Chapter 9

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 664
  • Pages: 2
Chapter 9 - What is Prophetic Anointing?

The prophetic ministry is an enlightened ministry. It is that which under the anointing is to bring things back to that position because it is true to divine principle. (T. Austin-Sparks). What is anointing, therefore, and to what degree do we respect it, recognize it, esteem it and are jealous for it, and know that except that what we speak and do is performed in its power, that our activity is vain? If God does not give His anointing, we are not to think that we can coerce Him nor compel Him. We need to respect it and know that if we are enjoying the anointing of God and the Presence of God, and there is a flawless life, then it is purest gift. It is altogether grace that comes down from above and we are so grateful for it. It is very life and reality itself. The very same things that we said yesterday effectively would be today as dry bones, if God's anointing is not upon that speaking. Every word might be the same, but without the anointing those words would bring death rather than life. The prophetic man, therefore, is eminently the anointed man. If we are going to be the mouth out of which God's glory comes in a powerful anointing, we need also to be prepared for the occasions when it does not come. We who cherish the anointing of God most, who have the most difficult burdens to express to unwilling hearers, even God's people, and know that it can only be performed in the power of that Spirit, need not think that it will always be ours consistently to enjoy. It is not some mechanical or fixed thing that we can always count on. If we are going to convey the ultimate purposes of God, then we ourselves need to know that there are times when there are purposes of God being served that require our humiliation rather than our exaltation, and He is not going to be there to explain it. We need to bear that and suffer the indignity and the shame, not only with those who oppose us, but those who are our allies and our colleagues! The most painful thing is the look of disappointment on the faces of believers. If we are not willing for the one, then we will not be available for the other. "We are dead and hid with Christ in God until His life is revealed." We have no rights; we are dead men. We cannot command the anointing; we can only receive it when it pleases God to give it. Then and only then will He reveal His life and His glory. If He does not, then we just have to patiently forbear and do what we can and trust the Lord for that moment. Our life is not our own. The anointing is not our own. I have seen God humiliate me before His people when they begin to look up starry-eyed at

me as if I am 'God's man of faith and power'. The message goes absolutely limp, and I am never again invited back by people who were just about to elevate me to a worshipful status. God completely stripped me in their sight. It was painful for me to bear, but I had to for their sake because they were misreading and misunderstanding the anointing of God as if it were some inherent or intrinsic thing in me, rather than that which is given again and again, as He wills and at His sovereign disposition. For even when the anointing is there, there is a way in which we can yet tremble and wonder if we are just operating out of some force of personality, rather than the true, pure unction of God. I like to say that, 'God anoints what He appoints'. I think that is a fair way of understanding the principle of anointing.

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