella... Mallika: IMPORTANT: Although P,S did not try to blame another person. When Mayella was accused, she did, but P,S just admitted he did the wrong thing Annie: PS was the bigger person. Audrey: True, thats where their big differance lies. Annie: He would have turned himself in. Mallika: Although P.S actually did something wrong. Mayella loved a man. Mallika: What they did wrong is kind of different Annie: Mayela would never turn herself in and admit to loving a black man. Audrey: That is a very good point. Annie: They both did it for their families. Mallika: Good point. Audrey: One had actually done something wrong but if the world were perfect Mayella could have just kept living her life Annie: No. Annie: Tom was married. Audrey: Oh i forgot about that, excuse my last comment. Mallika: Okay, cheating is wrong anyways. But loving a black man is not. What's wrong is how she carried it out. Annie: That would have been wrong for her to do even if he was white.

Mallika: You never know, if Tom Robinson was white, he would be living a different life. He may not have been married Annie: PS cheated on a little latin test. Mayella cheated on life, and a good, whlesome family. Audrey: Well there wouldnt be a trial if he was white, there would probably just be a run of the mill fight, and itd be over in a week. Annie: He would have. I believe he loves his wife. Mallika: So technically they both cheated. But I have more sympathy for Mayella's crime than P.S's crime Audrey: It wasnt a little latin test, it was his families honor, although its not as big as a rape trial it was extremely important to him. Annie: Exactly, to HIM. Mallika: P,S cheated, when he should have studied Audrey: I agree with that mallika. Annie: Not the whole town, or whole way of thinking. Annie: PS did TRY to study Mallika: Mayella was just in love and lonely and put the two together Annie: he didn't PLAN to cheat. Audrey: PS was desparate and had to keep a good name. Mallika: Well there are other ways to pass a Latin test than to cheat Annie: Mayella was working on this for a LONG time. Audrey: how do we know that> Mrs. H: Mallika did Mayella love Tom or was she simply desparate for companionship? Does she even understand what one brings to a relationship? Mallika: I think she wanted companionship more than anything Audrey: Thats a good point, she just wanted attention and compassion.

Mrs. H: We know this Audrey because she worked for a year to save 7 nickels for ice cream for the children. Annie: She had a long thought out plot, whereas he had to make his choice in a split second and in a hot classroom with mounds of stress piled on. Audrey: Thats true, Annie: She had a YEAR to change her mind, he had a milisecond. Audrey: so thats another difference in the two. Mallika: But then, she could have limited her relationship with Tom to having conversations. She obviosuly wanted something more, otherwise she wouldn't have done what she did. Because she knew that she would regret kissing a black man Annie: Once he started there was no going back, she could have stopped after the hug. Audrey: But that hug would have still been against the code of Maycomb Annie: But it would have lasted not as long. Mallika: She knew she would feel guilty. Annie: Therefore the father would not have caught her. Mallika: But she would not have accused Tom if her father hadn't shown up, then beaten her up. Her father and her can't have people knowing what she felt towards a black man, which is the basis of the whole thing Annie: Exactly. if she had let Tom run away, this wouldn't have turned into a big thing. Mallika: It's a question of her loneliness, her temptation, and the racial code of Maycomb Audrey: Yea, and imagine if her father hadnt caught her, she might have kept having Tom help her and this would have just kept happening. Annie: No, Tom wouldn't have stopped anymore. Annie: He would be afraid of it happening again. Audrey: She could have kept blackmailing him maybe even with the rape trial. Annie: There would be no wittness though.

Annie: Only her. Mallika: Tom is married. He would have said something, the same way P.S would have said something. P.S would not cheat again. Neither would Tom Annie: Tom didn't cheat. Audrey: Were there any besided Mr. Ewell...she could get him to testifie Annie: he was hugged and kissed on the cheek. Audrey: Tom didnt cheat, Mayella did Annie: Honestly tell me grown men don't give female friends a hug or kiss on the cheek. Mallika: Tom did not cheat, but we were talking about how it would have kept happening. If it did, and he encouraged it, it would have been cheating Audrey: This was in the 1920s and 1930s its a completly different situation. Annie: Good point. Audrey: Ah yes alright. Annie: I think we should move on Annie: 3. Why did the Negores stand when Atticus left the courtroom? How did you feel? How do you think Jem felt about his father? How do you think he feels about the verdict? Was he surprised? What affect will it have upon him and his faith in justice? Explain Mallika: Not to mention, black vs. white. I don't think it would be a big deal if a married white man and a white woman kissed Audrey: The negroes stood because they were showing their deep appreciation for what Atticus did. Mallika: That stuff probably happens in crummy neighborhoods Annie: They stood because Atticus stood up for them. Audrey: ooo symbolism Mallika: I think the Negores did not care if they lost. They felt worthy for being represented

Annie: They respected the baby step. Mallika: I have symbolism: JEM IS A MOCKINGBIRD Audrey: I think they knew they were going to lose, like Atticus did. Annie: 'Splain Lucy. Annie: Soory. Please explain Mallika. How is Jem a mockingbird? Mallika: He is, because mockingbirds don't do anything bad, they just make music for people to enjoy. Jem's entire innocence is gone during this trial; even if people don't do anything bad, they might lose. Mallika: Remember, he wasn't supposed to shoot mockingbirds? Annie: yes... Annie: and... Mallika: Innocent mockingbirds, because they only did a good thing? Well, people who only do good things still get shot. They still lose in the end. Annie: Ohhhhhhh Annie: I get it now. Audrey: Ah yes alright. Audrey: good talk everybody Mallika: agreed Mrs Di from x.x.x.199 joined the chat 8 seconds ago Created at

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