Chart Bible Events Chronologically

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 56

Year from Creation

Year of Event

Years Until Next Event




3950 BC


Genesis 5:3

Birth of Seth


3820 BC


Genesis 5:6

Birth of Enos


3715 BC


Genesis 5:9

Birth of Cainan


3625 BC


Genesis 5:12

Birth of Mahalaleel


3555 BC


Genesis 5:15

Birth of Jared


3490 BC


Genesis 5:18

Birth of Enoch


3328 BC


Genesis 5:21

Birth of Mathuselah


3263 BC


Genesis 5:25

Birth of Lamech


3076 BC


Genesis 5:28

Birth of Noah


2894 BC


Genesis 5:32

Beginning of the flood


2294 BC


Genesis 7:11, 8:1314

Noah leaves the ark


2293 BC


Genesis 11:10

Birth of Arphaxed


2291 BC


Genesis 11:12

Birth of Salah


2256 BC


Genesis 11:14

Birth of Eber


2226 BC


Genesis 11:16

Birth of Peleg


2192 BC


Genesis 11:18

Birth of Reu


2162 BC


Genesis 11:20

Birth of Serug


2130 BC


Genesis 11:22

Birth of Nahor


2100 BC


Genesis 11:24

Birth of Terah


2071 BC


Genesis 11:26

Birth of Abraham


2001 BC


Genesis 12:4

Abraham leaves Haran


1926 BC


Genesis 16:16

Birth of Ishmael


1915 BC


Genesis 21:5

Birth of Isaac


1901 BC


Genesis 25:26

Birth of Jacob


1841 BC


Genesis 47:9

Birth of Joseph


1750 BC


Genesis 41:46, 53,

45:6 Jacob enters Egypt


1711 BC


Genesis 47:28

Death of Jacob


1694 BC


Genesis 49:33

Death of Joseph


1640 BC


Genesis 50:22, 26

Birth of Moses


1576 BC


Exodus 7:7

Exodus from Egypt


1496 BC


Exodus 16:35

Crossing of Jordan


1456 BC


Joshua 14:7, 24:29

Dividing of the Land


1451 BC


Joshua 14:7-10

Judges begin leading Israel


1426 BC


Joshua 24:29

Saul (first king) begins reign


1100 BC


Acts 13:21

David begins reign


1060 BC


2 Samuel 5:4

Solomon begins reign


1020 BC


1 Kings 6:1

Solomon begins to build temple


1016 BC


1 Kings 11:42

Rehoboam begins reign


980 BC


1 Kings 14:21

Abijah begins reign


963 BC


1 Kings 15:2

Asa begins reign


960 BC


1 Kings 15:9-10

Jehoshaphat begins reign


919 BC


1 Kings 22:42

Jehoram begins reign


894 BC


2 Kings 8:17

Ahaziah begins reign


886 BC


2 Kings 8:26

Athaliah begins her reign


885 BC


2 Kings 11:3

Joash begins reign


879 BC


2 Kings 12:1

Amaziah begins reign


839 BC


2 Kings 14:2

Azariah begins reign


810 BC


2 Kings 15:2

Jotham begins reign


758 BC


2 Kings 15:33

Ahaz begins reign


742 BC


2 Kings 16:2

Hezekiah begins reign


726 BC


2 Kings 18:2

Manasseh begins reign


697 BC


2 Kings 21:1

Amon begins reign


642 BC


2 Kings 21:19

Josiah begins reign


640 BC


2 Kings 22:1

Jehoahaz begins reign (3 months)


609 BC


2 Kings 23:31

Jehoakim begins reign


609 BC


2 Kings 23:36

Babylon besieges Israel


606 BC


Daniel 1:1

Destruction of the first temple


588 BC


Jeremiah 52:12-13, 25:1, Daniel 2:1

Cyrus decrees rebuilding temple


536 BC


2 Chronicles 36:21, 23

Artaxerxes decrees rebuilding Jerusalem


445 BC


Nehemiah 2:1

Birth of Jesus Christ


6 BC


Matthew 2:1, 15

Christ's ministry begins


29 AD


Luke 3:1

Christ's crucifixion


32 AD


Luke 23:32-49

Call of the Apostle Paul


37 AD


Acts 9:1-16

Destruction of the second temple and the city of Jerusalem


70 AD


Luke 21:5-6

Gen 1:264:2; 5:1-2

Event 1


God creates Adam and Eve in His image and completes His work; their sin places their descendants in bondage to sin and under condemnation.



the life of Adam.

Gen 5:3-5



Cain murders his brother Abel.

Gen 4:3-18 Gen 4:2526; 5:6-8



the life of Adam's son Seth.



the life of Seth's son Enosh.



the life of Kenan.

Gen 5:9-11 Gen 5:1214 Gen 5:1517



the life of Mahalalel.



the life of Jared.



the life and translation of Enoch.



the story of Lamech.

Gen 4:1924



the life of Enoch's son Methuselah.

Gen 5:2527

the life of Methuselah's son Lamech.

Gen 5:3031



Gen 5:1820 Gen 5:2124



the birth of Lamech's son Noah.

Gen 5:2829



God condemns mankind and gives warning to Noah.

Gen 6:1-8, 11-22

Gen 5:32; 6:910; 1 Chr 1:1-4


the birth of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


the Vela supernova erupts; its radiation permanently damages Earth's ozone layer, resulting in a gradual decline in the human lifespan until it levels out at 70-120 years.



God destroys the entire inhabited world with a flood, saving only the eight members of Noah's family.

Gen 7:18:12



the flood subsides and God makes a covenant with Noah.

Gen 8:139:19



Gen 10:1the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth populate the 32; Earth. 1 Chr 1:5-23





the life of Shem's son Arphachshad.

Gen 11:1213



the cursing of Ham's youngest son, Canaan.

Gen 9:2027



the life of Shelah.

Gen 11:1415



the death of Noah.



the life of Eber.



the death of Noah's son Shem.



the floor of the Hecate Strait rises, forming a land bridge between Siberia and Canada.



God confuses the universal language at Babel.

Gen 9:2829 Gen 11:1617 Gen 11:1011







The life of Peleg.



people migrate to the American continent



23872148 B.C. 2355-2125 B.C.

33 c. 2350 BC 34

2325-2177 BC

35 2296 BC 2226-2166 36 BC 2156 BC

Gen 11:1819

sea levels rise, destroying the Hecate land bridge and widening the straits between the continents and islands. Patriarchal History The life of Reu.

Gen 11:2021

The life of Reu's son Serug.

Gen 11:2223

Sargon creates the Akkadian Empire. the life of Serug's son Nahor.

Gen 11:2425

the birth of Nahor's son Terah.

Gen 11:24

the births of Nahor, Haran, and Abram.

Gen 11:26

the birth of Sarai

21362135? BC

the birth of Lot, and Terah's move from Ur to Haran.

Gen 11:2731

2091 BC

the death of Terah, and Abram's departure for Canaan.

Gen 11:3212:9

2088 BC

Abram's encounters with Pharaoh Achthoes III and Melchizedek; God's covenant with Abram.

Gen 12:1015:21

2080 BC

the birth of Ishmael and God's mercy on Hagar.

Gen 16:116

2067 BC

God institutes circumcision, changes Abram's name, and destroys Sodom and Gomorrah.

Gen. 17:120:18

2 066 BC

the birth of Isaac, the expulsion of Ishmael, and Abraham's covenant with Abimelech.

Gen 21:1-

34; 25:1219 2050? B.C.

Abraham demonstrates his faith in the offering of Isaac.

Gen 22:124

2029 B.C.

the death of Sarah and the purchase of land in Canaan.

Gen 23:120

2026 B.C.

Rebekah is sought out to marry her uncle Isaac.

2006 B.C.

the births of Jacob and Esau

1991 B.C.

1980? B.C.

1966 B.C.

Gen 24:167; 25:1920 Gen 25:2126

the death of Abraham, buried by Isaac and Ishmael.

Gen 25:111

Esau sells his birthright.

Gen 25:2734

Gen 26:1Isaac's difficulties with water rights in Gerar; Esau takes foreign 35; wives. 36:143

1930 B.C.

Jacob obtains Esau's blessing by deception and flees to his uncle Laban.

Gen 27:129:19

1930-1923 B.C.

Jacob serves seven years to marry Laban's daughter Rachel.

Gen 29:20

1923 B.C. 1923-1916 B.C. 1916-1910 B.C.

Gen Jacob marries Laban's daughters Leah (by Laban's deception) 29:21and Rachel (by choice) 29 Jacob serves Laban seven more years for Rachel; twelve Gen children are born: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, 29:30Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah, and Joseph. 30:24 God prospers Jacob during his last years with Laban.

Gen 30:2543

1910 B.C.

Jacob flees from Laban and meets Esau; God establishes His covenant with Jacob and changes his name to Israel.

Gen 31:133:20

1902 B.C.

Simeon and Levi avenge Dinah's rape by slaughtering the men Gen of Shechem; Reuben sleeps with his father's concubine; Rachel 34:1dies while giving birth to Benjamin 35:27

1900-1896 B.C.

Judah fathers Er, Onan, and Shelah with the Canaanite woman Gen Shua. 38:1-5

1899 B.C.

1889?-1886 B.C.

Gen 37:1Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt at the age of 17. 36; 39:1-6 Gen Potiphar's wife frames Joseph for sexual assault and has him 39:7imprisoned. 40:23

1886 B.C.

the death of Isaac, buried by Jacob and Esau.

Gen 35:2829

1886 B.C.

Joseph exalted when he interprets the dreams of Pharaoh Sesostris II.

Gen 41:146

1886-1879 B.C.

Seven years of prosperity in Egypt; births of Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim.

Gen 41:4752

1880 B.C.

God destroys Judah's evil sons, Er and Onan, leaving Tamar widowed.

Gen 38:611

1879-1872 B.C. 1878 B.C.

1877 B.C.

Gen Egypt and Canaan are struck with a seven-year famine; Pharaoh 41:53Sesostris III is now Pharaoh. 57 Joseph pretends not to recognize his brothers when they travel to Egypt for food.

Gen 42:138

Gen 38:12Tamar seduces her father-in-law Judah, resulting in the births of 30; Perez and Zerah. 1 Chr 2:4-7

1877 B.C.

Joseph calls for his father's family to move to Egypt.

1876 B.C.

Jacob moves to Egypt and settles in Goshen.

Gen 43:145:28 Gen

46:147:27; Exod 1:1-5 1859 B.C. c. 1850 B.C. c. 1820 B.C.

1806 B.C.

Gen Jacob blesses his children, designating Judah as the leader, and 47:28dies; buried in Canaan with full Egyptian honors. 50:21 the birth of Judah's grandson Hezron. the death of Ephraim's sons and birth of Beriah.

1 Chr 7:2023

the death of Joseph; bones placed in a coffin in Egypt, to be carried to Canaan when the sons of Israel return there.

Gen 50:2226; Exod 1:6-7

c. 1800 B.C. 1792-1750 B.C.

the birth of Hezron's son Ram.

1660 B.C.

Hebrew-friendly Hyksos begin ruling northern Egypt. God recognizes the honor of Judah's descendant Jabez by answering his prayer for land and relief.

c. 1650 B.C.

the reign of Hammurabi.

1 Chr 4:1-10

The Exodus and Conquest 1595-1150 B.C. 1570-1546 B.C. 1546-1526 B.C. c. 1540 B.C.

Kassites control Mesopotamia. Pharaoh Amosis I retakes Egypt from the Hyksos and begins oppressing the Israelites, whose language, culture, and Exod 1:8-14 appearance resemble the Hyksos'. Pharaoh Amenhotep I continues the Israelites' slavery. the birth of Pharaoh's daughter Hatshepsut.

c. 1537 B.C.

the marriage of Amram and Jochebed; the birth of Miriam.

