Chapter 9 10 Exam

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Science 14: Chapter 9 & 10- Life Functions Common to Living Things & Food for Life Part A: Multiple choice- Choose the best answer and record your answer on the scantron in pencil. 1. The smallest kind of blood vessels in the human circulatory system are: a. Arteries b. Capillaries c. Ventricles d. Veins 2. If you are given someone’s blood pressure of 120 over 80 you know that a. The 120 represents the diastolic Pressure and the 80 represents the systolic pressure b. The 120 represents the systolic pressure and the 80 represents the diastolic pressure c. The 120 represents your heart rate and the 80 represents your blood pressure d. The 120 represents your heart rate and the 80 represents your blood pressure 3. The Arteries are: a. Red because they contain oxygen poor blood b. Blue because they contain oxygen poor blood c. Red because they contain oxygen rich blood d. Blue because they contain oxygen rich blood 4. The veins are: a. Red because they contain oxygen poor blood b. Blue because they contain oxygen poor blood c. Red because they contain oxygen rich blood d. Blue because they contain oxygen rich blood 5. Veins bring: a. b. c. d.

Oxygen rich blood to the heart Oxygen rich blood to the body Oxygen poor blood to the heart Oxygen poor blood to the body

6. Arteries bring: a. Oxygen rich blood to the heart b. Oxygen rich blood to the body 1

c. Oxygen poor blood to the heart d. Oxygen poor blood to the body 7. In the digestive system most absorption of nutrients takes place in the: a. Small intestine b. Large intestine c. Stomach d. Pancreas 8. The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is a. The gall bladder b. The rectum c. The esophagus d. The liver 9. Identify one function of the large intestine. a. The mechanical digestion of food b. The absorption of water, vitamins and minerals c. The chemical digestion of fat d. The movement of food through the stomach 10. The digestive tract begins at the _____________and ends at the _____________ a. Esophagus; small intestine b. Mouth; pancreas c. Mouth; anus d. Esophageal sphincter; stomach

11. The organisation of life from smallest to largest is: a. Cell, tissue, organism, system, organ b. Cell, tissue, organ, system, organism c. Organism, tissue, organ, cell, system 2

d. Cell, organ, tissue, system, organism 12.Which of the following are included in the 7 life functions? a. Transportation, metabolism, growth and repair b. Reproduction, synthesis, nutrition, regulation c. All of the above d. None of the above 13. Which technology is used to test for broken bones? a. X-ray b. EKG c. EEG d. Endoscope 14. Which technology is used to look inside hollow organs? a. X-ray b. EKG c. EEG d. Endoscope 15. Which technology is used to study the brain by detecting brain activity? a. X-ray b. EKG c. EEG d. Endoscope

16.Which technology diagnoses disorders in your heart? (HINT: It prints out a record of the rate and pattern of a patient’s heart) a. X-ray b. EKG c. EEG d. Endoscope 3

17.The correct path that food follows through the digestive system is: (startFinish) a. Anus, rectum, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, esophagus, mouth b. Mouth, espophagus, stomach, large intestine, rectum, small intestine, anus c. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus d. Anus, large intestine, rectum, stomach, small intestine, esophagus, mouth 18. Put the following events in order i. Heart pumps oxygen poor blood to the lungs to get oxygenated ii. The oxygenated blood gets pumped back to the heart iii. Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the heart iv. Exchange between the cells and the blood occurs in the capillaries v. The heart pumps the oxygenated blood throughout the body a. i, ii, iii, iv, v b. ii, iii, iv, v, i c. i, ii, v, iv, iii d. iii, i, ii, iv, v 19.What is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis? a. CO2 + O2 + Sunlight  Glucose + H2O b. CO2 + O2 + Glucose

Sunlight + H2O

c. CO2 + H2O + Sunlight  Glucose + O2 d. O2 + H2O + Glucose

Sunlight + CO2

20. What is the chemical reaction for cellular respiration? a. Glucose + CO2 +  H2O + O2 + Energy b. Energy + Glucose + O2  H2O + CO2 c. Glucose + H2O

CO2 + O2 + Energy

d. Glucose + O2  H2O + CO2 + Energy 21. Cellular respiration occurs in what organelle? 4

a. Vacuole b. Mitochondria c. Chloroplast d. Nucleus 22. Photosynthesis occurs in what organelle? a. Vacuole b. Mitochondria c. Chloroplast d. Nucleus 23.The chemical formula of glucose is a. C6H12O6 b. C2H2O2 c. C12H6O12 d. C12H8O10 24. The reactants of photosynthesis are: a. Water, oxygen and sunlight b. Glucose, water and oxygen c. Sunlight, carbon dioxide and water d. Water, carbon dioxide and glucose

