Charecteristics Of Japanese And American Management

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 339
  • Pages: 2
Charecteristics of japanese and american management : japanese management

American management 1) short-term employment 2) rapid evaluation and promotion 3) specified career paths: software industry in USA encourages multicareer paths 4) individual decision-making: American companies particularly software companies have been practicising decision-making 5) individual responsibility 6) segmented concern

1) life time employment: japanese companies used to provide life time employment to the people. Now this concept is changed to life time employability. In other words the companies continuously acquire new skills required by the company from time to time. 2) Slow evaluation and promotion 3) Non specified career paths 4) Implicit control mechanisms 5) Collective decision-mechanisms 6) Collective responsibility 7) Holistic concern

Employees volunteer to assist the management in the eastern countries whereas in western countries employees do not take up the work unless otherwise the work is formally assigned to them. Information flows freely through all directions in eastern countries, whereas it flows with a direction though a particular channel in the western countries Employees in USA strive for individual achievements and rewards whereas the employees in JAPAN strive for group achievement and rewards. Team work is the culture of the Japanese firms and individual work is the culture of American firms. Employees in JAPAN are mostly prefer empowerment while their counterparts in USA prefer close supervision. JAPANESE organizations used to employ the people throughout the life time. But, the globalization and information technology made the JAPANESE organization to develop the human resource of their employees, enhance their employability and provide employment. As such the employee turnover is almost nil in JAPANISE FIRM. Employment in USA is for a short run. USA companies fire the employees quite often as they follow “hire-and –fire” policy. As such the employee turnover is high in USA. JAPANESE organizations follow humanistic approach in employing and managing people while the AMERICAN companies follow mechanistic approach or USE AND TROW policy in managing people. Japanese organizations follow long run and relationship-oriented approach whereas American companies follow short-run and pure-business oriented approach in managing business.

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