1529 B.C.

the birth of Amram's son Aaron.

1526 B.C.

new Pharaoh Thutmose I orders Hebrew boys killed upon birth; Amram's son Moses born and hidden.

1525 B.C. 1512-1504

Exod 2:1 Exod 1:1522; 2:2

Moses adopted by Hatshepsut; nursed and possibly educated Exod 2:3-10 by his mother Jochebed. Pharaoh Thutmose II rules in Egypt as Moses reaches



1504-1450 B.C.

Eleven-year-old Pharaoh Thutmose III rules Egypt; Hatshepsut dominates politically until 1483.

c. 1500 B.C.

the birth of Nahshon's father Ammindab.

1486 B.C.

Moses flees Egypt when his murder of an Egyptian is discovered; takes refuge in Midian.

c. 1484 B.C.

the birth of Caleb.

c. 1476 B.C.

the births of Joshua and Nahshon.

c. 1460 B.C.

the birth of Aaron's son Eleazar.

Exod. 6:2324

c. 1450 B.C.

Moses marries Zipporah; Gershom is born.

Exod 2:2122

c. 1450 B.C.

Thutmose dies and is succeeded by Amenhotep II.

Exod 2:2325

1447 B.C.

1446 B.C.

Exod 2:1120

God calls Moses back to Egypt to demand the release of the Israelites; God hardens Pharaoh's heart so that He may Exod 3:1demonstrate His superiority to pagan gods by sending plagues 10:29 on Egypt. God kills the firstborn of Egypt but passes over obedient Israelites; Pharaoh sends the Israelites away, then pursues Exod 11:1them. God parts the Yam Suph (Sea of Reeds), allowing the 15:21 Israelites to escape, and collapses the sea onto the Egyptian army. Moses leads the Israelites to Mt. Sinai, where God gives the Torah and instructs them in building a tabernacle and an ark where He concentrates His presence among them.

Exod. 15:22-39:43

1445 B.C.

the tabernacle and the ark are completed; Moses takes a census and prepares to leave Sinai.

Exod. 40:138; Lev. 1:1-27:34; Num. 1:19:23

1445 B.C.

the Israelites leave Sinai and journey toward Canaan.

Num 10:112:15

1446 B.C.

1444 B.C.

spies to Canaan; all but Caleb and Joshua fear the Canaanites. Num 13:1The Israelites rebel and are condemned to die in the 19:22 wilderness

c. 1444 B.C.

Moses writes Psalm 90; he composes Genesis through Deuteronomy between here and his death in 1406.

Psa. 90

c. 1435 B.C.

the birth of Nahshon's son Salmon.

Ruth 4:20

c. 1432 B.C.

the birth of Aaron's grandson Phinehas.

Exod 6:25

c. 1420 B.C.

1406 B.C.

the births of Othniel and of Moses' grandson Jonathan.

Josh. 15:17; Judg. 18:30

Num. 20:1as Miriam and Aaron die, Israel takes land east of Canaan; 36:13; Deut. Moses addresses the new generation of Israelites and dies at 1:1-34:12; the age of 120. Josh 12:1-6

1406 B.C.

Joshua sends spies to Jericho and leads Israel across the Jordan River.

Josh. 1:14:24

1405-1399 B.C.

God leads the Israelites in holy war; they retake the power centers of the Promised Land.

Josh 5:111:23; 12:724; Judg 1:9-15

1399 B.C.

Joshua divides Canaan among the various tribes; 2 1/2 tribes settle in Gilead, east of Canaan, and cause friction with the other tribes.

Josh 13:122:34

Micah adopts idolatry in Ephraim and hires Moses' grandson Judg 17:1c. 1399 B.C. Jonathan as priest; disenfranchised Danites follow suit as they 18:31 migrate north. 1380-1346 the reigns of Suppiluliumas in the Hittite Empire and Pharaoh B.C. Amenhotep IV in Egypt create a power vacuum in Canaan. 1366 B.C. 1366 B.C. 1366-c. 1360 B.C. c. 1360 B.C.

Joshua secures Israel's pledge to follow the Torah; he dies, and he and Joseph are buried. Judah and Simeon capture Jerusalem. Israel falters in taking the land it has inherited. the death of Eleazar.

Josh 23:124:32; Judg 2:6-10 Judg 1:1-8 Judg 1:162:5 Josh 24:33

The Period of the Judges 1360-1084 B.C.

Israel's cycle of rebellion and deliverance.

the rape and murder of a Levite's concubine in Bethlehem c. 1360 B.C. leads to civil war between Benjamin and the other tribes; the male population of Benjamin is decimated.

Judg 2:113:6 Judg 19:121:25

1358-1350 B.C.

Mesopotamia dominates Israel.

Judg 3:7-8

1350-1310 B.C.

Othniel delivers and judges Israel.

Judg 3:9-11


Ammon, Amalek, and Moab dominate Israel.

Judg. 3:12-



1282 B.C.

Ehud assassinates the king of Moab.

Judg 3:1529

1282-1202 B.C.

east-central Israel has peace for 80 years.

Judg. 3:30

1250? B.C.

the trials of Job, possibly in Edom.

Job 1:142:15

1250-1230 B.C.

Canaanites oppress most of Israel.

Judg 4:1-3

Shamgar rescues Israel from the Philistines. Deborah and Barak fight the Canaanites; enemy general Sisera is killed by Jael.

Judg 3:31 Judg 4:45:31

the birth of Eli.

1 Sam. 4:15

Deborah and Barak judge Israel in peace.

Judg. 5:31

the birth of Boaz.

1 Chr. 2:11

Midianites repeatedly raid Israel.

Judg 6:1-10

c. 1240 B.C. c. 1230 B.C. 1202 B.C. c. 12301190 B.C. c. 1200 B.C. c. 11871180 B.C.

c. 1180 B.C. God raises up the unlikely, faithless Gideon to deliver Israel. c. 11801140 B.C

Gideon allows Israel to fall into idolatry.

Judg. 6:118:21 Judg 8:2229

Elimelech and his wife Naomi migrate from Bethlehem to c. 1160 B.C. Moab during a famine; Elimelech dies there, and his sons take Ruth 1:1-4 Moabite wives. c. 1150 B.C.

the birth of Gideon's son Abimelech.

Elimelech's sons die, and his daughter-in-law Ruth follows c. 1150 B.C. Naomi back to Bethlehem. Boaz marries Ruth to support the family, and Obed is born.

Judg 8:3031 Ruth 1:54:22

1144-1104 B.C.

the judgeship of Eli.

1 Sam 4:18

1124-1106 B.C.

Israel serves Ammon and Philistia.

Judg 10:6-9; 13:1

1124-1123 B.C.

the annunciation and birth of Samson.

Judg 13:225

1121 B.C.

the birth of Samuel.

1 Sam 1:123

1120-1117 B.C.

the death of Gideon and the brief reign of Abimelech.

Judg 8:329:57

c. 1118 B.C. 1117-1094 B.C. 1115-1077 B.C.

Samuel taken to the temple.

1 Sam 1:242:11

the judgeship of Tola in Ephraim.

Judg 10:1-2

Tiglath-Pileser I reigns in Assyria.

c. 1115 B.C.

the sin of Eli's sons.

1 Sam 2:1236

c. 1114 B.C.

the call of Samuel.

1 Sam 3:121

1106 B.C.

upon Israel's repentance, God stirs Jephthah to save them from Judg 10:6the Ammonites. 11:40

1106-1084 B.C.

Israel continues to serve the Philistines.

Judg 13:1

1106-1100 B.C.

Jephthah leads civil war between Ephraim and Gilead, and judges for six years.

Judg 12:1-7

1104 B.C.

the Philistines temporarily capture the ark; the death of Eli.

1 Sam 4:17:1

1104-1051 B.C.

19-year-old Samuel holds supreme judgeship over Israel.

1 Sam 7:1517

1104-1084 B.C. 1100-1093 B.C.

the judgeship of Samson in Dan; the ark rests at Kiriathjearim.

Judg 14:20; 1 Sam 7:2

the judgeship of Ibzan in Judah.

Judg 12:8-9

c. 1097 B.C. 1097-1072 B.C.

the birth of David's father Jesse. the judgeship of Jair in Gilead.

Judg 10:3-5

c. 1095 B.C.

the sins and strength of Samson

Judg 14:115:19

1093-1083 B.C.

the judgeship of Elon in northern Israel.

Judg. 12:1011

1091 B.C.

the birth of Saul.

1086 B.C.

the Philistines capture Samson.

1084 B.C.

Israel's repentance prompts God to deliver Israel through Samson and Samuel.

1083-1075 B.C.

the judgeship of Abdon in northern Israel.

1 Chr 9:3544 Judg 16:122 Judg 16:2331; 1 Sam 7:3-14 Judg. 12:1215

c. 1076 B.C.

Israel stops observing its sabbatical years; the number of sabbaticals they miss will later determine the length of the Babylonian exile.

c. 1071 B.C. 1057 B.C.

the birth of Saul's son Jonathan. the birth of Barzillai.

Jer. 36:2021

The United Monarchy 1051 B.C.

as Samuel grows old, Israel demands a king. Samuel protests, 1 Sam 8:1but God chooses the Benjamite Saul. 12:25 1 Chr 5:1822 1 Sam 13:114:46

c. 1050 B.C

Reubenites drive the Hagrites out of Gilead.

1049 B.C

Saul and Jonathan fight the Philistines; Saul's foolishness leads to rebuke.

1049-1011 B.C.

summary of Saul's reign.

1046 B.C.

the birth of Saul's son Ish-bosheth (Ish-baal).

1041 B.C.

the birth of Jesse's son David.

1 Chr 2:917

c. 1036 B.C.

Saul spares Agag and is rejected as king.

1 Sam 15:135

1 Sam 14:47-52

1 Sam 16:123 David becomes famous by defeating Goliath of Gath; Saul is 1 Sam 17:1c. 1027 B.C. jealous. 18:11 1029 B.C.

Samuel anoints David as king.

1020 B.C.

1 Sam Jonathan (51) protects David (19), but David is forced to flee 18:12to Gath. 21:15; Ps 7, 8, 34, 56, 59

1019 B.C.

the slaughter of the priests at Nob; David gains Benjamite support

1 Sam 22:123; 1 Chr 12:16-18; Ps 12, 17, 52, 58

1018 B.C.

David attacks the Philistines while fleeing Saul.

1 Sam 23:129; Ps 54

David spares Saul's life at Engedi.

1 Sam 24:122; Ps 4, 57, 142

the birth of Jonathan's son Mephibosheth, and the death of Samuel. David meets and marries Abigail.

1 Sam 25:1; 2 Sam 4:4 1 Sam 25:2-

1017 B.C. 1016 B.C. 1016 B.C.

44 1015 B.C.

David spares Saul's life at Ziph; Saul breaks off pursuit.

1 Sam 26:125

1013 B.C.

David flees to the Philistines.

1 Sam 27:112

c. 1011 B.C.

David gains support from the eastern tribes.

1011 B.C.

Saul resorts to a seance to find David; David destroys the Amalekites and returns to Israel; Saul and Jonathan die in battle with the Philistines.

1011 B.C.

David becomes king over Judah.

2 Sam 2:17; 1 Chr 3:1-4; Ps 9

1011-1004 B.C.

David reigns 7 years in Hebron.

2 Sam 2:11; 3:1-5; 1 Chr 29:26-27

1011-1006 B.C.

Abner controls northern Israel.

1 Chr 12:115, 19-40 1 Sam 28:131:13; 2 Sam 1:127; 4:4; 1 Chr 10:114; Ps 10

1011 B.C.

David and his mighty men defeat the Philistines.

