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Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware



Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Learning Objectives  Identify the major hardware components of a computer  Describe the design and functioning of the central processing unit  Discuss the relationships between microprocessor component designs and performance  Describe the main types of primary and secondary storage  Distinguish between primary and secondary storage along the dimensions of speed, cost, and capacity  Describe the hierarchy of a computer according to power and their respective roles  Differentiate the types of input and output technologies and their uses  Describe what multimedia systems are and what technologies they use  Discuss strategic issues that link hardware design and innovation to competitive business strategy

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Chapter Overview The Central Processing Unit • How the CPU Works • Advances in Microprocessor Design Input Technologies • Human Data Entry Devices • Source Data Automation

Computer Memory • Memory Capacity • Primary Storage • Secondary Storage

Computer Hierarchy • Supercomputers • Mainframe Computers • Minicomputers • Workstations • Microcomputer • Computing Devices Output Strategic Technologies Hardware Issues • Monitors • Printer • Productivity • Voice Output • Changing Work Styles • Multifunction • New Products and Devices Services • Multimedia • Improve Communications

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Case: Cutting Edge Hardware

Solutions for the Bellagio Hotel

 The Problem

select to assure uptime and minimize the strain on their massive network tested the capabilities of the Intel Xeon processor

 The Solution Dell PowerEdge 6300 and PowerVault 650F fivechannel storage - in addition to a mix of 100 Dell PowerEdge 2200 and 2300 workgroup-level servers

The Results Able to implement the network they needed to help make this one of the truly great resorts in the world

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Case (continued…) What have we learned from this case?? selecting the right IT infrastructure

» ‘out of the box’ thinking - imagining how business processes could ideally be configured and supported, rather than incremental technology-based improvement of an outdated process model » focus on three interrelated factors : capability (power and appropriateness of the task), speed, and cost » evaluating new hardware options and figuring out how to integrate them with existing systems » changing of computer hardware almost always means much of its software needs to be rewritten to run on the hardware’s new operating system

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

The Significance of Hardware Some basic understanding of computer hardware design and function is essential because firms (and individuals) frequently must assess their competitive advantage in terms of computing capability.

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Desktop or Portable PC : The Tradeoffs Desktop Personal Computer

Portable Personal Computer

Impractical for mobile computing

Designed for mobile computing

Lower cost

Higher cost

Easily expanded

Difficult to expand

Comfortable ergonomics

Uncomfortable ergonomics (small keyboard, often with inconvenient placement of function keys)

Easy-to-use mouse or other pointing device

Awkward pointing devices (some allow traditional mouse to be connected)

High resolution/brightness monitor

Lower resolution, less bright

High RAM and hard-drive capacity Somewhat less RAM and hard-drive capacity Easy serviceability

More difficult to service/repair

Can utilize all current PC chips

Some models cannot use some chips, due to cooling problems

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware The physical equipment used for the input, processing, output, and storage activities of a computer system Central processing unit (CPU) Memory (primary and secondary storage) Input technologies Output technologies Communication technologies

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) a microprocessor is made up of millions of microscopic transistors embedded in a circuit on a silicon wafer or “chip” Control unit » controls the flows of information Arithmetic-logic unit » performs the arithmetic calculations Registers » stores very small amounts of data and instructions for short periods of time

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

CPU (continued …)  How the CPU Works? THE MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL UNIT Instruction













Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

CPU (continued …)  Advances in Microprocessor Design increasing miniaturization of transistors making the physical layout of the chip’s components as compact and efficient as possible new materials for the chip that improve the conductivity (flow) of electricity amount of basic instructions programmed into the chip » complex instruction set computing (CISC) » reduced instruction set computing (RISC)

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Memory Computer memory affects the type of program it can run and the work it can do, its speed, and both the cost of the machine and the cost of processing data Memory capacity » bits - ‘0’ or ‘1’ > eight bits are needed to represent any one of alphanumeric character or mathematical operation

» byte - eight-bit string » kilobyte (KB) - 1,024 bytes (210 bytes) » megabyte (MB) - 1,048,576 bytes (210 x 210 bytes) > most PC have several megabytes of RAM memory

» gigabyte (GB) - 1,073,741,824 bytes (210 x 210 x 210 bytes) > hard drive in modern PCs is often more than one GB

