Chapter 11 - The Storm

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,098
  • Pages: 4
Chapter 11: The Storm Angel POV Suddenly the droning stopped. We all stared out of the cave in silence. Then the 1st of them came through the mouth of the cave, walking towards us. I closed my eyes and started to try and find the Erasers minds. I tried and tried but I could not pick anything up. Just a grey fuzzy blank from all of them. I could feel their presence, but they weren’t giving off any thoughts at all! I couldn’t make them do anything! “I can’t control them!” I shouted. “They’re not alive! I can’t control them!” There were many of them in the cave now. All walking steadily towards us. “It’s OK.” Gazzy replied softly. “I’ll look after you.” They were 10 feet away now. We all tensed our bodies getting ready to fight. A whole lot of good I would do. The only way I knew how to properly fight, was by controlling their minds. I if couldn’t do that, I was useless. “Get ready!” Max shouted, as they started to charge towards us. There was no way we would be able to beat them. They reached us, barely 2 feet away and stopped. “You-must-come-with-us. You-willcomply.” they chanted in a steely, robotic voice. “Like thats going to happen!” shouted Max. "Then-we-shall-take-you-forcefully." they replied in unison. Then they attacked. They defiantly weren’t alive. Nothing with glowing red eyes could be alive. I moved back, behind the flock who were throwing punches, kicking at them. They were doing fairly well. A few heads had been dislodged and were hanging awkwardly on the side. What use was I if I couldn’t help the flock? I was too small to try and fight them hand to hand. I was just a liability now. The flock were getting pushed back, there had to be about 50 of the robots, packed into the cave now, pushing them further into the cave. They started to come round the sides, attack from behind I ran further into the cave hiding behind a rock for protection. A couple of them got through and started to attack Nudge. She was having trouble holding them off from in front and behind. Why was I just hiding? I had to help, I couln'd be completley useless. The Robots hadn’t seen me yet, so I ran up to it and jumped on its back. I covered its eyes with my hands and it started to thrash. It tried to reach behind and grab me but its arms couldnt reach behind them. I started to pull at its head as hard as I could. I pulled and pulled and eventually I heard something snap. Then its head just fell out of its neck and the body fell to the floor. I jumped off before it fell and then looked in the hole where its head had been. Wires and gears. Defiantly a robot. Suddenly without warning something behind me picked me up, large metal hands grabbing me by the waist. I started to kick and scream, try to pry the hands away from me, but I wasn’t strong enough. “Help!” I screamed at the flock, as it put me under its arm and began to carry me away. “Max, Gazzy! Help!” I saw a bruised and battered Gazzy turn around and come running towards me. He reached us and started to throw punches and kick the robot before it picked him up with the other arm and carried on walking. It went past the fight, where the flock had been backed up against the side of the cave now, still fighting off the countless number of robots. As they dodged and ducked, the robots punched the wall, leaving large cracks in it. I heard Nudge shout after us and turned my head to see her try to push through the Robots towards us, away from the others.

Then we reached the mouth of the cave and the Robot opened it’s thin, metal wings and jumped into the air. Slowly it started to fly into the air away from the cave. It reached a small group of Robots who were hovering in the air and gave Gazzy, who was still kicking and punching, trying to get out of the grip and fly off, to one of them. Gazzy was then injected with a needle and fell slump in the arm of the Robot. My eyes went wide. Had they just killed him!? I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on picking something up from Gazzy. But before I could I felt something sharp go into my neck. Almost instantly, the noise of the fight in the cave disappeared, and my eyes stayed closed. Fang POV All of a sudden, the droning ceased. We stared out the cave, tensing our bodies ready for the ensuing battle. Then the 1st of them began to come through, walking towards us slowly. They bought the cold in with them, a chill ran down my whole body, spreading to my hands, the cold lingering there. “I can’t control them!” Angel panicked. “They’re not alive! I can’t control them!” There were many more coming in now, around 20, and more coming in after them. “It’s OK.” Gazzy said reassuringly to Angel. “I’ll look after you.” They were 10 feet away from us now. “Get ready!” Max shouted, as they started to charge towards us. There was no way we would be able to beat them. But we could try. They reached us and then stood there and said in a steely metal voice, “You-must-come-withus. You-will-comply.” “Like thats going to happen!” shouted Max. "Then-we-shall-take-you-forcefully." they replied. Then they attacked. 3 of them came at me, one trying to grab me, the other two threw punches. I ducked and swung my foot round at their legs. It hit into the one of their legs and felt like a metal ball had been thrown at my shin. OW! One of them picked me up and the cold in my body intesified. Will was on fire. He was knocking the heads off countless numbers of them, punching some of them 6 feet back, knocking some over in a domino effect. Some of them had gotten round the side of us and were attacking Nudge. Angel came running at the robot and jumped on its back. Then one of the robots picked me up and started punching my stomach. Once, twice, before it could do it again, I threw my head forward and head butted it. Its head came out of its socket and the body fell to the ground. One down, over a hundred to go! I saw one of them leaving the cave with Angel and Gazzy under each arm. Nudge saw them too and starting pushing into the crowd of robots to try to get them. She was soon lost in a sea of machines. “Nudge!” Max shouted as she kicked one of them to the floor. “Nudge, where ar-“ A robot struck her in the head and knocked her out cold before she could finish. It picked her up and started to walk away. The cold spread out through my whole body“MAX!” I screamed after her. I tried to push myself into the swarm, punching and kicking my way through to go and help her but there were too many robots in the way, and they pushed my back against the wall. There was only me, Will and Iggy le- Where is Iggy!? He was on my right a second ago. Now he was gone. I didn’t have time to worry, or look for him, as another one came at me. The cold was constant now, rushing through my body, through my veins, to every corner of my being. But I wasn’t shivering. I grabbed its head, intending to twist it off but the coldness swept to my hands and its head froze instantly, and shattered into pieces under my grip. Whoa! What happened there? Did I just freeze its head? How is tha- SMACK! One of them hit me in the head. And then again. And again.

