Chap 013

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  • Words: 1,565
  • Pages: 30
Chapter 13

Leverage and Capital Structure

1 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter Outline • • • • • •

The Capital Structure Question The Effect of Financial Leverage Capital Structure Theory: Case I, II &III Corporate Taxes and Capital Structure Bankruptcy Costs Optimal Capital Structure



Capital Structure • Decision on how to raise the funds? – Issue Equity Securities – Issue Debt Securities • What is the primary goal of financial managers? – Maximize stockholders’ wealth • We want to choose the capital structure that will maximize stockholder wealth by either: – maximizing firm value or – minimizing WACC 3


Capital Restructuring • We are going to look at how changes in capital structure affect the value of the firm, all else equal • Capital restructuring involves changing the amount of leverage a firm has without changing the firm’s assets • Increase leverage by issuing debt and repurchasing outstanding shares • Decrease leverage by issuing new shares and retiring outstanding debt 4


The Effect of Leverage • How does leverage affect the EPS and ROE of a firm? • When we increase the amount of debt financing, we increase the fixed interest expense • If we have a really good year, then we pay our fixed cost and we have more left over for our stockholders • If we have a really bad year, we still have to pay our fixed costs and we have less left over for our stockholders 5


Financial Leverage, EPS and ROE • What happens to EPS and ROE when we issue debt and buy back shares of stock? • We will ignore the effect of taxes at this stage • Example: Refer to Table 13.1, 13.2 (pg 406)


Financial Leverage, ROE and EPS Current Assets $8 mil Debt 0 Equity $8 mil Debt equity ratio 0 Share price $20 Shares outstanding 400k


Proposed $8 mil $4 mil (at 10% interest) $4 mil 1 $20 200k

Current capital structure (No debt) Proposed capital (D=$4mil) Equity=$8mil, o/shares=400k Equity=$4mil, o/shares=200k Bad Normal Good Bad Normal Good EBIT









Example: Financial Leverage, EPS and ROE • Variability in ROE – Current: ROE ranges from 6.25% to 18.75% – Proposed: ROE ranges from 2.50% to 27.50% • Variability in EPS – Current: EPS ranges from $1.25 to $3.75 – Proposed: EPS ranges from $0.50 to $5.50 • The variability in both ROE and EPS increases when financial leverage is increased. IOW, Leverage amplifies the variation in both EPS and ROE 8


Break-Even EBIT • Find EBIT where EPS is the same under both the current and proposed capital structures • If we expect EBIT to be greater than the break-even point, then leverage is beneficial to our stockholders • If we expect EBIT to be less than the break-even point, then leverage is detrimental to our stockholders 9

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Example: Break-Even EBIT EPS (Current) = EPS (Proposed)

EBIT EBIT −interest = shares outstanding shares outstanding


Homemade Leverage

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Homemade leverage: use of personal borrowing to change the overall amount of financial leverage to which the individual is exposed ==>capital structure is irrelevant • Company: Current capital structure (all equity) • Investor prefers the payoff under proposed capital struc. ===> levered (buy more shares by borrowed funds and pay interest) • Company: Proposed capital structure (equity + debt) • Investor prefers the payoff under current capital struc. ===> unlevered (sell shares and lend out the proceeds to earn interest) 11

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Homemade Leverage-Example

Example: company is under current capital structure. An investor is owning 100 shares but prefers the payoffs under proposed capital structure • Current Capital Structure==> Proposed Capital Structure (levered)


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Example: Homemade Leverage Example: company use proposed capital structure. An investor is owning 100 share but prefers the payoffs under current capital structure • Proposed Capital Structure==> Current Capital Structure (unlevered)


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Capital Structure Theory • Modigliani and Miller (1958) Theory of Capital Structure – Proposition I – firm value – Proposition II –WACC

• The value of the firm is determined by the cash flows to the firm and the risk of the assets • Changing firm value – Change the risk of the cash flows – Change the cash flows 14

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Capital Structure Theory Under Three Special Cases • Case I – Assumptions – No corporate or personal taxes – No bankruptcy costs

• Case II – Assumptions – Corporate taxes, but no personal taxes – No bankruptcy costs

• Case III – Assumptions – Corporate taxes, but no personal taxes – Bankruptcy costs 15

Case I – No Taxes & No Bankruptcy costs

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• Proposition I (firm value = V) – The value of the firm is NOT affected by changes in the capital structure... due to the cash flows of the firm do not change.

