Chantel Da Sket Chapter Eighteen

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,777
  • Pages: 5
It was chapping outside now and the cold breeze was not helping at all. It was too cold to wait around for the bus and my house was 10minutes away so I decided to walk. The only thing taking my mind off the cold weather was the anger I had for Calista, how could she do that to me? My life was so messed up, good things seemed to come to me one by one but when the bad things came they just dropped in large bundles. Now I was only 3 minutes away from my house and I felt like running home, especially when I heard footsteps coming from behind; I stopped. The footsteps grew louder and a big dark hand was placed on my shoulders, I spun round on my heels ready to fight back but relaxed slightly when I saw Derrick standing in front of me. ‘You scared me.’ I said relieved that I was safe. ‘Sorry, where’s Samantha?’ He said ‘I don’t know, I haven’t seen her for time.’ ‘Oh seen, where you going?’ ‘Home, you?’ ‘Home to, what’s going on with you and Alex then?’ ‘Nothing, were not together.’ ‘Do you wanna be with him?’ ‘Nah not really, I haven’t got time for dickhead’s...’ THUD! Before I could even continue, Derrick swung for my face and I fell on the floor; I was in shock. ‘Don’t talk about my boy like that!’ He said looking down at me. ‘You dickhead!’ I said getting up and punching Derrick’s jaw. I thought it was over when he remained still holding on to his chin and I was just about to walk away but instead I received the duttiest backhand ever! I swear it came out of nowhere. This time I fell into some bushes and my head was buried into the soil as he repeatedly kicked my stomach, then he stopped and dragged me up onto my feet; by now I was bleeding and badly bruised, I had no energy to be standing up, I just wanted to sleep. ‘Ite Chantel, fight me now if you’re a bad gal init.’ He said shoving my head; I was so weak that I fell on the floor when he pushed me. ‘Get up you sket!’ He yelled as he dragged up again. ‘I don’t wanna fight you Derrick.’ I said coughing up blood. ‘So why you gonna start something…’He grabbed my long hair and swung me round, ‘… if you ain’t gonna finish it!’ Then my face met his fist for the 3rd time. I could hear someone laughing in the background but I couldn’t make out who it was because it was too dark and my eyes were swollen. The third bang made my legs give way but I was stopped from falling on the cold pavement by Derrick who was still holding my hair, it hurt sooo much but falling on the floor would have hurt much more. ‘See your cousin’s not here to help you is he?’ Derrick said holding onto my neck firmly. ‘N-no.’ I said waiting for the next bang. So that’s what all this was about, my cousin get’s sent to pen and now all these little boys get confidence from no where. ‘How long’s he got?’ He said smiling. ‘3 m-months.’ I shivered. ‘What... you said he was doing a year bruv!’ Derrick said looking over at the over boy who was now behind me. ‘Yea that’s what I heard.’ The boy said, his voice was so familiar but I couldn’t put a face to it, not right now anyway. How did all these people know about Ramal? I only told Calista… shit! ‘Well… tell Ramal I said cool init.’ Derrick said letting go of me, I dropped straight onto the floor and he got down to help me up.

‘Get the fuck off me!’ I screamed. Now he wanted to be nice because he knew Ramal was coming back soon. The boy behind him muttered to Derrick, ‘I hate that girl man’, as Derrick got up and the two of them power walked off, then the boy looked back at me, I knew who he was…the little fucker was Alex! I lay in a ball on the floor and finally let the tears come out… like I said before, all the bad things just came in one large bundle. After a few moments of crying I got up from the cold concrete and wiped away my tears which was pointless because I was still crying. I couldn’t go home; not looking like this, the only other place I could think of was Andy. He only lived a few seconds away from me and he had told me that I was always welcome. I ran all the way to Andy’s house without stopping, I didn’t wanna bump into those to again, not for now anyway. BOOF! BOOF! BOOF! BOOF! I knocked on Andy’s door when I got to his house; I was in pain, cold, bruised, bleeding and dirty. Andy opened the door… ‘Who the…WHAT THE FUCK?’ He said as he looked me up and down. ‘A-Andy can I c-c-come in p-please?’ I cried. ‘Yea yea course come.’ He said pulling me inside and shutting the door. ‘What happened to you Chantel?’ He said looking at my face and taking me into the front room to sit down. ‘I got fucked u-up!’ I said burying my head in my hands. ‘By who?’ He said lifting my head up. ‘Can I just clean myself u-up pleaaase?’ I said pushing his hand away. ‘Yea, you know where the bathroom is. I’ll leave you some shorts and a T-shit to wear on my bed yea. ‘Thanks.’ I said getting up and making my way to the bathroom. I had a shower and scrubbed my face hard to get rid of all the blood and dirt. I looked in the mirror as I washed my face, why was this happening to me? Why did everyone always call me a sket? I’d only been out with 2 boys my whole life and I’d only done tings with 4 boys not including Danté who tried to rape me. How could I be a sket? I wasn’t giving head either; come to think of it I hadn’t even had sex yet. I left the bathroom and made my way to Andy’s bedroom. I shut the door behind me and walked over to the bed where he had left the clothes for me. I walked over to his shelf and helped myself to some Vaseline and creamed myself. - No one, No one, No one, can get in the way of what I’m feeling...- My phone was ringing. I jumped up and ran over to my pile of clothes to get my phone from the pockets of my jeans. It was my dad. ‘Hi daddy.’ ‘Hi, umm Chantel where are you?’ ‘I’m at Rayanne’s house, I was gonna text you but I was just having a shower.’ ‘Oh ok. When are you planning coming home?’ ‘Well I’m gonna sleep here and come back tomorrow morning.’ ‘Is her mum ok with it?’ ‘Yes, everyone’s going to bed now.’ ‘Ok. Is everything alright honey?’ ‘…Yea, everything’s fine.’ ‘Ok darling I’ll see you tomorrow.’ ‘Bye, love you.’ ‘Love you too.’ I slid my phone down and put it on vibrate.