1010 B.C.

the birth of David's son Amnon.

2 Sam 5:1725; 23:8-39; 1 Chr 11:10-47; 14:8-17 2 Sam 3:1

1008 B.C.

the birth of David's son Absalom.

2 Sam 3:3

1006-1004 B.C.

Saul's son Ish-bosheth rules northern Israel.

2 Sam 2:810

1005 B.C.

war between Ish-bosheth and David; Abner defects to David but is murdered.

2 Sam 2:1232; 3:6-39; Ps 62

1004 B.C.

Ish-bosheth is assassinated against David's wishes; David becomes king over all Israel.

1004-971 B.C.

David's reign over Israel.

2 Sam 4:13, 5-5:3; 1 Chr 11:13; Ps 19, 23, 36, 139 2 Sam 5:45, 13-16; 8:15-18;

1 Chr 3:4-9; 14:1-7; 29:27 David retakes Jerusalem.

2 Sam 5:610; 1 Chr 11:4-9

1004-990 B.C.

David's victories against Israel's enemies.

2 Sam 8:114; 1 Chr 18:1-19:19; Ps 60

996 B.C.

David's kindness to Mephibosheth.

c. 996 B.C.

the birth of David's son Nathan.

996-993 B.C.

the appeasement of the Gibeonites.

2 Sam 21:114

993-990 B.C.

humiliation of David's ambassadors leads to the Ammonite wars.

2 Sam 10:119

992 B.C.

David's adultery with Bathsheba; the child dies.

2 Sam 11:112:23; Ps 6, 32, 38, 39, 51, 143

991 B.C.

the birth of David's son Solomon.

2 Sam 12:24-25

990 B.C.

David defeats the Ammonites.

2 Sam 12:26-31; 1 Chr 20:13

990 B.C.

the Edomite Hadad flees to Egypt and marries the sister-inlaw of Pharaoh Psinaches.

987 B.C.

Amnon rapes his sister Tamar.

985-982 B.C.

Absalom avenges Tamar by killing Amnon and flees to Gehsur.

2 Sam 13:20-39

982 B.C.

David lets Absalom return to Jerusalem.

2 Sam 14:133

Absalom conspires to draw public support from David.

2 Sam 15:16

1004 B.C.

980-976 B.C. 980-947 B.C. 979 B.C.

2 Sam 9:113 Lk 23:31

1 Kgs 11:15-20 2 Sam 13:119

Hiram reigns in Tyre. David makes a treaty with Hiram for building projects.

2 Sam 5:1112

the last war of David, the final defeat of the Philistines, and psalms of victory.

2 Sam 21:1522:51; 1 Chr 20:4-8; Ps 18, 20, 21, 138

977 B.C.

David brings the ark to Jerusalem; God establishes a Messianic covenant with David and his line.

2 Sam 6:17:29; 1 Chr 13:1-14; 15:1-17:27; Psa 2, 15, 24, 65, 68, 103, 108

976 B.C.

Absalom's rebellion forces David into hiding.

2 Sam 15:717:29

976 B.C.

Psalms associated with Absalom's pursuit of David: Psa 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35, 40, 41, 53, 55, 61, 63 , 64, 69, 70, 71, 86, 109, 140, 141, 144

978 B.C.

976 B.C. 975 B.C.

975 B.C.

2 Sam 18:119:43 2 Sam 20:1the Benjamite Sheba revolts against David. 26 2 Sam 24:125; 1 Chr David assesses his military might against God's instructions. 21:1-30; 27:1-34 Absalom is captured and killed.

973 B.C.

1 Chr 22:119; 23:3David's preparations for the temple; he addresses the officials. 26:32; 28:129:22

973 B.C.

David's psalms for use in the temple: Psa 29, 30, 37, 95, 101, 122, 123, 124, 129, 131, 133, 145.

972 B.C.

the birth of Solomon's son Rehoboam.

1 Kgs 14:21

David secures Solomon's succession.

1 Kgs 1:153; 1 Chr 23:1-2; Ps 72, 110

the death of David; Solomon avenges David's enemies.

2 Sam 23:17; 1 Kgs 2:1-38; 1 Chr 29:22-25

972 B.C.

971 B.C.

971-931 B.C.

Solomon's reign over all Israel, characterized by wealth and extensive political influence.

969 B.C.

Solomon marries the daughter of Pharaoh Siamun.

969 B.C.

God grants unprecedented wisdom to Solmon.

969 B.C.

Hadad hears that David is dead and returns to Israel.

968 B.C.

Solomon executes David's enemy Shimei.

966 B.C.

966-959 B.C.

1 Kgs 4:134 1 Kgs 3:1; Ps 45 1 Kgs 3:223; 2 Chr 1:1-17; Prov. 1:129:27; Song 1:1-8:14 1 Kgs 11:21-22 1 Kgs 2:3946

1 Kgs 5:118; 2 Chr 2:1-18 1 Kgs 6:138, 7:13-51; the building of Solomon's temple 480 years after the Exodus. 2 Chr 3:14:22 Solomon's contract with Hiram.

1 Kgs 8:19:9; 2 Chr 5:1-7:22

959 B.C.

the temple is dedicated; God warns Solomon to remain faithful.

959 B.C.

psalms associated with the temple dedication: Psa 47, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 127, 128, 132

959-946 B.C.

the building of Solmon's palace.

1 Kgs 7:112

c. 950 B.C.

the wisdom of Agur and Lemuel; Solomon's search for meaning.

Prov. 30:131:31; Ecc. 1:1-12:14

c. 949 B.C.

the birth of Rehoboam's son Abijam (Abijah).

947 B.C.

Hiram is displeased with Solomon's payment.

947 B.C.

the glory of Solomon and the visit of the Queen of Sheba.

947 B.C.

Solomon becomes corrupt; Hadad rebels against him.

1 Kgs 11:114

c. 940 B.C.

Rezon (Hezion, r. 940-915) of Aram harasses Solomon.

1 Kgs 11:23-25

1 Kgs 9:1028 1 Kgs 10:129; 2 Chr 8:1-9:28

the prophet Ahijah predicts the division of the kingdom and 1 Kgs c. 940 B.C. the rise of Jeroboam; Jeroboam hides in Egypt until Solomon's 11:26-40; death. Ps 120 933 B.C.

the birth of Jehoiada.

931 B.C.

the death of Solomon.

2 Chr 24:15 1 Kgs 11:41-43; 2 Chr 9:2931

The Early Divided Kingdom Judah (south) 931-606 B.C.

Israel (north)

the Davidic line of succession.

1 Chr 3:10-16

the reign of Rehoboam.

1 Kgs 14:21-24; 2 Chr 11:1-23

Rehoboam's foolishness causes the northern tribes to revolt.

1 Kgs 12:1-24; 1 Chr 10:1-19

931-913 B.C.

931 B.C.

c. 926 B.C.

Jeroboam introduces idolatry and is 930 B.C. condemned by prophets.

the birth of Asa.

Pharaoh Shishak (r. 925 B.C. 945-924) invades Judah. 915-910 B.C.

1 Kgs 12:2514:18

1 Kgs 14:25-28; 2 Chr 12:1-12.

Tabrimmon reigns in Aram.

913-911 B.C.

the evil reign of Abijam in Judah.

1 Kgs 14:2915:7; 2 Chr 12:1313:19, 13:21-22

911-870 B.C.

the good reign of Asa in Judah.

1 Kgs 15:8-15; 2 Chr

1 Kgs Jeroboam succeeded 910 B.C. 14:19-20; by his son Nadab. 15:25-26;

14:1-8 911-891 B.C. 910-860 B.C.

2 Chr 13:20

Adad-nirari II reigns in Assyria. Ben-hadad I reigns in Aram. 909 B.C.

909-886 B.C.

Baasha murders and succeeds Nadab

continual hostility between Asa and Baasha.

908 B.C.

the birth of Asa's son Jehoshaphat.

c. 900 B.C.

the Ethiopian invasion of Judah

2 Chr 14:9-15

896 B.C.

the prophet Azariah warns Asa to enact reforms.

2 Chr 15:1-19

895 B.C.

the alliance of Judah and Aram against Israel.

890-884 B.C.

Tukulti-Nunurta II reigns in Assyria and strengthens it. 887 B.C. 886-885 B.C. c. 886 B.C.

883-859 B.C. 880 B.C.

1 Kgs 15:27-31 1 Kgs 15:16, 3234

1 Kgs 15:17-22; 2 Chr 16:1-11

Jehu prophesies against Baasha.

1 Kgs 16:1-4

Baasha's son Elah reigns in Israel.

1 Kgs 16:5-8

the birth of Elisha

885 B.C.

Zimri kills Elah and rules 7 days; Omri seizes power.

1 Kgs 16:9-20

885-880 B.C.

Omri and Tibni rule as rival kings.

1 Kgs 16:21

Asshur-nasirpal II reigns in Assyria. the birth of Jehoshaphat's son Joram.

2 Kgs 8:17

880-874 B.C.

Tibni dies; Omri's evil reign.

1 Kgs 16:22-26

Jehoshaphat begins a dual reign with Asa

1 Kgs 22:42

872 B.C.

Asa's foot disease

1 Kgs 15:23; 2 Chr 16:12

870 B.C.

Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa in Judah

1 Kgs 15:24; 22:41; 2 Chr 16:13-14

the good reign of Jehoshaphat.

1 Kgs 22:41-47; 2 Chr 16:1516:6, 1219; 2 Chr 20:31-34

873 B.C.

870-848 B.C.

867 B.C. 864 B.C. 863 B.C. 860-841 B.C.

858-824 B.C.

874-853 B.C.

the evil reign of Omri's son Ahab.

1 Kgs 16:27-33

c. 870 B.C.

Hiel refortifies Jericho.

1 Kgs 16:34

the reforms of 2 Chr Jehoshaphat 17:1-11 Jehoshaphat's son Joram marries Ahab's daughter Athaliah. the birth of Joram's son Ahaziah.

2 Chr 18:1

2 Kgs 8:26

Ben-hadad II reigns in Aram. 860 B.C.

the prophet Elijah predicts a drought.

1 Kgs 17:1-6

859 B.C.

Elijah's mission and miracles in Zarephath.

1 Kgs 17:7-24

Shalmaneser III reigns in Assyria. God demonstrates superiority to Baal at Carmel; the drought 857 B.C. ends, but Elijah's life is threatened; Elijah commissions Elisha.

857-856 B.C.

1 Kgs 18:119:21

Ben-hadad of Aram 1 Kgs attacks; Ahab is 20:1-43; temporarily 2 Kgs 4:1victorious; Elisha 17

aids the Shunammite woman. 855 B.C.

853 B.C.

853 B.C.

the incident of Naboth's vineyard.

Jehoshaphat and Ahab join against Aram; Ahab dies, as Micaiah has prophesied. destruction of the ships of Tarshish.

1 Kgs 22:48-49

853-852 B.C.

the reign of Ahab's son Ahaziah.

1 Kgs 21:1-29 1 Kgs 22:1-39; 2 Chr 18:2-34 1 Kgs 22:40, 5153

Ahaziah's messengers seek out 2 Kgs 1:1853 B.C. Elijah and receive his 16 rebuke. 2 Kgs 852-841 Jehoram succeeds 1:17-18; B.C. Ahaziah in Israel. 2 Kgs 3:13 Moab rebels against 2 Kgs 3:4852 B.C. Israel. 27

850 B.C.

848-841 B.C.

Moab and Ammon invade Judah.

2 Chr 20:1-30; Psa 33, 44, 83

Jehoshaphat's evil son Joram reigns in Judah

1 Kgs 22:50; 2 Kgs 8:16-19; 2 Chr 21:1-7

852 B.C.

Elisha raises the Shunammite woman's son and aids the sons of the prophets.

