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Background of the Study “Nag-aanak nalang kami kasi wala kaming magawa.” Or “Hindi na kami nagaanakkasihindinaminsilakayangbuhayin.” VS “We have an active sex life to maintain the spice of our marriage life and it is also a good stress reliever.” Or “We even barely touch each other, we’re both dead tired when we arrive at home, and if we get pregnant, we can’t be a hands on parent or we will lose our job and die poor and hungry as well.” These are just some common statements from couples who have regularly engage in sex. Some are from those who don’t engage in regular sex. Others were from couples who have nice, clean and peaceful environment. Lastly, from couples who live under the bridge, near a riverbank or on a polluted and noisy place. Sex or sexual intercourse has always been a part of couple’s activity, married or not. It was marked essential for a harmonious relationship between two lovers. It is one of the most private activity that a couple can do. It was based on what they believe in and their individual desires. Having regular physical intimacy gives a lot of benefits for couples. It keeps them secured, satisfied and connected with each other. Other than that, sexual intercourse can be a stress reliever, it also rejuvenates and uplifts a person’s mood. Sex can also influence a person’s mood. So every individual must consider some factors in everyday life (Family Planning Victoria: Health and Reproduction, 2015).


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Physical and emotional stress or even a person’s environment may affect his libido or sex drive level. An individual’s sex drive level has its advantages and disadvantages. Low sex drive level may give low satisfaction and boredom which may lead to cheating. This tends to happen because an individual tries to seek satisfaction from other people. While having high sex drive level can also be unfavourable for it may cause a woman to get pregnant which could disrupt family planning and be a primary cause of overpopulation (Family Planning Victoria: Health and Reproduction, 2015). In 2007, Sasota mentioned that poor families do not have control over their fertility mainly because they have limited access to family planning and medical services. Fullerton, Ramirez and Walke (2014) also mentioned in their study that, if a family has low household income the higher the number of children that they have. A study that has been done by Luis Pedroso in 2008, also states that a woman who has attained college level has a lower tendency of unwanted pregnancy compared to those who only finished elementary or lower level of education. Pedroso also mention that poor families has a lower probability of wanting to stop unwanted pregnancy than those of well-off couples, because they are not bothered of the stress and pressure at work or because they have minimal or no exposure at all to family planning. This study addressed problems about the effect of the participants’ socio-demographic profile and their sex drive level. The researchers came up with this study to determine if a couple’s socio-demographic profile has an effect on their sex drive level. This paper is a comprehensive study about how a couple’s socio-demographic profile can affect an individual’s sex drive level. The researchers will also be able to present a comparison of the sex drive level between legal


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE resident couples and informal settler couples. Legal resident couples and informal settler couples are the variables for the study because the researchers’ main objective is to know whether the environment or their current state of living has something to do with the level of sex drive of Filipino couples. There will be a comparison on which couple have the highest sexual drive and who has the least.

Statement of the Problem This study was conducted to investigate if there is a relationship between sociodemographic profile and sex drive level of Filipino couple. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following: 1. What are the socio-demographic profiles of the legal residents and informal settlers according to the following: a. Age, b. Sex, c. Civil Status, d. Educational Attainment, e. Employment Status, f. Monthly Household Income Status? 2. What are the sex drive levels of the legal residents? 3. What are the sex drive levels of the informal settlers? 4. Is there a significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile and sex drive level of informal settlers and legal residents?


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE 5. Is there a significant difference between the sex drive level of informal settlers and legal residents? Theoretical Framework In Freudian Theory, Sigmund Freud believed that the human mind is structured by two parts; the conscious and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind involves information, situations, feelings, and actions that we are aware of. The unconscious mind, on the other hand, includes all the things that lie outside our awareness. Our wishes, dreams, urges, desires, and forgotten memories lies in the unconscious mind, which also happens to influence our behavior. Moreover, Freud also believes that human personality or psyche, has three major components; the Id, Ego, and Superego. The Id operates unconsciously according to pleasure principle, which is the thought of satisfying the desires and urges immediately regardless of the consequences of ones actions. The Id is also composed of two drives or instincts which is Eros and Thanathos. Eros or Life instinct deals with survival, reproduction, and pleasure. It also creates Libido, which is an energy of sexual desire. Thanathos or Death instinct is the person’s unconscious desire to die. Self-destructive behavior expresses death drive, but Freud also believed that Thanathos are largely balanced by the Eros. The ego operates accordingly to the reality principle, which is satisfying the demands of Id in a realistic and reasonable action. It often compromises and postpones to satisfy the needs just to avoid the possible negative consequences from the society. Ego conforms to the rules, norms, and etiquette on how to behave properly, but does not have COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 4

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE a concept of right and wrong. When ego failed to use the reality principle and the person became anxious, they tend to do unconscious defense mechanism in order make themselves feel better and to help them hide unpleasant feelings, such as guilt. Ego also engages to reality testing which enables a person to demonstrate self-control towards problems solving. The Superego operates consciously and accordingly to the values and morals learned from one’s parents and society. The function of the superego is to control the impulses of the Id, specifically those which the society forbids, and also persuades the ego to strive for perfection. Superego is divided into two systems: the conscience, it punishes the ego, when failing, through guilt, and the Ideal self, which is an imaginary picture of how you should and ought to be. According to Freud, there are two competing forces that eventually happen in a person’s brain. Cathexis is the investment of energy in an object, idea or person. It becomes Ego cathexis when the energy becomes associated with an ego-related activity. Dispersal of energy involves seeking out activity that has the capacity to fulfill the need in the short term. An example is when the sexually aroused person wants to have a sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. As mentioned earlier, the id cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, so it is possible for the id to act in a not acceptable way. Luckily, the ego has an ability to block immoral, irrational or unacceptable actions from the id known as the Anticathexis. Anticathexis block or suppress cathexes from being utilized (Cherry, 2015). In relation to our study, sex drive or desire is made by the Eros which can either be satisfied behaving accordingly to Id, or Ego, or Superego. A person’s decision or


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE behavior could be affected based on how their drives will react on how they will be able to satisfy his/her sexual needs.

Conceptual Framework


Legal Residents


Informal Settlers

Socio-demographic Profile

Sex Drive Level

Sex Drive Level

Figure 1. A paradigm showing the relationship between sex drive and socio-demographic profile status and comparison between the sex drive level of legal residents and informal settlers.

This conceptual framework shows the relationship of independent variable of the study, which is the socio-demographic profile, and the dependent variable, which is the sex drive. There will be two sets of respondents in this study, one is the informal settlers and the other is the legal residents. The researchers will measure the sex drive level of the two groups through the instrument entitled “Sex Drive Scale” that was proposed by the researchers and will compare whether which group has the higher level of sex drive. The researchers will also analyze whether the socio-demographic has a significant relationship with sex drive.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Hypothesis The following hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance: Ho1: There is no significant relationship between age and sex drive level of Filipino couples. Ho2: Sex, Civil Status, Educational Attainment, Employment Status and Monthly Income are independent to the sex drive level of Filipino couples. Ho3: There is no significant difference between the sex drive level of informal settlers and legal residents.

