Chapter 02

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2 A Strategic Management Approach to HRM

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Human Resource Management, 10/e

© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Introduction Taking

a strategic HRM approach means: Making human resources management a top priority Integrating HRM with the company’s strategy, mission, and goals HRM can make significant contributions if included in the strategic planning process from the outset The strategic management process helps determine: What must be done to achieve priority objectives How they will be achieved


Introduction Many

strategic plans use: A three to five year timeline Annual monitoring and modification


HR strategy results in a fit between organizational strategy and HRM policies and programs Recruitment, selection, outsourcing, telecommuting, performance evaluation, compensation


A Model to Organize HRM ARDM

means: Acquiring Rewarding Developing Maintaining and protecting


goals of the ARDM model are: Socially responsible and ethical practices


A Model to Organize HRM


eventual success of any HRM activity is: The organization's employees are the best qualified They perform jobs that suit their needs, skills, and abilities


people and activities in order to accomplish goals is easier with a diagnostic approach


Taking a Diagnostic Approach to HRM The

ARDM model has four specific steps: Diagnosis Prescription Implementation Evaluation Managers typically diagnose a work situation by observing and identifying key factors A prescription is then made to translate the diagnosis into action Most human resource problems are too complex to have a single correct prescription


Taking a Diagnostic Approach to HRM Implementing

a solution is the next step, followed by

evaluation Evaluation tells managers whether improvement in the ARDM process is needed If

an organization teaches its members to focus on ARDM plus the environment, it is likely to achieve: Socially responsible, ethical behaviors Competitive, high-quality products and services


ARDM model calls for thorough, timely, and systematic review of each situation


External Environmental Influences HRM

processes are influenced by both the internal and external environments External influences include: Government laws and regulations Union procedures and requirements Economic conditions The labor force HR planning must operate within: Guidelines Limits of available resources Competencies


External Environmental Influences HRM

is one important function among others: Finance Accounting Research and development Marketing Production The interaction of these internal programs sets the tone for the entire organizational system


Government Law and Regulations Government

regulations affect:

Hiring Promotion Managing

diversity Downsizing Discipline Major areas of legislation and regulation include EEO and human rights legislation These directly affect recruiting, selection, evaluation, and promotion


Government Law and Regulations EEO

and human rights legislation indirectly affects: Employment planning Orientation Career planning Training Employee development


Government Law and Regulations Other

areas of legislation and regulation include: Employment of illegal aliens Discrimination based on sex, age, and disability Compensation regulation Benefits regulation Workers' compensation and safety laws Labor relations laws and regulations Privacy laws


Government Law and Regulations


regulation has increased substantially In 1940, the U.S. Dept. of Labor administered 18 regulatory programs In 2004, it administered more than 135 And

that is just one government agency


Government Law and Regulations Government

regulation impacts a manager’s job: Regulation encourages simplistic thinking on complicated issues Designing and administering regulations is complex, leading to slow decision making Regulation leads to complicated legal maneuvering Many regulations are out of date and serve little social purpose There is regulatory overlap and contradiction among regulatory agencies


The Union A

union directly affects most aspects of HRM, including: Working conditions Wages and salaries Fringe benefits Employees’ rights Grievance processes Work hours There are cooperative unions and combative unions


The Union Unions

were once concentrated in a few sectors of the economy Today, the fastest-growing sectors are the public sector and the third sector It is no longer useful to think of unionized employees as blue-collar factory workers Engineers, nurses, teachers, secretaries, salespersons, college professors, professional football players, and even physicians belong to unions


Economic Conditions Two

economic factors affect HRM programs: Productivity The work sector of the organization


is: An important part of a nation's economic condition Representative of an organization’s overall efficiency The output of goods and services per unit of input (resources) used in a production process


Economic Conditions Before

productivity can be managed and improved, it must be measured Isolate the outputs Determine the costs that went into producing the output Compare the current year's figures with those of the previous year Productivity measures are crude and subject to short-term error, but over time can show a trend


