Chapter No. 5 - Vectors

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Chapter - 5 VECTORS Fill in the blanks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20.

To represent a vector a straight line is drawn with an arrow head at _________ A vector whose magnitude is equal to another vector but in the opposite direction is called a _____ When two equal and ____ vectors are added their resultant vector has zero magnitude The direction of the resultant vector is from the tail of the first vector towards the head of the _____ If a vector is multiplied by a positive number the magnitude of the vector changes whereas its _______ remains the same If the vector is multiplied by a negative number then the ____ of the vector will change along with the direction Trigonometry is that branch of mathematic which deals with the properties of a ____ angled triangle A 15N force is acting on a body along X axis its vertical component will be ____ Tan 45o = __________ A vector can be divided into two or ____ parts The components of vector, which are perpendicular to each other, are called ____ components. Weight is a _______ quantity Fy is called _________ component of a vector F The decomposition of a vector into its components is called _____ of vector Pressure is the perpendicular force on ____ area The value of the angle can be determined by using the ____ or trigonometric tables Energy is a ____ quantity The addition of two or more vectors can be represented by a ____ vector According to the Pythagoras theorem F2 = Fx2 + ______ In a plane the direction of a vector is represented with help of two mutually ______ lines

True /False items Classify the following statements into True/ False. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Time, volume, speed and mass are scalar quantities. Vectors are those quantities which can be described completely by a number and a unit. In books, vectors are usually written in small letters. In the same question, the same scale is taken for similar quantities to be represented. With the help of frame of reference, the representative line of the vector is drawn in its particular direction. If we have to subtract vector B from the vector A we can write it arithmetically as A-B = A+(B) If a vector A is multiplied by 2, then the new vector will have same magnitude as that of A. If the displacement of a body is 2cm and it is multiplied by –2 then the magnitude of the resultant will be 4 cm. Base = sine θ Hypotenuse The numerical values of trigonometrical ratios depends upon the magnitudes of the angles. Sine 600 = 0.866 A vector is represented by a straight line of a specific length having an arrow head. If two rectangular components are given then we can find the direction of the resultant vector by tan θ = F x /Fy

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

The momentum is a scalar quantity. The vectors may be added or subtracted by using the head to tail rule. The decomposition of a vector into its components is called resolution of a vector. Sin 450 = cos 450 Rectangular components are perpendicular to each other. The head of the line with arrow representing the vector quantity is called tail. The value of the angle θ can be determined by using trigonometric table.

Multiple Choice Items Note:- You are provided with five options in the following items, Select the most appropriate one 1. 2.

3. 4.


All Physical quantities may be classified into a. Scalars b. Vectors c. Scalar and vectors d. all the above e. none of the above A quantity requiring magnitude and direction to complete its meaning is known as a. volume b vector quantity c density d. speed e. scalar The value of sin 900 a 0.866 b 0.707 c 0.5 d 0 e 1.0 The rectangular components are taken in the directions of a x-axis b y-axis c z-axis d x and y-axis e. none of the above 5. Fy is equal to a Fsin ø b FcoSø c F Tan ø d Fcotø e. FSec ø A vector quantity is denoted by a a straight line with an arrow head at one end b Parallel line c straight line d straight and parallel line e none of the above 7. Two or more vectors are added graphically by a left hand rule b right hand rule c head to tail rule d left and right hand rule e none of the above 8. Which of following is vector quantity a time b length c speed d volume e displacement 9. The negative of a vector is vector whose magnitude is the same as that of the given vector but its direction is a. perpendicular b. opposite c. same d. perpendicular and opposite e. south 10 The ratio between perpendicular and base is called a sin ø b cos ø c tan ø d cot ø e sec ø 11. Which of the following is a scalar quantity a acceleration b velocity c weight d. force e mass 12. When rocket takes off the motion of the rocket and the burning gases are in the. a East direction b west direction c east and west direction d opposite direction e same direction 13. A man walks 4m from point A towards east and then 3m towards north what is his displacement from the point A? a 5m b 7m c 10m d 6m e 8m 14. If a vector A is multiplied by 3, then the resultant vector will have magnitude a twice b thrice c four times d five times e six times

Match each of the Items in Column A with an appropriate statement given in Column B ITEM NO-1 S. No Column A 1. Sin 300 2. Mass 3. Perpendicular hypotenuse 4. Trigonometric ratios 5. Acceleration ITEM NO-2 S. No Column A 1. Density 2. Bold letters 3. Opposite direction 4. Vector 5. cos 900 ITEM NO-3 S. No 1. Torque 2. Tangent θ 3. Pressure 4. 5.

Column A

Cosin θ Vector

ITEM NO-4 S. No Column A 1. Energy 2. Tan 450 3. Perpendicular force on unit area 4. Torque 5. Decomposition ITEM NO-5 S. No Column A 1. Head to tail rule 2. Trigonometrically ratios 3. Fx 4. Sound 5. Addition of two equal and opposite vector

Q. Labeling the diagram

Column B a) Sin θ b.) Right angle triangle c) Vector quantity d) 0.5 e) Scalar quantity f.) 1.0 Column B a) Negative vector b) Force c) 1 d) O e) Vectors f) Scalar Column B a) Electric current b) Scalar c) Base Hypotenuse d) Vector e) Perpendicular Base f) Perpendicular Hypotenuse Column B a) b) c) d) e) f) Column B a) x-component b) Scalar c) Zero magnitude d) Scientific calculators Vector f) 1

Fx =

____________________________ ______________________________



ANSWERS Fill in the blanks 1.One end 2.Negative vector 3.Opposite 4.Last vector 5.Direction 6.Magnitude 7.Right 8.Zero 9. 1.0 10.More 11.Rectangular 12.Vector 13.ycomponent 14.Resolution 15.Unit 16.Scientific Calculator 17.Scalar 18.Single 19.F2y 20.Perpendicular True/False 1.T 2.F 13.F 14.F 15.T














Multiple Choice Items 1.c 2.b 3.e 4.d 5.a


ITEM NO-1 1.d 2. e

3. a

4. b

5. c

ITEM NO-2 1.f 2.e




ITEM NO-3 1.d 2.e




ITEM NO-4 1.e 2.f




ITEM NO-5 1.e 2.d














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