Significance of the Study This study is beneficial to the following: Filipino Couples. This study will be significant for them for it will help them be aware of the level of their sex drive because having too high or too low might bring several problems in their relationship as a couple.This study can also guide them in teaching or making their children aware of the possible consequences of high or low sex drive that might be one of the reason for unwanted pregnancy. This study will be effective in terms of how the recommendation of this study will be implemented to further help resolve certain problems in the country. Examples are overpopulation, wrong impact and information about family planning, inaccurate house facilities of families, sexual and personal problems of couples. Filipino Youth. The Filipino youth in the current generation, which is called generation z, has a lot of minor children being exposed to liberation and sexual intimation. The factors that were discussed in this study could be the reason why Filipino COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 7

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE youth has become more liberated. According to the National Youth Study (NYAS) by the National Youth Commission (NYC) in 2010, 75% of youth thinks that engaging in sexual intimacy is socially acceptable here in the Philippines. This is the reason why there has been an increased rate of teenage pregnancy, teenage marriage, and premarital sex; it also causes other phenomenal problems like increase rate in population, abortion, poverty, unemployment etc. (Philrights, 2014). Government.This study will be beneficial to theGovernment Agencies especially to those who are handling issues about health, family planning, social welfare and reproductive health, because this study has discussed several issues that is related on the services that they are providing. This study has also discussed how inadequate the programs that this government agencies provide especially for the families who does not have the capacity to afford the said services. This study also mentioned about the misunderstandings of families from the slum area about the main agenda of family planning that can make amends. Future researchers and Filipino literature. Sex drive or libido possibly causes a lot of problems, but it is not further explored and studied in the Philippines. This could be the reason why those problems are still problems, and it is getting worse. This study does not provide enough study to conclude that the results are generally accurate, but this could be the start to address this kinds of topic. The Filipinos are already being exposed to something that are new and intimate, but they are mentally uneducated and unaware of the circumstances that could happened due to risky behaviour that is caused by their libido.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Scope and Limitations The research focuses on the relationship of the socio-demographic profile and sex drive level of Filipino couples. The respondents of this study for both the informal settlers and legal residents are from Manila City and Cavite. There will be no age requirement as long as they are living under the same roof. They can also participate even if they do not have a child. The couples may be employed or unemployed. There is no need for the couples to be educated as long as they are able to read and write, in case that they cannot, the researchers would read the questionnaire for the participants. In related literatures, most of it was from western concepts, due to lack of Filipino literatures. But not all of western thought are applicable to Filipino researches because of the difference in culture. Because of this, the researchers were more motivated on pursuing this topic as it should be given much attention.

Definition of Terms In this research, the terms below are defined operationally: Anticathexis. Sigmund Freud’s term of how superego suppresses cathexes from being utilize. Superego acts as the ‘conscience’ in a person’s brain, which has the capacity to sense right and wrong. Cathexis. Freud’s term of how Id is being processed to satisfy needs, neither in short or long term. Id is one of Freud’s components of personality which strives for satisfaction of a person’s desires unconsciously.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Ego Cathexis. A Freudian term of how the action of id is associated with an egorelated activity. This means that the desires of the id will still be satisfied by conforming to something that is socially accepted. Informal settlers.These are people living in a non-productive or abandoned land without a legal consent of using it. Legal residents. These are homeowners or lessees residing in a particular land with legal rights to used it as their dwelling place. Libido. A Freudian term for sexual urge or desire that is measurable to a person. Sex drive.It is a physiological need for sexual activity; the variable to be measured in both formal and informal settlers. Socio-demographic profile. This gathers that information of the characteristics of a population according of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, employment status, and monthly household income status.




This chapter consists of related literatures that later explain sex drive, sociodemographic factors, other factors that affect sexual drive, and its synthesis.

Sexual Drive Sexual drive or libido is a common thing to every individuals. Having sexual urges are unconsciously happening in our mind, even innocent children have their own sexual feelings as they start to explore their sexuality and their sexual organs. An individual has his/her own way on expressing and satisfying his/her libido and there are sexual acts that performed towards self or others. Examples of sexual acts are masturbation, touching, caressing and kissing, and sexual intercourse (Dela Cruz & Sarmiento, 2014). According to Robert Weiss, masturbation is the way of releasing sex urge using their own genitals to the point of orgasm. There is no evidence that masturbation is harmful, unless it becomes an addiction. It can be caused by lustful thoughts, pornographic media, and drugs (National Institutes of Health, 2006). There are two instincts of life, first is eros the love of life and the other is thanatos which is the love of death and these two drives are basically put as sex and aggression. Sex has been a big part of life; it makes the relationship grow fonder, give spice to their life and also to be able to continue the bloodlines. In 2006, Boeree (as cited in Dela Cruz & Sarmiento, 2014) mentioned that “An organism acts in order to survive and reproduce, COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE and is guided toward these ends by its needs; the organism’s need of hunger, thirst, the avoidance of pain, and sex”. For some people, sex drive is not just an activity to fulfil their satisfaction; it is an important source of human motivation.

Sexual Drive and Socio-demographic Factors 

Age and Sex

According to studies, most cases said that sex drive decreases gradually with age. This is because of the sex hormones that are being produced in our body. The amount of sex hormones being secreted can affect the sex drive of an individual. Scientifically, the production of sex hormones decreases as the individual age, both for men and women. But according to Nippoldt (2015), diminishing sex drive can also be because of stress and depression due to aging. Also, since engaging in a sexual intercourse releases a lot of physical energy, it causes elders to get exhausted easily (Rogers, 2016). As for men, the hormones that primarily controls sex drive in men never stops on producing even as they age. But their sexual life will still change with age even if they maintained satisfying their desire. The sex drive of men usually escalates at puberty stage, within ages 12-17. Their testosterone levels slowly diminish after ages 18 and above, however, the highest peak their libido are in their late teens. According to Mayo Clinic, testosterone level decreases 1 percent a year at the age of 30’s or 40’s (as cited in Morris, 2014). Men start having difficulties with erection as their hormones reduces. Erections don’t occur as quickly or as automatically by the age of 40. It also takes longer after ejaculation before a man can have an erection again. Decreasing testosterone does


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE not only affects the erection and ejaculation, but also the energy and endurance of men. For some men, they still maintain at least some amount of sexual interest in their 60s and 70s (Morris, 2014). For women, their sex hormones are at the highest level in their year 20s (The Editors of Prevention, 2016). However, Stacy Lloyd (2016) stated that most women in their 20s tend to be too accurate in choosing their partners based on the kind of family men they ideally want. She also mentioned that the women’s highest sex drive peak is from age 35 to 40. Women’s sex drives are heavily influenced by social and cultural factors. Also, their sex hormone levels are higher during pregnancy stage, which also causes them to have an increased desire for sex. Their sex drive usually declines after childbirth, when they are breastfeeding, and before and during their menopausal stage (OBOS Sexuality & Relationships Contributors, 2015). According to Amanda MacMillan (2016), women also feel aroused and sensitive when they are on their menstrual period. Sex hormones are not quite active in the first day, but it fluctuates on the third day of period. Also, some women reported that they felt more pleasured because the flow of the period helps as extra lubrication during sex. It was also stated that some studies suggests that orgasms lessens the pain of menstrual cramps and PMS. In the modern time, there has been a lot of studies that shows how vast the increased amount of individual in teenage pregnancy, teenage brides, and premarital sex. Although these acts are not generally because of their sex drive, but also because of uncertain events happened and forced decisions, like rape and forced marriage (Rodriguez, 2015).


