Chasing Leaves

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  • Words: 4,797
  • Pages: 33
A collection of prose and poetry by Theresa Curnow. 2008 ©

Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted. ~Percy Shelley, A Defence of Poetry, 1821

God is the perfect poet. ~Robert Browning Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. ~T.S. Eliot, Dante, 1920 Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. ~T.S. Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent, 1919

Index: 1. Chasing Leaves. 2. Dead Heart. 3. Death and I. 4. Now You’re Gone. 5. Going Home. 6. Broken Needles. 7. Behind Closed Doors. 8. Black Widow. 9. Illicit. 10. Strangers. 11. In the Night. 12. Betrayal and Retribution. 13. Devil in the Night. 14. The Clock. 15 A Thousand Tears. 16. Bending With the Wind. 17. Hidden. 18. The Silence of the Seasons. 19. Nature’s Frost. 20. Eternal Stars. 21. Days of Yore. 22. The Witch’s Song. 23. The Boy on the Moon. 24. Searching For You. 25. Snowflake On Your Lips.

Chasing Leaves.

As the Winter takes the sun and disrobes all the trees, I see you shimmer in purple dusk amidst the falling leaves. When drifting night takes the day and paints the sunset hues, your laughter brings a husky warmth and takes away my blues. The rippling lake before us lies a fragrant breeze adrift, you cloak me in your sweetest words your touch like gentle mist. The velvet sky like ebony falls giving birth unto the lights, I shed my clothes and slip unseen into the coldest night. The lake envelops skin of pale and gives rise to my breath, I float awhile with you beside feels like we've died a death. We swim across into the trees that beckon in the breeze, silently with glistening skin we chase the falling leaves. Your laughter lifts me up so high onto a heavenly plane, Nature's lovers we've become we are the one and same.

Your kisses land like fairies wings upon my cold pale skin, I feel the love that once we had

burning strong within. Yet even as your touch inflames and warms me from the heart, the truth is tugging at my soul and has been from the start. You run ahead a fleeting blur your fingers skimming air, my smile it falls from ruby lips as emotions are laid bare. As the moon hides its pallid face and mist pulls down a cloak, I remember all that has now gone a time my heart had broke; a time of parting, of such sorrow when tears had washed my face; a time when loss had left me blinded from your sweet embrace, but now the time has come for me to join with you in rest, I shed all things that hold me back pick up my smile in death; and as the song thrush calls and sings and the frosted branches sway, like two fireflies we dart up high into the night we fly away....

Dead Heart. Your dazzling smile is that of Winter frost,

whilst deepest shadows in those cold eyes shine, 'neath clouds of darkening grey I am lost, a way towards your frozen heart to find. A Summer's sun could not melt this dark mask, nor my ardent love thaw this dull facade, torturous months of stormy depths have passed, yellowed bruises tell of deathly charade. But comes a time of silence so sublime as angry breath falls stagnant, oh so still; eyes that darkness touched now death will find; his frozen heart my love it had to kill. And now I stand on heathered cliffs so steep; 'neath peeping moon and gazing stars, I leap.

Death and I. Come be with me,

don't be afraid, death whispered. The night is filled with secrets to be found; Dantean beauty that daytime hides 'neath light and life while the midnight sky holds more than diamonds in its depth; so come with me and let me touch your despairing soul. My fingers glide through velvet mist and to his fingers cold and dry; his breath lightens on my neck lips full of carnal promise, as tongue tastes my longing. We walk through glistening hazy streets where flickering lights cast dancing ghosts. Here I feel no fear as death he grins, eyes illuminated by milky moon. The darkness radiates a warmth, that cloaks me with restful ease; while his cold firm grip feels like a lover's soothing clasp. Death, he pulls me closer still as our destination we reach; A dilapidated undone house a dark gaping vault, an open coffin of silk and dirt empty of everything that is dead. My breath comes heavy, laden with wanton anticipation.

I turn to death then, his quiet gaze and see eternity in those eyes; his touch stirs deep, as his lips meet mine and flesh it shudders with ardent longing;

his lips move down and pain I feel, a sharp and seductive sting of death. He drinks his fill so sweet and hot and with his kiss feeds me eternal life, in the darkness I feel a strength that only comes from centuries rich blood. I take his hand and with ruby smiles we search the night death and I.....

