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11 Compensation: Methods and Policies

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Human Resource Management, 10/e

© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Objectives Understand

how individual pay is determined. Define variable pay and discuss the various incentive programs that can be used in such a system. Explain why merit pay may cause employees to compete rather than cooperate. Recognize the significant changes in these innovations and learn to differentiate among them: skill-based, knowledge-based, credential-based, feedback, and competency-based pay. Describe issues such as secrecy, security and compression


Introduction A

compensation system should be: Secure Balanced Cost-effective Acceptable to employees


aspects of acceptability will be discussed: Whether pay should be secret Communication to achieve acceptability Employee participation in pay decision making


Determination of Individual Pay To

determine individual pay: Management must answer these questions: How should one employee be paid relative to another when they both hold the same job in the organization? Should we pay all employees doing the same work at the same level the same? If not, on what basis should distinctions be made? Seniority, merit, or some other basis?


Determination of Individual Pay Most

employers pay different rates to employees performing the same job based on: Individual differences in experience, skills, and performance Expectations that seniority, higher performance, or both deserve higher pay


Determination of Individual Pay Reasons

to pay different rates for the same job: Employees performing the same job make substantially different contributions to goals A changed emphasis on important job roles, skills, knowledge, and so on Emphasizes the norms of enterprise without having employees change jobs (promotion) Without differentials, the pay system violates the internal equity norms of most employees  Recognizes market changes between jobs in the same grade without overhauling the whole system


Methods of Payment Employees

can be paid for: The time they work The output they produce Skills Knowledge Competencies A combination of these factors


Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation Global

competition and economic restructuring are requiring businesses to become more productive Reliance on outdated pay systems is holding American businesses back


pay systems do not effectively link pay to performance or productivity Managers are increasingly using variable pay plans


Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation


pay is any compensation plan that: Emphasizes a shared focus on organizational success Opens incentives to nontraditional groups Operates outside the base pay increase system


in the calculations of variable pay are: Individual incentive awards Individual recognition awards Group and team awards Scheduled lump-sum awards


Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation


implement successful variable pay systems, companies must based their plans on: Clear goals Unambiguous measurements Visible linkage to employees' efforts


design factors include: Support by management Acceptance by employees Supportive organizational culture Timing


Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation


variable pay, a percentage of an employee's paycheck is at risk If business goals aren't met, the pay rate will not rise above the base salary Annual raises are not guaranteed The individual earns all or part of the bonus by meeting objectives Pay returns to the base level the next year and the employee must again compete for the variable reward


Variable Pay: Incentive Compensation


compensation includes: Base pay Variable pay Indirect pay


pay helps manage labor costs, but does not guarantee equitable treatment of employees Financial insecurity is built into the system As a result, productivity may actually decline


employees on the basis of output is usually referred to as an incentive


Merit Incentives


most widely used plan for managing individual performance is merit pay A reward based on how well a job was done


merit pay results in a higher base salary after the annual performance evaluation Merit increases are usually spread evenly throughout the subsequent year


to 90 percent of firms offer merit raises, but little research has examined merit pay or its effects


Merit Incentives


claim merit pay is the most valid type of pay increase Awards are directly linked to performance Rewarding the best performers with the largest pay is claimed to be a powerful motivator


premise has two flawed assumptions: Competence and incompetence are distributed in roughly the same percentages in a work group Every supervisor is a competent evaluator


Merit Incentives


merit pay systems fail due of three problems: Employees fail to make the connection between pay and performance The secrecy of the reward is perceived as inequity The size of the award has little effect on performance


plans can work where: The job is well designed The performance criteria are well delineated and assessable


Merit Incentives


pay systems depend on a reward to produce an effect A promise of increased salary in exchange for a promise to perform satisfactory future work Many existing merit plans are not clearly linked to an individual's performance, so merit increases are not always viewed as meaningful


pay focuses on the individual It is more likely to cause employees to compete with each other than to collaborate or share resources


Individual Incentives


oldest form of compensation is the individual incentive plan The employee is paid for units produced


incentive plan takes several forms: Piecework Production bonuses Commissions


Individual Incentives


incentive plans are likely to be effective if: The task is liked The task is not boring The supervisor reinforces and supports the system The plan is acceptable to employees and managers The incentive is financially sufficient to induce increased output Quality of work is not especially important Most work delays are under the employees' control


Team Incentives


incentives can be paid to teams of

individuals Team incentive plans can reduce administrative costs Reasons

to choose a team incentive plan It is difficult to measure individual output Cooperation is needed to complete a task or project Management thinks this is a more appropriate measure on which to base incentives


Team Incentives


Japanese use team incentives to foster group cohesiveness and reduce jealousy In the United States, there may be a clash between societal norms and group incentive systems


small-group incentives to be effective, management must: Define its objectives Analyze the situation Select the most appropriate group incentive