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE These uncontrollable happenings can also be a voluntary act of youths that have different perception than youths before. According to the National Youth Study (NYAS) of 2010 by the National Youth Commission (NYC), 75% of teenagers are already looking for romantic relationships, and 37% of it believes that sexual intimacy is accepted by the society (as cited in Philrights, 2014). These beliefs and perception could lead to increase their sex drive as they learn about it and have an experience in sexual intercourse, because primarily, they felt pleasured and satisfied. This situation in the country is very alarming, because it also causes other problems like increase rate in abortion, poverty, malnutrition, over population, mental and physical health, maturity of individuals, etc. (Philrights, 2014) 

Civil Status

Filipinos are known for their conservativeness and religiosity. However, the millennial Filipinos are nearly becoming liberalized because of the vast changes that are currently happening in the country. One example of that is the acceptance of the society to live in relationships (Gonzales, 2015). Live in relationship, also called as cohabitation, is being accepted here in the Philippines. Unlike decades ago, Filipinos strictly follows the Roman Catholic Church, which prohibits sex before marriage. Live in relationships are just common to marriage, but without legal affiliations. Live in relationships are commonly happening to poor couples, since marriage is expensive. Also, other couples who does not want any life commitments, and couples who are not yet sure and/or ready to have a stable life. Since


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE divorce are prohibited here in the Philippines, others prefer to have a live in relationship (Alves, 2015). For married couples, they could either have a civil marriage, a religious ceremony, or both. Marriage is a union of two persons that is formally recognized by the law and the church. Some married couples could have possibly been in a live in relationship; this helps them to know each other more. In 2015, the Vital Statistics Division of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that marriages in the country declines by 17% from 2005 up to 2014. Both situations have their own pros and cons, and these pros and cons could be a conflict and influence their urge for sexual intimacy. Having relationship issues with their partners can be a major factor of low sexual drive (Mayo Clinic, 2015). 

Educational Attainment Education has a huge influence to an individual’s perceptions to certain things, like

sexual intimacy. It is not basically thought in school, but having education can shape minds and moral attitudes of a person towards sex. According to Romeo Recide of PSA (2014), he stated that “Initiation of sexual activity before age 18 is more common among young adult women with less education and those in poorer households.” Poor households could lead to less education, and less education could mean they have less knowledge about sex. His report mentioned that over 40% of young adult women with elementary education had their first sexual intercourse before age 18, while only 7% to those with college education. Although engaging in sexual


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE intercourse is not a way of measuring sex drive, sexual intercourse can actually increase an individual’s sexual drive (Robinson, 2013). 

Employment Status and Monthly Household Income Status Employment is a very important thing an individual should have after college. Being

employed or self-employed has its own benefits; income that could help sustain daily needs. But work can also be source of stress to individuals, which could lead to decrease of sex drive. According to Seliger (2007) a person who works can also consume their time, leaving their partners not enough time to bond with each other, which can also cause relationship issues. Working is also exhausting, which leads the couples to not fully satisfy themselves. (Rogers, 2016). However, Kara Mayer Robinson (2013) mentioned that engaging in sexual intercourse can ease and lessen the stress of a person. As it has been stated previously, engaging in sexual intercourse can increase a person’s sexual drive. The monthly income of an individual depends on their employment status and their kind of job. Some jobs offers income that can sustain an individual’s daily needs, some can even sustain or are enough for a families expenditures. For married couples, it is normal or considered for them to combine and share both of their income. It also happens to other couples wherein only one of them are working. This also works for live in couples. However, one of the disadvantages of being in a live in relationship, they are not obliged to share their possessions or their income to each


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE other. As for some of the live in couples, they don’t share or combine their incomes with their partners, instead they divide their expenditures equally and separately pay them.

Legal Residence Legal Resident refers to homeowners and lessees. According to the Republic Act 9904, homeowners are legal occupants of a residential unit, while lessees are people who are renting a residential unit. Residential unit refers to apartments, houses, or land which is used for residential purposes. These types of residents concludes that their occupancy are done lawfully; there has been a settlement within a land property with legal and lawful documents that will provide as evidence that the person or the family are authorized to reside in that particular area. Most structures of the units are made of brick walls, tile floors, and concrete or galvanized iron roofs. This type of home and community also includes basic community services and facilities that makes it environmentally safe and legally secured. Purchasing residential units costs a lot, it varies with the type of residential area, the size and space of land area, and the materials used for the unit. Technically, people who are residing in these areas are, most probably, employed or has a business; which means they have income that is enough to provide the needs of themselves and/or their family. In addition to their expenses like electricity and water bills, maintenance for vehicles, taxes, and other necessities. Families residing in legal areas have access to all the amenities and conveniences of a comfortable life. They can probably provide needs of their children, including their education. Married or live in couples are more knowledgeable about family planning, however there are also big families in legal COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 17

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE residence but they are much wealthy that they can still provide the needs of each family members (Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, 2014). One study said that those people who are high in status have often found to have lower number of children. One reason why those who are high in status tends to have lesser children is because they are able to practice birth control; they have the capacity to buy contraceptives or even go to the doctor to have the proper medication (Skirbekk, 2008). Couples who have high economic status also have a little time to have a sexual intercourse because of their work or commitments, they are focusing on the need to work to support the needs of the family and their children (Fullerton, Ramirez and Walke, 2014). In another literature, Dr. Fran Walfish (as cited in Borreli, 2015), a Beverly Hills psychotherapist, mentioned that the majority of sex addicts that she have treated were very professional, wealthy and financially stable men in a range of profession and are respected in their fields of choice. Since wealthy people could afford the medication or methods that has to be done that is needed for their sexual health, they could be more picky and wise in engagement to different sexual intercourse.

Informal Settlements Informal Settlements, also known as slums or squatter, are areas where families are residing in a property that is not in their possession; could be either owned by someone or by the government. The reason why this kind of settlement is happening is because there are a lot of land properties that are abandoned or unused by the owners. People without enough money to provide them a secured house tend to take those abandoned land COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 18

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE properties in use. Assumingly, most informal settlers are poor families. Since they are poor families, their houses are only built with recycled or light materials like used plywood, cartons, galvanized iron sheets, some also make use of bamboos. Some informal settlers could be residing under the bridge, beside railroads, riverside, public cemeteries, and other public places. According to the socioeconomic classification rule for households that Tabunda and de Jesus used, this kind of housing are categorize in the lowest class, which is Class E (as cited in Lucagbo, 2014) This type of residency generally affects the health and lifestyle among these families. Their houses are built in an environmentally hazardous areas and usually lack of formal services. Since their area are not governed by any public officials, their homes are not safe and secured. There has been a lot of crime and violence cases in the slum area. The areas are not hygienic and clean, which can cause them diseases. They live in a hazardous environment where they are continually exposed to serious health risks (UN-Habitat, 2015). Poor families tend to have higher number of children because they have more time spending in their homes with their family and spouse. This situation makes it even more difficult for them as they add more children in their family because their income will not be able to cover up all their needs and expenses. Poverty also lessens the chance of their kids to have good health, proper education, and morality (Sasota, 2010). This is the reason why teenage pregnancy is common to young women living in squatter. According to Recide (2014), engaging in sexual activity before age 18 is more common to individuals with less education and those in poorer households.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE “Mahirap lang kami, hindi naming alam ‘yang family planning. Hindi na namin iniisip ‘yang mga ganyan.” Rosalie Cabenan, a mother who has 22 children says that in a documentary made by Joseph Laban entitled “Bente Dos” that aired in 2011 in the GMA News TV Program “Front Row”. They lived in a community of informal settlers in Baseco, Manila. The couple has turned out to have almost two dozen of children because they do not know how to use contraceptives and they do not have the interest to use it. The father, DaniloCabenan, does not know how to use condoms so the result is that they have lots of kids. The couple mentioned that they would engage in sexual intercourse but does not use any contraceptives and that is the reason why they end up having many offspring. The documentary also shows that engaging in a sexual intercourse has been an escape for the poor families to forget their problems or they see it as a way of their relaxation or a stress reliever. Poor families have limited access to family planning and allied services, lower contraceptive prevalence rates, higher unwanted pregnancy and higher unmet need for family planning. It would seem more plausible that the poor have larger families because of the limitations of their circumstance, rather than deliberate intent or preference (Pedroso, 2008). In 2013, the National Statistics Coordination Board says that 27.9% of the population lived below the poverty line and it has been steady for the past decade (Bernardo, 2013). The rapid growth of a population was occurring mainly in the large town and cities where the economy not revolves in farming. The rural poverty is higher than the urban poverty. Government tolerated the slums while the housing market has not able to keep pace the



Moreover, the financial sector has been conservative in home

financing. The growth of slums is very rapid at an average rate. Not all in household in slum are income poor. The slum poverty covers a wider segment in the population. It includes those who are poor due to inadequate income and to those non-income poor but environmentally deprived. Slum poverty is primarily an environmental poverty. Their low incomes are the basis of the environmentally poverty (Ballesteros, 2010).