Now You’re Gone. My heart does ache, an empty vessel cracked and worn with silent echoes. A naked past where love still lays yet tired and torn that’s where it'll stay;

where in my dreams my face is fair, my skin still smooth 'neath lustrous hair. You told me you'd forever be here, But now you're gone my eyes weep fear.

This loneliness creeps over me a silent bringer of misery. I cannot speak of how I feel, emotions scarred and yet to heal. This bed once sound is now unsafe a barren cold and joyless place. My soul leapt high when you were here, But now you're gone my eyes weep fear

As darkness takes the light till dawn. restless memories deliver the morn. My hands they stroke where you caressed but nothing brings me to the edge. All the love songs say the same; my heart will never heal again. The shadows retreat, birdsong I hear, But now you're gone my eyes weep fear.

Time will heal so some fool said, yet my heart will hurt until I'm dead. My infidelity has cost me dear, Because now you're gone my eyes weep fear.

Going Home.

The house stands broken; dark windows, empty eyes, door a silent mouth

of chipped paint. She turns the handle, steps into dancing dust motes amidst musty air and a surge of memories. The living room holds dusty shelves of scattered tomes, forgotten words, characters long dead. The woman opens yellow pages; her tears drop and stir life and the words fly, forming voice and soul. She moves upstairs fingers trailing, crumbling walls, to a place where dreams and hopes echo laughter and smiles. Cobweb curtains cloak all that remains as inert spiders crouch and watch. She sits on tilting bed, the musty sheets wrinkled like her skin. She stretches out a gnarled hand and smoothes the place where love once lay; echoes of the past she hears, reverberating down through time. With a smile she stands and pirouettes, grey hair like an aging fan; the window beckons and the night it calls along with a familiar voice.

She walks with vigour of youth, not age, her smile like a butterfly on her lips and then through glass she glides into the night, a hand outstretched to her love, to the past, to home.

Broken Needles. Like boiling waters, emotions swirl anger tastes of bitter pills I see your lips, they move, you lie my eyes are dry, I will not cry. The truth I must now boldly face and walk away with stumbled grace The drugs you take have bruised your mind

and any peace you seek to find. Syringes hold the joy you hate I have to leave you to your fate so out the door I walk on through and leave the love I thought I knew.... Behind Closed Doors. A slap, a sigh, a moan, a cry an anger that defiles, belies a strangers face, no smile, no grace behind closed doors, a dangerous place secrets beneath dark hooded eyes pale stiff limbs and muted cries hate a shape that's taking form when love has been so ripped and torn a day will come when tides will turn and then that anger with hate will burn

Black Widow. Darkness tells of deepest sighs of fear and pain of silent cries Shadows move amid the night evil hides just out of sight Creeping coldness Scores his skin Breath hangs frozen Death moves in Darkly cloaked veiled eyes Grinning lips Emit goodbye Illicit.

Your touch inflames me a flicker of yearning ablaze within, a sensuous sigh takes my breath as lips savour flesh and eyes tell of adoration

Illicit connections guilt tainted with delicious sin Sighs, cries, lies but what price pleasure a moment in time suspended in this haze of slick heat before reality bites and emotions unveil the truth Strangers. Noisy, sticky and dirty here among the smoke haze sitting with you People laugh and dance around our private space the sounds of partying like the beat of my heart In your eyes I see a heat, a certain knowledge of tumbling limbs and wet urgent cries

Your fingers entwine with sensuousness, pick a path along goose bumped flesh slip a strap down my glistening skin So, away from the others we pause for nothing shedding inhibitions along with clothes no words slip into silence as blood rushes like a river and kisses burn like embers

while gasps lick at skin No meeting of minds only bodies in rhythm as the music pounds in perfect harmony ebbing and flowing like a tide coming, going, coming then a sigh and a languid touch, a soft goodbye to the soundtrack of the music and back into the haze again like strangers....

In the Night. The day's light trickles into slivers and I shiver at the sudden chill as night drops dark and comforting. My lungs fill with the scent of fading heat of honeysuckle of jasmine... ...of blood as I sense my prey. I smile as the night cloaks me like a friend

Betrayal and Retribution. Love and hate a touch away, I could reach and brush warm skin, slick sweat but I don't. My lips catch in teeth as frustration stirs and swells; fists clench

and I want to pummel and retch as the truth shatters. I can't forget that you smiled as you lied, that your words were loving as my heart fractured. I want to kill you, kiss you, smash you love you I hear you breath and want it to stop retribution for my pain. Was she pretty? Did she taste like me or of damnation? Was she worth your death? I close my eyes, listen to your breath, poisonous gasps from traitorous lips. Your hand jerks, fingers entangle, and I sigh at your fading warmth; hands that caressed with love then betrayal. As the sun rises and the shadows retreat, my stinging tears dry. The dead silence is comforting I move from your side and I leave your life forever.....