2 Kgs 4:18-44

852-845 B.C.

a famine strikes Israel.

2 Kgs 8:16

847 B.C.

the healing of Naaman, Benhadad's captain.

2 Kgs 5:127

847 B.C.

845 B.C.

Edom gains independence from Judah.

2 Kgs 8:20-22; 2 Chr 21:8-11

845 B.C.

Elisha's miraculous 2 Kgs 6:1ministry continues. 23 Elijah's last prophecy.

2 Chr 21:12-15

844 B.C.

Elijah is taken to heaven.

2 Kgs 2:125

the birth of Ahaziah's Ben-hadad besieges 2 Kgs 841 B.C. son Joash. Samaria. 6:24-7:20 Philistine-Arab 2 Chr attack on Judah; 21:16-17; 841 B.C. Obadiah's prophecy Obad. 1against Edom. 21 842 B.C.

841-801 B.C. 841 B.C.

841 B.C.

Hazael succeeds Ben-hadad II in Aram. Joram's evil son Ahaziah reigns in Judah.

2 Kgs 8:715

2 Kgs 8:23-29; 2 Chr 22:1-5

2 Kgs 9:1Jehu assassinates Ahab's family, including the kings of Judah and 37; 2 Chr Israel. 22:6-9

The Late Divided Kingdom Judah (south) Queen mother 841-835 Athaliah apparently B.C. wipes out the Davidic line. Athaliah is overthrown, and 7835 B.C. year-old Joash is brought out of hiding.

Israel (north) 2 Kgs 11:1-3; 2 Chr 22:10-12


Jehu rules Israel.

2 Kgs 10:1-31

2 Kgs 11:4-21; 2 Chr 23:1-21

837-836 B.C.

Hazael of Aram harasses Israel.

2 Kgs 10:32-33

835-796 B.C.

Joash's mostly good reign in Judah.

2 Kgs 12:1-3; 2 Chr 24:1-2

830 B.C.

the prophecy of Joel (early date)

Joel 1:13:21

822 B.C.

Joash takes two wives.

2 Chr 24:3

821 B.C.

the birth of Joash's son Amaziah.

2 Kgs 14:2

814-798 B.C.

2 Kgs Jehu's son Jehoahaz 10:34-36; reigns in Israel. 13:1-3, 6-

8 813-812 Joash has the temple B.C. repaired.

2 Kgs 12:4-16; 2 Chr 24:4-14

814-806 B.C.

Hazael harasses Israel.

810 B.C.

the founding of Carthage.

810-783 B.C.

Adad-nirari III reigns in Assyria.

2 Kgs 13:22-23

Joash bribes Hazael not to attack Judah; 2 Kgs 806 B.C. the birth of 12:17-18; Amaziah's son 15:2 Uzziah. 805 B.C. 803 B.C.

war between Assyria and Aram. the death of 2 Chr Jehoiada, and 24:15-19 backsliding of Joash.

801-770 B.C. 800-797 B.C. 797 B.C.

2 Kgs 13:4-5

Ben-hadad III reigns in Aram. Jehoiada's godly son 798-782 Zechariah instructs 2 Chr 26:5 B.C. Uzziah. Joash murders Zechariah.

2 Chr 24:20-22

797-796 B.C.

2 Kgs 13:24-25

Jehoahaz's son Jehoash reigns in Israel.

2 Kgs 13:9-12

the end of Elisha's ministry.

2 Kgs 13:14-21

2 Kgs 12:19-21; the assassination of 796-767 14:1-6; Joash and the reign B.C. 2 Chr of his son Amaziah. 24:2325:10 796 B.C. Assyria subdues Aram. 2 Kgs Jeroboam II begins a Amaziah re-conquers 14:7; 794 B.C. 793 B.C. dual reign with Edom. 2 Chr Jehoash. 25:11-16

2 Kgs 14:23

Judah forces a dual reign between 790 B.C. 2 Chr 26:1 Amaziah and his son Uzziah. 783 B.C.

Amaziah makes war with Israel.

2 Kgs

14:8-14; 2 Chr 25:17-24

775 B.C.

the birth of Uzziah's son Jotham.

2 Kgs 15:33

782 B.C.

Jehoash's evil son Jeroboam reigns; God graciously restores Israel's territory..

773 B.C.

Aram suffers a great defeat from Zakir of Hamath.

772-755 B.C.

Asshur-dan III reigns in Assyria.

770 B.C.

the first Olympic games take place in Greece.


c. 765 B.C. 763 B.C.

2 Kgs 14:17-22; Amaziah's 16-year15:1-4; old son Uzziah 2 Chr (Azariah) reigns in 25:25-28; Judah. 26:2-4, 615 the birth of Isaiah; a serious plague strikes Assyria's capital, Nineveh.

761 B.C.

a total solar eclipse causes panic in Assyria. Amos prophesies 762 B.C. against Israel. the Great Earthquake rocks the Middle East.

760 B.C.

Jonah prophesies against Nineveh; the Assyrian capital repents. 760-757 B.C.

the birth of Uzziah's 755 B.C. son Ahaz.

2 Kgs 16:2

753-752 B.C.

Jotham begins a dual 2 Kgs reign wtih Uzziah. 15:32-33;

Amos 1:19:15 Amos 1:1 Jon. 1:14:11

Hosea's marriage Hos. 1:1symbolizes God's 4:19 relationship to Israel. the reign of Jeroboam's son Zechariah.

Shallum kills Zechariah and rules in his place for one 752 B.C. month; Menahem kills Shallum and takes over. 750 B.C.

2 Kgs 13:13; 14:15-16, 23-28

2 Kgs 14:29; 15:8-9

2 Kgs 15:10-16

752-742 Menahem and Pekah 2 Kgs B.C. rule as rival kings. 15:17-18,

2 Chr 27:1-4 750-732 B.C. 746 B.C. 745-727 B.C.


Rezin reigns in Aram. God strikes Uzziah with leprosy.

2 Kgs 15:5; 2 Chr 26:16-21

Tiglath-pileser III reigns in Assyria. 745 B.C.

740 B.C.

740 B.C.

the birth of Ahaz's son Hezekiah.

2 Kgs 18:2

Jotham succeeds Uzziah at his death.

2 Kgs 15:6-7, 34-36; 2 Chr 26:22-23

Israel begins paying 2 Kgs tribute to Assyria. 15:19-20.

742-740 Pekahiah reigns over 2 Kgs B.C. most of Israel 15:21-24 740-732 B.C.

Pekah kills Pekahiah 2 Kgs and rules alone in 15:25-28 Israel.

740 B.C.

the call of Isaiah Isa. 6:1-13 Jotham makes 2 Chr 738 B.C. Ammon a tributary. 27:5-6 735 B.C.

735 B.C.

Ahaz begins a dual reign with Jotham; Isaiah's early prophecies

2 Kgs. 16:1-4; Isa. 1:15:30

Rezin of Aram and Pekah of Israel join against Judah.

734-732 B.C.

732 B.C.

Assyria begins taking Israel's territory.

Assyria conquers Aram, Moab, and Edom.

2 Kgs 15:37; 16:5-18; 2 Chr 28:5-19; Isa 7:110:4 2 Kgs 15:29; 1 Chr 5:23-26; 2 Chr 28:20-21; Psa 42, 43, 77, 78

732-722 B.C.

731-715 B.C.

Ahaz succeeds Jotham.

2 Kgs 15:38; 2 Chr 732 B.C. 27:7-28:4, 20-25;

730 B.C.

Micah's early prophecies

Mic. 1:12:13

730-715 B.C. 729 B.C. 727-722 B.C.

Hoshea kills Pekah and rules Israel

2 Kgs 15:30-31; 17:1-3

Hosea's later prophecies.

Hos. 5:114:9

Pharaoh Osorkon IV (So) reigns in Egypt. Hezekiah begins a dual reign with Ahaz.

2 Kgs 18:1

Shalmaneser V reigns in Assyria. Shalmaneser 725-722 imprisons Hoshea for B.C. conspiracy and besieges Samaria. 722 B.C.

722 B.C.

the fall of Israel.

Isaiah prophesies against Assyria.

2 Kgs 17:4-5; 18:9 2 Kgs 17:6-41; 18:10-12; Psa 80 Isa 10:512:6

The Kindgom of Judah 722 B.C.

Sargon II reigns in Assyria.

717 B.C.

the fall of Carchemish sends Assyria into turmoil.

717-715 B.C.

715-686 B.C.

prophetic ministries of Isaiah and Micah

Isa 13:119:25; 28:135:10; Mic 3:1-12; Psa 82

Hezekiah succeeds Ahaz in Judah.

2 Kgs 16:19-20; 18:2-7; 2 Chr 28:2629:2

2 Kgs 18:8; 2 Chr 29:331:21; Psa 50, 81

715 B.C.

Hezekiah enacts reforms and drives back the Philistines.

712 B.C.

Assyria conquers weakened Philistia

712-710 B.C.

Isaiah goes stripped and barefoot to prophesy Assyria's humiliation of Egypt and Cush.

Isa 20:1-6

710 B.C.

Isaiah prophesies against the nations.

Isa 21:127:13

709 B.C.

the birth of Hezekiah's son Manasseh.

2 Kgs 21:1

705-681 B.C.

Sennacherib reigns in Assyria.

c. 705 B.C.

Simeon's conquest of Gedor.

1 Chr 4:3443

702 B.C.

Hezekiah's illness and miraculous recovery.

2 Kgs 20:111; 2 Chr 32:24-26; Psa 69; Isa 38:1-22

702 B.C.

Hezekiah meets with Babylon concerning the Assyrian threat.

2 Kgs 20:12-19; Isa 39:1-8

701 B.C.

Assyria conquers Ammon and besieges Judah; an angel slaughters the enemy forces.

2 Kgs 18:1319:36; 2 Chr 32:1-23; Psa 46, 48, 75, 76, 84; Isa 36:1-37:37

701-686 B.C.

Hezekiah prospers and forgets God in his last years

c. 700 B.C.

Isaiah's prophecies for future generations.

697 B.C.

12-year-old Manasseh begins a dual reign with Hezekiah.

c. 690 B.C.

Micah's later prophecies

2 Chr 32:2732 Isa 40:166:24 2 Kgs 21:1 Mic. 4:17:20

686-642 B.C.

Hezekiah's evil son Manasseh reigns in Judah.

2 Kgs 20:20-21:9; 2 Chr 32:3233:9


Esarhaddon reigns in Assyria

2 Kgs


19:37; Isa 37:38

c. 680 B.C. Isaiah completes his prophecies and is martyred by Manasseh. 668-627 B.C.

Ashurbanipal reigns in Assyria.

664 B.C. 663 B.C.

the birth of Manasseh's son Amon. the fall of Egypt's supposedly invincible city Thebes

660 B.C.

the founding of Byzantium

c. 650 B.C.

the birth of Jeremiah.

648 B.C.

646 B.C.

2 Chr 32:32; Heb 11:37

2 Kgs 21:19 Nah. 3:8

2 Kgs the birth of Amon's son Josiah; Assyria carries Manasseh into 21:10-16; captivity. 22:1; 2 Chr 33:10-11 Manasseh's repentance and return from captivity.

2 Chr 33:1213, 18-19

645 B.C.

2 Chr 33:14Nahum propheseis against Assyria, emboldening Manasseh to 17; Nah 1:1rebel. 3:19

642-640 B.C.

Manasseh's evil son Amon reigns in Judah.

2 Kgs 21:17-22; 2 Chr 33:2023

640 B.C.

Amon is assassinated, but the people make his son Josiah king.