25. An example of a plant that stores its food in its flowers is a. Cauliflower b. Corn c. Carrots d. Celery 26. Both plants and animals use a. Cellular respiration 5

b. Photosynthesis 27.Which process releases energy? a. Cellular respiration b. Photosynthesis 28. The energy source in this process is from chemical bonds not sunlight a. Cellular respiration b. Photosynthesis 29.This process only happens in the presence of sunlight a. Cellular respiration b. Photosynthesis 30. What is the name of the branch of science that studies how the body uses food? a. Biology b. Nutrition c. Psychology d. Kinesiology 31.Which one of the following statements is not one the guidelines for Canada’s Food Guide? a. Eat a variety of foods b. Choose whole grains often and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables c. Eat low-fat food products and limit the intake of salt d. Exercise if you are an athlete 32. Where does most of the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats occur? a. Pancreas b. In the small intestine c. In the large intestine d. In the stomach 33. Which of the flowing plays a key role in chemical digestion? a. Enzymes b. Carbohydrates 6

c. Minerals d. Fats 34. What function does the saliva perform? a. Breaks down protein b. Breaks down salt c. Breaks down fat d. Breaks down carbohydrates 35. The teeth and chew food and the stomach churns food into smaller particles. What is the name of this process? a. Chemical digestion b. Absorption c. Mechanical digestion d. Enzyme activity 36. Malnutrition occurs a. Only if a person is overweight b. Only if a person is underweight c. If a person is lacking one or more essential nutrients d. None of the above

37.Which one of the following is not included in Canada’s Food Guide four groups? a. Water and juice b. Grain Products c. Milk Products d. Meat and alternatives 38.If our body runs out of carbohydrates it will break down what next? a. Protein b. Fat c. Vitamins 7

d. Minerals 39.Vitamins are organised based on whether they a. Are toxic or non toxic b. Taste good or taste bad c. Are able to be absorbed in fat or water d. Can be moulded into Flintstones or not 40.Which term refers to the amount and type of food you eat everyday? a. Life style b. Diet c. Habits d. Food guide 41.Which of the following statements is true about vegetarian diets? a. Vegetarian diets are low in fibre b. Vegetarian diets are high in harmful forms of fat c. Vegetarian diets are high in iron and vitamin B d. Vegetarian diets are low in iron and vitamin B

42. Which of the following procedures would help you to identify nutrients in a food? a. Looking at the food b. Cooking the food c. Tasting the food d. Using a testing agent 43. Which of the following terms refers to a current diet idea or “craze”? a. Fad diet b. Prescribed diet c. Mixed diet d. Vegetarian diet 8

44. Which of the following forms the base of Canada’s Food Guide? a. Vegetarian diet b. Mixed diet c. Fad diet d. Atkins diet 45. Which system filters the blood? a. Urinary System b. Nervous System c. Skeletal System d. Circulatory system 46.Which system provides a communication network between the brain and the body? a. Urinary System b. Nervous System c. Skeletal System d. Circulatory system

47. Which system produces new blood cells? a. Urinary System b. Nervous System c. Skeletal System d. Circulatory system 48. How many nutrients does our body require? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 49. Water is essential for life because it is used in every life function 9

a. True b. False 50. Plants cannot make their own food a. True b. False (TURN THE PAGE FOR THE LABELING AND MATCHING SECTION OF TH EXAM)


Part B: Labelling Please fill in the following cycle with the number that corresponds to the correct sentences provided. Place a number in the cycle diagram so that the flow of blood through the body is in the correct order. 1.) The Capillaries (Oxygen richoxygen poor) 2.) The Veins (Oxygen poor blood) 3.) The Lungs (blood gets oxygenated) 4.) The Heart (Oxygen rich blood) 5.) The Arteries (Oxygen rich blood)


Salivary glands

Gall bladder




Small intestine


Large intestine



Use the provided terms to label the digestive system. Please use the words as the labels.


Part C: Matching-Match the following definitions to their terms by placing the letters in the correct boxes


A. Pushes food to the stomach through wake-like spasms


B. Absorbs most nutrients. This is the site of most carbohydrates, fat and protein breakdown.

Salivary glands

C. Absorbs vitamins, minerals and water


D. Discharges solid mass of undigested food called feces


E. Point of ingestion


Small intestine

F. Stores solid waste

Large intestine

G. Moistens food and contain enzymes to start breaking down food

Gall bladder

H. Provides most digestive enzymes; produces insulin to extract nutrients from food


I. Used to chew food into smaller pieces


J. Mixes food through with muscle contractions; releases acids that activate chemicals to digest food


K. Stores Bile

THE 7 LIFE FUNCTIONS Match the life functions to the correct examples by filling in the squares with the correct letters. Metabolism

A. moving nutrients to other areas


B. producing young


C. remaining inactive for a period of time


D. changing from baby to adult



E. getting rid of waste products

Growth & Repair

F. building carbohydrates


G. drinking a milkshake

THE 6 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS Match the following definitions to their terms by placing the letters in the correct boxes Carbohydrate

A. Are organized according to whether they can be absorbed in fat or water


B. Are stored in the body for use as an energy source when carbohydrates are in short supply


C. They help carry out life functions and include calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron and more.


D. Is essential for life because it is used in every life function


E. Supply energy when carbohydrates and fats are not available and also build body tissue.



F. They are the primary source of energy for our body


A. A short term state of reduced body temperature and metabolism.


B. Occurs in the winter. It is an inactive, sleep like state in which metabolism slows and body temperature decreases.


C. Usually occurs in the summer. Animals go into an inactive state in extreme heat or drought.


D. A period when growth stops due to low resources.

ORGAN SYSTEMS Circulatory System

A. Allows our bodies to move

Muscle System

B. Transports substances throughout the body including food molecules, oxygen, carbon dioxide and wastes

Skeletal System

C. Provides a communication network from the brain to the rest of the body

Urinary System

D. Protects our organs and gives us structure. This is also what produces new blood cells.

Digestive System

E. Breaks down food into small chemical compounds that can be used by our cells


Nervous System

F. Filters our blood and excretes the waste



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