I walked back over to the bed and put on the red shorts and the black T-shirt he left out. As I folded up my clothes and put them into a neat pile on the desk the bedroom door opened slowly. ‘Can I come in? Andy said as he poked his head into the room. ‘Yea it’s your room.’ I said giving him a little smile. He shut the door behind him and stood against the wall. ‘How are you feeling now?’ He asked looking over at me. ‘Cleaner now that I had a shower, but I’m still in shock.’ ‘Everything’s gonna be alright now baby.’ He said walking over to me and hugging me as I slowly started crying again. ‘Y-you don’t know that though.’ I whispered holding onto him. ‘Well why don’t you tell me what happened from the begging.’ He said leading me over to the bed to sit down. ‘I dunno, it all happened so fast. I was walking back home from my bredrins yard and I heard footsteps behind me then when I turned round I saw him there…’ ‘Who?’ Andy asked. ‘The breh that attacked me, at first we were just talking caj but then we moved on to the topic about my ex and I said I thought he was a dickhead, the boy just got mad and said I shouldn’t be calling his bredrin that reh teh teh and then he just boxed me in the face and started beating me up.’ I said remembering it all. ‘So you knew the boy from before right?’ ‘Well, yea kind of.’ I said trying to avoid mentioning any names. ‘And what was his name?’ ‘I-I don’t know.’ I said looking down at the floor. ‘So you don’t know his name but you knew him from before?’ ‘Yea, well no, I never knew him before I just saw him around; he was cool with my cousin.’ ‘Why do you say he “was” cool with Ramal, aren’t they cool no more?’ ‘Well…my cousin’s in pen.’ ‘When did that happen? ‘Yesterday.’ ‘That’s why he did this to you Chantel, he’s too shook to do anything to Ramal so he’s doing it to you now because he knows Ramal in pen.’ ‘That’s not the only reason trust me.’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Nothing…don’t worry.’ ‘No tell me Chantel I wanna know.’ ‘It’s nothing ok!’ ‘You know who done this to you don’t you.’ ‘No! I couldn’t see, it was dark.’ ‘But you just said you’ve seen the boy before.’ Andy said getting up and standing over me, he was getting angry now, I’d been caught out but I didn’t wanna tell him. ‘Andy I don’t wanna talk about it!’ I said as a tear rolled from my eye. ‘I don’t care if you don’t wanna talk about it Chantel! You know who done this to you and your tryna cover up for them!’ ‘Uhhh forget it Andy!’ I said standing up and walking over to my clothes. ‘No I’m not forgetting this Chanz, we’re gonna sort this out now!’ He said pushing me back down onto the bed, I’d never seen him like this before. All this drama was too much for me, first I find out my “friend” got beat out by a boy that I like bare and then I get moved to and now I was making my close friend get mad; and he never got mad. I couldn’t hold back anymore tears so I let them all loose. ‘Andy just get off m-me!’ I said kicking him away but he grabbed onto me and shook me hard, I froze. ‘Chantel! I just wanna fucking help you, tell me who done this to you.’ He said in an angry tone, I was scared now. The more he shouted the harder it became for me to respond.