» terabyte - 1,078,036,791,296 bytes

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Memory (continued …) Primary storage stores for very brief periods of time three types of information » data to be processed by the CPU » instructions for the CPU as to how to process the data » operating system programs that manage various aspects of the computer’s operation

four types of primary storage » registers » random access memory (RAM) » cache memory » read-only memory

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Memory (continued …) Secondary storage stores very large amounts of data for extended periods of time can have memory capacity of a gigabyte or more can be non-volatile takes much more time to retrieve data can be much more cost effective than primary storage can take place on a variety of media, each with its own technology

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Memory (continued …) Secondary storage (cont’) Magnetic media - store data via magnetism » Magnetic tape - kept on a large open reel or in a smaller cartridge or cassette » Magnetic disks - allow much more rapid access to the data than does magnetic tape » Hard drive (hard disk) - permanently mounted in a unit that may be internal or external to the computer » Magnetic diskettes (floppy disks) - have much less capacity, ranging from 1.44 megabytes for a standard highdensity disk to 200 megabytes for a disk formatted for a zip drive

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Memory (continued …) Secondary storage (cont’) Optical storage devices - a pinpoint laser beam is used to burn tiny holes into the surface of a reflective plastic platter » Compact disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) high-capacity, low cost, high durability, and read only but not written on » Write once, read many disk (WORM) - can be written on, but requires the laser technology (the “CD burner”) to do so » Rewritable CDs - allow the disk to be written upon and rewritten up to 1,000 times

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Hierarchy  Supercomputer has the most processing power especially valuable for large simulation models of realworld phenomena

Mainframe Computer used in large corporations for centralized data processing and maintaining large databases allowing for data and information to be shared throughout the organization several hundreds or thousands of online computers can be linked to a mainframe

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Hierarchy (continued …) Minicomputers (midrange computer) perform the same functions as mainframe computers but to a limited extent designed to accomplish specific tasks such as process control, scientific research, and engineering applications

Workstations based on RISC (reduced instruction set computer) architecture provide both very high-speed calculations and highresolution graphic displays

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Hierarchy (continued …) Microcomputers (micros or personal computers, PCs) Desktop PCs - typical, familiar microcomputer system » modular in design, with separate but connected monitor, keyboard, and CPU » Network computers (NCs) - allow users to access a network

Laptop and Notebook Computers - small, easily transportable, lightweight microcomputers » designed for maximum convenience and transportability

Palmtop Computer - hand-held microcomputers » configured for specific applications and limited in the number of ways they can accept user input and provide output » Personal digital assistants (PDAs) - a computer appliance

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Computer Hierarchy (continued …) Computing Devices - ever-smaller computing/communication devices Wearable computers » free users’ movements

Embedded computers » placed inside other products to add features and capabilities

Active badges » worn as ID cards by employees who wish to stay in touch at all times while moving around the corporate premises

Memory buttons » store a small database relating to whatever it is attached to

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Input Technologies Human Data Entry Devices keyboard - designed like a typewriter but with many additional function keys mice and trackball - used to point a cursor at a desired place on the screen touch screens - touch the desired area to trigger an action stylus - a pen-style device joy stick - used primarily at workstations that can display dynamic graphics microphone - used to dictate to the computer

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Input Technologies (continued …) Source Data Automation Cash transaction devices » automated teller machines (ATMs) » point-of-sale (POS) terminals

Optical scanners - optical character recognition

(OCR) software is used in conjunction with a scanner » bar code scanners » optical mark reader » magnetic ink character readers

Voice recognition Sensors Cameras

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Output Technologies Monitors the video screen used with most computers that displays input as well as output

Printers impact printers » like typewriter, using some kind of striking action

non-impact printers » laser printer - uses laser beams to write information

plotters » uses computer-directed pens for creating highquality images

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Output Technologies (continued …) Voice Output can be played through speakers

Multifunction Devices combine a variety of technologies - fax, printer, scanner, copy machine, and answering machine

Multimedia computer-based integration of text, sound, still images, animation, and digitized motion video

Introduction to Information Technology Turban, Rainer and Potter Chapter 3 Computer Hardware

Strategic Hardware Issues  Productivity businesses need to assess whether employees’ personal productivity is likely to increase as microprocessor power and speed increase

 Changing Work Styles organizations must consider whether new work styles will benefit employees and the firm as a whole

 New Products and Services organizations should consider whether they are ready and able to take advantage of the advances, and new products and services that hardware may make possible for the business

 Improved Communication businesses need to judge whether they are ready to use multimedia

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