2 Kgs 21:23-26

640-609 B.C.

Josiah reigns as Judah's best king.

2 Kgs 22:12; 2 Chr 34:1-2

634 B.C.

the birth of Josiah's son Eliakim (Jehoiakim)

2 Chr. 36:5

633 B.C. 633-621 B.C.

Josiah begins seeking God

2 Chr 34:3

Ahur-etil-ilani reigns in Assyria.

632 B.C.

the birth of Josiah's son Jehoahaz.

c. 630 B.C.

Zephaniah urges reform.

629 B.C.

Josiah's early reforms.

2 Chr 34:4-7

627 B.C. 626-605 B.C.

the call of Jeremiah.

Jer 1:1-3:5

Nabopalassar rules and strengthens Babylon.

2 Chr 23:31 Zeph. 1:13:20

c. 625 B.C.

the birth of Daniel

624 B.C.

the early prophecies of Jeremiah.

623 B.C.

Dan 1:4

Jer 3:6-7:15 2 Kgs 22:323:21; 2 Chr the birth of Ezekiel; Josiah rediscovers the Torah and begins 33:29-33; major reforms 34:8-28; Psa 119; Ezek 1:1 2 Kgs 23:22-27; 2 Chr 35:119

622 B.C.

Judah celebrates the Passover.

621-612 B.C.

Sin-shur-ishkun reigns in Assyria.

618 B.C.

the birth of Nebuchadnezzar's uncle Mattaniah (Zedekiah).

2 Chr 36:11

615 B.C.

the birth of Jehoiakim's son Jehoiachin (Jeconiah). Asshur falls to Cyaxares the Mede and is taken by Nabopalassar.

2 Chr 36:9

614 B.C. 612 B.C. 612-609 B.C. 609-594 B.C. 609 B.C.

Nineveh is destroyed. Ashur-ubalit reigns as the last king of Assyria. Pharaoh Neco II reigns in Egypt. 2 Kgs Josiah and Necho fight Assyria; Josiah is killed in battle. His 23:28-33; son Jehoahaz succeeds him. 2 Chr 35:2036:3

609 B.C.

Necho imprisons Jehoahaz; he makes Eliakim king and renames him Jehoiakim.

2 Kgs 23:34; 2 Chr 36:4

609-539 B.C.

Judah's seventy years of service to Babylon.

Jer 25:11-12

609-598 B.C.

the evil reign of Jehoiakim in Judah.

2 Kgs 23:35-37; 2 Chr 36:5

608-605 B.C.

Jeremiah's prophecies

Jer 7:1620:18; 25:126:24

605 B.C.

the deporation of Daniel and others to Babylon

Dan 1:1-2


Nebuchadnezzar reigns in Babylon; he expels the Egyptians

Hab 1:1-


from Palestine and brings final destruction to Assyria.


605-602 B.C.

Nebuchadnezzar controls Judah.

2 Kgs 24:1

605-604 B.C.

Jeremiah's ministry continues.

Jer 36:1-32; 45:1-51:64 Dan 1:32:49

604 B.C.

Babylon destroys Philistia; the testing of Daniel and his friends. the birth of Lao-tze in China.

602 B.C.

the birth of Darius the Mede.

Dan 5:31

602 B.C.

God sends hordes of Arameans, Moabites, and Ammonites against Judah.

2 Kgs 24:24

600 B.C.

the obedience of the Rechabites contrast with Judah's disobedience.

Jer 35:1-19

598 B.C.

Jehoiachin succeeds Jehoiakim and reigns for three months.

2 Kgs 24:59; 2 Chr 36:6-9

Nebuchadnezzar deports Jehoiachin and 3,022 others; he makes Mattaniah king and changes his name to Zedekiah.

2 Kgs 24:10-17; 2 Chr 36:1011; Psa 88, 89, 102; Jer 52:28

597-586 B.C.

the reign of Zedekiah.

2 Kgs 24:18-20; 2 Chr 36:12; Jer 52:1-2

597 B.C.

Jeremiah prophesies captivity.

Jer 21:124:10; 27:131:40

593 B.C.

the early prophecies of Ezekiel in Babylon.

Ezek 1:14:17

592 B.C.

Ezekiel prophesies desolation for Judah.

Ezek 5:119:14

591 B.C.

Ezekiel's continued prophecies.

Ezek 20:123:49; 25:117

589-587 B.C.

Zedekiah rebels against Babylon.

2 Kgs 24:20; 2 Chr 36:13-16; Jer 52:3

589 B.C.

Jerusalem's fall is immanent.

Jer 34:1-7

604 B.C.

597 B.C.

588 B.C.

2 Kgs 25:1; as the siege of Jerusalem begins and more Jews are deported, Jer 52:29; Ezekiel tells the parable of the boiling pot. Ezek 24:127.

588-586 B.C.

Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's final warnings.

586 B.C.

the fall of Jerusalem; Jeremiah remains behind.

Jer 32:133:26; 34:822; 37:139:18; Ezek 26:1-31:18 2 Kgs 25:221; 1 Chr 9:1; 2 Chr 36:17-21; Jer 39:1-14; 52:4-27; Lam 1:15:22

Exilic and Post-Exilic History 586 B.C.

Gedaliah is made governor of Jerusalem but is murdered; many Jews flee to Egypt against Jeremiah's warnings.

2 Kgs 25:22-26; Jer 40:144:30

586 B.C.

Ezekiel's lament for Pharaoh.

Ezek 32:132

c. 586 B.C.

the birth of Jehoiachin's sons Shealtiel in Babylon.

585 B.C.

Ezekiel prophesies ultimate restoration.

582 B.C.

the final deporation of Jews to Babylon.

573 B.C.

Ezekiel's vision of the temple.

571 B.C.

Ezekiel's last prophecy.

570 B.C.

1 Chr 3:1718 Ezek 33:139:29 Jer 52:30 Ezek 40:148:35 Ezek 29:1721

Nebuchadnezzar erects an image, but three Hebrews refuse to Dan. 3:1-30 worship it.

570-562 B.C.

the madness and conversion of Nebuchadnezzar.

Dan 4:28-33

c. 566 B.C.

the birth of Shealtiel's son Zerubbabel; later adopted by Pedaiah.

1 Chr 3:1924

562 B.C.

the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar.

562-560 B.C.

Evil-Merodach reigns in Babylon.

Dan 4:1-17, 34-37

2 Kgs 25:27-30; Jer 52:31-34

562 B.C.

Jehoiachin is released from prison after 24 years.

c. 560 B.C.

the death of Jeremiah.

560-556 B.C.

Neriglissar reigns in Babylon.

559-530 B.C.

Cyrus II creates the Persian Empire.

c. 556 B.C.

the birth of Mordecai; Labashi-Marduk rules Babylon for a month.

555-539 B.C.

Nabonidus reigns in Babylon; captivity psalms.

Psa 74, 79

550 B.C.

Nabonidus retires and gives functional reign to Belshazzar; Daniel's vision of four beasts.

Dan 7:1-28

547 B.C.

Cyrus defeats Croesus of Lydia.

547 B.C.

Daniel's visons of the ram, the goat, and the horn.

Dan 8:1-27

539 B.C.

Babylon falls to Cyrus and Darius; Daniel's vision of 70 weeks

Dan 5:1-31; 9:1-27

538 B.C.

Cyrus orders the Jews to return to their land and rebuild the temple with Persian funds.

537 B.C.

Daniel in the lions' den, and his final prophecies.

536 B.C.

Jehoiachin's grandson Zerubbabel returns to Jerusalem and begins restoration.

Ezra 2:13:13; Neh 12:1-21; Psa 137

535 B.C.

Zerubbabel and high priest Jeshua face opposition; work ceases

Ezra 4:1-5; 7:24

530-522 B.C. 526 B.C.

Cambyses II rules the Persian Empire. Cambyses conquers Egypt.

522 B.C.

Gaumata the impostor rules the Persian Empire.

522-486 B.C.

Darius Hystaspes rules the Persian Empire.

521 B.C.

Darius moves the Persian capital to Susa.

2 Chr 36:2223; Ezra 1:1-11 Dan 6:1-28; 10:1-12:13

520 B.C.

520-516 B.C. 518 B.C.

Ezra 5:1-12; Hag 1:1the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah to rebuild the temple; 2:23; Zech work resumes. 1:1-6:15; Psa 85 Ezra 5:13the temple is rebuilt. 14 Zech 7:1Zechariah's encouragements to Israel. 8:23 Ezra 5:156:22; Neh 12:22-26

516 B.C.

the rededication of the temple.

516 B.C.

post-exilic temple psalms: Psa 1, 49, 66, 67, 73, 111-118, 121, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 146-150.

c. 510 B.C.

the birth of Zerubbabel's son Abiud.

509 B.C. c. 500 B.C.

the Roman Republic is established. the birth of Ezra.

490 B.C.

Greeks defeat Persia at the Battle of Marathon.

486-465 B.C.

Xerxes (Ahasuerus) rules the Persian Empire.

485 B.C.

Israel's enemies send an accusatory letter to Ahasuerus.

Ezra 4:6

483 B.C.

Ahasuerus' queen rebels.

Est. 1:1-22

480 B.C.

Ahasuerus chooses the Jewish Hadassah, or Esther, as his queen.

Est. 2:1-18

479 B.C.

Esther's relative Mordecai saves the king's life.

Est. 2:19-23

478 B.C.

Greeks form the Delian League to defeat the Persians.

474 B.C.

Esther exposes Haman's plot to destroy the Jews.

Est. 3:19:32

473 B.C.

Ahasuerus exalts Mordecai.

Est. 10:1-3

470 B.C.

the birth of Socrates.

470? B.C.

the later prophecies of Zechariah.

464-424 B.C.

Artaxerxes I rules the Persian Empire.

460-429 B.C.

the Age of Pericles in Greece.

460? B.C. 457 B.C.

Matt 1:13

Zech 9:114:21, Psa 87

the birth of Zerubbabel's grandson Eliakim. Matt. 1:13 Ezra returns to Jerusalem and begins rebuilding the city, but Ezra 4:7-23;

work on the walls is halted by a letter from Israel's enemies to 7:1-10:44; Artaxerxes. Psa 130 451-450 B.C.

the Roman Twelve Tables.

444 B.C.

Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem; Ezra reads the Torah, and the people pledge to follow it.

1 Chr 9:134; Neh 1:15:13; 6:111:36; 12:27-13:3; Ps 105, 106, 107

444-433 B.C.

Nehemiah's governorship in Judah and return to Persia.

Neh 5:14-19

433 B.C.

the prophecy of Malachi.

Mal 1:1-4:6

432 B.C.

Nehemiah returns and reforms Judah's worship.

Neh 13:4-31

c. 400 B.C.

Genealogy of God's people.

1 Chr 2:18:40

c. 400 B.C.

the completion of the Old Testament; the birth of Eliakim's son Azor.

Matt 1:13

399 B.C.

the death of Socrates.

384-322 B.C.

the life of Aristotle.

350? B.C.

the birth of Azor's son Zadok.

c. 330 B.C.

Alexander the Great conquers Palestine.

300? B.C. c. 250 B.C.

the birth of Zadok's son Achim. the Torah is translated into Greek.

Matt 1:14

240? B.C.

the birth of Achim's son Eliud.

Matt 1:14

190? B.C.

the birth of Eliud's son Eleazar.

Matt 1:15

168-167 B.C.

the persecution of Antiochus IV leads to the Maccabean revolt.

146 B.C.

Carthage is destroyed in the Third Punic Wars.

142 B.C.

the Jews gain independence from the Seleucids.

c. 135 B.C.

the Pharisees emerge as a religious party; the birth of Eleazar's son Matthan

c. 80 B.C.

