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  • Pages: 6

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty Of Foreign Languages Department ADAMSON UNIVERSITY Manila

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for ENGLISH COMMUNICATION II

Aggabao, Roby Jean Cambaling, Allen Marie Cruz, Mary Joy Echon, Christine Rae Gahol, Dinkie Apherdie Heñiga, Gemma Hornilla, Joy Ann Lawan, Yvette Dominique Medalla, Michelle Ann Tejano, Jennifer

October 2007

Chapter I: Introduction I. Background of the Study Dengue is a tropical disease caused by different strains of dengue virus transmitted to the body of the host with the use of the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes. They are characterized by low flying, day biting, parallel landing and tiger or striped mosquitoes and which breeds in clean stagnant water. This disease greatly affects the circulatory system on the blood (Tuesca,2005). Once a person was infected, his incubation period is uncertain (approximately 6-7 days). Initial symptoms are seen to infective persons like febrile or high fever in the first 4 days, abdominal pain and headache and later flushing followed by vomiting, conjunctival infection, nose bleeding or epistaxis, appearance of flat red blanchable rash, increased sensitivity of skin and patient is very uncomfortable. Dengue is endemic throughout the tropical and subtropical countries. Outbreaks have occurred in Caribbean, including Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands since 1969. Cases are imported from tourists returning from the country of Tahiti. The virus brought by this disease was identified in 1940 and concerned with fishing in Pacific and Asia (Tuesca, 2005). According to Sec. Francisco T. Duque III (2006), Secretary of the Department of Health, hemorrhagic fever became a notifiable disease in the country and was later reclassified as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The occurrence is sporadic throughout the year. Epidemic usually occurs during rainy seasons. All persons are susceptible. Both sexes are equally affected. Age groups predominantly affected are the preschool and school age. Adults and infants are not exempted. Peak age affected 5-9 years.

As stated by Duque (2006), Philippines is a tropical country that is very prone to dengue incidence. Based on the yearly occurrence of dengue incidence recorded by DOH, places such as Caloocan, Mandaluyong, Navotas and Valenzuela (a.k.a. CaMaNaVa) usually have dengue outbreak approximately every month of July. DOH does their part by providing policies & preventive measures and programs against dengue incidence but the problem is that, do people really do their part to fully implement programs by the said department?

II. Statement of the Problem This study intends to determine and evaluate the preventive measures in decreasing dengue incidence applied by the parents especially the mothers in a particular community. Specifically then, thus study seeks to answer the following sub-problems. 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 age 1.2 educational attainment 1.3 number of dependents 1.4 occupation 2. How do mothers manage their environment? 2.1 cleanliness of the house 2.2 cleanliness of the surroundings 2.3 storage of water for household use 3. What is the perception of mothers about dengue control? 4. How does it affect each individual in the community? 5. What specific measures do mothers practice?

III. Significance of the Study This research is essential to the following: 1. People living in the community will find this study helpful to their health because it gives them ideas on how to prevent dengue incidence. 2.

Children living in that particular community will find this study important because it gives them guidelines on how to avoid and protect themselves from dengue in the community.

3. Parents will find this study necessary because it gives them knowledge on how to protect their children and even themselves from harmful bites of mosquitoes causing the incidence of dengue. 4. Barangay officials will find this study informative because it helps their community it broaden their knowledge on how to prevent dengue incidence. 5. The community designated clinic/s will find this study relevant because it also promotes and encourages this particular community to actively participate on the prevention of dengue incidence through health standards.

IV. Scope and Delimitation This study focused both on the families who have experienced dengue and who have not experienced it yet. This was limited to the preventive measures in decreasing dengue incidence. The researchers would evaluate how mothers manage their environment in terms of cleanliness. This would also determine their perception about dengue, its incidence, and its prevention. The respondents were 21-40 years old mothers residing in Leveriza Malate, Manila.

Chapter III. Methodology This chapter presents the sample and sampling method used the instrumentation and survey method conducted, and the detailed steps to obtain the necessary information about the measures applied by mothers in preventing dengue. Sampling Method This study used the cluster method that is respondents were residents of Leveriza, Malate, Manila. This study also used sample of convenience, that is only 30 respondents were included and who met the criteria for sample inclusion. Criteria for Sample Inclusion • • • •

The 30 respondents included in this study met the following requirements: a mother 21-45 year-old a resident of Leveriza, Malate, Manila has either a preschool kid or a primary grader

Instrumentation This study designed a questionnaire on the preventive measures mothers commonly practice to decrease dengue incidence in their family, particularly to their kids. The questionnaire was composed of two parts: I – Profile of Respondents, II – Management of Environment. The items were rated using the scale: 1 – very great extent 2 – great extent 3 – least extent 4 – not at all This scale measured the extent of the practice or management to decrease dengue where 1 (one) has the greatest extent and 4 (four) has none at all. The responses were mainly based on the mother’s perception, experience, and observations about dengue. Procedures 1. The researchers went to the community, particularly at Leveriza, Malate, Manila to observe the condition of the residents, their environment, and their daily living. 2. The researchers established that in Leveriza, Malate dengue incidence is possible because of the following factors observed in their community like: dirty surroundings, crowded (like squatter’s area), most of the residents saved

3. 4. 5. 6.

their water in tumblers, and some of the residents hang their clothes at a very limited area. With this observation, the researchers designed a questionnaire which determined the mothers’ practices to prevent dengue. The researchers prepared and distributed the questionnaires to 30 mothers who met the criteria for sample inclusion. The survey was conducted for one day which included the distribution, administration, and retrieval of the questionnaires. Responses were tabulated, the mean scores were computed, and were interpreted to determine the relationship of the variables or factors involved in the study.

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