Economic Conditions Suggested

solutions for increasing productivity: Reduce government controls Develop more favorable income tax incentives Reindustrialize the business-industrial complex


legislative controls can adversely affect the quality of life and society for decades to come  Toxic waste, radiation, air pollution, and other forms of destruction must be carefully controlled


Economic Conditions Managers

can influence productivity through sound HRM programs Diagnosis, prescription, implementation, and evaluation Recruitment and selection Motivational and compensation techniques Training and development


The Work Sector of HRM 60

percent of HR specialists work in the private sector 30 percent work in the public sector; 10 percent work in the third sector Private- and third-sector HRM are structured similarly HRM in the public sector is structurally different A manager moving from the private or third sector to the public sector finds a more complicated job Politicians, the public, special interest groups, and reporters all exert outside pressure


Competitiveness At

the macroeconomic level, competitiveness is: The degree to which a nation can, under free and fair market conditions, produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets while simultaneously maintaining or expanding the real incomes of its citizens If you substitute organization for nation, and employees for citizens, you have the definition of organizational competitiveness


Competitiveness At

the organizational level, competitiveness is an important issue How effectively do workers produce the product? How good is the quality of the services or goods? Can employees handle new technology and produce the product at lower costs? Does the firm have the human resources needed to increase manufacturing to a global level? Will the push to work harder and faster raise turnover, absenteeism, and the number of defects?




competitive advantage means having a superior marketplace position relative to competitors A sustainable competitive advantage means dealing effectively with employees, customers, suppliers, and competitors The way HRM activities are implemented and modified can provide competitive advantages


Competitiveness Activities

that can enhance and sustain competitive advantage: Employment security Selective recruiting High wages Incentive pay Employee ownership Information sharing Participation and empowerment Teams and job redesign


Competitiveness Activities

that can enhance and sustain competitive advantage (continued): Training as skill development Cross-utilization and cross-training Symbolic egalitarianism Wage compression Promotion from within Long-term perspective Measurement of practices Overarching philosophy


Competitiveness Competitors

can adopt and/or improve on successful HRM activities A firm with fair and equitable treatment of human resources is less susceptible to losing its competitive advantage A few HRM activities can be copied, but imitation of an entire culture and system of HRM is difficult


Composition & Diversity of Labor Force The

labor force of the United States comprises all people age 16 years or older who are: Not in the military Employed or actively seeking work


of 2004, over 146 million Americans were in the workforce


Women in the Workforce In

2002, about 47 percent of the full-time U.S. workforce consisted of women This is a 235 percent increase since 1947 The number of married male employees has increased by only 30 percent


should have equal job opportunities However, they still face workplace discrimination


are signs that more women will have professional jobs


Minorities in the Workforce The

situation for racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is similar to that for women Few Hispanics, African-Americans, or Native Americans are found in high-status, high-paying jobs Historically, the most recent immigrant groups take the lowest-level jobs Minorities were living in the U.S. long before the immigrants arrived


Older Employees The

percent of older employees is growing One of the toughest employment problems today is the older employee who loses a job through no personal fault Higher insurance premiums for older employees make them more costly to employ


we age, we lose some of our faculties This is an ongoing process The key is to match employees with jobs


Older Employees Contrary

to stereotypes: Employees 45+ have no more accidents than younger ones Until age 55, absenteeism rates are the same or lower Employees under 35 have the worst accident rate When total performance is considered, older employees are just as effective as younger ones


Employment Projection The

ten fastest-growing occupations: Computer software, engineers, applicants Computer support specialists Computer software, engineers, systems software Network and computer system administrators Network systems and data communication analysts Desktop publishers Database administrators Personal and home care aides Computer systems analysts Medical assistants


Geographic Location of the Organization The

location of the organization influences hiring practices and HRM activities Rural versus urban International versus local Education Behavior Legal-political factors Economics Inter-cultural training


Internal Environmental Influences HRM

programs are influenced by: Strategy Goals Organizational culture Nature of the task Work groups The leader’s style and experience


Strategy A

strategy: Indicates what an organization's key executives hope to accomplish in the long run Is concerned with competition and aligning the resources of the firm


companies believe long-term success is linked to helping employees achieve work-life balance