Factors Affecting Sex Drive Sex drive can be influenced by different factors; psychological, biological and physiological. In comparing the sex drive level of the informal settlers and legal residents there is a study that has been done at the Yale University in 2005 by T. Paul Schultz, the said study mentioned that the higher the economic status the lesser the children a family has (Fullerton et al, 2014).  Lifestyle The legal resident couples’ sex drive are often affected by their way of living or lifestyle. Most residents who have an average way of living are employed and have a regular night life or have their own way to spend their leisure times with. Some people relax at a night club where they often drink alcoholic drinks, or take illegal drugs and antidepressants. A person who has this kind of lifestyle may go to their houses dead tired and because they are legally employed, they are obliged to go to their work early in the morning, this proposes that if a person is married or living in with a their partner, their sex life could be affected and deteriorated.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE If a person is a regular alcohol drinker, this can be a factor that may increase or decrease a person’s sex drive. According to Health Promotion Agency (2015), one of the immediate effects of alcohol in men is when they get drunk; this increases the risks of having unsafe sexual intercourse, like having sexual intercourse without condom. For the long term effects of alcohol, a man’s chronic heavy alcohol use can lead to impotence, loss of sex drive, wasting of the testicles and reduced fertility. This is primarily because alcohol affects testosterone levels. In women, who consumes alcohol often can also manifest aside from getting sexually assaulted when she is drunk. Alcohol is also related to impair judgment and lower inhibitions as stated at the same article from Health Promotion Agency for 2015. For the long term effects of alcohol, women with irregularities and heavy menstrual period is one of the factors of using it. This could also lead to reduced fertility. Overall, too much partying may lead to different factors that may decrease or increase a person’s sex drive level. They may be too tired and lose the urge to do sex. They may also be too drunk and get a high sex drive level that may lead to masturbation, and other sexual manifestation. 

External Factors Media is one thing that is really helpful and useful, but it can be risky when it is being

mismanaged. It can easily influence individuals by being too much exposed to it, or getting addicted. Not everything that the media shows are appropriate for all ages and some are quite disturbing (Fowlers, 2015).


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE One example is porn sites. It is viewed by people who wanted to be sexually aroused and satisfied. Watching porn media can actually increase a person’s sex drive as it becomes a reinforcement because of satisfaction, which makes a person want to repeat on doing it (Sober Media Group, 2016). However, nowadays, porn media can be easily opened and viewed even in social media. Everyone is at risk of being exposed to this kinds of things, especially the children, who are always curious of things they see and actually imitate it (Fowlers, 2015). 

Pharmaceutical drugs It is common to most Filipino to self-medicate whenever they feel something unusual

or painful. They take drugs without the doctor’s prescription, they mostly believe on medicines that were just suggested to them by their relatives or friends not knowing that every human has their differences and the drug that the google suggested to them was not really suitable for their conditions. The most common examples of these drugs are painkilling drugs and high blood pressure medications. Based on the study of Sexual Medicine Society of North America in 2013, it is proven that the Opioids (substances that are found in some pain reliever) can affect the testosterone level of men, which can affect their sex drive. Ecstasy has two kinds of effect, the short-term effect that gives energy, increase enjoyment in touching, and may also increase their blood pressure. Users will also feel dehydrated, faintness, headaches and worse death. The other type of effect is the longterm effect that increases the heart rate leading to the complication in cardiovascular


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE diseases. And dehydration can lead to liver and kidney failure. And ecstasy is toxic to the brain the brain damage is depending on the amount and frequency of usage. Health specialist, Jennifer Wider, M.D., 2016, stated that birth control, antihistamines, decongestants medication can affect a person’s sex drive. She also suggested antidepressants can also be a reason for a person’s interference of sex drive. On the other hand, other people also use certain prescription drugs to relieve dysfunctions and to have better sexual intercourse with their partners. Same with those who wants to be pregnant and have a child, they use prescription drugs to improve their fertility (Rodriguez, 2011). 

Sleep Deprivation Working men and women are prone to sleepless nights because of their job that they

urgently need to pass or finish before the deadline. Being a married person or even a person with a partner, can intervene with in your sex life. In 2016, an article written by a health specialist named Jennifer Wider, M.D., “Getting enough sleep is vital for your body to function at 100 percent," says Wider. "If you skip sleep, you may lessen your libido—and also have a harder time climaxing in bed." According to Wider (2015), they published in an article that lack of sleep can cause stress, and exhaustion, fatigue and lack of intimate time with your partner. Couples that undergo these situations can have lesser sexual intercourse that can be a reason for a person to develop lack of interest in sex. National Health Services in 2015 also proves that men and women who do not get adequate sleep have lower libidos and lower sex interest. A study funded by the National


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute found out that testosterone levels dropped significantly in men who don’t get enough sleep. These lower levels affect not just the libido as testosterone deficiency but can also lead to having lower energy, poor concentration, fatigue and decreased strength. "Low testosterone levels are associated with reduced well-being and vigour, which may also occur as a consequence of sleep loss," said Eve Van Cauter, PhD, director of the study, which appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association on 2011. This means that lacking of sleep is also a factor that may affect a person’s sex drive level. 

Social Life Most people who have a job and have money for a living cannot be able to resist the

temptation of owning a smart phone or any gadget that could make them connect to the social media. The fun and entertainment that people can get from social networking sites are truly irresistible, but also exhausting at the same time (Wider, 2015). Other than that, social media can also increase a person’s libido for it shows explicit content that could penetrate or arouse men or women. 

Health Issues A busy person cannot even bear to eat correctly and regularly. Most of them skip

meals, others eat too much, especially fast foods or processed foods because they are much easier to prepare. But out of the person’s knowledge, these types of food can affect their weight and their weight can affect their sex drive.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE An overweight person’s sex drive can be lessening as well as their performance in bed. Also overweight person can develop and at high risk of obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol (Wider, 2015). 

Religion and Culture Religious beliefs also have a great impact on the sex drive level of a person. Because

of the strict rules of some religious sector it makes a person to be shy to explore their sexual desires. Another reason will be cultural factors or how you were raised (Sloan, 2008). If a person is raised by conservative parents and in a conservative nature then, his/her sexual desires will either be rapidly increasing because of the curiosity they have or rapidly decreasing because they are afraid of what their parents or the people around them will say or think about them (McIlwain, 2011). 