Darkness… Will POV The noise stopped. All of us looked out of the cave in silence. Then the 1st of them came through, walking slowly towards us. I felt something in my hands. That power I felt before, it was returning. I could feel it surging, moving round my body. “I can’t control them!” I heard Angel shout. “They’re not alive! I can’t control them!” The power was growing, surging, stronger than before. There were more coming into the cave now. “It’s OK.” I thought I heard Gazzy say. “I’ll look after you.” Everything was going quiet, not in a bad way, just as if my mind was blanking it out. They were 10 feet away from us now. We all tensed our bodies getting ready to fight. Max shouted something, but I couldn’t make out what it was the power was too intense, blocking everything out apart from the power, and the coming battle. All i could hear was my heartbeat, but it sounded dull and distant. They started to charge towards us. I could beat them. I could feel it. They reached us and then stopped and just stood there. Then their mouths moved, but all i could hear was the THUMP THUMP THUMP of my heart, getting steadily faster. Then they attacked. Or rather I attacked them. One lunged at me and I felt the power surge as I threw my fist at its head, crushing it into a crumpled mess. Whoa! Another came at me and I kicked it to the floor with ease. Some of them were coming round the back of us and attacking Nudge, and I saw Angel jump on one of their backs and pull off its head. Another lunged towards me but I parried it away with a punch to the face, causing its head to come loose. My mind suddenly became aware of the others when I saw Nudge running towards the robots after what appeared to be Angel and Gazzy being carried away. Then I saw Max getting knocked out and picked up and taken away too. Iggy seemed to be faring well considering he couldn’t see, as was Fang. We had been backed up against the wall of the cave now. Two more came at me, one striking me in the chest, the other in the stomach, but I used the momentum from being thrown back to kick one of them away. I still landed on the floor and looked up to see Iggy gone and Fang holding one of the Robots head, looking confused. Then the head then seemed to frost over, as if it had frozen and then shatter. I looked at Fang, who seemed completely dumbfounded. Then a robot got a hold of him in his stupor, punched him in the face 3 times and Fang fell onto the floor, unconscious. I was the only one left; I was beginning to think I couldn’t win. Suddenly a large hand picked me up by the neck and started punching my stomach. I pushed my back against the now weak rock face and kicked my legs forward, propelling it into the crowd, knocking over many of the robots. But there were so many of them now, at least 50. They formed a semi-circle around me, wary of my strength. The surging feeling was still there, but getting weaker now, I could start to hear things again. I thought I could faintly hear the robots saying something about going with them. They all attacked at once, charging at me, I braced for impact and then felt them land on top of me. They were so heavy; I screamed out in pain, I could hear it quite clearly. That couldn’t be good. The surging feeling was almost gone. I mustered up as much strength as I could and pushed up, throwing them off me, around the cave. I stood up, the surging feeling completely gone, my sense of hearing back, my fight as good as over. If I was going to go down, I was going to go down in style. There were still a good 30 or so of them left in the cave, most likely more outside. One came at me and I charged at it, throwing my fists.

One of them connected and I heard a crack. Then pain. Oh god that hurt! Then it punched me in the face, and again, and I fell limp to the floor and blacked out.

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