Chapter 10 Powerpoint-student Copy

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  • Pages: 35
Chapter 10 Food and Life

Overview of the Chapter What you will learn....

How diet affects the body How the body processes and uses food How to read food nutrients labels How to analyze diets

Overview of the Day: 10.1 Assessing Nutrients Today you will learn about 





The 6 essential nutrients, their functions and example of them.

Assessing Nutrients  Nutrition: 

_______________________________ _______________________________ _________________________

 Nutritionists: 

_______________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________

They develop lists of nutrient requirement for these organisms

Nutrients  _____________________________________

_________________________________  They provide nourishment for our body  _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________  Nourishment and energy help the body to maintain

its cells, tissues, and organs, and to support growth and development.

Malnutrition  _______________________________________________

_____________________________________________  _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________  Malnourished people suffer from:     

High levels of sickness Disability Shorter life spans Malnourished children may not grow properly and suffer from brain damage. More.....

Some Quick Statistics Every year 15 million children die of hunger About 183 million children weigh less than they

should for their age

Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger It is estimated that some 800 million people in the

world suffer from hunger and malnutrition,

The Next Couple of Slide are Graphic The following slide are pictures of extreme

malnutrition. Most of the pictures are of people or children suffering from malnutrition due to the lack of food.


This boy is suffering from sever malnutrition which had caused him to loose most of his muscle. This is why you are able to clearly see the bones and loose skin on his tiny frame


Lack of Vitamin C

Lack of Vitamin A

The Nutrients We Need  Your body requires 6 essential nutrients 1.

Carbohydrates _________________________________________________ They are the primary source of energy for our body

2. Proteins _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Supply energy when carbohydrates and fats are not available

3. Fats ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

The Nutrients We Need 4. Vitamins: 

Are organized according to whether they can be absorbed in fat or water

__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

5. Minerals: 

_________________________________________________________ Includes; calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, and iodine.

6. Water: 

__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

The water you take in through food and drink needs to be balanced with the water that is eliminated from your body

Overview: 10.2 Analyzing Diets Today you will learn:  What diet is......  What a mixed diet is......  Canada’s food guide.....  How to read a food label.....  Learn about vegetarian and fad diets. What are they?

Analyzing Diets  Diet: 

_______________________ _______________________ ________________________

 Mixed Diet: 

Is a diet in which it is easy to obtain the nutrients you need. ________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Canada’s Food Guide Classifies food into 4 groups: 1. _______________________ Bread and cereals

2. _______________________ Watermelon and zucchini

3. _______________________ Cheese and yogurt

4. _______________________ Fish and chicken

Canada’s Food Guide The food guide is based on 5 guidelines: 1.

Eat a variety of foods

3. _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________. 5.

Choose low fat dairy products, lean meats, and food prepared with little or not fat.



9. _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Vegetarian Diets They choose not to eat animal


Strict vegetarians are called

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ____________________. Other vegetarians may eat dairy products, fish and chicken but not red meat like pork, lamb, or beef.

Vegetarian  Since a vegetarian does not consume meat they must

ensure they are still obtaining protein. ___________ ______________________________________  Benefit:_________________________________


 Drawback: can be low in iron and vitamin B and the

vegan diet may lack calcium. __________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________

Fad Diets Fad diet  refers to a current ______________________________ ____________________________________________ __________________________________________


Athletes that want to gain weight believed the atkins diet would work because high amounts of protein are believed to develop more body muscle. ____________________.

To increase muscle bulk they need to consume more energy from carbohydrates (which the atkins diet excludes completely), not protein.

They must also exercise to increase muscle mass

Too much protein=______________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Food Labelling Going to the lab to learn more about Canadian food


Overview: 10.3 The Digestive System: Mining for nutrients Today you will learn....  What mechanical and chemical digestion are  What absorption means in terms of the digestive system  More in-depth on the parts of the digestive system Mouth & saliva Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

Digestion It wouldn't matter what nutrients you

ate if your body didn’t absorb them.

Remember that the job of the digestive

system was to break up your food into chemical compounds your cells could use.

These chemical compounds include the

necessary nutrients you body needs to be healthy

3 Steps Involved in Getting Nutrients 1. Mechanical digestion 

____________________________ ____________________________ _________________________

2. Chemical Digestion 

Chemicals known as_____________ ____________________________ __________________________

3. Absorption 

Molecule-sized_________________ ____________________________ __________________________

The Mouth The Teeth  are the most important component of mechanical digestion._______________ _______________________________ _____________________________. Saliva  Contains enzymes which_____________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________.

Stomach The Stomach  Breaks down food with muscle contractions____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _________________________. 

Acids in the gastric juices activate enzymes that digest food and turn it into liquid form.____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ __________________________.

Small Intestine  Once the food is partially digested it is

released into the small intestine.

 ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ______________.

 Glands in the liver and pancreas release

_____________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ________________________

Small Intestine Digestion  Carbohydrates  ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________  Protein  ____________________________________________ __________________________________________  Fat  Bile, a fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, breaks fat into smaller particles. 

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________

Once these steps have been completed the fats are ready to be absorbed

Large Intestine Absorption continues in the

large intestine


_____________________ _____________________ _________________

Overview: 10.4: The Role of Diet Today you will learn....  How to many fats in your diet can effect your life style....  How skipping a meal can impact your day

Evaluate Your Choices  ______________________

______________________ ______________________ __________________

 Skipping meals can cause

______________________ ________________.

 In order for your body to

conserve energy it slows down and as a result you feel _____ ______________________ ______________________ ___________________

TO MUCH FAT To much fat in a diet can cause

several problems 

Your body has to work harder to digest fats

______________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________

High fat diets can cause fatigue and lack of energy

______________________________ ____________________________

Over time, fat causes weight gain

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