Physiological Factors One factor that affects sex drive is physical conditions. Wide range of illnesses,

physical changes and medication can affect a single person’s sex drive. Several condition affects sex drive, one of it is sexual problems. If a person experiences pain or dissatisfaction or problem that leads to inability to orgasm then that person’s desire for sexual intercourse will decrease. Non-sexual medical conditions also affect desire for sex such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure. Surgeries also have an impact to sexual drive especially when the surgery is done on the genital tract and in the breast. Medications such as antidepressants and anti-seizure are top libido killers. Using illegal drugs and drinking too much alcohol may spoil a person’s desire for sex. Smoking can COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 26

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE decrease blood flow that may result in the decrease of arousal (Mayo Clinic Organization, 2015). Changes on hormonal level might be another cause in altering level of sex drive. In the menopausal stage of a woman, estrogen level drops during the transition in this stage of womanhood. Menopause causes dry vaginal tissues that may lead to painful and uncomfortable sex. For many women in this stage, they still have a satisfying sex life but for some they have an unstable libido. Pregnancy might also be a hinder for some couples, because the women’s hormones are deteriorating. Physical figures, fatigue and the pressure in pregnancy will be the cause of decreased libido for women (Mayo Clinic Organization, 2015). While for men, an underactive thyroid may cause low sex drive level. An underactive thyroid is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. There is a condition in men named, hyperprolactinaemia wherein a raised level of a substance called prolactin in the blood this causes low libido for men (National Health Services, 2015) 

Psychological Factors Aside from physical conditions, psychological factors also have a contribution on the

increase and decrease of sex drive level in both male and female. One of these is when a person becomes a victim of sexual abuse. Anxiety is another reason for the decrease in the libido. If a person is anxious in his/her performance then that person will have a rapid decrease in his/her libido (Davis, 2011)


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE A man’s self-esteem has a great impact on his level of sex drive. Job changes or loss, depression, stress and financial worries this will result to low level of sex drive. Relationship issues like resentment, anger and general dissatisfaction also contributes to the decrease of level of sex drive (Castellanos, 2015).  Sexual Disorders Sexual disorders are also classified as mental disorders. This could alter an individual’s daily function. A person with an abnormal sex drive level is believed to have sexual disorder. There are several types of sexual disorders. These are examples: Paraphilia, according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th Edition), are deviants of deviant sexuality. Being paraphillic involves recurrent sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors around children, non-humans such as objects, animals, materials, etc. and harming other people or even one’s self to satisfy or feed their sexual desires. List of paraphillias include: 

Exhibitionism is the urge of displaying one’s private parts to other people, even strangers. The sexual tension that they can feel can only be relieved by the rush of exposing themselves or showing themselves to other people.

Fetishism includes the fixation of an individual’s energy on a manufactured product instead of being fixated to another human being. Examples of these are garments like shoes, underwear, panties, bras, etc. Fetish persons may not reach their climax during intercourse when they do not have their fetish objects together with them. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 28


Frotteurismis having the compulsion to rub one’s self to strangers in a sensual manner.

Pedophilia is when a sexually mature individual, particularly adult, fantasizes, engages in a sexual intercourse or behavior wit pre-pubescent children.

Sexual Masochism and Sadism are those people who engage in a sexual event where the focus is having the (sadism) receive physical and emotional pain, embarrassment and humiliation caused by the masochist.

Trasvestismalso known as TransvesticFetishm occurs when a heterosexual male has fantasies of wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. This is also called “cross dressing”, which commonly stimulates a person sexually.

Voyeurism or peeping tom is about spying on someone who is not aware that he/she is being observed. The person with Voyeurism, secretly undress the person that he or she is spying in his or her imagination. This is common and not considered a disorder unless it became a part of a person’s sexual routine.

Hypersexual Disorders, according to John M. Grohol, as cited in Psychcentral, the American Psychiatric Association released a draft and preliminary criteria that “sex addiction” may be formally called Hypersexual Disorder. This disorder can only be diagnosed in adults ages 18 years old and above, in accordance to the draft criteria.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Symptoms of Hypersexual Disorder: Over a period of at least six consecutive months, a person with Hypersexual Disorder must experience a recurrence and intense sexual fantasies, sexual urges and sensual behavior together with four or more of the following five criteria: 1. Most of the person’s time is consumed by sexual fantasies and urges, and by planning for engagement in sexual behavior. 2. A person usually engage in these sexual activities to repress his dysphoric mood such as depression, anxiety, boredom, and irritability. 3. He or she engages to this sexual urges or behavior when he or she is undergoing a stressful life event. 4. Unsuccessful trying of controlling to reduce or stop his/her sexual fantasies after several times of trying. 5. Repetitively engagement to different sexual behaviour without considering the risk of physical or emotional harm to self or to other people. People who would manifest and qualify for the criteria that was set is believed to have a mental disorder or very high sex drive that would alter an individual’s daily functioning (Grohol, 2016).


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Synthesis Physical intimacy or sexual intercourse is what keeps a relationship more harmonious; it makes a couple communicated. But for it to be effective, an individual must have a good sex drive. For this reason, the study focuses on Filipino couples residing in two different environments; in a slum area and in a legal residence, the researchers aim to determine whether a couple’s sex drive level is altered by the environment or their way of living. Sexual activity is a manifestation of what sex drive level does a person or couple have, and because of this, the researchers are targeting to test their sex drive level and make a comparison about who equates the most high sex drive and identify the factors and reasons of why and how a person possesses this level of sex drive. T. Paul Schultz of Yale University has a study regarding Household Income and Fertility. He said in his study that the higher the Income of an Individual the lower their fertility rate is. This is because they are busy to provide the need of their current family members and they are using birth control methods to help them plan for their family structure (Fullerton et al, 2014). The similarities between these two studies is that they want to find out whether sociodemographic factors such as educational attainment, work and income is a reason for higher rate of becoming pregnant. These studies also assume that the higher the household income of a family the lower the tendency on engaging on unwanted pregnancy.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE While the difference will be the variable that will be measured; for T. Paul Schultz he will be measuring the Fertility rate of the Families and whether the Household Income, Educational Attainment and Work has an effect on the fertility preference of a couple and for the researchers try to measure the Sex Drive Level of the Couples and whether sociodemographic profile such as Age, Sex, Educational Attainment, Work, Income and Civil status has an effect on the Sex Drive level of a couple (as cited in Fullerton et al, 2014).




The purpose of this chapter is to present the methods and procedures of the study. It consists of research design, participants of the study, sampling technique, data gathering procedure, research instruments, data analysis, and the statistical treatments used.

Research Design Descriptive Causal Comparative Research design was used in this study.Descriptive research design was used to describe the phenomena that is currently being studied (Shuttleworth, 2008). This design was used to describe the socio-demographic profile of the participants according to their age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, employment status, and monthly income. Causal Comparative, also called as Ex-Post Facto, a Latin word which means “after the fact”, is a research design that attempts to determine reasons or causes for an existing condition. This aims to investigate if there is a relationship between two variables by comparing two groups that are already formed (Salkind, 2010).

Participants of the study In getting the number of participants for measuring the difference of the two different residency, 100 couples for each group are required. There were two types of Filipino couple in the study. First were the legal residents and second were the informal settlers. The participants represented by legal residents COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE were couples living in Cavite and Manila. It was a place that the researchers chose because of these specific criteria; (1) there are couples residing in that particular area and (2)the residents has a title of ownership which makes them as a legal residents in that subdivision. According to Attorney Laserna Jr. (2008), possession of title makes a resident have a legal right of ownership in that particular land. The participants were represented by Informal Settlers came from Cavite and Manila. Mostly, the place consists of houses which are made out of wood and galvanized iron sheets. They also have houses built above a river, inside the cemetery and beside a railroad. The researchers chose this certain barangays because of the achieved criteria; (1) there are couples residing in that particular barangay and (2) the residents do not possess a title of ownership. Attorney Laserna Jr. (2008) stated that informal settlers do not have a title as their legal basis for occupying that specific land.

