Characteristics Of Offenders

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,321
  • Pages: 8
1. Characteristics of offenders

As of 2005, statistics show that offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites. A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed for which the identity of the offender could be determined, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. African Americans are disproportionately the offender in workplace killings. For example, in work place killings, 26.7% of offenders are Black out of a total African American population of about 13.4%. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks. The document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".

As of 2001, the chances of going to prison in percentages for various demographic groups A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were White, 42% were Black, and 2% were of other races; although "Hispanic" was not recognized as a racial category, with Hispanics predominantly being grouped together with NonHispanic Whites. The report additionally noted that "victims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race. For both 2004 and 2005, the percentage of incidents of rape or sexual assault with a white perpetrator and a black victim was 0.0, an estimate based on 10 or fewer sample cases. In contrast, in 2005, in cases where the victim was white, 33.6% of the perpetrators were black. In 2004, only 8.3% of the perpetrators were black. According to "Hate Crime Reported by Victims and Police," a 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, hate crime offenders were most likely men (79%), strangers (51%), 30 or older (37.8%), and white (43.9%). Although the raw number of whites charged with hate crimes is generally larger, the black rate per 100,000 is twice as high as the white rate.

In 1998, nearly one out of three Black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on probation or parole on any given day. Approximately 70% of prisoners in the United States are non-Whites. Compared with other countries, the United States has among the highest incarceration rates in the world. As of 2006, a record 7 million people were behind bars, on probation or on parole, of which 2.2 million were incarcerated. The People's Republic of China ranks second with 1.5 million. The United States has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population. In terms of federal prison, 57% of those incarcerated were sentenced for drug offenses. However, the federal prison population is a very small percentage of the massive state prison population, which also holds numerous people convicted of drug offenses. Currently, considering local jails as well, almost a million of those incarcerated are in prison for non-violent crime. In 2002, roughly 93.2 % of prisoners were male. About 10.4 % of all black males in the United States between the ages of 25 and 29 were sentenced and in prison by year end, compared to 2.4 % of Hispanic males and 1.2 % of white males. Reporting at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (August 3, 2008), sociologists at Bowling Green State University found that men who attend college are more likely to commit property crimes during their college years than their non-college-attending peers. The research draws from three waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and examines education, crime levels, substance abuse and socializing among adolescents and young adults.

3. A Field Report

JOM Communication Sdn. Bhd. 6162 Jalan Beserah 25250 Kuantan Pahang (T) 09-5673168 (F) 09-5673169 To:

John Lee (Head Engineer)


Vinood Danker (Asst. Engineer)


Field trip to TCT Engineering Sdn. Bhd.

Date: 18 October 2002


I was instructed to overhaul our present transmission system that uses copper cable. The present transmission often suffers from interference and cross talk. I found that a better alternative would be using optical fiber in our system. In order to know more about optical fiber system, I spend a day (11 October, 2002) at TCT Sdn. Bhd. Talking to its Operation Manager, Encik Hasrul Patman who explained the system to me.

Optical Fiber System

I was informed that optical fiber system has a much higher capacity than our existing transmission system. It can send and receive a wider assortment of data frequencies at one time. In other words, it can handle all types of data –voice, pictures, music and video – at the same time.

As for quality of transmission, optical fibers are not affected by electrical interference as much as conventional cables. This is because optical fibers use light instead of electricity to send data. I was also told that fiber optics transmit data faster than some technologies, yet the materials are lighter and less expensive than wire cables. Moreover, wire cables take up more space, as more ducts or pipes are needed to carry the cables. In addition to that, wire cables have to be protected from water and other corrosive substances as they are usually made of copper, however, fiber optics technology was developed to eliminated this requirement.

Conclusions and recommendations

My trip was enlightening as I gained a lot of knowledge about the optical fiber system. I believe this system would increase our competitive position in the telecommunications industry in view that Malaysia aims to convert its telecommunication network to a fully digital operation in the near future. I hope that our Senior Operation and Design engineers will take note of the advantages of this system compared to others. I recommend that they visit TCT Sdn. Bhd. to have first-hand knowledge of the running of the system. I would be glad to accompany them if my assistance is needed.

Summary Report 1 Analyses data and to know why something happen, how it happens, or what happen under certain conditions. Introduction : Describe the offenders among races. Rates of criminal that happen. Discussion : Explain why there is so many crime where happen among races. Conclusion : Summarize the overall data. Summarize the implication/action to be taken.

Report 2 Provides information on the progress from the media. Introduction : Describe the top story from the progress of the campaign coverage based on policy. Discussion : Media interest in the political battle and performed into the top stories in the chart. Conclusion : Summarise the status of the issues. Informed the top stories in the media.

Report 3 It records a visit to the field. The information may be gathered from meetings, seminars or direct observation. Introduction : state the date, location and purpose of your trip / visit. Include the names and titles of people consulted fro information. Information sections : Group the information according the specific topics such as: Observation and views on the trip / visit  Specific details of equipment, material or systems relevant to company interest Conclusion and recommendation : Summarise the significant result of your trip and state whether the visit was successful or worthwhile. Make recommendations based on the results.

Report 4 It provides information about accidents, equipment breakdown or any disruptive occurrence. Description of the incident :  state the time, date and location  name the parties involved / witnesses  obtain details before, during and immediately after the incident  provide details of any follow-up action taken Causes : Identify and analyse the causes Recommendation : Suggest actions that will prevent a repetition of such incidents.

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