‘TALK TO ME CHANTEL!’ Andy yelled in my face and shook me again and I started to panic, without thinking I slapped him hard around the face and tried to get away when I realised what I had just done but he was to quick for me, he grabbed me and threw me back onto the bed causing me to hit my head against the wall hard. We both went silent from shock. ‘Oh shit I’m so sorry!’ Andy said reaching over to touch me. ‘Don’t touch me!’ ‘Chantel I-It was an accident…I was trying to calm you down!’ He said as he watched me feel the back of my head, I froze; and so did he. ‘What’s wrong Chanz?’ He said getting up to move closer to me. I pulled my hand away from the back of my head and brought it to my face, on the tips of my fingers where tiny dots of blood.’ ‘Chantel I didn’t mean it.’ Andy whispered as tears slowly poured down his cheeks. ‘I’m b-bleeding.’ I cried. Andy put his arms round me and hugged me. ‘No! Get o-off me Andy.’ ‘I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry.’ He whispered. ‘You said you wouldn’t hurt me.’ I cried as Andy tried hold to hold onto me and I repeatedly pushed him away. ‘Why does e-e-everyone hate me?’ I screamed as Andy lay me down and continued trying to calm me down. ‘No one hates you baby.’ He said stroking my hair and kissing me on the lips, I didn’t kiss him back though; I was too busy crying. ‘I hate you Andy, y-you said you wouldn’t h-h-hurt me.’ ‘I’m sorry.’ Was all he said as he slid his mouth from my lips down to my cheek and then started kissing my neck as he lifted up my top. ‘Leave me alone Andy.’ I sniffed and pushed him away, but he took no notice of me. Instead I felt his wet tongue run across my chest and over my nipples. I tried to wipe away my tears but they kept falling. ‘Get off m-me.’ I whispered as he started sucking on my breast, tingles of pleasure where rushing to my head but I was vex with this boy. Andy pulled his mouth away and looked up at me, ‘I would never hurt you intentionally.’ I just lay there crying, I hadn’t cried for a long time so now all my emotions were just flooding out. ‘Its ok baby everything’s gonna be ok.’ He said as he kissed my stomach. ‘No it’s not.’ I sobbed, now Andy was slowly removing the shorts that I was wearing. ‘Andy please just uhhhhhh…’ I wasn’t able to continue what I was saying when I felt Andy’s finger brush against my clit. ‘I want you to know that I’m sorry Chantel.’ He said, now I could feel his hot breath between my legs and soon after his tongue was brushed against my inner thighs and slowly got closer to my pussy. Andy looked up at me as I took deep breaths and sniffed hard and then he entered me and ran his tongue up and down inside me getting deeper every time. I was starting to get hot and my head was buzzing, then Andy pulled his mouth away and inserted his middle finger into me, I moaned loudly as he did this. ‘Mmmmm Andy!’ I moaned as his finger movements got more vicious. ‘Feel’s good yea?’ ‘Mmm hmmm.’ I said biting my bottom lip and nodding. Then Andy removed his finger and took two fingers and pushed them inside me. ‘Uhhhhhhh! Oh shiiiit! Mmmmm!’ I moaned gritting my teeth. ‘You like it when I do that Chanz?’ he said looking into my eyes, now his fingers were twisting and turning inside me. ‘Yeaaaaa… I love it!’ I panted. ‘Soo you ready to talk now?’ He said, I didn’t know what he meant by that but I didn’t even care.

‘Tell me the name of the boy that fucked you up then baby.’ He said and as he did so he pushed his fingers sooo deep inside me, it felt like they were gonna rip through to my stomach. ‘Uhhhhhh! Fuck!’ I said scratching Andy’s back and biting my lip. ‘You gonna tell me?’ ‘Yeaaaaaa, I’ll tell you.’ I moaned. ‘What’s his name Chanz?’ He said pushing deeper. ‘Mmmmm! D-d-derrick, his name’s Derrick baby...uhhh!’ ‘That’s all I wanted to know.’ He said taking his fingers out and standing up. I sat up but Andy pushed me back down on the bed, ‘I’m not finished with you yet.’ He smiled. I didn’t say anything, I was still angry with him. Andy got onto his knees and pulled me towards the edge of the bed, he blew on my clit and then put his tongue against it and pushed it inside slowly moving it round in circles. I let out a moan that came from deep inside my throat when he started flicking his tongue lightly and then gradually it got faster…it felt so good. After about 4 minutes he pulled away and pulled my shorts back up. I sat up and climbed back to the middle of the bed and got under the covers, Andy climbed into the bed and placed his arm around me, ‘It’s ok.’ He said as I lay in silence, I turned around so that my back was facing him and forced myself to sleep.

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