Sampling Technique The participants were selected through a quota sampling method. Quota sampling method is where researchers take a sample from a population that has the qualities of what the researchers need in order to meet their quota. For this study, the researchers needed to have 100 couples for the informal settlers and legal residents, a total of 200 participants; 100 female and 100 male; the researchers continued the sampling until they met their quota of 100couples. When they got 100 females and 95 males, they still continued the sampling in participants that didn’t meet the quota. Upon the quota completion, then that is the time they need to stop sampling. This sampling method is a


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE type of a non-probability sampling technique. A non-probability sampling is a technique wherein an individual doesnot give an equal chance to be selected. (Explorable, 2009) The researchers came up with this method because the chosen representatives for the variable in the study were selected based on the researcher’s knowledge about them. In addition to this, the judgmental sampling was the best sampling technique to be used because of limited number of couples that possess the quality who were qualified on the given criteria. This was also the viable sampling technique used to obtain specific information that we need from the specific population wherein the couples are involved (Explorable, 2009). The researchers have chosen participants who were qualified for the need of the study. The criteria for selection includes the address of the participants that they (1) must be living in Cavite and Manila (2) legally married or not, (3) with or without children, (4) employed/self-employed or not and (5) illiterate or undergraduate or no read no write as long as they live together in the same house.

Data Gathering Procedures The researchers identified if the chosen area has enough participants that fits to the criteria. Then the researchers approached available and possible individuals at their respected homes to conduct a research and include them as a sample. All the participants have a free will to decide if they are willing to be included in the study. The purpose of the study was explained to the participants before the administration of instruments. Both couples had separate test. After the administration, they


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE wereguided as they start to answer the test. The instruments were retrieved when the participants were done. The data was then statistically analyzed.

Research Instrument The main tool that was used in this study was a researcher-made instrument. The questionnaire was entitled as “Sex Drive Scale”, it has two parts, and the first part contained a checklist of their details to determine their socio-demographic profile. The second part was composed of 35 items that measured the Sex Drive level of Couples. The test followed a comparative scoring model in a 4-point frequency scale. The following are the interpretation for the frequencies; “Hindi” shows that the participant never encountered the stated situation,“Minsan” shows that the couple was doing the situation sometimes,“Madalas” shows that the couple was doing the stated situation often and “Oo” shows that the participant was always doing the stated situation. Table 1. Scale for Level of Sex Drive Level Score

Level of Sex Drive

1.00 – 1.75

Very Low Sex Drive Level

1.76 – 2.50

Low Sex Drive Level

2.56 – 3.25

High Sex Drive Level

3.26 – 4.00

Very High Sex Drive Level

The figure above shows the scale that determines the sex drive level of the participants. In scoring and interpretating the sex drive level of the participants, mean interval scale was used. It is an ordinal scale that will measure the sex drive level of the


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE participants. This help answered problems number one and two. The following scales were determined as: Those who fall in the category Very Low Sex Drive Level, are those couples wholack desire or interest in sex. This involves thinking about sex less often, getting less pleasure out of sex, and wanting to engage in sexual activity less frequently. Those who fall in the category Low Sex Drive Level, are those couples that for them engaging or not in sexual intercourse would not affect their relationships with their partners. They would not feel deprived nor overwhelmed if they are not able to engage in sex or if they have done it a lot of time. Those who fall in High Sex Drive Level, means they have an intense urge to engage in sexual intercourse and it gives them satisfaction. They would want to do it almost every day and they would get frustrated if they are not able to do it. Lastly, those who fall in the Very High Sex Drive Level category, interprets that they have an intense urge to have sex but sexual activity may or may not bring pleasure. They are having a hard time controlling their sexual urge. They are using sex as their way to escape from feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness and stress. To determine the reliability of the instrument, researchers conducted pilot testing with ten random Filipino couples that have status that was almost the same with the real participants of the study. Participants of the pilot testing have their freedom to ignore the test. After the pilot testing was conducted the researchers collected the test and run the result in one of the statistical software called SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science). Using the Cronbach’s alpha, the researchers can consider their


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE instruments reliable if the result of Cronbach’s alpha is more than .07. The results of the test will remain confidential. To determine if the instrument was valid, researchers had validators who examined the entire instrument and tell the researchers if some of the items needs revision. Validators also have the will to reject unnecessary items. After all the revisions the validator signed a validation certificate thatshowed that the instrument is valid.

Data Analysis The first part of test identified the socio-demographic profile of the participants. This includes their age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, employment status and monthly income range. For the second part of the test, the data that was gathered and interpreted using weighted mean scale. To get the weighted mean, compute for the sum of each response with the designated value of the response, then divide it to the total number of items; one (1) for “Hindi”, Two(2) for “Minsan”, Three (3) for “Madalas” and Four (4) for “Lagi”. The multiplied score was divided by the number of items answered in the instrument. After getting the weighted mean for each of the participants, the mean was computed to have the arithmetic average score for each of the groups.

Statistical Treatment The researchers used the following statistical tools for the interpretation of the data that was gathered.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Descriptive statistical tools such as Frequency and Percentage, were used for statement of the problem numbers one to three. Frequency refers to the number of participants with the same response in each factors, while percentage refers to the rate of frequencies in hundreds over all the respondents of the two groups. The Mean or Arithmetic Average was also used for statement of the problem number two to five. Mean refers to the central tendency of the collected data for each couples. Next is Pearson r, which was used for statement of the problem number 4. It particularly analyzed the relationship between age and sex drive of the Filipino couples, since age has a numerical data. Chi Square test was also used for statement of the problem number four, which determines the dependency of sex, civil status, educational attainment, employment status and monthly income range to the sex drive level of Filipino couples. Lastly, the Independent Z-test was used for the statement of the problem number five. It was used to measure the difference between the measured mean of the two independent groups that is more than 30 respondents.




This chapter aims to present the data and necessary information gathered from the test questionnaires conducted among the 200 Filipino couples in Cavite and Manila, coming from those who are residing in a legal residence and in a slum area. The identified problems stated in Chapter 1 were answered and the results were interpreted and analyzed. Problem 1. The socio-demographic profile of the legal residents and informal settlers according to their age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, employment status, monthly household income status.

Table 2. Socio-demographic profile of legal resident couples: age, civil status and educational attainment. PROFILE MALE FEMALE TOTAL % f % f % Age 34 17 40 20 37 26 to 35 3 1.5 3 1.5 3 56 to 65 Civil Status Married 67 67 67 67 67 Live in 33 33 33 33 33 Educational Attainment College 70 35 69 34.5 69.5 Elementary 2 1 1 0.5 1.5

Table above shows the socio-demographic profile of respondents from legal residents according to their age, sex, educational attainment. Most of the participants are 26 to 35 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE years old (37%), 34 out of 100 were male and 40 out of 100 were female. The least 3% of them ranges from age 56 to 65 years old. Based on the process of collecting respondents, most of the elders avoided to be included in the study due to some reasons, such as they can hardly read or write, they are widows or widowers, they thought of the study to be too intimate, etc.. Filipinos are known to be conservative people; nowadays, most are the elders. Possibly because today’s generation are changing due to the influence of other cultures (Gonzales, 2015). In their civil status, most of the participants were married (67%). Their marriage may be done with a civil wedding, a religious ceremony, or both. 33% of them are cohabitated. According to other studies, some couples prefer to be in a live-in relationship first before marriage, because it helps them to get to know each other more (Alves, 2015). Most of the participants underwent college (67.5%), they may be postgraduates or undergraduates. There were 70 males and 69 female participants. The least were elementary undergraduates or postgraduates, with 1.5% of the respondents.

