Chapter 4 Notes - Society Ingreasingly Looks Like A Government

  • Uploaded by: Lindsey Fisher
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 266
  • Pages: 1
Chapter 4 notes - society ingreasingly looks like a government / political state - littluns = population, older boys = government - The arguments between the boys are based on civilization and savagery / violence - Ralph and Simon and other kind boys want a more peaceful place to live in , Jack wants violence tribes etc. - Ralph and the kind ones believe power to be used for everyones good and safety , Jack only wants to reward those standing up to it - Struggle for power becomes bigger and more abusive between jack and ralph ( first time they actually conflict [ about the fire ] - Fire is a symbol of civilization, when it goes out its like the beginning of a downfall [ the ship has sailed for a civilization ] - Jack + hunters start completely descending into savagery as they kill the pig , like beasts - Painting of faces and long hair - the title indicate the transformation into wild animals - Bullying of the littluns is in proportion to the downfall of the island - ie as more and more bullying occurs the more and more savage the society becomes [ part of it obv ] - A lot of hidden hatred is now being physically taken out [ morrice and roger ] [ jack vs piggy ] - Ralph is confused and starts doubting his role as a leader, questions why jack started behaving like this - A line is starting to appear between the boys, as if a revolution is about to come between two parties.

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