Chapter 2 Reading Exercises

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Part 2: Reading Exercises

Student Name: Rebecca A. Steffen

Unit B of this book contains the constitutive documents for the following U.N. bodies: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (“UNCTAD”) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (“UNESCO”) Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Review these documents in Unit B, and then answer the following questions regarding them: REGARDING THE UNCTAD DOCUMENT: 1.

Which of the following phrases most accurately describes the nature of this Document? Is it a treaty, a court opinion, a regulation, or some other kind of Document? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

An International Treaty A Court Opinion A Regulation A Resolution A Statute


Chapter 2 Reading Exercises

On which provision(s) of the Document is your response based? Why does the text you cite support your answer? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2.

Upon reviewing this Document, under which of the following categories would UNCTAD most appropriately be classified? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Principal Organ of the U.N. U.N. Fund or Program U.N. Specialized Agency U.N. Related Organization An Agency of the United States Government

On which provision(s) of the Document is your response based? Why does the text you cite support your answer? I & II.1; The text talks about the UNCTAD as an organ, but made up of specialized agencies. 3.

When was UNCTAD established? 1964 Which provision of this Document is your source for this answer? small print at top of document


This Document establishes a permanent organ of UNCTAD to carry out the functions that fall within UNCTAD’s competence. What is the name of this organ? Trade and Development Board

Chapter 2 Reading Exercises


(a) What is the citation to the provision of the Document that establishes this organ? 4 (b) Does the document prescribe a specific number of members for this organ? Yes No (c) On which provision(s) of the Document is your answer based, and why? 5; leaves it open to all members of the conference (d) How is the membership in this organ determined? On which provision of the Document is your answer based? Members notify the Secretary-General in writing; 5 5.

Does the Document require the permanent organ of UNCTAD to establish any subsidiary organs? If so, how many, and what are they? Which provision(s) of the Document most specifically serve(s) as the basis for your answer? Yes; 3—a committee on commodities, a committee on manufactures, a committee on invisibles and financing related to trade; 23


Chapter 2 Reading Exercises


Does the Document prescribe voting requirements for UNCTAD and for the permanent organ established by the Document? If so, how do the voting requirements differ for the two entities? On which provision of the Document do you base your answer? Yes; Each state represented at Conference has one vote; decisions of Conference made by 2/3 majority while decisions of Board made by simple majority; 24


The Document describes in some detail a particular kind of negotiated resolution of differences as a precursor to voting and as a basis for recommending actions to be taken by particular countries. What is the term of art used by the Document to describe this form of negotiated resolution? On which provision(s) of the Document do you base your answer? Conciliation; 25


The Document directs that UNCTAD establish an administrative body for the “proper servicing” of UNCTAD and its subsidiary bodies. After answering each of the following questions, also supply the provision(s) of the Document on which you base your answer. (a) What is the name of this body? Secretariat; 26 (b) What is the name of the office of the person who heads this administrative body? Secretary-General; 27


What entity or organization is responsible for the expenses of UNCTAD and its subsidiary bodies? On which provision of the Document do you base your answer? United Nations; 29

Chapter 2 Reading Exercises




Which of the following descriptions most accurately describes the nature of this Document? Is it a treaty, a court opinion, a regulation, or some other kind of Document? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

An International Treaty A Court Opinion A Regulation A Resolution A Statute

On which provision(s) of the Document is your response based? Why does the text you cite support your answer? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 11.

Upon reviewing this document, under which of the following categories would UNESCO most appropriately be classified? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Principal Organ of the U.N. U.N. Fund or Program U.N. Specialized Agency U.N. Related Organization An Agency of the United States Government

On which provision(s) of the Document is your response based? Why does the text you cite support your answer? preamble; It is its own organization w/ own charter, but still bears the name “United Nations”.

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