Table 3. Socio-demographic profile of legal residents: employment status and monthly income. PROFILE


Employment Status Employed Has Business None Monthly Income Status ₱6,001.00 - ₱15,000.00 ₱100,001.00 - higher







74 19 7

37 9.5 3.5

50 28 22

25 14 11

62 23.5 14.5

44 2

22 1

36 2

18 1

80 2


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE The table 3 presents the employment status and monthly income of legal resident couples. In employment status, 62% of the respondents are employed. 23.5% of the participants owns or manages a business, while 14.5% are unemployed; some of them were students, especially those who are in a live in relationship. Most of the respondents went college, which means they can easily get better jobs than just being a high school graduate. There are more female unemployed participants than male, arguably because males are far more responsible enough to sustain the family’s needs. For their income, most of the participants earns ₱6,001.00 to ₱15,000.00 monthly, most of them were men (22%), technically because most of them are employed. Least of the respondents earns ₱100,001.00 and above (2%). Their monthly income can be based on the kind of job or business of the individual.

Table 4. Socio-demographic profile of informal settler couples PROFILE MALE f % Age 26 to 35 43 21.5 56 to 65 2 1 Civil Status Married 37 37 Live in 63 63 Educational Attainment High School 51 25.5 None 12 6 Employment Status Employed 49 24.5 Has Business 23 11.5 None 28 14 Monthly Income Status ₱0.00 - ₱6,000.00 97 48.5 ₱6,001.00 - ₱15,000.00 3 1.5



33 3

16.5 1.5

38 2.5

37 63

37 63

37 63

47 15

23.5 7.5

49 13.5

25 29 46

12.5 14.5 23

37 26 37

97 3

48.5 1.5

97 3


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Table 4 shows the informal settler couples’ socio-demographic profile. Most of the respondents are from ages 26 to 35 years old, representing a 38% of the respondents. According to Haller (2012), age of 25 years old and above is apparently the right age for couples to start getting married from the journal of social and personal relationship. Moreover, most people prefer to be married or cohabited at the age of late 20s (Narins, 2014). For their civil status, they are classified whether the participants are married or in a live in relationship. The data shows that most of the informal settler couple respondents are in a live in relationship; 63% are cohabited, while only 37 were married. Most of the couples in the slum areas does not have enough money to get married in church or in civil. It is more important to them to sustain their everyday needs. The respondents’ educational attainment was classified whether they reached elementary, high school or college. In the data gathered, none of them reached or graduated from college. Most of them were only high school graduates representing of 49%. There were also some respondents who did not receive any education, representing 13.5%. The respondents’ employment status were classified whether the respondents are employed, has a business or unemployed. 37% respondents were employed, 26% respondents has a business and 37% respondents were unemployed. Since most of them only reached or finished high school, they have a least chance to get a good job and have a high salary. There is a high percentage of couples that is employed but their salary is not that good to sustain their family. Poverty cause weakness in employment generation


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE and the quality of jobs generated. Poverty also is the cause why most of the couples are not able to go in college (Asian Development Bank, 2009). For the respondents’ monthly income status, 97% of respondents has a monthly income that ranges from ₱0.00 - ₱6,000.00, while only 3% respondents has a monthly income of ₱6,001.00 - ₱15,000.00.

Problem 2. The sex drive level of legal resident couples. Table 5. Sex Drive level of Legal Resident Filipino Couples WEIGHTED MEAN



1.00 – 1.75



Very Low Sex Drive Level

1.76 – 2.50



Low Sex Drive Level

2.51– 3.25



High Sex Drive Level

3.26 – 4.00



Very High Sex Drive Level

Scale: Weighted Mean 1.00 – 1.75 1.76 – 2.50 2.51 – 3.25 3.26 – 4.00

Response Hindi Minsan Madalas Lagi

Verbal Interpretation Very Low Sex Drive Level Low Sex Drive Level High Sex Drive Level Very High Sex Drive Level

Table 5 shows the number of respondents from legal residents and their averaged results of the sex drive scale. Most legal resident couples has a low sex drive level, representing of 64 out of 100 couples (32.2%). Next are the 33 participants who has very low sex drive level (16.5%). The least of them were interpreted to have a high sex drive level (f=3, 1.5%). COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 44

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE In Chapter 3, each category of sex drive level is defined and interpreted which is fully analyzed by the researchers based on literatures. The table above shows that most of the legal residents has low sex drive, which interprets that they don’t put too much pressure in their relationship when they are not being sexually engaged most of the time. Being intimate or not does not affect their bond as a couple, either married or cohabited. This situation happens, usually because of work. Work lessens the time a person can have for personal pampering and relationship bonding with their loved ones. It is also the cause of stress, which can decrease an individuals’ libido (Fullerton et al, 2014). Problem 3. The sex drive level of the informal settlers. Table 6. Sex Drive level of Informal Settler Filipino Couples WEIGHTED MEAN



1.00 – 1.75



Very Low Sex Drive Level

1.76 – 2.50



Low Sex Drive Level

2.51 – 3.25



High Sex Drive Level

3.26 – 4.00



Very High Sex Drive Level

Scale: Weighted Mean 1.00 – 1.75 1.76 – 2.50 2.56 – 3.25 3.26 – 4.00

Response Hindi Minsan Madalas Lagi

Verbal Interpretation Very Low Sex Drive Level Low Sex Drive Level High Sex Drive Level Very High Sex Drive Level

Table 6 shows that the most informal settlers (38.2%) have low sex drive level. There were only 4.0% of the 200 couples who have high sex drive level.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Comparing it to the data from legal residents, both groups have low sex drive level, but more from informal settlers. There were 16.5% legal residents who have very low sex drive while only 8% from informal settlers. Also, 4% from the slum area has high sex drive while only 1.5% of those who are living in a legal residential land.

Problems 4. The significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile and sex drive level of informal settlers and legal residents. Table 7. Significant relationship between age and sex drive level STATISTICAL PROFILE P-value R-Value TREATMENT Age Pearson R .000 -.298**

REMARKS Significant

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

Table 7 shows the statistical treatments used for age, and its significance to the sex drive level of the Filipino couples. Age, which has a significant value of .000, interprets that age is dependent to sex drive. Also, it shows the Pearson Correlation value of .298**, which statistically means that the variables are inversely correlated – when age increases, sex drive decreases, and vice versa. Some say that when a couple are young, their sexual intercourse is active because they both have the capacity to do those activity, and most studies suggest that sex drive decreases gradually as individual age.Production of sex hormones are diminishing, and some organs that produces hormones does not process the same way as it process in their younger years and this can cause stress for couples who seeks pleasure (Nippoldt, 2015).


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Table 8. Significant relationship between socio-demographic profile and sex drive level STATISTICAL PROFILE P REMARKS TREATMENT Sex Chi Square .683 Not Significant Civil Status Educational Attainment Employment status

Chi Square



Chi Square



Chi Square



Monthly Income

Chi Square



* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

Table 8 shows the statistical treatments used for each profile, and its significance to the sex drive level of the Filipino couples. Production of sex hormones are diminishing, and some organs that produces hormones does not process the same way as it process in their younger years and this can cause stressfor couples who seeks pleasure (Nippoldt, 2015). The civil status, representing a significant value of 0.003 which interprets that it is dependent to an individuals’ sex drive. This factor is dependent to sex drive because some individual still gives a big respect with their culture that having sex is for those who are married only, but during these modern days, most people do not give much priority with their label as a couple. Unlike the old days, where it is not morally accepted if a couple engage in sexual intimacy before marriage. Nowadays, many couples prefer to be cohabited rather than be married because they do not have enough money and some of them do not want to have commitments and not yet ready to have a stable life (Alves, 2015). Being married means that they are legally allowed to have intercourse because they both have their vows but whatever situation they are, whether they are married or live-in partners, they both have their pros and cons that can build issues between their