The New Testament the birth of Matthan's son Jacob.

73-71 B.C.

the slave revolt of Spartacus.

Matt 1:14

Matt 1:15

Matt 1:15

67-63 B.C.

civil war in Judea prompts Pompey to capture Jerusalem, bringing it under Roman control.

51-30 B.C.

the reign of Cleopatra in Egypt.

c. 50 B.C.

the birth of Mary's father Eli.

49-44 B.C. 47 B.C.

the dictatorship of Julius Caesar in Rome. Herod the Great becomes governor of Judea.

31 B.C.

the Battle of Actium.

27 B.C.A.D. 14

Augustus Caesar (Octavian) rules the Roman Empire.

c. 26 B.C.

the birth of Jacob's son Joseph.

c. 22 B.C.

the birth of Mary.

19-17 B.C.

the building of Herod's temple.

John 2:20

c. 10 B.C.

the birth of Timothy's grandmother Lois.

2 Tim 1:5

6 B.C.

the annunications to Zechariah, Mary, and Joseph, and the birth of John the Baptist.

Matt 1:1724; Luke 1:1-80

5 B.C.

the first Roman census; the birth of Jesus.

Matt 1:25; Luke 2:1-28

4 B.C.

Luke 3:23

Matt 1:16

the Magi's visit leads Herod to seek Jesus' life; Joseph and his Matt 2:1-23; family flees to Egypt and returns to Nazareth when Herod Luke 2:39dies. 40

A.D. 6-15

Annas serves as high priest.

A.D. 7

the second Roman census.

Acts 5:37

A.D. 8

Jesus' visit to the temple

Luke 2:4142

A.D. 14-37

Tiberius rules the Roman Empire.

A.D. 18-36

Caiaphas serves as high priest.

c. A.D. 20

the birth of Timothy's mother Eunice.

A.D. 29

the ministry of John the Baptist and his baptism of Jesus.

A.D. 29-33

the ministry of Jesus.

2 Tim 1:5 Matt 3:1-17; Mark 1:211; Luke 3:1-18, 2122 Matt 4:120:34; Mark 1:12-10:52; Luke 3:1920, 2319:27; John

1:19-11:57 Matt 21:128:20; Mark 11:1-16:8; Luke 19:2824:53; John 12:1-21:25; Acts 1:1-12; 1 Cor 15:1-7 Acts 1:134:31

A.D. 33

the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.

A.D. 33

Pentecost and the early activity of the Christian church.

A.D. 34

the church's early struggles

Acts 4:325:42

A.D. 35

the stoning of Stephen leads to the scattering of the church and the spread of Christianity; persecutor Saul (Paul) is converted on the way to Damascus.

Acts 6:19:22

A.D. 35-37 c. A.D. 35

Saul spends three years in Arabia and Damascus. the birth of Timothy

A.D. 37

Saul's first trip to Jerusalem; the birth of Josephus.

A.D. 37-41

Caligula rules the Roman Empire.

A.D. 37-44

Herod Agrippa I rules Judea.

A.D. 40

Peter's ministry extends Christianity to Gentiles.

A.D. 41-54

Claudius rules the Roman Empire.

A.D. 41

Barnabas ministers in Antioch.

Acts 11:1924

A.D. 43

Barnabas brings Saul to Antioch.

Acts 11:2526

A.D. 44

Agabus prophesies a famine; Herod kills James of Zebedee and imprisons Peter; Herod is struck dead.

Acts 11:2728; 12:1-24

A.D. 45

James, head of the Jerusalem church, writes his letter.


A.D. 47

the first collection for Jerusalem.

Acts 11:2930

A.D. 48-70

Herod Agrippa II rules Judea.

A.D. 48-49

Paul's first missionary journey.

A.D. 49

the Jerusalem Council confirms that Gentiles may become Christians without becoming Jews.

Gal 1:17 Acts 9:2331; Gal 1:18-24

Acts 9:3211:18

Acts 13:114:28 Acts 15:135; Gal 2:1-

14 A.D. 50-51 A.D. 51-52 A.D. 52-59 A.D. 52

Paul's second missionary journey.

Acts 15:3617:34

Acts 18:1Paul spends eighteen months at Corinth and writes the letters 11; 1 Thes; to the Thessalonians. 2 Thes M. Antonius Felix serves as Procurator of Judea. Paul is forced from Corinth and returns to Jerusalem and Antioch.

Acts 18:1222

A.D. 53

Paul's third missionary journey.

Acts 18:2328

A.D. 53-56

Paul spends three years in Ephesus.

Acts 19:122

A.D. 54-68

Nero rules the Roman Empire.

A.D. 54

Paul writes to the Galatians


A.D. 55

Paul writes a letter to the Cornithians. Paul writes to Rome, wishing to establish it as a base of operations to the west.

1 Cor 5:9-13 Rom 1:116:27

Paul writes 1 Corinthians

1 Cor 1:116:24

A.D. 55-56 A.D.56

A.D. 56

Paul leaves Ephesus and visits Corinth to find the church in Acts 19:23crisis; he sends Titus with a severe letter, but Titus does not 20:1; 2 Cor. return. Months later, he finds Titus and receives mixed news; 1:1-13:14 Paul writes 2 Corinthians from Macedonia.

A.D. 56-57

Paul's final visit to Corinth.

Acts 20:2-3

A.D. 57

Paul returns to Jerusalem and is arrested.

Acts 20:424:23

A.D. 57-59

Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea under Felix.

Acts 24:2426

A.D. 58?

Mark writes his gospel.

A.D. 59-61

Porcius Festus succeeds Felix as Procurator of Judea.

Acts 24:27

A.D. 59

Paul appeals to Caesar to remove himself from Jewish plots; on the way to Rome, he is shipwrecked at Malta.

Acts 25:128:10

A.D. 60-62

Paul is taken to Rome and imprisoned for two years.

Acts 28:1131

c. A.D. 6061

Matthew and Luke write their gospels.

A.D. 60

Paul writes to the Ephesians.

Eph. 1:16:24

A.D. 61

Philemon's slave Onesimus flees to Paul; Paul writes to the Colossians and to Philemon.

Col 1:14:18; Phe 125

A.D. 62

Paul writes to the Philippians, and Luke writes Acts; Paul is released from prison.

Phil 1:14:23

c. A.D. 62

Paul travels to Macedonia and writes 1 Timothy.

1 Tim 1:16:21

c. A.D. 63

Peter writes his first letter.

1 Pet 1:15:14

c. A.D. 65

Timothy is imprisoned and released; Hebrews is written.

Heb 1:113:23

A.D. 66-70

Jewish revolt against Rome

c. A.D. 66

Paul leaves Titus at Crete.

Titus 1:13:15

A.D. 67-68

Paul's second Roman imprisonment and second letter to Timothy.

2 Tim 1:14:22

A.D. 68

Peter is imprisoned by Nero; Jude and 2 Peter are written.

2 Pet 1:13:18; Jude 1-25

A.D. 68

Paul and Peter are martyred at Rome; John writes his gospel.

A.D. 69-79

Vespasian rules the Roman Empire.

A.D. 79

Pompeii and Herculaneum are destroyed when Vesuvius erupts.

A.D. 81-96

Domitian rules the Roman Empire.

c. A.D. 90

John writes his letters.

1 Jn 1:15:21; 2 Jn 113; 3 Jn 115

c. A.D. 96

the Revelation to John completes the New Testament.

Rev 1:122:21

The Nativity and Early Life of Jesus Description



The Divinity of Christ Annunciation of birth of John the Baptist

. Jerusalem

Joh 1:1-5 Lu 1:5-25

Espousal of the Virgin Mary


Mt 1:18 Lu 1:27

The annunciation of the birth of Jesus


Lu 1:26-38

The visitation of Mary to Elisabeth

Hebron,or Juttah

Lu 1:39-55

Her return to Nazareth Joseph's vision

. Nazareth

Lu 1:56 Mt 1:20-25

Birth and infancy of John the Baptist


Lu 1:57-80

Birth of Jesus


Lu 2:1-7

Adoration by the shepherds


Lu 2:8-16



Mt 1:25 Lu 2:21

Presentation and purification The Genealogies

Jerusalem .

Lu 2:22-29 Mt 1:1-17 Lu 3:23-38

Adoration by the wise men


Mt 2:1-12

Flight into Egypt


Mt 2:13-15

Massacre of the innocents


Mt 2:16-18

Return to Nazareth Childhood of Jesus

. Nazareth

Mt 2:19-23 Lu 2:39 Lu 2:40

With the doctors in the Temple


Lu 2:46-50

Youth of Jesus


Lu 2:51

From the Preaching of John the Baptist to the First Passover Description Ministry of John the Baptist

Location Bethabara

Scripture Mt 3:1-4 Mr 1:1-8 Lu 3:1-6 Joh 1:615

Baptisms by John Bethabara First testimony of the Baptist to Christ Bethabara

Mt 3:5 Mr 1:5 Lu 3:7 Mt 3:11,12 Mr 1:7,8 Lu 3:15-18

Baptism of Jesus by John


Mt 3:13-17 Mr 1:9-11 Lu 3:21,22

Temptation of Jesus Wilderness Of Judea


Mt 4:1-11 Mr 1:12,13 Lu 4:1-13

John the Baptist's second testimony


Joh 1:19-35

Call of the first disciples


Joh 1:37-51

First Miracle at Cana


Joh 2:1-11

Visit to Capernaum

Capernaum Joh 2:12

First Passover: Cleansing of the Temple


Joh 2:13-23

Discourse with Nicodemus


Joh 3:1-21

From the First Passover to the Second Description The Baptist's last testimony

Location Aenon

Scripture Joh 3:23-36

Christ's visit to Samaria


Joh 4:1-42

Return to Cana


Joh 4:43-46

Miraculous Healing of the Nobleman's Cana son

Joh 4:46-54

Brief visit to Jerusalem


Joh 5:1-47

Miracle at pool of Bethesda


Joh 5:1-47

Imprisonment of John the Baptist Christ preaches in Galilee

Machaerus Galilee

Mt 4:12,17 Mr 1:14,15 Lu 4:14,15

Christ preaches at Nazareth


Mr 6:1 Lu 4:15-30

Christ preaches at Capernaum


Mt 4:13-16 Lu 4:31

Call of Andrew,Peter,James & John


Mt 4:18-22 Mr 1:16-20 Lu 5:111

Miracle draught of fishes


Lu 5:1-11

Miraculous Healing of a demoniac


Mr 1:23-27 Lu 4:33-36

Miraculous Healing of Peter's motherCapernaum in-law

Mt 8:14,15 Mr 1:29-31 Lu 4:38,39

Miraculous Healing of many sick and diseased


Mt 8:16,17 Mr 1:32-34 Lu 4:40,41

Retirement for solitary prayer


Mr 1:35 Lu 4:42

Circuit through Galilee


Mr 1:35-39 Lu 4:42-44

Miraculous Healing of a leper


Mt 8:1-4 Mr 1:40-45 Lu 5:1216

Retirement for a solitary prayer


Mr 1:45 Lu 5:16

Miraculous Healing of a paralytic


Mt 9:1-8 Mr 2:1-12 Lu 5:18-26

Call of Matthew(Levi) Discourse at the Capernaum feast

Mt 9:9-17 Mr 2:13-22 Lu 5:2739

Disciples pluck the ears of corn Galilee Miraculous Healing of the man with a Capernaum withered hand

Mt 12:1-8 Mr 2:23-28 Lu 6:1-5

Retirement for solitary prayer


Call of the Twelve Apostles

Hill of Hattin?

Lu 6:12 Mt 10:2-4 Mr 3:13-19 Lu 6:1316

Sermon on the Mount Parable of House on rock or sand

Hill of Hattin? Hill of Hattin?