Goals Organizational

goals differ within and among

departments Most departments have similar goals Differences arise from the importance placed on the goals In organizations where profits take precedence, HRM goals receive little attention This results in effectiveness problems (absenteeism, performance decrements, high grievance rates)




refers to any mixture of themes characterized by differences and similarities Diversity in organizations is more than demographics Dealing with workforce diversity means focusing on the collective picture of differences and similarities


Goals Wisconsin

Power and Light uses a six-step approach to diversity training: Form a diversity steering team Create a diversity training team Select a diversity training project manager Complete a cultural audit Design a training program Implement and evaluate the training


Organization Culture A

firm's organizational culture is shown by: The way it does business How it treats customers and employees The autonomy or freedom that exists in the departments or offices The degree of loyalty expressed by employees


Organization Culture Organization

culture represents the perceptions held by the employees There is no one "best" culture for the development of human resources


can: Impact behavior, productivity, expectations Provide a benchmark for standards of performance


Nature of the Task

HRM is the effective matching of the nature of the task (job) with the nature of the employee


Nature of the Task Job

factors that attract or repel workers: Degree of knowledge and ability to use information Degree of empowerment Degree of physical exertion Degree of environmental unpleasantness Physical location of work Time dimension of work Human interaction on the job Degree of variety in the task Task identity Task differences and job design


Work Group An

employee’s experiences are largely influenced by the work group A group is two or more people who: Consider themselves a group Work interdependently to accomplish a purpose Communicate and interact with one another on a continuous basis In many cases, work next to each other


Work Group


effective group is one in which: Members function and act as a team Members participate fully in group discussion Group goals are clearly developed Resources are adequate to accomplish group goals Members furnish suggestions leading to achievement of goals


Work Group Most

most effective work groups: Are small (7 to 14 members) Have stable membership

Members: Have

eye contact and work closely together Have similar backgrounds Depend on the group to satisfy their needs Effective

groups support management and the organization's goals, unless it conflicts with their own


Work Group 

Changing the group's norms and behavior requires: The manager's leadership The manager's power to reward or discipline The transfer of some group members


groups are directly related to the success of HRM activities If a group opposes HRM programs, it can ruin them Consider permitting work-group participation in designing and implementing HRM


Leader’s Style and Experience The

experience and leadership style of the operating manager directly affects HRM activities Orchestrating the skills, experiences, personalities, and motives of individuals Facilitating interaction within work groups Providing direction, encouragement, and authority to evoke desired behaviors Reinforcing desirable behavior


Strategic HRM: A Key to Success Three

levels of strategy apply to HRM activities: Strategic (long term) Managerial (medium term) Operational (short term)


HRM activities are: Employee selection/placement Rewards Appraisal Development


Strategic HRM: A Key to Success Strategic

HRM planning leads to:

Growth Profits Survival Planning

also: Expands awareness of possibilities Identifies strengths and weaknesses Reveals opportunities Points to the need to evaluate the impact of internal and external forces


Strategic HRM: A Key to Success Organizational

strategic plans permit HR to prepare for internal and external environment changes Each organization should adopt a strategy that best fits its goals, environment, resources, and people An organization must match its: Strategic plan Employees' characteristics HRM activities


Strategic HRM: A Key to Success The

days of viewing HRM as only a highly specialized and technical staff are over HRM must be involved in all aspects of an organization's operation It must make everyday contributions to the organization


programs must be: Comprehensive Adapted to the organization's culture Responsive to employee needs


Strategic Challenges Facing HRM Global

competition has become intense HRM professionals are now being asked to optimize the skills, talents, and creativity of every employee Failure to do so will mean the firm cannot compete in a globally interconnected world


Strategic Challenges Facing HRM Technology

trends: Growth in knowledge needs Shift in human competencies Global market connection Business streamlining Rapid response Quicker innovation Quality improvement Industrial revolution


Building a Cooperative Workforce The

U.S. workforce is changing in dramatic ways: There is a slower increase in the number of Caucasian workers than other groups By 2006, white males will no longer dominate the workforce Women are entering the workforce in record numbers The number of Hispanic, Asian, and older workers will continue to rise