Devil in the Night. In the heat of the night, distant thunder rolls over hills and trees that move with an uneasy wind. Sleep is far away and I rise to the night; skin clammy, eyes sultry, waiting. Thin curtains move with a gasp from the wind and lightening cleaves the darkening sky. I stare to the hills, breeze cooling my fevered skin, fluttering my hair and on the hill I see you. Devil man, silhouetted in the flash of the storm. My pulse quickens, sweat beading and I enter the night, the rain a cooling balm on butter skin.

You come to me then with strong hands, dark eyes, little words, and your kisses ignite my dead soul, as the wind whips and moans. Devil of the night, my man of darkness, here to take me away from this life. Here to take me home. As the rain falls, we walk through the storm into the darkening night.

The Clock. The Clock ticks, unnoticed in the silence of white washed walls, dirty floor. Its face has seen many faces, eyes open, eyes shut; people come, people go; emotions thrown on turbid air, their tears a stinging path on skin so pale and frayed. The clock watches, hands move unremitting. Time doesn't stop, tick tock, for anyone. Life continues unabated, and bodies come, bodies go, and the clock seems loud in the wretched silence, amidst the pallid face of death. This is home, for a while, the white washed room; full of people, silent, with the clock, tick tock..... A Thousand Tears. On this night there is a thousand tears, when children drift and ebb on an acrid Summer's eve; when laughter is hotly peppered with gunshots and hate, against a backdrop of terraced houses in leafy ordinary lanes. On streets built with apathy and empty beer cans, broken needles and empty eyes; somewhere hidden behind dirty nets one parent drinks, another cries, and upstairs Big Brother blasts

as a child sits, empty, father's razor in soiled hands, scratch scratch. On a park bench, defaced with the names of the lost, misspelt and childish, written with alcohol veiled eyes, within a garland of cigarette butts; love is tossed around and kisses dirt cheap. Alone and abject a girl sits, scraped back hair and swollen lips; too many kisses, too much wine. Her tears sting but she wants, needs more. Abasement. On this night, of a thousand tears, when politicians make vapid promises and footballers make indecent money, while pampered stars make rehab groovy, who will speak out for desolation that calls inner city an uneasy home? Who will speak up for the hopeless; the guns and X Factor generation; the lost and fading children of today who drink and play and kiss and cry and live in the echo of the gunshot. Bang Bang.

Bending With the Wind. Come over here, whisper to me the right words sweet and endearing, my sustenance Your touch as velvet where solace hides like a cradle full of calm your smile, glistening as a balm Bewitching your eyes dark and guileless

seemingly... but the truth lies tainted and shifting under your soul where worms find a home Crying I am done with my heart is numb you don't realise I know, my love what evil you have done lives taken, bathed in blood from that your pleasure gained the night cloaked you and hid your crimes until discovery wrought my pain In boxes, mementos of your crimes chilling, sickening echoes of lives

So, come here hold me one last time I'll pretend a millisecond that all is right as your treacherous lips touch mine, before I smile and slip cold metal into your ruinous heart and feel now the warmth of your blood Your whispers grow silent as your touch slips to the floor Outside, the wind blows and my heart lets go.

I step outside, heels clicking, face salty wet and I bend with the wind before the night beckons me like a new lover.....

Hidden. The darkness falls fast and clammy amid the grey of the gathering clouds as the sun hides its hard heat behind the dancing horizon. The shadows take on shimmering life in the midst of the entwined trees as their branches move like skeletal fingers, the leaves hissing in the stiffening breeze. I walk fast and edgy, hands damply clenching, hair long in my face, skin sticky from fear because I know, I know what lies in the shadows

watching me, wanting me, craving me, my life's sweetness. Sleeping all day, ready for the night taste of copper hot on its breath skin cold and clammy, touch of the dead. My breath, it comes quick as the leaves whisper and move and I smell death in the dank air, dry and fetid like the earth under my fleeing feet. I turn eyes wide, glistening and see it in the hissing trees. Hidden.