Mt 12:9-14 Mr 3:1-6 Lu 6:6-11

Mt 5:7-29 Lu 6:17-49 Mt 7:24-29 Lu 6:47-49

Miraculous Healing of the centurion's Hill of Hattin? servant

Mt 8:5-13 Lu 7:1-10

Miraculous Raising of the son of the Widow of Nain


Lu 7:11-17

Message from John the Baptist


Mt 11:2-19 Lu 7:18-35

Christ's testimony respecting him The woman which was a sinner

Capernaum Capernaum?

Mt 11:2-19 Lu 7:18-35 Lu 7:36-50

Parable of two debtors


Lu 7:41,42

Tour through Galilee with the twelve


Lu 8:1-3

Miraculous Healing of a demoniac


Mt 12:22

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit The unclean spirit

Capernaum Capernaum

Mt 12:24-37 Mr 3:22-30 Mt 12:43-46

The interruption of his relatives


Mt 12:46 Mr 3:31

Plain of Gennesaret Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 13:1-9,18-23 Mr 4:1,14-20 Lu 8:4,11-15

Parables: The Sower Parables: The Tares

Mt 13:24

Parables: The Mustard seed

Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 13:31 Mr 4:30

Parables: The Leaven

Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 13:33 Lu 13:20,21

Parables: The Candle Parables: The Candle Parables: The Treasure

Plain of Gennesaret Plain of Gennesaret Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 5:15 Mr 4:21 Lu 8:16 Mt 5:15 Mr 4:21 Lu 11:33 Mt 13:44

Parables: The Pearl

Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 13:45

Parables: The Drawnet

Plain of Gennesaret

Mt 13:47

Parables: The Seed growing secretly

Plain of Gennesaret

Mr 4:26-29

Christ miraculously calms the storm

Sea of Gennesaret

Miracle involving the Gergesene demoniacs


Parables: The Bridegroom Parable of new cloth on old garment

Capernaum Capernaum

Mt 9:15 Mt 9:16 Mr 2:21 Lu 5:36

Parable of new wine in old bottles


Mt 9:17 Mr 2:22 Lu 5:37,38

Miracles: Woman with issue of blood


Mt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41

Miracles: Jairus' daughter


Mt 9:18 Mr 5:22 Lu 8:41

Miracles: Two blind men


Mt 9:27,30

Miracles: Dumb spirit Mission of Twelve Apostles

Capernaum Capernaum

Mt 9:32,33 Mt 10:1 Mr 6:7-12 Lu 9:1-6

Death of John the Baptist


Mt 14:1-12 Mr 6:14-29 Lu 9:7

Feeding of the five thousand


Mt 14:13-21 Mr 6:30-44 Lu 9:12-17 Joh 6:1-13

Miraculous walking on the water

Lake Gennesaret

Mt 14:25 Mr 6:48 Joh 6:19

Discourse in synagogue on the Bread of Life


Mt 14:34 Joh 6:26-70

Mt 8:24-27 Mr 4:37-41 Lu 8:23-25 Mt 8:28-34 Mr 5:1-15 Lu 8:2735

From the Second Passover to the Third Description Opposition of Scribes and Pharisees

Location Capernaum

Scripture Mt 15:1

Discourse on Pollution


Mt 15:2-20 Mr 7:1-23

Miraculous Healing the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman


Mt 15:21-29 Mr 7:24-30

Miraculous Healing of the deaf and dumb man

Tyre & Sidon

Mr 7:32

Miraculous Healing of many sick persons


Mt 15:30,31

Miraculous Feeding of the four thousand


Mt 15:32-39 Mr 8:1-9

Parable of the leaven of Pharisees


Mt 16:1-12 Mr 8:14-22

Miraculous Healing of the Blind man


Mr 8:23-27

Peter's confession of Christ

Caesarea Phillippi

Mt 16:13-21 Mr 8:27-30

First prediction of the passion

Caesarea Phillippi

The transfiguration

Mt. Hermon

Miraculous Healing the demoniac child

Mt. Hermon

Mt 17:14-21 Mr 9:14-27 Lu 9:37-42

Second prediction of the passion

Mt. Hermon

Mt 17:22,23 Mr 9:31 Lu 9:43,44

Miracle: The stater in the fish's mouth


Mt 17:27

Lesson on docility


Mt 18:1-14 Mr 9:33-37 Lu 9:46-48

Lesson on forgiveness


Mt 18:15 Mr 9:43

Lesson on self-denial


Mt 18:18

Parable of the unmerciful servant


Mt 18:23-35

Journey to Jerusalem through Samaria Jealousy of the Samaritans

. Samaria

Lu 9:51,52 Lu 9:53

Anger of the 'sons of thunder'


Lu 9:54-56

The feast of tabernacles


Joh 7:2-10



Joh 7:10-46

Officers sent to arrest Christ


Joh 7:30,46

The adulteress Discourses

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Joh 8:3 Joh 8:12

Christ threatened with stoning


Joh 8:59

Miraculous Healing of the Blind man and discourses


Joh 9:1

Christ the Door


Joh 10:1

Christ the Good Shepherd


Joh 10:11

Mission of the seventy


Lu 10:1-16

Return of the seventy Parable of the Good Samaritan

Judea Judea

Lu 10:17-24 Lu 10:30-37

Mt 16:21-28 Mr 8:31-38 Lu 9:22-27 Mt 17:1-8 Mr 9:2-8 Lu 9:28-36

Departure from Jerusalem.

Visit to Martha & Mary


Lu 10:38-42

Jesus teaches his disciples to pray


Lu 11:1-13

Parable of importunate friend


Lu 11:5-8

He miraculously heals the mute demoniac


Mt 12:22-45 Lu 11:14

He rebukes the blasphemy of the Pharisees


Mt 12:22-45 Lu 11:14

Discourses:- The repentant Ninevites God's providence to birds and flowers

Judea Judea

Mt 12:41 Lu 11:29-36 Lu 12:1-12

Parable of the Rich fool


Lu 12:13-21

Parable of servants watching


Lu 12:35-40

Parable of the wise steward


Lu 12:42-48

The murdered Galileans The barren fig tree

Judea Judea

Lu 13:1-5 Lu 13:6-9

Miraculous Healing of a woman with an infirmity


Lu 13:10-17

Visit to Jerusalem at the feast of Dedication . Attempt to stone Jesus Jerusalem

Joh 10:22-30 Joh 10:31

Jesus retires across Jordan


Joh 10:40

Are there few that be saved?


Lu 13:23-30

The message to Herod


Lu 13:31-33

Miraculous Healing of the man with the dropsy


Lu 14:1-6

Parable of the great supper


Lu 14:15-24

Parable of Tower, King going to war Parable of the lost sheep

Paraea Peraea

Lu 14:28-33 Mt 18:12,13 Lu 15:1-7

Parable of the lost coin


Lu 15:8-10

Parable of the prodigal son


Lu 15:11-32

Parable of the unjust steward


Lu 16:1-13

Parable of the rich man and Lazarus Parable of the unprofitable servants

Peraea Peraea

Lu 16:19-31 Lu 17:7-10

Sickness of Lazarus


Joh 11:1-10

Return of Jesus from Peraea to Bethany


Joh 11:11-16

Miraculous Resurrection of Lazarus


Joh 11:17-46

The council: Advice of Caiaphas


Joh 11:47-53

Jesus retires to the town of Ephraim Last journey to Jerusalem

. Borders of

Joh 11:54 Mt 19:1 Mr 10:1 Lu 17:11

Samaria Miraculous Healing of the ten lepers

Borders of Samaria

Lu 17:12-19

Parable of the unjust judge

Borders of Samaria

Lu 18:1-8

Parable of the Pharisee and the publican

Borders of Samaria

Lu 18:9-14

The question of divorce

Borders of Samaria

Mt 19:3-12 Mr 10:2-12

Borders of Samaria Borders of Samaria

Mt 19:13-15 Mr 10:13-16 Lu 18:15-17 Mt 19:16-22 Mr 10:17-22 Lu 18:18-23

Parable of the labourers in the vineyard

Borders of Samaria

Mt 20:1-16

Third prediction of the passion

Borders of Samaria

Mt 20:17-19 Mr 10:32-34 Lu 18:31-34

Request of James and John

Borders of Samaria

Mt 20:20-28 Mr 10:35-45

Miraculous Healing of Blind Bartimaeus

Near Jericho

Mt 20:29-34 Mr 10:46-52 Lu 18:35-43

Jesus at the house of Zacchaeus Parable of the pounds

Jericho Jericho

Lu 19:1-10 Lu 19:11-28

Christ blesses little children The rich young ruler

Holy Week Description



The supper in Simon's house


Mt 26:6-13 Mr 14:3-9 Joh 12:1-9

Mary anoints Jesus


Triumphal entry into the city


Mt 26:7-13 Mr 14:3-8 Joh 12:3-8 Mt 21:1-11 Mr 11:1-10 Lu 19:29-44 Joh 12:12-19

Survey of the Temple Retirement to Bethany

Jerusalem .

Miraculous Withering of the barren Mt. of fig-tree Olives Second cleansing of the Temple Jerusalem Retirement to Bethany


Mr 11:11 Mr 11:11 Mt 21:18-19 Mr 11:12-14 Mt 21:12-17 Mr 11:15-19 Lu 19:45-48 Mt 21:17 Mr 11:19

The lesson of the fig-tree

Mt. of Olives

Mt 21:20-22 Mr 11:20-25

Discourses in the Temple:


Mr 11:26

The rulers' question The parable of the two sons

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Mt 21:23-27 Mr 11:27-33 Lu 20:1-8 Mt 21:28-32

Parable of the wicked husbandmen Jerusalem

Mt 21:33-46 Mr 12:1-12 Lu 20:9-19

Parable of the wedding garment


Mt 22:1-14

1a) of the Pharisees - the tribute money


Mt 22:15-22 Mr 12:13-17 Lu 20:20-26

1b) of the Sadducees - the resurrection


Mt 22:23-33 Mr 12:18-27 Lu 20:27-39


Mt 22:34-40 Mr 12:28-34


Mt 22:41-46 Mr 12:35-37 Lu 20:41-44


Mt 23:13-33


Mr 12:41-44 Lu 21:1-4

The coming of the Greeks


Joh 12:20-36

The departure to the Mount of Olives


Mt 24:1-3 Mr 13:1-3

1a) of the destruction of Jerusalem


Mt 24:3-28 Mr 13:3-23 Lu 21:5-24

Parable of fig-tree and all the trees


Mt 24:32,33 Mr 13:28,29 Lu 21:29-32

1b) of the second coming Parable of the householder

Olivet Olivet

Mt 24:28-51 Mr 13:23-37 Lu 21:24-36 Mr 13:34

Parables:- The ten virgins


Mt 25:1-13

Parables:- The talents


Mt 25:14-30

Parables:- The sheep and the goats


Mt 25:31-46

The Sanhedrin in council Compact of the traitor

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Mt 26:3-5 Mr 14:1-2 Lu 22:1-2 Mt 26:14-16 Mr 14:10,11 Lu 22:3-6

The subtle questions:-

1c) of the Lawyer - the great commandment Our Lord's counter question The woes on the Scribes and Pharisees The widow's mite

The prediction -

The prediction -

The Death and Burial

Description Preparation of the Passover

Location Jerusalem

Scripture Mt 26:17-19 Mr 14:12-16 Lu 22:7-13

Washing the apostles' feet


Joh 13:1-17

The breaking of bread


Mt 26:26 Mr 14:22 Lu 22:19

'One of you shall betray me'


Mt 26:21 Mr 14:18 Lu 22:21 Joh 13:21

'Is it I ?'