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE relationships. Having relationship issues with their partners can be a major factor of low sexual drive (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Next is the educational attainment, representing a .014 significant value, which explains that it is dependent to sex drive. Education has a great impact on a person’s perception to things and one of these is an individual’s mind set about sex. Romeo Recide of PSA stated in 2014 that 40% of young adult women who has attained only elementary education had their first sexual intercourse before the age of 18, while only 7% of those with college education. Although engaging in sexual intercourse is not a way of measuring sex drive, sexual intercourse can actually increase an individual’s sexual drive (Robinson, 2013). Employment status and monthly income which is also dependent to sex drive, representing a .012 and .001 significant value, respectively. Both are dependent to a person’s sex drive. According to Seliger (2007), work consumes their time and the time for their bonding lessens, which can cause relationship issues. These factors causes stress to a couple and stress can be a cause of low sex drive level of an individual. According to Castellanos (2015), low level of sex drive is caused by having job changes or loss, depression, stress and financial worries. Relationship issues like resentment, anger and general dissatisfaction also contributes to the decrease of level of sex drive. Lastly, sex which is interpreted to be independent to sex drive, representing a significant value of .683. Sex does not affect sex drive of individuals because everyone has this thing we called pleasure. A lot of studies have been done to compare the sex drive of males and females, and results are always men has stronger libido than women.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE In contrary, Hugo Schwyzer (2013), a Gender studies professor in Pasadena City College, talked about Daniel Bergner’s “What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire”, where it pointed out that women have the same strength of libido as men. The reason why most studies stated that men are more sexually driven is because they are more straightforward with what they feel and desire. For women, their mind processes with the influence of social and cultural factors. Women tend to conform to what is known or traditional gender role of women. In 2014, Esther Perel said that men naturally have the sexual desire and can initiate sex when they are already turned on, while women usually depends on what she feels about their relationship. A lot of study was done to measure the sex drive of male and female but most of the studies gives a result that male really has the higher sex drive than female. According to Robbie Gonzales (2013),in measuring the libido of each individual one factor is not enough. A researcher needs a lot of studies for them to have a better result about the measures of sex drive between male and female.

Problem 5. The significant difference between the sex drive level of informal settlers and legal residents. Table 9. Mean distribution of the sex drive level of the participants and the significant difference between legal residents and informal settlers. FILIPINO COUPLES



Legal Residents



Informal Settlers



P value




* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.



Table 9 shows the mean, standard deviation and significant value for both legal residents and informal settler. The legal residents has an X =1.87, SD =.267, while the informal settlers has an X =2.10, SD =.280. The measured mean between the two groups (p =.000* < alpha level) results indicates that there are significant difference between the sex drive level of legal residents and informal settlers. The data of the informal settlers shows that they have higher sex drive level than those who were in the legal resident. This could be a proof that some of the socio-demographic factors alters the sex drive level of a person. Comparing the lifestyle of the legal residents, mostly uneducated or illiterate; most of them are not knowledgeable to such things as family planning.According to a study conducted by Robinson in 2013, people who have poor households could lead to less education, and less education could mean they have less knowledge about sex. In his report, he has mentioned that over 40% of young adult women with elementary education had their first sexual intercourse before age 18, while only 7% to those with college education. Although engaging in sexual intercourse is not a way of measuring sex drive, sexual intercourse can actually increase an individual’s sexual drive. Most people who are in the legal resident are more conscious and is familiar about family planning. According to a study by Fullerton et al in 2014, the higher the economic status, the lesser children a family has. While those who are in the slum area may not be able to afford or engage to any family planning program that could be the reason why they just continue on having unprotected intercourse.Poverty also lessens the chance of their kids to have good health, proper education, and morality (Sasota, 2010). COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 50

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE Since the legal resident couples and the informal settler couples are different in lifestyle, this could be an additional factor on the determinants of the factors that affect sex drive level. If a person is exposed to alcoholic drinks, illegal usage of drugs, and is unemployed but married or in a live in relationship, there is a high possibility of them to engage into unprotected sex due to loss senses because of too much alcohol and drugs, which could affect an individual’s sex drive by increasing it or decreasing it (Health Promotion Agency, 2015) and since most informal settlers are unemployed, they might do nothing but to engage into this type of intercourse.




This chapter presents the summary of the study, which gives brief explanation of the nature of the study, the conclusion, and the researchers’ recommendations. Summary The study entitled Socio-demographic Profile and Sex Drive Level of Filipino Couples: A Comparative Study between Informal Settlers and Legal Residents, aims to determine if the socio-demographic profile is independent on the sex drive level of the Filipino couples. The research design used in this study is descriptive-causal comparative research. This study sought to answer the following: (1) what are the socio-demographic profiles of the participants, (2) the level of the sex drive of the legal residents and (3) informal settlers and (4) if there is a significant relationship and (5) difference between the sex drive level of the informal settlers and legal residents. The null hypothesis was used in this study. Quota sampling was used for this research. The study has 400 respondents, 100 couples each for both informal settlers and legal residents who resides in Manila and Cavite. Most of the participants of the study are from the age bracket of 26-35 years old. There are 67 legal resident married couples and 33 of them are live-in partners. While for the informal settlers there are 37 married couples and 63 live-in partners. Most of the respondents from the legal residents are degree holders and for the informal settlers, 47% COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE of them were able to achieve high school level. Most of the participants from both informal and legal residents are employed. The informal settlers have shown a monthly income status of ₱0.00 - ₱6,000.00 while most of the participants from the legal residents has a monthly income of ₱6,001.00 - ₱15,000.00. 32.2% of the legal residents has a low sex drive level and only 1.5% of them has high sex drive level. Couples from the informal settlers has shown a higher percentage rate of couples who has low sex drive level however, 4.0% of them has high sex drive level which is higher than those of couples from the legal residents. Based on the results, the Filipino’s age, civil status, educational attainment, employment status and monthly income status are dependent on their sex drive. Several findings have shown that these factors really have an effect on the sex drive level of a person. Gender, on the other hand, is independent to the sex drive level of the Filipino couples, which is also arguable due to different analysis of studies regarding this topic. The results also shows that there is a difference between the sex drive level of legal residents and informal settlers. The researchers found out that these said factors really have an effect on the sex drive level of a couple. Books, dissertation, journals, foreign and local studies and online articles were used by the researcher to gather needed information and references.

Conclusion After a careful analysis on the responses of the participants, conclusions have been formulated based on the findings of the study. The researchers concluded that age, civil


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE status, educational attainment and employment status are dependent while gender is independent to the sex drive level of Filipino Couples. One reason why gender is independent to sex drive is because of the culture and beliefs of one another, which is not generally included in this study. Not all women thinks or behaves the same way, such as men does. Filipino culture shaped minds on how individuals think towards males and females. However, Filipinos are also beginning to be shaped by other social influences by other countries and cultures, which somehow affects their perception about sex. The researchers also do conclude that there is a significant difference between the sex drive level of those couples who are residing in a legal residence area and those who resides in a slum area. Different lifestyle and environment really affects a person’s thoughts and behaviour, as they become to conform and be influenced of what is surrounding them every day.

Recommendation Based on the conclusions and findings, the following recommendations are offered; 1. Better family planning education must be taught to couples especially to those who are not really exposed to it so that they can engage to sexual activities in a healthy way and the possibility of unwanted pregnancy would be prevented. 2. Sex and reproductive health education to youth. Since they are already exposed to risky and complicated environment of high technologies, might as well guide them properly by educating them earlier before or during they hit puberty.


LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE 3. Government agencies who are in charge in the educational sector should add more alternative education for those who cannot afford to send themselves or their children to school. 4. Many studies stated that informal settlers cause several problems. There were problems that are already discovered, but some of them were not yet addressed. The government agencies who are in charge in the discussed problems should give more attention to this. 5. Based on the experience of collecting literatures and other studies, there were no enough Filipino literatures about this kind of topic, which means that it is not given enough attention. These topics should be more studied and explored, because this could help a lot of problems.


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