Silence of the Seasons. Four haikus inspired by four swiftly and silently moving seasons. Blades of grass shiver as drops of inspiriting rain paint them neath Spring clouds. Grains of sand beneath an azure sky so halcyon lazy white cloud drifts. Waning moon conceals a field of dancing corn talking in the wind. Crystal flakes alight

on fir needles green and dense neath yellow tipped clouds.

Nature’s Frost. In the dense emerald forest, magic does sleep, slumbering like a giant in the fir tipped deep; dormant by day and alive in the night, not many have seen this wondrous sight. As the dusk falls softly like a delicate veil, tiny creatures stir, their wings of silver pale; with long golden hair and Summer blue eyes, they fly with grace through the trees and sky. Jewels and crystals they wear for clothes, and music they make as the Autumn wind blows; flitting through branches amidst swaying trees, they dance in the moonlight with crisp falling leaves. They sprinkle soft fairy dust over the ground; the whole forest watches with barely a sound, and when morning comes and the darkness is lost; the sharp bracing light reveals Nature's frost. Eternal Stars. The stars they look down like cold diamond eyes, they've seen every truth all the laughter, the cries; the fragility of hope that hovers with clouds; the throbbing of love that hangs like a shroud. They watch with a stillness as man beats his chest and blink with dismay at the pointless bloodshed. When towers fall down in a desolate heap, the stars bow and shiver

at hates heinous feats. When old and ill pass, when sick children die, the stars take their souls and teach them to fly. The lights guide the way past all that has been and show them a place that’s forever unseen. When good people pray for a more peaceful earth the stars come together to hope, they give birth and when man asks his God for relief from all pain the stars bow in reverence to God's holy name.

But as is mankind’s will wars will blacken the sun the earth will revolt and all will be undone but hope binds all people and keeps hearts alive even as torn souls learn with love how to fly. So when mankind is gone when the earth is no more the stars will shed tears on the desolate shores, and when the only sound left is the echoes of why, the stars will still be there keeping watch in the sky.

Days of Yore. One Christmas Eve in the midst of the war as the Luftwaffe flew over England's fair shores, the sound of grand music drifted through snow and glittery laughter met the wind's blow A ballroom of old, its windows made black where a young man stood firm shoulders held back. Cross tinsel clad room he spied beauty bright eyes of an angel, face sweetness and light

He wanted to speak to ask for a dance so mustered his courage then took the chance and with hat in hand he limped cross the room, she looked like a rose in perfect full bloom With trembling soft voice he whispered her name and hoped she wouldn't see that he was now lame. She gazed with emotion at his nervous face then pulled him in close for the sweetest embrace

Injured while battling in the snowy Ardennes, dark forests of pine that claimed many men. He'd made it back home but crippled for life He feared of never making her his wife But love didn't forget and hope prevailed strong that he'd make it back home where he belonged. She took his cold hand and together they swayed as the Christmas lights winked and the band loudly played Then the dulcet smooth tones of Bing Crosby sang 'I'll be home for Xmas' as the church bells rang. With tears in his eyes

and relief on tired face he held his angel tight as their love filled the place.

The Witch’s Song. Prologue. When icy winds blow cross vast swollen seas, can you hear the sad song as melodic tones tease? They pull at the soul and wrench at the heart a voice of pure satin sublime like a harp. A tempter, a vixen, a golden haired witch, singing for lost souls your heart she'll bewitch. Through mountains of old and to magical lands, she'll haunt you, pursue you cross halcyon sands . Beginning.

From times long ago, when goblins were kings and fairies were slaves with broken, clipped wings, she lived in a place where magic was strong, where witches breathed fire and wizards belonged. A witch such was she, with the blackest of hearts with looks that killed breath a queen of dark arts. She stole babies hair and gathered pure souls, mixed them with crystals the blood of a foal.

A spell to create, that was so evil and dark; a plan when laid bare revealed coldness so stark. Her target for magic a maiden of beauty, whose betrothal to the Prince was of love and of duty. The witch felt a love that was alien inside. She wanted the prince no time she would bide, but the princess's beauty made her heart curl and die, more fairer than she her rage made her cry. His love she would have come heaven or hell, so with hate on her face she set off with the spell. The prince and his love they slept unawares, peaceful bliss on both faces

without any cares. The witch crept up soft and with smile like spun lace cast the spell on the couple and beauty was defaced, with skin like dry leaves and disfigured for life, the prince stared in horror at his now ugly wife. His grief and his sorrow turned to bitter despair and with desperate rage he tore at his hair. The princess she wept at her ruinous face and with desolate screams she ran from the place. The witch laughed with joy and danced 'neath the moon but her ravenous glee had come far too soon, for the Prince grabbed his sword and with a loud cry buried the blade far deep inside. He crumpled to ground at the witch's bare feet and with horror she watched as in death he did sleep. Screaming with grief she ran though the night crying and screeching till the sun brought the light. The End Then as the birds sang and the wind blew a song the witch screamed a curse, 'Let my words be lifelong! For I will find my prince even though he's in sleep

every man that I call his soul I will keep' Until I do find him, my truest of loves I will leech from their souls even those from above. I will sing my pure song and stir with my touch my looks will excite and please very much'