• Proposition II (cost of capital = WACC) – The WACC of the firm is NOT affected by capital structure


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Case I - Equations • Prop I: Vu = EBIT/Ru VL = Vu • Prop II: RE = Ru + (Ru – RD)(D/E) RE = RA + (RA – RD)(D/E) WACC = RA = (E/V)RE + (D/V)RD = Ru RA = cost of business risk (RA – RD)(D/E) = cost of financial leverage 17

Case I - Example

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Cost of assets (unlevered) = Ru = 16%, Cost of debt = RD = 10%; D/V= 45% • What is the cost of equity for levered firm?

• What is the cost of assets/WACC for levered?


Case II – With Corporate Tax & No Bankruptcy Costs

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• Interest is tax deductible • Therefore, when a firm adds debt, it reduces taxes, all else equal • The reduction in taxes increases the cash flow of the firm


Case II - Example

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Unlevered Firm

Levered Firm





Taxable Income Taxes (34%)





Net Income



EBIT Interest (6250 *8%)

OCF 20

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Interest Tax Shield • Annual interest tax shield – Tax rate times interest payment – $6250 debt @ 8% = $500 in interest expense – Annual tax shield = 0.34(500) = $170 • Present value of annual interest tax shield – Assume perpetual debt for simplicity – PV = 170 /0.08 = $2125 – PV = Annual tax Shield / cost of debt = Corp tax rate * Interest payment/cost of debt = Corp tax rate(Debt*cost of debt)/cost of debt = DTC = 6250(0.34) = $2125 21

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Case II – Proposition I • The value of the firm increases by the present value of the annual interest tax shield – Value of a levered firm = value of an unlevered firm + PV(i tax shield) – VU = EBIT(1-T) / RU – VL = VU + DTC 22

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Example: Case II – Proposition I • EBIT = 25 million; Tax rate = 35%; Debt = $75 million; Cost of debt = 9%; Unlevered cost of capital = 12% = Ru


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Case II – Proposition II • The WACC decreases as debt increases because of the government subsidies on interest payments – RE = RU + (RU – RD)(D/E)(1-TC) – WACC = RA = (E/V)RE + (D/V)(RD)(1-TC) • Example – EBIT=25m, Tc=35%, D=75m, Rd=9%, Ru=12%, V=161.67m, E=86.67m


Case III-With Corp Tax and With Bankruptcy costs

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• Financial distress – Significant problems in meeting debt obligations – Most firms that experience financial distress do not ultimately file for bankruptcy • Direct costs – Costs directly related to bankruptcy ,eg: legal and administrative costs • Indirect bankruptcy costs – Costs of avoiding a formal bankruptcy filing 25

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Case III-With Corp Tax and With Bankruptcy costs

• As the D/E ratio increases, the probability of bankruptcy increases • This increased probability will increase the expected bankruptcy costs • At some point, the additional value of the interest tax shield will be offset by the expected bankruptcy cost-Trade-off Theory • After this point, the value of the firm will start to decrease and the WACC will start to increase as more debt is added VL = VU + DTC –PV(BC) 26

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Figure 13.5


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Conclusions • Case I – no taxes or bankruptcy costs – No optimal capital structure • Case II – corporate taxes but no BC – Optimal capital structure is 100% debt – Each additional dollar of debt increases the cash flow of the firm • Case III – corporate taxes and BC – Optimal capital structure is part debt and part equity – Occurs where the benefit from an additional dollar of debt is just offset by the increase in expected bankruptcy costs 28

Additional Managerial Recommendations

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• The tax benefit is only important if the firm has a large tax liability • Risk of financial distress – The greater the risk of financial distress, the less debt will be optimal for the firm – The cost of financial distress varies across firms and industries and as a manager you need to understand the cost for your industry 29

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Tutorial • Problem 4, 9, 11 and 14 from page 430


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