Mt 26:22-25 Mr 14:19

Giving of the sop 'That thou doest, do quickly'


Joh 13:26,27

Departure of Judas Iscariot


Joh 13:30

Peter warned


Mt 26:34 Mr 14:30 Lu 22:34 Joh 13:38

Blessing the cup


Mt 26:27,28 Mr 14:23,24 Lu 22:17

The discourses after supper


Joh 14:1-16:33

Christ's prayer for his apostles


Joh 17:1-17:26

The hymn


The agony

Mt 26:30 Mr 14:26 Mt 26:37 Mr 14:33 Lu 22:39 Joh Gethsemane 18:1

The thrice-repeated prayer His sweat and comforting by the angel

Gethsemane Mt 26:39-44 Mr 14:36-39 Lu 22:42

The sleep of the apostles


Mt 26:40-45 Mr 14:37-41 Lu 22:45,46

Betrayal by Judas


Mt 26:47-50 Mr 14:34,44 Lu 22:47 Joh 18:2-5

Peter smites Malchus


Mt 26:51 Mr 14:47 Lu 22:50 Joh 18:10

Christ miraculously heals the ear of Malchus

Gethsemane Lu 22:51

Christ forsaken by his disciples Christ led to Annas

Gethsemane Mt 26:56 Mr 14:50 Jerusalem Joh 18:12,13

Christ tried by Caiaphas


Mt 26:57 Mr 14:53 Lu 22:54 Joh 18:15

Peter follows Christ


Mt 26:58 Mr 14:54 Lu 22:55 Joh 18:15

The high priest's adjuration


Mt 26:63 Mr 14:61

Gethsemane Lu 22:43,44

Christ condemned, buffeted, mocked Jerusalem

Mt 26:66,67 Mr 14:64,65 Lu 22:6365

Peter's denial of Christ


Mt 26:69-75 Mr 14:66-72 Lu 22:5462 Joh 18:17-27

Christ before Pilate


Mt 27:1,2 Mr 15:1 Lu 23:1 Joh 18:28

Repentance of Judas Pilate comes out to the people

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Mt 27:3 Joh 18:29

Pilate speaks to Jesus privately


Joh 18:33

Pilate orders him to be scourged


Mt 27:26 Mr 15:15 Joh 19:1

Jesus crowned with thorns


Mt 27:29 Mr 15:17 Joh 19:2

Jesus exhibited by Pilate;'Behold the Jerusalem man'

Joh 19:5

Jesus accused formally


Mt 27:11 Mr 15:2 Lu 23:2

Jesus sent by Pilate to Herod Jesus mocked, arrayed in purple

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Lu 23:6-11 Lu 23:6-11

'Behold your King'


Joh 19:14

Pilate desires to release him


Mt 27:15 Mr 15:6 Lu 23:17 Joh 19:12

Pilate receives a message from his wife


Mt 27:19

Pilate washes his hands Pilate releases Barabbas

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Mt 27:24 Mt 27:26

Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified


Simon of Cyrene carries the cross


Mt 27:26 Mr 15:15 Lu 23:25 Joh 19:16 Mt 27:32 Mr 15:21 Lu 23:26

They give him vinegar and gall


Mt 27:34 Mr 15:23 Lu 23:36

They nail him to the cross


The superscription


THE SEVEN WORDS 1a) Father, forgive them


Mt 27:35 Mr 15:24,25 Lu 23:33 Joh 19:18 Mt 27:37 Mr 15:26 Lu 23:38 Joh 19:19 Lu 23:34

His garments parted, and vesture Golgotha allotted Passers-by rail, the two thieves revile Golgotha

Mt 27:35 Mr 15:24 Lu 23:34 Joh 19:23 Mt 27:39-44 Mr 15:29-32 Lu 23:35

The penitent thief


Lu 23:40

1b) Today shalt thou be with me in paradise


Lu 23:43

1c) Woman, behold thy son, etc


Joh 19:26,27

Darkness over all the land


Mt 27:45 Mr 15:33 Lu 23:44,45

1d) My God, my God, why hast thou Golgotha forsaken me

Mt 27:46 Mr 15:34

1e) I thirst The vinegar

Golgotha Golgatha

Joh 19:28 Mt 27:48 Mr 15:36 Joh 19:29

1f) It is finished


Joh 19:30

1g) Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit


Lu 23:46

Rending of the veil


Mt 27:51 Mr 15:38 Lu 23:45

Opening of the graves & resurrection Jerusalem of saints

Mt 27:52

Testimony of Centurion


Mt 27:54 Mr 15:39 Lu 23:47

Watching of the women


Mt 27:55 Mr 15:40 Lu 23:49

The piercing of his side


Joh 19:34

Taking down from the cross

The Garden

Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:46 Lu 23:53 Joh 19:38-42

Burial by Joseph of Arimethea & Nicodemus

The Garden

Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:46 Lu 23:53 Joh 19:38-42

A guard placed over the sealed stone The Garden Mt 27:65,66

The Resurrection and the Great Forty Days Description Women carry spices to the tomb

Location Scripture The Mt 28:1 Mr 16:1,2 Lu Garden 24:1

The angel had rolled away the stone

The Garden

Mt 28:2

Women announce the resurrection


Mt 28:8 Lu 24:9,10 Joh 20:1,2

Peter and John run to the tomb The women return to the tomb

The Garden The Garden

Lu 24:12 Joh 20:3 Lu 24:1

The guards report these things to the chief priests APPEARANCES OF CHRIST AFTER HIS RESURRECTION

Jerusalem Mt 28:11-15

1a) To Mary Magdalene


Mr 16:9,10 Joh 20:14

Garden 'All hail! Fear not. Touch me not'

The Garden

Mt 28:9 Joh 20:17

1b) To the women returning home

The Garden

Mt 28:9

'Go tell my brethren that they go

The Garden

Mt 28:10

Into Galilee - there shall they see me'

The Garden

Mt 28:10

1c) To two disciples going to Emmaus


Mr 16:12 Lu 24:13

(Exposition of prophecies on the passion) 1d) To Peter

Jerusalem 1Co 15:5 Lu 24:34

1e) To ten Apostles in the upper room

Jerusalem Lu 24:33 Joh 20:19

'Peace be unto you As my Father hath.. 'sent me, so send I you'

Jerusalem Joh 20:21 Jerusalem Joh 20:21

'Receive ye the Holy Spirit..

Jerusalem Joh 20:22,23

Whose sover sins ye remit,' etc

Jerusalem Joh 20:22,23

1f) To the eleven Apostles in the upper room

Jerusalem Mr 16:14 Joh 20:26

'Peace be unto you' To Thomas' reach hither thy finger,' etc

. Joh 20:26 Jerusalem Joh 20:27

'Blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed' Miracle - Draught of fishes

Jerusalem Joh 20:29 Tiberias

Joh 21:1-11

1g) To the disciples at the sea of Tiberias


Joh 21:1-24

1h) To Peter;'Feed my sheep,fead my lambs'


Joh 21:15-17

1i) To the eleven disciples on a mountain..


Mt 28:16

1j) in Galilee (1 Cor.15.5) Galilee 'All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth' Galilee

Mt 28:16 Mt 28:18

'Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them,' etc


Mt 28:19

'Lo, I am with you alway,..


Mt 28:20

'even unto the end of the world. Amen'


Mt 28:20

1k) To five hundred brethren at once


1Co 15:6


. Bethany

1Co 15:7 Mr 16:19 Lu 24:50,51

The Old Testament Description




The Creation of the Universe


before calendars

Gen 1

The Creation of Light


before calendars

Gen 1:3-4

The Creation of the Earth


The Creation of Oceans


The Creation of Plants


The Creation of Fish


before calendars

Gen 1:20-22

The Creation of Land Animals


before calendars

Gen 1:24-25

The Creation of Man


before calendars

Gen 1:26

The Flood (the Deluge)

before calendars

Gen 7:11


c. 1921 BC

Gen 11:26

The Patriarchs

c. 1921-1706 BC


The Descent into Egypt

c. 1706 BC

Gen 37:25

Moses, the Exodus

before calendars before calendars before calendars

Egypt c. 1491 BC c. 1445 BC

Gen 1:9-10 Gen 1:9-10 Gen 1:11-12

Exod 2:1-10 Exod 5:25

c. 1445 BC The Crossing of the Jordan Coronation of Saul

c. 1451 BC Israel

c. 1095 BC

Saul, David, Solomon, The United Monarchy

c. 1050 BC

The Division of the Monarchy

c. 975 BC

Judah, Israel, The Divided Monarchy

931 BC

1Sam 11:8; 1Kings 14:19,29

Israel, The Assyrian Captivity Fall of Samaria

c. 722 BC

2Kings 17:6; 18:11

Judah, the Babylonian Captivity

586 BC

Judah Released from Babylonian

538 BC

Captivity Nehemiah returned to Babylon

433 BC

During Jesus' Life

4 BC - 30 AD

See Chronology of the Life of Jesus

After the Crucifixion Description




The Resurrection and the Great Forty Days See Chronology of the Life of Jesus

The Apostles, Books Description



When c. 30 AD

Conversion of Saul/Paul

34 or 35 AD

Death of Herod Agrippa

44 AD

Epistle of James

before 50 AD

First Missionary Journey Jerusalem Conference

48-49 AD 49 or 50 AD

Paul at Corinth


begun Spring 50 AD 50-52 AD

1Thess and 2Thess composed


51 AD

Galatians composed

Corinth(?) early 52 AD

Gallio as Proconsul

May 52 AD

Third Missionary Journey Paul at Ephesus


begun 54 AD 54-57 AD

1Cor composed


Spring 57 AD

2Cor composed

Macedonia Fall 57 AD

Second Missionary Journey



1Thess, 2Thess Galatians

1Cor 2Cor

Romans composed


Winter 57-58 AD Romans

Paul's arrest at Jerusalem

Jerusalem Pentecost 58 AD

Paul's imprisonment at Caesarea


58-60 AD

Paul on the island of Malta


Winter 60-61

Paul's arrival at Rome


Spring 61 AD

Paul's imprisonment in Rome Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians composed


61-63 AD


Summer 62 AD

Col, Philemon, Eph

Philippians composed Paul's release and further work

Spring 63 AD 63-65 AD


1 Tim, Titus composed

63 AD

1Tim, Titus

Hebrews composed

64 AD


Synoptic Gospels and Acts

before 67 AD

Matt, Mark, Luke, Acts 1Peter, 2Peter

1Peter, 2Peter composed


64-65 AD

Peter's death at Rome


65 AD

Paul's second Roman imprisonment


66 AD

2Tim composed


66 AD

Paul's death at Rome


late 66 or early 67 AD

Epistle of Jude composed

67-68 AD

Destruction of Jerusalem

70 AD

Writings of John

before 100 AD

Death of John

98-100 AD


Jude Rev, 1John, 2John, 3John

Later Christian History Description



When c. 140 AD


130-202 AD

Old Latin Bible

150-170 AD


c. 170 AD


150-220 AD

Old Syriac Bible

200 AD


185-254 AD


200-225 AD


325-340 AD

Codex Vaticanus

325-350 AD

Codex Sinaiticus

325-425 AD


367 AD


380 AD

Peshitta Bible

375-400 AD

Carthage 3

c. 397 AD

Codex Alexandrinus

425-475 AD

NOTE: There are substantial variances of opinion on some of the dates above. Jerome / Vulgate Bible

384 AD

Council of Nicaea

325 AD

Great Schism

1054 or 1204

AD Wyckliffe Bible

1384 AD

Tyndale Bible

1531 AD

King James Bible

1611 AD

Rheims and Douai (Catholic) Bible

1582, 1609 AD

Revised Standard Bible

1946, 1971 AD

NIV Bible

1973, 1984 AD

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