Her charms will seduce with heat, fire and light but what lies beneath with the coming of night? Your soul she will purge as sleep drags you away; your dreams will be lurid your hair will turn grey. When morning then comes you'll pray for death's kiss, as the truth shows its face and you view the abyss; for there's no escaping from the witch's embrace, if she thinks you're her prince your heart she will taste.......

The Boy on the Moon. Inspired originally by the beginning of a film, this poem is a metaphor for all the abused children who suffer at the hands of those who should care for them most. 'The boy on the moon' is all of those children who use fantasy as a way to escape fear or loneliness. This is in tribute for all of them...... The boy on the moon sheds silver tears down pallid cheeks held tight with fears. He wants to dance amidst moon beams, but his limbs feel taut from arcane dreams. For so many years he has sat up high living his life in the star slung sky; hiding in craters from the beast that smiles, gazing to earth through the space and miles. His wishes he makes on countless stars from Venus to Saturn to fiery red Mars. He wants to feel loved and warm and safe but knows that true love is dead in this place. In the inky night when the coldness is stark, the boy reaches up to touch the dark, he senses infinity in the blackest veil, glimpses forever in a star's frosty trail.

He wants to fly where spaceships roam across the galaxies to a far off home, where spirits sing in harmonious peace and the beasts sour touch will dare not reach. But emotions bind him to milky moon above cloudy earth and the haunting loon. He daren't move lest the beast might see but he longs in his soul to be ever free. He wants to run where the corn sways slow and dip his feet in a river's fast flow; to feel the heat of the long Summer sun; to play in damp grass and belong as one. He needs to feel his mother's soft kiss, to experience her love, emotions of bliss but she went away and never came back and since she's been gone, life has been black. As black as the beast that stands so tall, as dark as the night that steadily falls but light always rides with hope alongside and so with this spark to the sky he does hide. He imagined the moon as a haven to stay; a milky white orb, a place he could play; where the stars sweep a path of silvery dust, and the breeze smells of candy in every gust. But now comes a time for all little boys; a time to reach out for love and for joy . He hears a sweet voice that tells him to leave to fly away home, to trust and believe. So with all his strength he faces the beast, even as all of his fears they increase. He turns and looks up with a face that’s so sad and gazes with loathing at the beast he calls dad. He takes a deep breath and in a clear voice says, 'No more of this. I do have a choice' The boy on the moon is no longer alone, as he spreads out his arms and flies away home..

Searching for You. Stones like crooked teeth trip my progress as I walk along between where bodies lay, among the faded flowers that wilt in the Summer heat and dip their heads against the dry grass as if in remembrance of the dead. I feel pain and a longing for something that I cannot grasp. I feel only the warming stones under my trembling fingers as they trail a path guided by my teardrops. I fear I have lost him, so many lie here, their eyes shut in stillness beneath. And then I am here, his name carved in black, chipped and worn. Gone but not forgotten, no never forgotten for my heart contains all of you. And in the harsh heat of

the bleaching sun, I lay down beside him and shut my eyes in perfect stillness. Together again

Snowflake on Your Lips. When the darkness washes the light from the day, I'll be there, your star and comfort. In coldness and black velvet, I will reach through dimensions to touch your heart. Your dreams will write a smile on your lips as I waltz through, trailing memories and light. Come the dawn, when your tears rise and fall with the sun, I will stroke them away with a touch like a breeze. From the corner of your eye, you will see me shimmer; fleeting glimpses of a treasured beauty, and for a while you will wonder and smile. When you walk on sand and slip on snow or splash in rain, I will follow, my feet in your steps,

guiding with hope and when the trees shed the leaves, I will be the leaf on your shoulder. When Winter winds blow I will be the snowflake on your lips. In the darkness of a long night, search the sky and I will be there. I am your love, gone but not lost. for I am infinity....

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