Building a Cooperative Workforce The

changing look, age, and needs of the workforce have resulted in more concern about: Child care Elder care Diversity understanding and training


diversity is an obvious need Most firms are not yet "diversity-friendly” The negative financial impact can be significant There will be increased demand for fair, ethical, and prompt handling of diversity issues


Caliber of the Workforce Recruiting

and developing skilled labor is important A growing number of jobs require higher levels of education, language, math, and reasoning skills Strategic HR planning models must carefully weigh deficiencies and shortages in skills


skills gap impacts more than HRM


societies must face the consequences of not having the workforce needed to compete in a global economy


Restructuring and Downsizing Facts

about downsizing: Half of all downsized firms end up with at least as many employees again within a few years Downsizing in manufacturing is not new It is positively correlated to foreign competition It encourages firms to reduce their costs Profits increase in the short-run, but not productivity It leads to lower compensation/wages within the downsized firm


Restructuring and Downsizing Restructuring

means changing the reporting and authority relationships within a firm


is a reduction in a company's workforce Downsizing has a human face and can result in stressrelated health problems


is a growing sense that job security is a thing of the past


Contingent Workers Contingent

workers include: Temporaries Part-timers Contract or leased workers Others who are hired to handle extra tasks or workloads


number of contingent workers has increased steadily since the early 1970s


Contingent Workers Outsourcing

means hiring another firm to do work This includes HRM activities The outsource firm provides the employees to complete the job


employee organizations (PEOs) are growing in popularity because they can: Save a firm money Reduce its risks Improve efficiency Allow the company to focus on its core business


People & the HRM Diagnostic Framework Employees

are the most important concern in the diagnostic model Even the best HRM activities can backfire if adjustments for individual differences aren’t built in People differ in their: Abilities Attitudes and preferences Styles Intellectual capacities Ways of doing the job


Abilities of Employees Abilities

or skills are classified as: Mechanical Motor coordination Mental Creative


that are the result of genetic factors can rarely be changed through training Abilities such as interpersonal skills and leadership are more subject to change


Employee Attitudes and Preferences


attitude is: A characteristic, long-lasting way of thinking, feeling, and behaving toward an object, idea, person, or group


preference means: Evaluating an object, idea, or person in a positive or negative way


Employee Attitudes and Preferences Work: Allows

for the expression of both aggressive and pleasure-seeking drives Offers a way to channel energy Provides income Offers a justification for existence Is a way to achieve self-esteem and self-worth The

amount of energy directed toward work is related to the amount directed to family, interpersonal relations, and recreation


Motivation of Employees Motivation

is a set of attitudes that predisposes a person to act in a specific, goal-directed way It is an inner state that energizes, channels, and sustains human behavior to achieve goals Work motivation channels a person's behavior toward work and away from recreation or other areas of life The motivation to work changes as other life activities change


Motivation of Employees


who can determine the work motivations of employees will make better HRM decisions Work-oriented, hard working employees are usually motivated by incentive compensation systems Those consciously motivated to do a better job benefit from performance evaluation techniques


Personality of Employees Personality

is how a person thinks and behaves It includes the person's: Traits Values Because each employee Motives has a unique personality, Genetic blue print it is unlikely that a single Attitudes set of HRM activities or leadership approaches Emotional reactivity will be equally successful Abilities for all employees Self-image Intelligence Visible behavior patterns


Personality of Employees Behavioral

scientists have found that: The employee is both rational and intuitive A person acts in response to internal inclinations, choices, and environmental influences


person is unique and acts/thinks in a certain way because of:  Personality Abilities Attitudes Motives


Desirable End Results HRM

must make decisions and solve problems in a socially responsible and ethically sound way It must help the firm satisfy its customers and employees It is a demanding job, but an exciting challenge


Comments to Reflect On Organizational

effectiveness is critically influenced by HR management practices Improvements in productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction typically depend on changes in multiple management systems HR management systems drive behavior; they must align with other management systems It is hard to improve organizational performance without paying attention to HR management The HR department must be a central player in a company's competitive efforts

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