Problems with Incentives


individual and group incentive systems, competition can result in: Withholding information or resources Political gamesmanship Not helping others Sabotaging the work of others


minimize these problems, some organizations are using organization-wide incentive plans


Organization-wide Incentives


incentives are more common than individual or group incentives Payments are usually based on one of two performance concepts: Sharing profits generated by the efforts of all employees altogether Sharing money saved as a result of employees' efforts to reduce costs


Organizationwide Incentives


approaches to incentive plans are used at the organizationwide level: Suggestion systems Company group incentive plans (gain-sharing) Profit sharing


Suggestion Systems


formal method of obtaining employee advice about organizational effectiveness It includes some kind of reward based on the successful application of the idea The key to success is employee involvement These programs are quite cost-effective


systems can: Improve employee relations Foster high-quality products Reduce costs Increase revenue

Suggestion systems are often administered by the HR department


Suggestion Systems


successful suggestion system includes: Management commitment Clear goals Designated administrator Structured award system Regular publicity Immediate response to each suggestion


Gainsharing Incentive Plans


plans are company-wide group incentive plans that use a financial formula to: Distribute organization-wide gains, and Unite diverse organizational elements in the common pursuit of improved organizational effectiveness


cash bonuses, these systems share the benefits of: Improved productivity Reduced costs Improved quality


Gain-sharing Incentive Plans


incentive systems are exceptionally effective in enhancing teamwork in: Manufacturing organizations Service organizations


used gain-sharing plans: Lincoln Electric Scanlon Rucker ImproShare


Profit-Sharing Plans


plans distribute a fixed percentage of total profit to employees in cash or deferred bonuses Profit sharing is not dominant in other industrialized countries


plans are typically found in three

combinations: Cash or current distribution plans Deferred plans A combination of both 80% of the companies using profit sharing use the deferred option


People-Based Pay


bureaucratic job-based method of determining pay will not be used in the future The new designs will be people-based


of people-based pay: Skill-based Knowledge-based Credential-based Feedback Competency-based


Skill-Based Pay


pay sets pay levels on the basis of: How many skills employees have, or How many jobs they can do


positive outcomes include: Increased quality Higher productivity A more flexible workforce Improved morale Decreased absenteeism and turnover

When a new skill is added to an existing job, the employee earns a pay increase by mastering it


Skill-Based Pay


for defining individual skills: Direct observation Testing Measurable results


Knowledge-based Pay


pay rewards employees for acquiring additional knowledge Applies to both the current and new job Stretches the skill-based model to professionals, managers, and some technical personnel


study compared two manufacturing plants One used the job-centered pay design; the other a knowledge-based design After 10 months, the pay-for-knowledge facility had higher quality, lower absenteeism, fewer accidents The traditional plant had higher productivity


Credential-based Pay


pay rests on the fact that an individual must have: A diploma or license, or Pass one or more examinations from a third-party professional or regulatory agency


pay is more cut-and-dried than skill-based or knowledge-based pay


Feedback Pay


pay is based on: Aligning pay with strategic business objectives Establishing a direct connection between the jobholder and his/her part in accomplishing goals


design must conform to four principles: Flows directly from strategic business goals Directly links employees' actions to these goals Provides sufficient opportunity for rewards to hold employees' attention Is timely


Issues in Compensation Administration


must make policy decisions that involve the extent to which: Compensation will be secret Compensation will be secure Pay is compressed


Pay Secrecy or Openness


are degrees of pay secretiveness and openness In many organizations, pay ranges and individual pay are open to the public and fellow employees (open system)


the secret system, pay is known only to the employee, her/his superior, and HRM/payroll In some organizations, employees cannot discuss pay matters and, specifically, their own pay


Pay Secrecy or Openness


up a system has costs and benefits To reduce the manipulative aura surrounding pay, a company must share pay information with employees As firms post job openings, information on pay becomes a critical decision


deciding on secrecy or openness: Determine what employees want to know about pay Decide if the information will harm or help the firm Weigh performance, interdependence, and causal relationships


Pay Security


compensation can motivate performance So can the belief that there will be future compensation security



for providing this security include:

guaranteed annual wage Supplementary unemployment benefits Cost of living allowances (COLAs) Severance pay Seniority rules Employment contracts


Pay Compression


when employees perceive too narrow a difference between their pay and that of colleagues There is a narrowing gap between senior and junior employees and between supervisors and subordinates Differentials of 10 percent or less are not unusual Junior employees are sometimes brought in at salaries greater than those of their superiors The resulting low morale can lead to decreasing productivity, higher absenteeism, and turnover To identify pay compression, compare salaries and incumbents' years of experience with the company


Pay Compression


for pay compression include: Reexamining how many entry-level people are needed Reassessing recruitment Emphasizing performance instead of salary-grade assignment Basing all salaries on longevity Giving first-line supervisors and other managers the authority to recommend equity adjustments Limiting the number of new hires with excessive salaries

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